Zurich Herald, 1947-07-03, Page 5�. tliliTA*tO ZURICH HERALD {authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, e._ BUSINES CARDS LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Edward W. Elliott LICENSED AUCTIONEER sered. Correspondence promptly Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 203 CLINTON. Charges moderate and satisfaction .guaranteed. Oscar KlOpp LICENSEDA meER�'_ Will sell Anything, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central Alvin H. Walper LICENSEDA ONEER For Huron County ' FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and 'Satisfaction .i,., Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. F. C ORB ETT 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, atiisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 'I Phone Zurich 92r7. y TE ERINARIA.N COXON B v Sc. LOCAL NEWS Miss Betty �Mousseau has accepted a position as saleslady in Mr. Charles Thief's general store. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, called on the former's father, at Clinton on Tuesday afternoon, and who is in his 96th year and feeling fairly good Mrs. David Meyers of Blake, who had been rushed to Clinton Hospital to have an'operation for an apendix, is getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake and son Robert.spent several days at Tor- onto where the former attended a convention. Mr and Mrs Wm Gibbons of Lon- don visited at the home of her par- ents, Mr and Mrs. Sylv. Witmer and brother, Mr.. and Mrs. Orville Wit- mer. Mrs. Victoria Dedels and daughter Marion of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., and other relatives. Miss Jemima Johnston and sister, Mrs. It. Drysdale have left for Cross - well, Mich., where they will spend some time visiting relatives and fri- ends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keating of Goderich visited at the homes of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haist and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bess, Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Karl Thiel; Mrc and Mrs. Notn?an !Fleischauer attended the funeral of their cousin and her baby, who were killed in a car acci- dent last week, Much sympathy goes to the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bairestone, of Toronto' and Miss Irene Turkheim, R.N., of Stratford enjoyed the week - t �%, $, end with their sister and family, Mr • VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICI3 q�hone-9 6 °�—BUTC.HERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET hoice of Fres an medical attention given by Dr. i d Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, O'Dwyer he is getting along well. and Mrs. Ed. Gescho in their cottage at Drysdale. Mrs. Kenneth Breakey and infant baby have returned home from 'Clin- ton. We welcome the new corner to our midst, along with best wishes. Mrs. Corless, the former's mother, is spending some time with them. Dislocates Finger Mr. 'Clayton Smith of the B. W. H met with 'a painful accident on Sun- day morning while coming down the stairway in the barn when he slipped and dislocated his index finger of the Let with the 11 d Cur- left hand in the two first joints. With very C a es, Cur - ZURICI-I HERALD Holiday Season A very busy holiday week -end was experienced alt the resorts over Sun- day, Monday and Tuesday, as the First came on Tuesday, many took Monday along in and made a 'big week -end out of it, and summer re- sorts were well filled, as were all the cottages along the lake shore. The weather being good and warm, ret was a big week -end. On Friday, July 4th is the big National holiday in the 'States, and that will bring in a big rush of tourists who will cele- brate their holiday in Canada. We welcome these dear cousins in our midst, and trust they will receive the very best of courtesy available. A NATION'S HEALTH IS A NATION'S WEALTH B of M Low -Cost Loans for Medical Expenses "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" — so runs the pro- verb. And sometimes that ounce of prevention can be interpreted to mean early medical treatment .before serious trouble develops. In such cases, borrowing to pay necessary expenses can be good business. And the lack of readycash need not interfere with your health plans. The Bank of Montreal's Personal Loan Plan has helped thousands of Canadians with steady incomes to meet the daily emergencies of ilfe. the meal is ready' The B of M is glad to lend for any reasonable purpose to those in a pos- No meal' is complete without plenty ition to repay. of delicious wholesome bread. And The low 'cost of this personal TASTY -NU tests good and Is good financing will surprise you — only 27e a month for a $100 loan, re- payable in twelve monthly instalm- ents. You can borrow less or more for longer or shorter periods, at the same proportionate rate - equal to 6% per annum. And there are no extra charges. Gordon Sewell, local manager of the B of M, will be glad to discuss your plans and financial requirements with you at your convenience - all PHONE 100 — ZURICH in 'strict confidence, of course. , 1 Flour & eta WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL. YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK Lo Schilbe & Son E. C. SCHILBE, Manager •BREAD on the table hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at Willert's Bakery or at your local grocers. Willert's Bakery Etc., always on hand Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . yghl»t & Sou PRODUCE Si1veWO0 . DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery NO PAPER NEXT WEEK Following our usual costume for some time we will tak our holiday week next week, so don't look for a paper next week, as we feel we need a short vacation, and if the weather is good we hope to brows around some summer resorts for a few days. LOST In Zurich, a pair of child's glasses.. Owner return to Dennis Bedard, J., Reward. FOR SALE An Allis Chalmers Combine with pick-up and scour cleaner in A -I1 con- dition. Apply to Russell Oesch, R.R. 1, Varna; Phone 87 r 23, Hensail. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor NOTICE No sprinkling of lawns and gar- dens and no washing of cars to the Zurich Water System users during July and August. --By Order, Zurich Police Trustees FOR SALE A 1,000 -lb. capacity weigh scales, practically new with a drop beam. Apply to Post Office box 161, Zurich FOR SALE 2, 16 -foot hay racks; 7 and 8 foot step ladders; extension ladders 24 and 28 foot — '1219 Whippet Sedan — Cars spray painted $15.00 and up. Electric Paint sprayer for rent. WILLERT WOOD PRODUCTS Ph. 210. Zurich, Ont. NOTICE Make arrangements now for spring and fall whitewashing, barns and cel- lars, with new Spraymotor machine. —Win. Watson, Phone 35 r 19, Dash- wood ptll-,4 INSURANCE Western farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS s. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of December Insurance Risk on 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 re on pAppplicrattiio�n �'y ry, E. �d a KLO - URICH AonN Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance NOTICE Place your order now for number one screened gravel, lane gravel and fill. Prompt delivery. —Phone 126, Hensel', Ont. Hilliard Lawrence. General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HO SPITALIZATI'OaN, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to IIese Insurance Agency .1. W. HAB5I2ER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. 717 Isn't it a Fact? * It matters little what you want to buy these days ... soap, a shirt, a new car . . even electricity (which you don't have to line up for) continues to be scarce in Southern Ontario. Have you tried to build a home lately? e ; , tried to buy building materials of any kind. What a headache! How would you like to be shopping for what's needed for a new electric power plant? Unimaginable amounts of concrete, steel and other materials, as well as tremendous quantities of elec- trical equipment, have to be sought out and purchased. it takes several months now to get such equip- ment as transformers and are there up by ha der they are than half. The biggerthey to get. What about the huge generating stations required to supply Ontario with an additional, badly needed half -million horsepower? ago. they are being But they cannotailt. ll They were started years be ready in 1947. Some won't be ready next year. In the meantime, ddfor �lectricity is gruw- Few people Ing faster than new powerplants any- where use as much electricity per person as in Ontario. Few have as much to use. Enjoy your low- cost electric, power, but use it wisely. Your Hydro Commission is doing everything possible to increase the supply; but it will still be necessary to conserve electricity this fall 'and winter. $ Thursday, July 3rd, 1947 OE C1 1'SHOE STORE SHOES that Toe the Mark New Ladies Sport Shoes for the Summer Season just arrived. A very good variety to choose from. Pumps Ties, Straps, Etc., in Newest Shades and Styles Children's Shoes in all sizes in different Lines, White, Ta:v or Black FOOTWEAR FOR MEN Everything a Man requires in Work, Sport or Dress Shoes. INCLUDING THE VALENTINE MARTIN POLICE AND ARCH SHOE. Lowest Cash Prices. Come and See. 14111_01- 0E8011 FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING a I • I • 6 • I a • a • 6 • a • • • I • • • • w • • • a YOUR NEW Hardware Store CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH All Your Housecleaning Needs MOPS, BROOMS, BRUSHES, FLOOR WAX, FURN- ITURE POLISH, ETC., ETC. ALSO Paints and Varnishes TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOMES FOR FIRST CLASS PLUMBING, EVETROUGHING, TINSMITHING AND FURNACE WORK, CALL ON US WE AIM—TO SERVE AND SATISFY Datars & O'Biefl PHONE 213 MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE • a • • a • • • t a • • a se 2 • a • a� a a • a • • a • • • a a • a >400 Try an Adv. in your Home Paper �AADSOfTENE WINED 1111 LONDON CANADA ORE AIL loom GO TENTED CATTLE ADURO Pump, keeping fresh, olden water before your cattle ail the time. when they want it . . . is the answer to higher milk production. . . greater profits for you. The new DURO is the farmer's pump — built to give a lifetime of service . . . to provide running water in house, barn, stables, poultry houses, greenhouses, truck gardens. Convenience alone is worth the cost . .. but savings in time and labour will soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. IMPROVE DAILY LIVING EMCO Fixtures and Fittings are designed for Beauty and Utility. See how easily you can modernize Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry . . . protect the health and add to daily comfort of all your family. Visit us for complete details. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. .E(10111E .SS CO.Ffl4G LIMITED Lon DOn -wim lLT011-Toflonrc-suA6uRv-wmniPE c •vAncoOVER