HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-05-29, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' BTUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ,ATTENTION: Tourist Resorts, Souvenir Shops, Drug Stores. I have a practical two tone combbuation aeh tray and cribbage board. Liberal coma:100Mn, For particulars write Budolph Carlaon, NIPiing, Ont, MR. WOOL GROWER We operate a Government Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to handle your well either direct or through our collectors. 1'ou can apply all or part of Your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not handle used woollens nor Patterns tvork. THE STRATHROY WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED Strathroy, Ontario HfION,be your own boss. Write for free folder describing, our "collection of 137 plans for operating a successful bustnese of your own," Start In fun or snare time at home, No personal selling, Little or no investment re- quired. Send for your copy today, National Bueitleau Enterprises. 474 Colbmurne St., London. Ont, EARN MONEY gathering and growing mean clnal Plants. Wortli up to 512 pound. Hun- dreds of Roots, Herbs, weeds growing wild have cash value, Send stamp for details, Write Box 67-Y, falington, Ontario, SHELL Craftsmanship profitable home busi- ness, Make beautiful Jewelry and novelties. Learn, earn within a week. New complete hone instruction course, with materials only $5.50 postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. Brace Mail Shop, Dept. N 2-5, 628 White Bldg., Buffalo 2, N.Y, BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our price~ for Baby Chicks and started Chicks will surprise you. All Chicks from blood tested stock, Carleton Hatchery. Britannia Heights. Ont. GOVERNMENT Approved chicles at reduced Prices for this week and next. Day old: New Hampshire, Barred Rock, New Hampshire X 'Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Barred Rork, New Hampshire X Light Sussex -non-sexed i9.96,'• pullets 17.95, cockerele 7.96. Assorted 'heavy breeds non -sexed 8.95. pullets 15.05, 'cockerels 6.95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rock 1,95. While Leghorns 95e. Two week old add 6.00 per hundred, three week bid. add 11 00 per hundred, shipped (1.11 D. This advertisement must accompany your or- ' der to receive these special prices. Also older •pullets eight weeks to laying, Top Notch Chickadee, Guelph, Ontario. SPECIAL for June, Heavy Cox, 95,00 per 100, Barred Rock, N.H. Red., Sussex, Red X Sussex, hybrid rockred hybrid pullets. $20.00 ,Per 100. Leghorn pullets, 524, 00, immediate shipment, order from this ad or write for circular, Big Rock farm, Mille Roches, Ont, LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Same high quality at these low prices. Here's your opportunity to get this high quality stool - at these reasonable prices, Pure Sussex, Sus- sex X New Hamm. Barred Rocks, Rock x New Hamps„ New Ramps., Sussex X Leg - horns, Rock X Leghorns, New Hamps. X Leghdrns, Large Type White Leghorns meed ,512.00 per 100. Assorted Mixed 510,00 oer 100. LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c A11 day old pullets •20c. Started Pullets and mixed chicks. Two weeks old add 5c, 3 Weeks old add 100, 4 weeks old add 18c. 6 week old Pullets 45c each, 6 week old Pullets 50c each, BREEDER ,HATCHERY OF 5000 Breeders. All double blood tested, banded and culled for body type and ruggedness. Hatched Under ideal conditions. "Best Chicks we ever had; Pullets are laying swell, cockerels gond size," from Lincoln Luedke, Eden Grove, Ont, "Never had such good luck with pul- lets." reports Ernest G. Barnhardt, Hawke - stone, Ont. Order from thls ad, or send for Price List and Catalogue and full particulars. To receive these prices enclose this ad, with your - order. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario, GET elle new pricelist, effective now: We hove cockerels and pullets in some breeds. ter (ni- mediate delivery, also non -sexed chicks. And order now for Stine -July delivery. Bray Hatch- ery. 130 John N. Hamilton Ont. TWEDDLE CHICKS take the chance out of a. right start to e. profitable poultry season. You aro sure of starting healthy chicks, fast growing chicks when you depend on Twecictle. 'That is why many successful chicken raisers buy only Tweddle chicks year afteryear. We have the following pure breeds to chaise from: White Leghorns, Bleck Minorcan, Anconal, Brown Leghorns, Tie reed Rocks•, White Rorke, New Ilampshires, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes, Light Suseex, Black Austro - loins, Jersey White Giants and also 13 hybrid crosses. 011 front Government Approved pull- orum tested breeders, non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. day old, two and three week old or pullets eight weeks to laying. Send for free catnlogue and greatly redurcd prices for June. TWEDDLE MUCK HATCHERIES, LTD., Fergus, Ontario. SUSSEX X H- AMPS - FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery. book your order today at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks 512.00 per 100. Pullets 622.00: Cox Ocl Leghorn X Ramps, unsexed, $1,2.00 per 100; Pullets 26c: Cox 80, Pullorum-Tested Gov't Approved Stock 51 00 Down., hntance on •delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY ldox 256. Elmira, Ont, 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c Sussex X New Haines . Rock X Ramos,. Barred Rocks. New Ramos., Rock X Leg - horns, Sussex X Leghorns, New Hamp. X Leghorns and Pure Leghorns 11c, Pure Sus• sex t2c. Assorted Mixed Chicks 9c. HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pullets 19c. after June 1st. 17c. Medium Breeds and Leghorns 21c. As - clotted Pullets 17e, l•Tenvy Breed Cockerels - 5000 BREEDERS All double bloodtested. banded and culled by Inspectors, backed by high pedigreed founda- tion stock. Merry customers report wonder- ful success. "Best Chicits 1 Ever Had," STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 WEEKS TO O. WEEKS OLD. 2 weeks add 40. 8 wceke add 100, 4 weeks add 16e. 5 weeks add 20c, 6 weeks old pul- lets 50c. 100% live delivery guaranteed. $1,00 per 100 deposit on clay olds, 10en on started etdtrs. Order from and ENCLOSE this nd. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type Now Hnpms 6c. all other heavy breeds 816' c. Assorted heavy Cox 81 e, Rack ]L Leghorn Sussex X Leghorns 211i0, Day old Cox only,. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON, ONT. READY MADE CAPONS It pays to rale° Capons. The price of Capons 2s apitroxtntately Gc ib. higher than the price mf cockerels. PTs cnponie° the cockerels at 3 weelrsand send the ready made Cations mot at 4 weeks, no fuss, no trouble. Send for Price List and full particulars, Prompt delivery if you net quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm Vero Bros.. Beeler, Ontario. WE CAN, give prompt delivery on two and three week old pullets, cockerels or non -sexed chicks in the following breeds; Barred Roelcs, Now I•Tampshlres, 'White Rocks. New Tiamn- attire X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X Barred Roclrs. You will save time, labour, feed and fuel with these well started chicks. Send for spopial Price list, also older pullets eight weeks to 'laying. 'MEDDLE MEEK HATCHERIES, .LTD., Fergus, Ontario. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Able mixed chicice and cockerels, All raised in brand new air-rantntlnttrd brooder plant Under ideal cmnditinns, fiend for Weekly Special Liar of Starrett chicles, . Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. DIMING AND CLEANING HAV9D YOU anything need's dyeing or clean- ing? Write to up for Information. Wo are glad to 91,Parkerc'awer Dyeyour WorkseLimited. Department711 rg Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Ball 03111, Montreal, 00 write noareat office — Halifax, Rouyn, Toronto, Winnipeg, Trractor eTENTION FARMERSFOR SALE suitable for bolting on e eel rubber,ade of wheels, 810 0 each, rear wheels; 57,60 each, front wheels. When ordering elate diameter and width of wheels, National Rubber Co, Ltd.. 6 Wilt- shire Ave„ Toronto, Ont. BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE, .baled soft wood shavings, car- load lots linty, Write Plus Product's P 0. tax 7G OIOpt'cal 3, ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. 0-32-110-550 volt, Largo stock—Alliance Elec- tric, 1081 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal or near- est office — Halifax. Rouyn, Toronto, Win- nipeg, Vancouver, GASOLINE POWER UNITS 55 HORSE POWER Chrysler industrlal power units complete with radiator cooling, electric starting and battery. heavy duty clutch and power take off. Avail- able from retook, Write &tlas Polar Co: Ltd.. 617 Jarvis St„ Toronto, or 1597 Mackay Street, Montreal. Indian Hi11 Turkey Ranch We guarantee the genuine broad -breasted bronze turkey poults. Our flocks are tube tested and were headed by TCopetz Tome direct from Oregon. Write for free circular to Indian Hill Turkey Ranch, Box 208, Stayner, Ontario, ARC WELDING MACHINES Electric or Gasoline driven — Alliance Elec- tric Works, 1011 Beaver Hall Hiil, Montreal, or write nearest office, ITalifax, Rouyn, Winninee, Toronto, MODERN GUN SHOP ANTIQl'F, AND r,IODERN AROTS 080F(:RT, SOLD, EXCHANGED EXPERT REPAIRS FREE ,tats nvnilable upon request. 3006 DANFORTH AVB., 'TORONTO, NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES—IB50.00 Por 8 ewt Army trucks, fully guaranteed, Large stools other new Army truck tires Full line of retreaded tires, Firestone tread design. Dealers wanted, City Tire and Battery Co,, 7G8 Queerwest. Toronto OILS, Greases, 'fires. insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers, {-louse and Barn Paint, Roof Coetinge, etc. Dealers wanted Write warm Grease & 011 Limited, Toronto. PAINTING ! SAVE TIME, HARD WORK AT LOW COST—USE A WEBSTER PAINT SPRAYER NOW is Inc time to repaint. Order a new Model 860 Webster Paint Sprayer. works '1n - side as well as outside, and saves many hours of hard worlt. Model 860 Unit is worth $27.50 and includes Compressor, Spray Gun, 25 feet of hose, motor belt and pulley, Larger units available from 504.60 up to large commercial unite worth $700.00. Air compressors available from stock will give up to 150 pounds pressure. Motors all sizes, 25 and GO cycle. Write for full details. MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street: West Hamilton, Ontario. PLANT NOW: Premier Strawberry Plants; Long healthy mote 52.60 hundred: $14.00 thousand, nrepeld, Seely & Elia, Stamford Centre. Ont. POTATO GROWERS be euro to see the Nene Holland potato har- vester, Digs anti bags your crop on one machine. Ivan Oiartin, St. Jacobs, Ont, POULTRY switches; immediate delivery. General Time Recorders, OS Church St., Toronto. STORE EQUIPMENT Traded -m, col nputine scales, meat slicers, electric meat choppers, etc. Berkel Products Co. Limited, 2109 Elinor R'., Toronto. TIRES We are eve •atorked at the present or good need trade -In tires (guaranteed to be in ex- cellent shape), 600 X 16 — -All orders chipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and Seek Sts., Hamilton, Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST SIODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted 19" WOOD Planers, Jointers, Wood Shapers, 14" Band Saws, Drills, Portable Sanders If you need one write: Giffin Machinery, P.O. Box 273, Toronto, Ont. TYPEWRITERS Two Standard and Portable with Carrying Case In excellent condition; Sacrifice. Write particulars P.O. Box 49, Ottawa, Ont. 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS complete with tower — $45.00% Alliance Electric, 1081. Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal, or write nearest office — Halifax, Rouyn, Tor- onto. Winnipeg. RII'LE, .303 Lee Enfield. formerly used on Risley Team; excellent condiLion ; Sacrifice 665,00. Write P.O, Box 49. Ottawa, Ont. HEAVY MILITARY farm wagons, send for circular. Percy .7. Tlorbrldge, Room 305 Plaza Bldg., Ottawa, Ont, • FOR SALE—Used Heating Plant for sate in first class condition—Taylor-Forbes Victor Boiler No, 609A. nlsa stoker and pump—only been in use a few years, suitable for fairly large building. 1-200 gallon hot water tank and a number of showers with all connecttone with 'Indi- vidual cabinets, For particulars write Robert Cltnpmon, Mitchell, Box 202. BEES, 15 colonies, geed stock; also equipment for extraction, some double wall hives, ell young queens, free from disease; cash sale. Apply after 5 and on week -end Chris Pavloff. 5548 ilirchmount Rd., Soarboro .7Unetion, PUPPIES.. English Pointers, Wire Terriers, <. Dachshunds, Selected breeding. Registered. S. R. Taylor, Route 2. Brantford, Ont. FARM MACHINERY TRACTOR PLOWS, Cultivators, Grain Bind- ers (horse and tractor drawn). Air-cooled Engines. American Separators and Milking Machines. American Separator Sales, God- erieh, Ontario. e• FARMERS' Tractor Cultivators 0 and 7 foot widths, ideal for smaller size tractors. Also Corn Planter complete with Tractor hitch, Phone 2886 or write Hanna's, International `rales and Service —McCormack -Deering, Guelph, Ontario. HOTEL FOR SALE HOTEL for sale, in Waterford, Ont. Apply A. Seres, Box 009, Courtland, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Rcberteon's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave- nue Road, Toronto. . IIELP WANTED HONEST and reliable man to work In dairy, Apply Shelvocic Bros., Thorold, Ont. MARRIED COUPLE wanted, cook and house- man for country residence on bus line near Brampton. Private quarters, high wages, no laundry, Telephone 90, Brampton, or write Mrs, W. L. C4lbeon. 4 GRADUATE Nurses, General Duty. Wanted for a 26 bed Municipal Hospital, 1n a thriving town, population 2,000. Recreation facilities 'good, Salary 5110,00 with full maintenance increased 80 5120.00 per month after six months serelee, 0 day week, fl bear day, 3 weeks holiday with pay after one year service. Taber litunicipei Hospital,. Beg 660, Taber, Alberta, MEDICAL iIIGI3LY recommended—levery 'sufferer of Rheumatio Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, tiunro's Drug Store, 886 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetlem for Arthritis, Rheumatism, In - somata. 'Varicose Veins and other circulatory ailments, Free explanatory pamphlets from Coope'Remedlea, Yong° Street, Toronto. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC - and rheumatic torment when Breenatone of- fers prompt lasting relief. One menthe' treatment 91.00 postpaid, Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, DON'T wait—Every sufferer or Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis 'should try Dixon's Rem- edy. idunro'e Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00, TO EASE that horrible pain caused by arth- ritis use 'Euc'a Liniment', Large bottle 91,25,• P.0 Box 4:1, Saint John. 11,13, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. flCDDI\CITCIN buys, sells. ex- ehangee musical Instruments 111 Church, Toronto 2 . OFFER *TO I N V ENTOItS AN OPFER to every Inventor—List of inven- tlone and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street. Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR WAR VETERAN Exchange 100 Acres in Mainaville, 60 miles from Ot- tawa (6 miles from Cardinal, 10 miles trona Prescott), very good house with hardwood floors and hot air furnace, 6 rooms and bath- room with toilet. Hydro on farm. New Stable to house 26 head of cattle with overhead barn to hold 60 tons of hay and a new hay track. Stable built of cement blocks with concrete floor; new chicken -house 22x100 feet, 86 windows, each 4x4 feet, concrete floor. Ma- chine house, garage, grain barn, three welter about 260 apple trees and 160 maple trees. I gravel yard, remaining land cultivable and Pasture , Buildings insured for $4000.00 until 1949. Government mortgage 91200,00, repay- able in 17 years. To exchange agatnet e. new 1947 car—Oldsmobile nr Dodge. Pa par- ticulars apply to Dt•, A. Reich. 70 Belvedere Road. Quebec city, Que OPPORTUNITIES FOR WoOt2EN BE A HAIDRESSER TOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated eats', lot:ue free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING G SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS F'ETHERSTONAC'GH & Company Patent Solicitors. !Established 1890, 14 King Weet, Toronto Booklet of information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, 3e Earth SPECIAL COMET folding camera, full 127 sine, guar- anteed. $8.95; with leather shoulder carry. Ing case, $11.45: shipped postpaid, we here Anarn Films In stock. COMET PHOTO SERVICC Box 6, Postal Station D. Toronto GET BETTER PICTURES from this big, reliable st•adto AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your films. Sent them to Stat Snapshot Serviee. ANY SIZE ROLL 1 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED SOc Reprints from your negatives 4c. 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 25c. Oln- largements framed 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, ,,Waintt- or Black Frames 74c. ff pictures colored"."94c, Prints and enlargements made from prints of lost negattives. Dept, 51 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 129, POST OFFICE A, TORONTO TEACHERS WAITED FOUR QUALIFIED Pubiic School Teachers for School Area No, 2 ltfonleagle and Herschel, Salary $1500. per year, Duties to commence September 2nd. Apply stating qualifieattons to Earl Meadow, Sec. Treas, Musciow, Ont. NORFOLK' Counts, Protestant teacher wanted for School Section 25, Windham, Modern school with 25 pupils, Duties to commence Sept, 1st. Apply. stating qualfficatiens and salary, to Orto Goold, Secy,-Treas., R.R. No. 1, 'Wilsonville. Ont. WANTED HARDWARE BUSINESS wanted for cash, town or village Bex 143, Room 421. 78 Adelaide W., Toronto TYPEWRITERS wanted, state make and model, write 537 Besserer St., Ottawa, Ont, WANTED—All kinds of dressed poultry. Top Prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (We do custom grading). DAIRY WANTED. small business around 350 quarts. Box 134, Cobourg, All of which leads The St. Thomas Times -Journal to assert that "Kipling was right when he said the female is the more deadly of the species." New Feature Your Handwriting and You Your Handwriting Reveals Your Character and Secrets About Your Inmost Self. Beginning Next Week Watch For It ISSUE 22-1947 SPRING CLEANING ON THE HOOF F Romeo, favorite elephant in the Rome, Italy, zoo, welcomes spring cleaning because be loves the back -scratching effect of the broom wielded by his keeper. Sports — And One Thing r Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Our 1947 horse -racing season start- ed off in the finest possible faahton, With a near -record Daily Double payoff down at Beautiful Woodbine, (In our league yen get suspended if you don't refer to Wodbine as beau- tiful at least once per column.) Por you've noticed, of course, that while the actual results of the races get buried in the rear pages, four -figure mutuel dividends always rate front- page, headlines and pictures—proving yet once again that "the game's the thing" or some such. * 'i' * Our personal position as regards these immense payoffs is similar to that of the chorus damsel who, when asked if she'd ever eaten caviar, wistfully replied, "No—but I've been where it was?' Por we've been among those present on a lot of these occasions, all the way back to -the afternoon when a pair of beetles named WINIFRED ANN and TABSON paid off at $8,498.35 at Thorncliffe, But that's as near as we ever got to the jackpot, picking one winner in a row being difficult enough for our system of handicap- ping, let alone two of them. * * * Outoluck Otto says that Barbara Ann Scott needn't think she's the only one ever to shed tears ..ver losing a car either --only in his case it was the -Finance Company. * * * The question of whether or not yoi{kg kids should be allowed to have BB guns is again much to the fore—recalling the time the old lady stopped a rosy-cheekcd 7 -year- old cherub toting one of those wea- pons. "You wouldn't be cruel enough to shoot any darling little birds or kittens with that, would you?" she said. "Heck, no, lady," was the prompt response, "It don't shoot near hard enough—I'd borrow my brother's 22." * ,1' * What most of ns are eagerly awaiting is a soap that will be adver- tised as "No Rub, No Rinse, No Tlicnte Song." * * * Almost unknown to the present generation, Hal Chase has passed away. Never a really terrific hitter, when it carne to fielding he was "Mister First Base" in person—and the picture of him doing his stuff was a sight which, once seen, was never forgotten. He played so far off first that you'd swear he could never get back in time, and his fel- low infielders had to be trained to peg the ball at the empty sack— "Prince Hal" invariably turning up to make the putout, Like many an- other great athlete he became slight- ly !nixed tip with sure -thing gam- blers, and lit'cd to rue the day. * * 4' Within the past forty-eight hours or so 7t'e have noticed three radio stations, one daily newspaper, a cleaning - and - dying establishment and an of -the -arm restaurant all stressing the fact that their chief ainI in life is "serving the conitmulity," r Isn't anybody in business just for the purpose of making a profit any more? * m * V6'e don't know just what genius should be credited wjth the inven- tion of the artificial playoff system, so popular in many sports, and de- signed to keep up interest in a losing team long after normal hope has fled. We thought, however, that the hockey people had brought it near to perfection, with their plan whereby a teats: can finish fourth in a six -team league and still win the World's Championship, But a Toronto soft-. ball league has made them look like merest pikel•s. The four teams in the loop will play out a regular schedule of games—then all four will start even in the playoffs! Beat that, and go to the top of the class. * * * Then there were the two small boys, on their way home from Sun- day School, who were gazing at the front of a Movie Hou.,e displaying the words ADULT ENTERTAIN- MENT. "What does 'adult' mean, Tommy," asked one. "I'm not just sure," was the reply. "But I kindc* think it's what they tally abort in the Seventh Commandment." * * * Throughout the length and breadth of our fair land, organizers and pro- moters of amateur sports—especially of the track-and-field variety—are appearing in large and increasing numbers. The other day somebody was asking where these gentry, so vocal and busy now, had been hiding in years gone by. "I think that be- tween Olympics they crawl into the woodwork," replied a somewhat bili- ous observer, '"and it takes the sun- shine of a prospective free overseas trip to bring them out." * * * DEFINITIONS DEPARTMENT; When manufacturers raise the price of goods, that's stabilization. If/hen organised labor raises wages, that's economic adjustment. But when the farmer raises the price of what he has to sell — Oh, brother, hurt's MURDER! The Illustrated London News is generally said to be the first illus- trated newspaper ever published. Big Tourist Business Is Not AU "Velvet" According to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics 21,000,000 tourists carne to Canada last yen' and spent $221,000,900, Good business, comments the Ottawa Journal. However, it may be well to know that all this money wasn't "velvet", this for the simple reason that there is another and debit side to the tourist business, With the debit side showing that Canadians spent an annual average of about $150,900,000 in the United States. Actually, our tourist trade balance amounts annually to be- tween $50,000,000 and $75,000,000. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't be anxious for tourists— $50,000,000 to the good from them isn't hay, It means only that when we discuss the tourist business we should see the whole picture. "Loran" Aircraft on the North Atlantic routes have been assured the con- tinued use of the long-range aid to navigation (Loran) station operat- ed by the Icelandic government at Vik, Iceland, under an international financing agreement which has been signed by Canada, the United King- dom and other nations at the In- ternational Civil Aviation head- quarters in Montreal, SIMPLY DELICIOUS! The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes it the most popular of all brands of coffee. It has extra flavor because it contains choice Latin - 'American coffees. and other Weeds WITH in Lawns THE 2-4-D WEED K LLER One spraying will kill donde- lions, plantains, ragweed, bindweed, poison ivy and other broad -leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but will not harm grass. Non-poisonous to humans or animals•. and will not stain hands or clothing's A "GREEN CROSS" PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER C 6 RETE PAPERS Famous Pre-Wat Quality The only Cigarette Paper MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada 1 BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves 0 For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 'z ROLL YOUR OWN ETTER; CIGARETTES rif MUTT AND JEFF—Maybe Jeff's Mind Is Still On His First Visit In The Suburbs MUTT,' IT'S I3APPENED AGAIN! BUTTERFLIES ALLOVER ME) BUTTERFLIES? DoN'T SEI: ANY •B UTTERFLIEs, <1EFF! YQU 47us-r IMAGINE. THAT! JEFF,. 1 KNOW A PSYCHIATRIST! x21TME You To SEE HIN*=op. AN EXAM IN ATI OW YO11 uP! 4tn 41. I 'FIND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THiS MANI SE'S aUST AS ANE AS S AM! BUT, DOW I SEE BUTTERFLIES THEY'RE ALL OVER ME! 3Y BUD FISHER :OR GOSH SAKES, DONT BRUSH THEM OF ON ME!' ''f IIiIIIUInIIIIIIIII iiIi!U j lr�