Zurich Herald, 1947-06-26, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADER TI I. AGENTS WANTED .A. BUSINESS of your own!. Want a corn - reelable yearly Income? ,lolm It, Cressy Company, manufacturers of food specialties, Ifavouring extracts, packaged drug's. soaps, patent medicines, etc., have an ,,attractive proposition for those who can qualify for one of the exclusive Cressy dealorahiPs which are now available. This Is a pleasant, profitable occupation for progressive, industrious men and women, Write today for full particulars, giving a few details about yourself, to: John le, Cressy Company, -1636 W. Dundee St. West, Toronto S, Ontario. OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Tnsertietdes, Electric Fence Controllers. House and Barn Paint, Ileet Coatings, etc. Dealers `wanted. '!'rite Wareo Grease & Ott Limited, •Toronto, EXCELLENT commissions to agents railing on householders with new postwar line of elvett•ical appliance not on sale anywhere In Canada, Enquiries Invited from men now on routes. 17u -0 -Ray Corporation, Hamilton, Canada. EARN MONEY gathering and growing hledi- rlual Plants, Worth up to $12 pound, Hun- dreds ut Recite, Herbs, Weeds growing wild have cash value.Send stamen for details, Write Box 672y, tslington, Ontario.. • HART CHICKS 'BARGrAINS in Canadian Approval chicks for this week and next. Marred Rocks, Noe( Hampshires, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Auetralorps, non -sexed 9.95, pullets 12.99, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavy breeds non -sexed 8.91, pullets 11.95., cockerels 7.95. White Leghorns •X Barred Rotes, Rostra 'Whites 8.90, pullets 17,95. cockerels 8,95. 'White Leghorns 6.95, pullets 17.95, cockerels 1.00. Assorted Light or Medium Breeds non - sexed 7,96, pullets 1 C.95. Two week old add 6,00, three week old add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must at - c ompany your order to receive these special prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chic•keries, (Mein)), Ontario. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS (c. r crate for Baby Chicks and started Chicks win surprise you. Ali Chicks from blood tested stock. Carleton Hatchery. Britannia Heights, Ont. SAVE` TIi111E, fuss and feed with these well s,arted two and three week old chicks. We have the following it non -sexed, pellets and cockerels to choose from: Barred Reeks, white Leghorns, New 'Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds. Light Sussex, white Rocks. New Hampshire X Barred Stock, Barred Rork X New I3tunpshires, Black Australorp X White Leghorn, Barred Rock X White Leghorn. bight Sussex. X Barred Rock. Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Send for special price - list. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. IT'S TIME to order your August chicks now. Write for pricellet. if you want chicks nom. we have sumo for immediate delivery in most breeds, also some started. Bray HOuhery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Gut. 1':: Sr to raise pullets. No brooding heat re- .tu:red. Two to four weeks old. Special prices $24.75 to $30.73. First class healthy Bruck. Also day old cblcics any time. Write for prices or send $1.00 deposit for early shipment. fisher Orchards, R.P.. No. 2, F rte n,an. Ont, Ye.ut'i' ARE 0,11 too late to purchase those fast maturing' Tweddle chicks. \Vo will have four Mulles a week up until July 11th. ire, can give prompt delivery en the following pure breeds: White Leghorns, Block Minorcan. AecOnas, Btewn Leghorns, Barred Rocks, White Roeecs, New Hampahlres, Rhode Island Reds, White w'yandottee, Light Sussex, Block Australorpe. Jersey White Giants, also 15 cross breeds to choose from In day old non. sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also two and tilt ee week old and S week to laying pullets. Send for reduced prices for June and .lily delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Iiaeieneles Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BATHROOM Ot'TFlTS CARLOAD 01 Imported But hroou Outfits FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE Consisting of: ITER 5' recess. Cost iron porcelain trilh chrome fitting... Shower and .Shower Itnd. TOILET: Two-uieee vitreoue ch'nu with seta and rover. BASIN: Vitreous or cast iron, chrome centre. tinter supply anti fillings. comnieie. AVAILABLE in lois of one to tell outfits 3 -Piece units' Or Tubs anti Basins (with fittings) senaentell'. SIM; LE unit inquiries will be handled through u reliable dealer In your district. Write to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY Importers - Wholesale Distributors P.O. Box 69-f. London. Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE YOU anything peens dyeing or clean* Ing'' Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 191 Yens Street. Toronto. Ontario. FARMS F01: SALE See -ACRE farm for sale, 73 tillable, well watered, bank barn, frame house in good 'reps.;[, possession any time. Archie Simpson, Lavant Station, Ontario. 106 ACRES, excellent 7 -roomed, solid brick residence, lovely lawn, blank barn. pig pen, other buildings, good water, rich loamy soil, crop included, some bush. Hydro at door, school and passenger bus service: would make ideal gentlenuttt's hone, situated on highway on outskirts of Orange- ville; a real btty, act quickly. Apply to Box 441, Orangeville, Ontario. DAIRY farm for sale, 207 acres, spring creels, good buildings, dairy contract; immediate possession: stock and implements if desired. Cheap for rash. Box 12, Iilalheson, Ontario. FOR SALE ATTENTION FARRIERS FOR SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel [wheels, $16 00 each, tear wheels' $7.90 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt- shire Ave., Toronto, Ont, COR SALE FLAGS All sizes Union jacks s er Canadiaan inglene1gon ns, sewn wool bunting,. and 0 foot 'inion. Jacks, East dye sewn cotton. Discount for quantities. Brighten quality ofl gn3ty John Leckie Limitedg 77 Wes lington St. West, Toronto. HARNESS and shoe repair shop and equip- ment and also belt splicing equipment for sale and also a 7 room 2 storey brick house, Immediate possession. For particulars write A. C. Irwin. Gerrie, Ont. BILLFOLDS, genuine black leather, four windows, change purse, stamp pockets, d le- per closing $1.00 delivered. Motley refunded tuarantee. Williams Mail Order House, Box 336, Toronto. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agr:cuiturnl Insecticides, sprays, Powders/ disinfectants. deodorants, scientifically for minted for best results, FOr inform:txWOlt end prices write Canadian Distributors Ltd.. 254 Nlattara St., Toronto. CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Manafaelm revs' clearance, first gttnlity for doubts and single beds in beautiful two -toned colours, worth double the mice. Money re- funded if not satisfied. Sent C,O,D. Pitts DOstere in Cane da. Handicraft Distributors, 234 S1 erbrnoke St., We Montreal 18, Qua. Electric Power Plants 3 EVA (3,000 watt), 60 or 60" cycle, 120 volt. Linen engine end geneutint. A gentit9' unit Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water pun `:g and small power tools lit een1115, it,u'eo'u and u'nternroofed for shiputcut. Priced ion. Write for detnilq ilfl 1 1l t) I 1 1 ternIC T., LAB'S PH 1 Snarls SI Ottawa. 1.A:-'rSELLING LING Oil limner, Electric Blotter T e, clip burn wood, coal or nil anytime, l,nging uereesa'Y. all territories Open .A IRO ;•hunh,ng ftxttmes at'nilable, inlmrnm• t„n e•r einem. lileonnnpy DNstrilmtet's. King ar . (int Vitt ' Aso ini.t s 'hit; dh it nit or Ai dille Sven the., 0 eeele4, repel. Vieille. le, t;.• 9, Woodville. BUNTER'S special -brand pew war assets released web rifle slings. Fits standard swivels. The bargain you have been wai8$ng for -while they last only 60c each. Sling swivels for these slings 750 per pair. Ell- wood Epps Sporting Goods, Clinton, Ontario. 1140N AGE Potato Planters -one or two row. On steel or rubber. Immediate delivery. Ii. 6f, Fleming & Sons., Blenheim. Distributor. FEATHER TAIL Irish Retriever puppies 21/2 months old. Parents wonderful hunters. Males $20, Females $16. Thos. Minnick, Chatham, 1t,R. Nu. 1. LONG-HAIRED guinea pigs, breeding stock. $1.00 pair. Edgar Markt, Box 618, Ari - prior, Ont. MAPLE SYRUP MAPLE syrup, 1947 crop. Reasonable prices. No coupons. John iii. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Quebec. SLcCOR91ICI:.-DEERING ensilage harvester. with standardized power takeoff. Used four days. Harvest your corn at its best with one or two men. Price greatly reduced Immediate delivery. Write Graham Hill. Pont Rouge. Que. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed. non -sag spring and mhttrees $24.65, Write for free catalogue htailorder Furniture Warehouse. 179 Parlia- ment Street. Toronto. .041 C'OCK-SI'WTT and one Ford new 1947 -tractor on rubber. Complete with two fur- row plows and double diet -s• Immediate poe- pession. ti. Glecoff. Alison Road South. Oshawa, 'Ont, I.FRhnREll Persian Kittens, bluish -grey Tabbies $8.00 males. Mra, Phemister, At- wood, Ont. P.NGTSTEPIfl) Scotch Collies, males and females, sables, three months, reasonably Priced. Wesley Nienitirclten, H 5, Pembroke. REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SHEEP FOR SALE A small select Doter with Lambs. Palterdale E'arm. 46 'Ring 4, Woodbridge. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of wood used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be in ex- cellent shape'. 600 X 16 - $5.00 All orders Owned C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and lock Ste., Hamilton. Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted TOILETS For Summer Cottages, Farms, Schools, and Camps. Can be used with or without running water. Caustic Sanitation, Ltd,. 21 Ridley Blvd., Toronto. Ontario. Watchmakers Attention Lowest prices on stents, staffs, mainsprings, crystals, watch parts. write for price list. Durbin C'onmiony, Dept. -5. 74 Sussex. Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LCAP.N Hairdressing the Robertson method. In formation on request regarding classes. Rctertsott's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave- nue Read. Toronto HELP WANTED WANTED immcriiately, Doctor tor Bracken and district Health Unit number one. Fees gnuranteed. Write or wire Mrs. J. S. Mooney, Secretary. Bracken Hospital Board, Bracken, Sask. I:'t'RNITI'ItE CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chesterfield Suites absolutely new, full spring filled tomnrurtion, every style, finest Mohair, Velour, i'tiz '. l;rucattele, Silks, Damasks end other fine hard wearing upholstering there's 100 NEr' Cif ESTER FtlfLD SUT'I'ES TO CHOOSE FROM: t'Itt:E DE:r,1vEInv To YOCR Nl':ARLEST STATION: TODD has bean In the chesterfield cults bustnees for 3e years and is recognizant in the trade as a. specialist and the most particular buyer in the business, Listed below are a few of our rash prices for Q1'ALITY Clli::S'1'EPI'IELD SUITES. piece. Period Suite - finest mistime covered ail over with fine quality velour. 3 piece modern suites. Balloon mohair. • Beautiful 2 piece Lawson Suite. Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon- don suites: Many other outstanding values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absolutely new manufacturers factory showroom sample suites direct front TODD, S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phone GRO't'E:R 4343 $119.00 $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 MEDICAL A TRIAL -Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. itttnro's thug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torttlent when Breenatone of. Curs prompt lasting relief, One months' treatment $1 00 postpaid. iridian Remedies, BOX 118, Vatttouver. ST'S IMPORTANT -Every sufferer of -Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. 1tlunro's Drug Stora 330 Iagin, Otttttrn. Postpaid $1.00. FOOT AILMENTS Kirk Foot 00 effectively remedies corns, callouses. cracked feet. No plasters, no Pads. no caustic. Price 60c. Comstock Products Cu„ 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg., Ottawa, Cnnadn. OPi'ORTUNITIES Poll WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Oetiortunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates America's greatest system. Illustrated tate logui free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 398 Elinor St. W,, Toronto Branches 44 Icing St., Hamilton h 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa -_ Or'rT'LR TO Ari!%161T-O S� AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of invert. tions and full Informatiot nevi ftee. The Ramsay t n., Registered Pe tent Alinrney(' 278 Bank Street. Ottawa. PATENTS 9'E'i'IOElISTONAr'O11 & ('ornnany Patent Solicitors f stabliebed 1990 14 Hens West, Tot Onte Beek let of is tornintion on request f 1 IOSON1l I ('NT SEG,it. 1,0 yeti tit rte rcimeetable iliuidsbit''' Hurry. time is Ilmritug, Some. aIle', your totitle sweetheart melee tirmuttnt• enc, Splendid post tions; means. information Dee. C'annti;(in lerletadshit'' Society, Box 113. Durharn, Ontatto. PUOTOGRAI'UIR COAST to coast -Rolls antitheft 5 prints 26e. 6 x 7 enlargements Mounted 80c. Prints copied 40c, Reprints 8c. Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice, TCtngslon, Ontario, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS all over Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE Too get fine! "snaps" and prompt service front this big, reliable etudl0. ANY SIZE ROLL 0 or 8 exposures 0)EVBLOPI;I) and PRINTED 34/e Reprints from your negatives 4c. $ mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 26e. En- largements framed 7 x 9" le Gold, Silver. ii'alnut or Black Frames 74c. If picture colored 94e. Prints and enlargements made from pilots of lost negatives. Dept. 9r STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE RON tee. I'OS1 OFFICE A, TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25c P.enrltus 3c each By CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPI3IC SERVICE ANSCO COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR $1.20 each Print on Color Enlargements -prices on re- quest. Full stock of Armco Film at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box. 6, Station D., Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED 6frNAKA S,D , No. 1 requires teacher with first class certificate effective September lat. Salary $1,600 year, furnished teaeherage, fuel. Apply stating marital status and qualifications to M. G. Reid, Sea-treas.. Stinakt, Ont. WANTED WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for ton birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept., 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto S, (We do custom grading)., Train of Tomorrow Like Hotel on Wheels One very definite advance its . transportation is now making a pe"r-. sonal-appearance tour of thirty -key cities in the United States. This is General Motors' "train of tomorrow," a sort of rolling hotel. Drawn by one of the compora- tion s Diesel locomotives, this train makes so much use of space and glass, as well as change of level. within the cars themselves, as to resemble very little one's idea of even the most luxurious current rail- road equipment. New suspension, almost doubling the transverse space, eliminates sway and complete articu- lation makes the four -car train stop and start as one unit. One can telephone home or to ships at sea while slipping along at - 100 miles an hour, enjoying mean- time an extraordinary bird's eye view of the route from the "astro- domes" which have been built into each car by the producers, Pullman Standard, to General Motors' speci fications. These observation roofs,' thirty feet long and ten feet wide, scat twenty-four persons. A host of other features of air control and tri'' sulatiou bring the train Jnr indeed from the cinders and • the clickety- clicl: of the 5:18 local. Its perform- ance lends substance to the car names of these first four sample units: "Moon Glow," "Skyview," "Decant Cloud" and "Stardust." Guilty Party He drupt his match when he lit his cigar, And it fell in a Lunch of grass. And then he went till to shoot his b'ar In the distant mountain pass. The Blaze shot upward, the wind it riz, The fire spread over the patch, Aud the melted pantz buttons they found.was ltis- The fellow who dropt the match. Timber Topics. NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough, waterproofed leather uppers Securely stitched to all -rubber bottom. Made under rigid U.S. Gov't sped - flea tions, Come with innersoles and rawhide laces. ,Best weather re- sistant for hunters, lumbermen, Carolers, etc. Sizes 6 to 13. Or- der regular shoe size. 12 IN. $0599 Til - POF'1'I'.sIll. Order by Mall -NOW! EDMCNJ) SALES CO., BON 6681 CHICAGO, iLL Enclosed Is $. I I CHECK ( ). MONEY ORDER for ors. SNOW PACS, sire 0 68.98 each, NAME ADDRESS CITY '' PItO•V. CL8 ISSUE s6-1947 Somebody Put the Bee on This Truck -Apiarist Leroy Church- man is. shown collecting a swarm of 'some 40,000 bees which picked a parked truck as a swarming place. Using a pro- tective hood, smokepot, and dipper, he finally got thein into that hive on the truck's hood, a half-hour chore. orfs And One Thin or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") We have long been of the opinion that many of our professional ath- letes are greatly overpaid. (Like most people, for that matter, we have a sneaking suspicion that any- body who makes more than we per- sonally do must be overpaid.) But, as regards the athletes, we are will- ing to make one exception. When you figure the battering their nerves and emotions must constantly take, these tournament golfers earn every last dime the hard way, and must be real gluttons for punishment. * * Golf, if it is a game -a question on. which you can get many argu- ments either way -is one of the few in which you are absolutely on your own, and in which your toughest op- position is your own little self. There isn't much you can do about the other fellow. You can't clamp a headlock on him to spoil his drive, or boot his ball out of danger when it's heading straight for the can, and your ruination. You just smile the real emotions, seething inside you. We have often envied the feeling of a jockey booting home a Derby winner -a halfback scoring the decisive touchdown -or a batter winning a World Series: with a base -clearing 'clout But we wouldn't have • been in the shoes of either Lew Worsham or Sam Snead, ill the dying moments of that U.S. Open, not for double the $5,000 or so involved. * * * THOSE STORM -TOSSED AIR- WAVES. .We also sometimes pity Our hard -Working (ttierop17on C-maCS- tros who labor so !lard to slake slue that at'e the listening customers. are kept properly on edge -sometimes wilt unexpected and aniusng results. Litre the announcer at that same golf tourney who signed off with a gent that -ran roughly as follows -"But we'll be back again this afternoon, friends, to bring you the closing scenes of this, the most sensational and thrilling finish to an Open Golf Championship sines -since -last last year's--" d, 41 An. expression often used nowa- days to express a state of nervous tension or jitters is "I was fairly stall -walking": and recently we were somewhat surprised when a friend expressed interest as to its origin, also admitting that he didn't know the earlier slang phrase about "get- ting somebody's goat" derived from exactly the same source. Just in case some of our younger readers are equally in the dark, we'll try to ex- plain and if it happens to be old stuff to you -well, there isn't much you can do about it e'teei)1 turn to the comics. Anyway, race -horses of a specially nervous type often develop the habit called "stall -walking." Instead of get- ting their proper quota of shut -eye they fidget and walk around their stalls all night, showing up in the morning all tuckered out, just like soltle humans the A. ,l, after the P.M. before. To correct this con- dition trainers put other animals in the stall for company, such as a Clog, sheep or goat -the latter often being found the Most soothing of all. And • in the bad old days somebody who didn't want a certain horse to win would -the night before a race - swipe its companion -in other words "get his goat." IT'S A TOUGH LIFE, COM- RADE. Just as soon as Henry Wal- lace, The Toronto Star and the rest of thein get ns nicely re -convinced that the Russians would be O.K. if we'd only trust them and treat tltent like little pals, Stalin busts loose in Hungary or sonic other fresh spot, and all that exploiting ]las to be done over again. And -probably for no good reason - 7 hese explanations about Stalin always remind us of old Mrs. Huggins the time it was hinted her late husband had been somewhat land -greedy. "Huggins wasn't no such thing as a land -hog," she hotly replied. "All he elver wanted was just .chat ad,r'nrd lriis'n." Subsidies And Cost Of Living "Upsurge" We have ,it reported that the cost -of -living index, "still on a' heavy upsurge". advanced 2.5 points Perhaps not as lead as 'it seems, comments the Ottawa journal April may have seen - us pay 2 points !pore in prices, hitt it also found us paying a whole lot less ill subsidies -which come out of our pockets just as much as prices. Also, April saw a considerable re- duction in taxes -winch also come out of our pockets. There's a lot more to the cost of living than the cost -of -living index put out by the Bureau of Statistics. Aye, Scotland Then there was, the Ameri('ath who told the Scotsman he be- longed to the bestcountryon earth. "So dae I," said the Scots- man, "but ye dinna speak like a Scot." "Limeys" " As we understand it, the British' long ago discovered that citrus fruits were about the best thing to use to combat scurvy, All British merchant ships carried limes, which were issued regularly to the crew to pre- vent outbreaks of the disease. Sail- ors of other nations began to speak of "lime juicers" when they referred to the British merchantmen. From "lime juicers" to "limeys" was not a long step. Yon Will Enjoy - toying At The Si Regis Hotel TORONTO IS Every Room With Batik Shower and Telephone eie Single. 52.60 up - Double, 193.60 UP Good rood. Dining 49111 Dane - trig Nightly Sberbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. MK 19001/19 BEAUTIFI;LLS FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS OPP. - C.N.R. STATION and other Weeds WITH in Lawns EEHHHO- ORE, THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER One spraying will kill dande> lions, plantains, ragweed, bindweed, poison ivy and other broad -leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but will not harm grass. Non-poisonous to humans or anithals and will not stain hands or clothing; A "GREEN CROSS" PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER CiGMIME PAPS F omnass Pre -War Quaky BLUE COVER PURE 'WI'WIh E,ror Burning [doubts Seat& AutOt1ttti:e 1CD Leaves Ma only Cigarette raper MADE IN PRANCE on sale in Canada 3K Par EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 25) e.inenramens et",.senr• ALSO AV.AKLABLE Ti i''i 5 eseenierentrionsinesteenemationeweeenseteeneteele MUTT AND JEFF -Jeff Is A Little Early For Football Practice AW, MUTT, LET ME PLAY! X KNOW 110W TO PLAY BALL! By BUD FISHER I NESP A GOOD SHORTSTOP! O.K. I'LLGIVE YoU A. • WATCH ME `rP\CKt.E TI -US -, 6uY1 O. K. MUTT, NOW LET'S MAKE A TOUCH- DOWN r . -r ' ,r ru: »,w a W,Y s P IIH m e nu.>, „�. .r.;...... .