Zurich Herald, 1947-06-05, Page 7MSSIFIED ADVERTISING Sports And One AGENTS MINTED .(!. BUSINESS of your own? Want a rota. lortable yearly' income? John It, Creeay Company, manufacturers Of food specialties, flavouring extracts, packaged drug, soaps, patent Medicines, else„ have an -attractive proposition for Om who can qualify for one of the exclusive Cressy dealerships which are now available. This to a pleasant, Prnfttable occupation for progressive, industrious ;len and women, Write today for full particulars, giving a few detal)e about yourself, to: John B. Cressy Company, -163.6 W,. Dundee St, 'West, Toronto 3, Ontarlo, $ mute! 111ONEY $—Elttrn $19 daily. Spec- tacular time saver Belle on sight. Exclu- Blve territories Your area. Write National Merchandising Service, -G Temple ,rive„ Tor- onto. , IllialN.ES3 OPPORTUNITIES MR. WOOL GROWER We operate a Government Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to handle your woll either direct or through our collectors, You can apply all or part of your wool credit against blanket purehoses. We do not handle usedwoollens nor rustonts s'otk, THE STRATHROY ' WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED Strathroy, Ontario • ETEN,be your own boss. Write for free folder describing our "collection of 137 plans for operating a successful business of your own," Start in full or spare time at home. No , personal. selling. Little or no investment re - (Mired. Send for your copy today, National Business' En tonal 474 Colbourno St., London. Ont, RAM' ('HICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices. for Baby Chicks and started Chicks will , surprise you, Ail Chicks from blond tested stock. Carleton Hatchery, Br•liaonla Heights, Ont. EIGHT REASONS why June hatched clacks pay. ... They can be raised with big eav- 'ings in fuel cost. 2,, They require less work and Ines feed, 3. They are cheaper to buy 4. You can start more chicks per crolone house. G. Very little chance of winter ntnUlt. 6. They should lay for 10 months, 7; Cock- erels will be ready for Xmas. B. Good de- mand for eggs ',tadmeat assured. If you haven't ordered, just do so now. 'Sag ceilings are off and welook for higher egg and poultry prices. in our opinion it looks like a goot] year to have ''our houses filled with laying pullets. We have 12 pure breeds and 12 hybrid crosses to choose from. Cao give prompt delivery on day old and two and three week old chicks. Also older pullets eight weeks to laying. Send for reduced Jute • pricelist. Also free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Fergus, Ontario. HEAVY BREED Capons for sale,4 weeks old, 30e each, 26% 'must Accompany order. George Wood, 'Victoria Poultry Plant, Lind- say, Ont. 9c HURONDALE CHICKS Iic Sussex X' New Ramps,. Rock X Ramos.. Barred Rocks,_ New Ramps., Rock X Leg - .horns; Sussex X Leghorns, New Ramp X Leghorns and Pure Leghorns 11e. Pure Sue - sex 12c. Assorted Mixed Chicks Dc. HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pullets 19c, after June 1st 1Tc..Ilfedlum Breeds and Leghorns 21e. As. sorted Pullets 17e. Heave, Breed Cockerels— ' 3000 BREEDERS All double bloodtested, banded and culled by Inspectors, backed by high pedigreed founda- tion stock. Many customers report wonder- ful. success. "Best Chicks I Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS Rs WEEKS TO (I WEEKS ' OLD. 2 weeks add 4c, 8 weeks add 10c, 4 weeks add iSc, 6' weeks add 10e. 6 weeks old pul- lets 60c, '100% ;live: delivea;y..guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 deposit on day olds. 10%. on started. orders. Order from andENCLOSE this ad. - .. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Ramps 6c, all other heavy breeds 6$F•c. Assorted heavy Cos 6',h'c. Rock X Leghorn Sussex X Leghorns 2 lac. Day old Cox only. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON, ONT, Er YOU. want July --August broiler chicks, ' please order now. For immediate delivery we have some started chicks; 2-3 weeks old. Also dayolds, - pullets, non -sexed anti cocker- - els, . Write for pricelist. Bray Elntehery 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. CHICIC bargains for this week and. next, Barred Rooks, New Hamnsbires, New Hone - !hire x Barred Rock, White hock, Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New Han;pshiree non - sexed $9.00, pullets 10.06. cockerels $7.110, Assorted Heavy Breeds non -sexed $8.96, out- lets $15.95, cockerels $7.95, -Assorted White Leghorn x Barred Rocks $2.35, White Leg - horns 98c, Two week old odd $6.00. three week old add $11.09 per hundred, Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must ncro'nr.any Your order to receive these spe,'il prices, Also eight week old pullets to laying, Ton Notch Chiciceries, .Guelph, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Same high duality et these low prices, Here's your opportunity to get this high quality sthck at those reasonable prices. Pore Sussex, Sus- sex X New Ramp., Barred Racks, (lock x New Ramps., New Ramps„ Sussex it Leg - horns. Rock X Leghorns. New Ramps. X Leghorns, Large Type White Leghorns mixed $12 00 per 100, Assorted Mixed $10,00 per 100. LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c All day old pullets 20c, Started Pullets and mixed chicks. Two weeks old add 5e, 3 weeks old add 100, 4 weeks old add 18c, 6 week old Planets 48e earl:, 6 week old pullets 60e each, BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breeders. All double blond tested, banded end culled for body type and ruggedness, tante/led under idem conditions, "Beet Chicks the ever had; Pullets are laying swell, eneicet•els good Bize," from Lincoln Luedke, Eden Grove, Ont "Never had such good luck with pul- lets," reports- Ernest G. Barnhardt, Hawke. Stein. 'Oat Order from this ad, or send for Price List rind Catalogue and full particulars. To receive these prices enclose this ad, with your order, Lakeview Poultry Farm ]Vein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. SPECIAL for .Tune Heavy Cox, $5.00 per 100, Barred Rock, N,I4, Red., Sussex, Red Sussex, hybrid roc -Ivrea hybrid pullets, 620.00 per. 100. Leghorn pultefs. $24.00, immediate shipment, order from this ad or write for circular, Dig Rock Farm, Mille Mellott, Ont. 2', 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also, mixed chicks and cockerels, All raised In brand new air-conditioned brooder plant tinder ideal renditions. Send for Weekly Special List of started chicks. Lakeview Poultry Perm, Exeter, Ontario, Wt/ CAN give prompt delivery on two anti three week old pullots and non -sexed chicks and two week old roekerels in the following breeds Barred Rooks, New Iiannnshires, Nety Hampshire. X Barred Rock, Light Sussex. White R(rek X White Leghorn, Light Sussex Ii New'Rempshlt•cs, Black��nMinorca X white \ Leghorn, Light.. Susseic Hatred Rock. You twill oateh up with these Well started chicks, Send for epode! 'pricelist. Also older pullets eight Weeks to laying. Tweddio Chick Hat- cherioe Limited, Ferrate, Ontario, READY MADE CAPONS It nays to t•a(se CAPOng. The price of Canons fs approximately 6e lb, higher than the price of <woken:dm, We canonize the 'cockerels lot 3' weeks and send the ready made C'aPons out at 4 Weeks, no Weer. Ito ,troublo, Seed for Pelee List and Cull particulars. t'ronpt dellyery ii feta net (ltiekly. Lakeview Poultry Farri ' Nein Bros., Bvetat', Ontario. #:ATIUBOQAI OUTFITS CARLOAD Of Ithported Ilathr'oam O ctfitgt FIRST QUALITY ' BATHROOM 'OUTFIT& COMPLETE C'enslitlog of; 11.`t3): 5' recess, Oast iron po;'celain with chrome fittings. Shower and Shower Rod. TOILET; Two-piece vitreous china with tient one cover, BASIN Vitreous or cast iron, thromo centre, water supply nod Ettinger eomplete, AVATLAIJLi/ In lets of one to ten sulfite (3 -piece units) or Tubs and Maine (with fittings) separately. BINDLE unit -inquiries will be handled through a reliable dealer In Your district, Write to; H, J. PARR & COMPANY Importers — Wholesale 1)Isaributors 1',O, Box 604, London, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE IOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for. Information. We are $lad to answer your questions, . Department ti. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 rouge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARMS IPOR SALE 100 ACRES, poultry, grain and fruit farm 1n high state of cultivation, In South Grime, by: new house, modern buildings, half mile from main highway, stone road to door, will sell separate or equipped. Owner has another business, $10,000 cash or terms. Write or apply to Harry Smithers Jr., Grassie, Ont, CHICKEN farm, Immediate possession, 6 acres of rich loam, 7 -room house, sun -room, garage, hank barn, double-decker chicken house, hydro throughout; swimming pond; half idle from highway, stores and school, $2500.00 down, balance easy. Apply J. Har- rison, 1R,R. No, 1, Goodwood, Ontario. . FOR SALE BILLFOLDS, genuine black leather, four windows, change purse, stamp pockets, elo- per closing $4;00 delivered. Money refunded guarantee. Williams Mail Order House, Box 136, Toronto. ARC WELDING MACHINES ElectN< or Gasoline driven — Alliance Mee, trio Works, 1001 Beaver Hall Hill. Montreal, or write nearest office, HaIifax, Rouyn Winnipeg, Toronto. ATTENTION Fart 6lCita FOR SALE --Tractor Tires, made of rubber suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $15 00 each, rear wheels: S7 80 each, front wheels When ordering state diameter and width nt wheels National Rubber Cn (.Id . 6 Wilt- shire Ave., Toronto. Ont. ' BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE baled soft woe() shovings, car- load lots only. Write Plus Products., P O Box 75 Montreal 3 BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agrlcultufal Insecticides, sprays, powders, disinfectants, deodorants, scientifically for- mulated for best results. For Informa.tl.'n and prices write Canadian Distributors Ltd., 254 Niagara St:. Toronto, CHESAPEAKE Bay retriever puppies. , cham- pion bloodlines , act quickly if you want one; this litter will not last long, W. F. Brennan, Box 314-E, Noranda, Quebec. AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES Alliance Electric. 1081 Heaver Hall Hfll. Montreal. or write nearest office — Halifox, Rouyn. Toronto. Winnipeg. COLD storage and meat market. With all modern equipment, including a slaughter house and wholesale licence and W,P.T.13, stamp. Building and contents practically new.. Stewart Brown, Tuppervllle, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. G-32-110-85) volt. Large stock—Alliance Elec- tric, 1081 Beaver Hell 14111. Montreal or h, ar- est office —"Halifax, Reueee. Toronto,; wire nave',. Vancouver. , FAST SELLING •O11 Burner, tlectrlc. Blower Type, ens burn wood, coal or oil nanytime, nu changing necessary, ell territories open. Also plumbing fixtures available. Informs - tion for stamp. Deononly'Disit•ibtaiors, King- ston, Ont. For Machinery Contact " Miigrom Electr:c Limited Electric Power Drills, 'et' $c'', ql ", and Is" capacity, Atlas .8" circular sAtvs. Delta Abrasive Cut -Off Saw complete' wills motor, and rubber abrnssvc disc, 8" and IO" Ball Bearing Cut -Off Sews. Drill Presses. Rend Saws. Denver Jig Saw with 24" throat 4 " and 6" Jointers, Portable 100 Amp. 110 Volt Met -trio Welder- Factory Dietrlbutnrs for Logan Metal Cutting Lathes and Shapers. Complete stock of 21 and GO cycle motors. .inat received a shipment of new 1 /4 end 1 /3 Motors. Write NOSY fur d^let's. MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West • Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE—I.-seri Beating Plant for mile in . first class condition—Taylor-Forbes Victor Boller No. CODA.also stoker and poen—only been in use a few years, .• suitable for fairly largo building, 1-200 gallon hot water tank and a number of showers with all connections with indi- vidual cabinets. For particulars write Robert Chapman, lilitcheli. Box 262. GASOLINE POWER UNITS es EI O R S E POWER Chrysler Indust vial tuWel` uniis ummlinte with radiator cooling. electric starting and battery. peaty duty clutch and power lake oft, Avail able from stent. Write Aline Polar Co Ltd.. 517 Jarvis St.. Toronto, or 1657 Mackay Street Nino tree I HEAVY 6f t't'AR). term wagons, send for circuiar. Percy J. 13or•brlrlge, (Thom 306 Telnea Bldg.. Ottawa. Ont. NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES—$30.00 For 3 stet Army melts, Ioily Ulmritateed Large stork other new Army truck tires. Full, line of retreaded tires, Firestone (rend dolga. Dealers wanted. (qty Tire and Battery Co„ 768 Queen west. Toronto - (IILS, Creases, rites, insecticides. Electric Fence Controllers, Rouse and Barn Point Roof Coatings, etc, Dealers wanted Writ' Ware() Grease & Oil Limited. Toronto PLANT NOIl: Premier Strawberry Plants: Long healthy toots $2,50 hundred: $14.00 thousand. prepaid, Seely A 93111s. Stamford Centre. Ont. POTATO GROWERS be sure to get the New Holland potato her rester. Digs and bags your reef; on one mnehhne. lvnn Merlin: St. Jacobs, Ont 200 vontraTITR1S select baoon typo i0 pigs, 6 weeks 050.00, 0 weeks 305,00, 7 weeks $101,00 or 10 chunks $130.00. Ship any- uhere in Canada. Harold Lapier, Iroquois, Onterio. POULTRY • switches: Immedinte delivery, General Time Recorders, 93 Church St,. Toronto, ' TAXIDERMY—Cattle hems made into` at- tractive hat or gun racks; birds and an). - mole mounted. Write for prices. Reindeer. 7Ylxitlarnry Shop, Dalkeith, Onla STORE EQUIPMENT Tracled-iii, cntntltlthtg stales. men sit cent. electric meat Cilnppers, etc, Berkel Products Co. IAmlteti. 2190 moor W , "ro•onto, TIRES We are overstocked at the present n7 good need trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In ex. cellent shapel, 600 X 16 — $0.00 MI orders chinned 0.0,0 Snechtl eapipnsent for vnlcnnlr,1ng Truett and `'Farm Tractor Tires. 6•11ACON TIRE teener Quern end trek Sts., Hamtllot, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST $IOU1iitNN t'Rt11PPltl') TIER S'FTOP healers Wattled 11" 50(1o1) Moneta, Jointers, 'Wood Shapero, 14" Rand Saws, Drilla, Portable Sunders. if you need one write: CiffIn ttlachinory, P.0, .Sox 273, 'T'oronto, Oat,. FOR SALE 6 VOLT WINDCIIARGERS complete with tower -- $48.00, Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall 11111, Montreal, or Write neareet orrice --• Halifax, Rouyn, Tor- onto, Winnipeg, LIGHTING PLANTS "CYCLORI,i"' LIGHTING PLANTS -300 to 2000 watts, A.,C, or D.C. Alltanee Electric Works Limited, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill, Mont, real or nearest office—ITanfax, Rouyn, Tor- onto, 'Winnipeg. ].''ARA! MACHINERY TRACTOR PLOWS, Cultivators, Grain 131nd- era (horse and tractor drawn), Ale -cooled Engines, American Separators and Milking Machines. American Separator Sales, God- erich, Ontario, HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED MARRIED COUPLE wanted, cook and house• man for country residence on bus line near Brampton. Private quarters, high wages, no laundry. Telephone 99, Brampton, or write Mrs. W. L, Gibson. MEDICAL TRY IT! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. ldunro's Drug Store, 33$ Elgin, . Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00, WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenatone of- fers prompt lasting relict,' One month's' treatment' $1.00 postpaid, Indian Rem'edles, Box 118, Vancouver, GOOD RESULTS — Every sufferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, lifunro's. Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid' $1.00. TO EASE that horrible pain caused by arch• rifts use 'Rues. Liniment', Large bottle 51,15. P.O Box 414, Saint John, N.B. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of Invert. Clone and full ineormetlon sent free. The Ramsay t,o„ Registered Patent Attorneys 273 Rank Street. Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER .JOIN CANADA'S LEA DINE; SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands 'sucressiul Marvel greduawe America's greateat system Illustrated cats rogue free Write or Call alARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHO(ILS lig woof- St CS' , t•oron to Braohra 44 Bins St.. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. ()twice PATENTS FETREICSTONACOB & ('nmpany Patten; Solicitors Established 1990' 14 Bins West laronto letwetet of intormalron on tensest PEESONAL NOT GOOD enough for Heaven, loo good for lien. Free literature. Frank A Ern- est, IOC E. 7th Ave., Vancouver. R.C. "PHOTOGRAPHY ROLLS PRINTED AND DEVELOPED 25c Reprints ae each GT CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE ANSCO'COLOR ROLLS PROCESSED $1.20 EACH Print on Color Enlargements prices of rt' s'aest Full Stock of A»seri Film .at regular nrtces COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6, Stutter' D. Toronto SATISFIED CUSTOVERS ell nvrr ('Hondo RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE Son ge; f,act. "snaps" and prompt seIT,re (rein this Mg. rel hrhle. at Tulin. ANN S1Y.11 11111.L 6 c,r I' etotem'is 9)111 ELOPED and PIIIN'rltO Reprints I'ronn inti,. negatives 4e 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 255 e;n• largen eats Urn med 7 a q'' in child S,tur Wahtu, nr Sleek Frames 74r It picture colored 34e . Prints and min mem, nte made (ram tennis or Inst negn rigs (rcpt. 61 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE IlOY 1.19. PI1l7 OCT•I('E A. TOItlia u „'Amin trANTI:D—All 11 lads nt dresst•d poultry Tot Tutees It,, top to rds Joseph Cooper. Limbed 1'011lti1' Dept , 2054 .Denl'nrth Aep . Tnrnnt, 2 (We de custom sending; Glass Lighter Wick Will Net Burn Out It sounds like a contradiction, but it, is "true—a lighter 'sick which burns, but will not burn out. ,\ fade' from glass fibre, it is the first time it has been successfully produced anywhere:in the world, and is a United Kingdon development which' might never have occurred, had it not been for the ivar in the tropics. Troops ill the Far East found that ordinary cotton wicks were quickly eaten away by termites -often even before they were issued from stores. At the request of Britain's Ministry of Supply, the oldest firm of lighter Manufacturers in Britain was asked to provide something that would defeat the termites. They did—and discovered that, in addi- tion to this quality, the wick would not burn away or deteriorate. Thus once it has been fitted in a lighter it never needs replacing, 'or even lifting up. • ISSUE 23--1947 Thing or 'Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") If some fight promoter put into the wing a"boxer trained to the min- ute and then, for his opponent, picked out from the audience some- body about the same size and weight, you'd naturally think it was highly ridiculous procedure. Even we sports fans— — — notoriously the world's -softest pushovers — would probably grumble over anything so unfair, 'Yet that is practically what we see nowadays in our premier rac- ing fixture, The King's Plate. (Aug by the way, did you hear about the Anterior; visitor to Wood- bine who, when told the race was for flee King's Plate, wanted to know' whether it was the upper or lowerp) * * ss Even in the best of seasons, horses forced to do all their training in Canada are only about half -condi- tioned by the third week in May. With the sort of sub -Arctic Spring we revelled in this year, most of them were at least a month short of pear form. Thus an owner who can bankroll a Southern winter for his Thoroughbreds has an immense ad- vantage over those who cannot; and if you don't believe it, just look at the record which shows that the last four Plate winners in a row — ACARA, UTTERMOST, KING- ARVIE and MOLDY — all had the benefit of a southern exposure dur- ing the period when we ordinary "mortals were swept by those bracing north-west breezes, A: There's an old saying to the effect that, on the Turf, all men are equal -,-Which has about as much truth in it as a lot of old sayings, namely precious little. Still, so long as we make so much ballyhoo over the im- portance of the Ring's Plate, why not either confine it to -horses that have never been out of this country —or else run it when it should be ruts, in ,early Fall, whin it might really decide which is the top Ca- nadian-tired—not just which is the best to cone out of a millionaire stable. 1n a sehoolyard squabble, when a kid can't think of anything more forceful to say than "You're an- .. ot/trr":kc is considered by his pals to be ,,'rfreinely short on repartee; yet most at these 'l?7n?dred-thotrsand-a- year publicists for Industry and Capital' :stem to think that hollering "You're a -Red" constitutes. a corrl- ptlete and perfect answer to any criticism of our econofil(C system. >I, 'k a We have long contended there are far more thrills and action in a ll'ell- contested -heat between pacers or trotters than in the average running - horse race; so we were glad to note that at Sarnia the other day the mobile starting gate made a success- ful C'anadian debut. Like thousands of other's We soured on the harness - horse game simply 'through lack of patience to endure the everlasting scoring" and false breaks; and nothing that will do -away with such uisanccs is a move in the right 11'ecti0O. Iilobile starting -gates — lus night meets—has male a really ig-time sport of harness -horse rac- se south of the border, and is able to do the same tiling here be- at. very long. Si 'hi SIGNS OF , 11 L !Il, , r NROG- E.SS: Pitying the ignorant super - lion of the Indians for planting a ish in each hill of roar, and then ailing the modern agrirnlir(ral dis- 'very that fertilizer made from rlr is idarrderfxl for the corn crap; nghing';-at poor benighted grand- a's innocent belief in mouldy - read poultices, and then marvelling hen medical 'scientists announce at bread -mould contains a nlir'ac- orts healing agent. q: ,t, a . 'We think it was .Dickens who id that the first principle of The aw is to make business for itself ; d a similar love for red tape seems inspire our amateur athletic au- oritics, At the present time of ';ting they haven't managed to de- ck if Barbara Ann Scott is dig- s for their Olympics—yet are ite prepared to welcome the Mont - al Royals, a frankly pail -as -they'- yed hockey outfit. The only' than so ever put these amateur pests ere they really belong was Cap- e Angus Walters. Atter his It a n d i) li ii li f I? xi f It Cc ft la ur b z.' t It 11/ sa all t0 til Wi ci ibl qu re pla ivl ttdl tai Fails Again—Vittorio Orlando, 88 -year-old "Victory" premier of World ,War I and sole stir- ' viving member of the Ver- sailles- er- sailles- treaty "Big Four," has again failed to form a cabinet, leaving Italy still without a government. schooner BLUENOSE had won the deciding race in the International contest, some sea -lawyer started a protest that the Canadian vessel had gone slightly to the wrong side of one of the buoys. Captain Walters' reply was both snappy and to the point. "Hell, we sailed through as much water as they did, so we're going home and you can do what you like with The Cup," he said — and that was that. 4 * a The two highest-paid ball players ever to don monkey -suits are Babe Ruth and Bob Feller; and it is rather interesting to note the dif- ference in the tone or the publicity that surrounds them, When The Babe was going good, stories .about hint invariably dealt with the delight he took in busting one over the fence—tile size of his bellyaches after a hot -dog -and -pop orgy — his allergy to discipline, and things like that. But every article we have read regarding Feller featured just one thing — how much dough he is malting and stowing away, Maybe those who say we're slightly money - mad on this side of the water aren't 5o far astray at that. 4, * 4' Then there was the old-timer down at the bathing -beach who re - /narked "lY'ell, these young fellows that get married nowadays certain- ly can't complain that they didtl't know what they were getting." What' Silence is Doinl Nematodes Longa problem of those who plant and reap from the soil is a little threadlike worm, rarely snore than a sixteenth of an inch long, known as the nematode, Some farmers call them wire -worms, which they are not, Others call them round worms or eel worms. They attack the roots of plants, causing them to become stunted and cutting down on the amount of feed which can be ab- sorbed from the soil. Some 1,500 species of • plants are subject to their attacks. Truck crops are especially susceptible. Nematodes drastically reduce the production of Asia's rice fields, Europe's sugar beets, Ireland's potato fields, Java's rubber plantations, India's tea fields, and, very likely, the cabbage in your own garden. Until recently they threatened Hawaii's pineapple indus- try with extinction. But now some new soil fumigants have been developed and, according to Dr, ,Robert K Salter, chief of the bureau of plant, industry of the United States Department •of Agri- culture, they "bid fair to become one . of the greatest boons to agriculture since the development of the fertil- izer," Mechanics Self -Taught One way to eliminate rear -end noises is to make the wife sit in the front seat. —Gait Reporter NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough, waterproofed leather uppers securely stitched to • all -rubber bottom, Made under rigid U.S. Gov't'speci- tications. Come with innersoles and rawhide laces. Best weather re- sistant for hunters, lumbermen, farmers, etc. Sizes 6 to 13. Or- der regular shoe size. U IN, $8.99 MOH POSTPAID. Order by OtaiI—NOW: ED.11t'NID SALES CO., BOX 5687 CxHICAGO, ILL. Enclosed is $ ( ) CHECK ( ) MONEY ORDER for pre. SNOW PACS, size a $0.95 each, NAME ADDRESS CITY PI10V, CLS FLIES p�,OTl'IS M05(iUl70ES ANTS 1)1 gED6UOS Dt��� T14� �Ci1�C DE SUilf ACE 1145 sting Sta1111eS5, Lo 6uarnnlea Til soca on the � 47 Q�7iP`,o 01 Oh `REFd5D OF4' Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Nif DEFECTIVE OF 4g ADVERTISED OMtQtn'd• WITH 5%DD%-. �RiACE U SEC1'OCtDE 1i111f Q\Q\lt 11111, MOTHS, ft1As,d4, a MOSQUITOES, ANT1,:•'1'�' ,pill O.,sS",, Gsersemeed by Good liousekeeptng or,�'1erenn,a 1.0� zeg6,9- Rte./zee & aqui. I, MUTT AND JEFF—Oh Well, Jeff Never Lived In The Suburbs Before LISTENING To CoRN SEEDS GROW ttG? GNUS CAVE ME SOME CORN SEEDS TO PLANT! I'M LISTENING— NM—JUST AS r THOUGHT! TNEY CAN'T BE VERY GOOD -- BY BUD FISHER -TWENTY MINUTES AGO 1 PLANTEO'EM ANtI NoT A SIGN OF ANY CORN 6 •YET! =a