HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-05-29, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO 411111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND SPECIAL ATTRACTION SATURDAY, MAY 31st. 8.30 p.m. to 12 o'clock LEN HOPKINS AND HIS CHATEAU LAURIER ORCHESTRA, ALSO TED FUDNEY and his Orchestra This is the finest value in Dancing! Your only chance to hear Len Hopkins in this district. For 11 years you have heard him over C. B. C. Radio, coast to coast. This ,iVCanadals. outstanding Radio Orchestra, From Ottawa—Canada's Cap- ital - can be expected the finest in dance music! Admission S1.00 DANCING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th. to SCOTTY McLAUGHLIN A truly fine Orchestra ---played Masonic Temple, London, all winter season. Plan a visit to The. Bend and bring your picnic. Make reser- vation for large groups by writing. or, 'phoning. W. .Eric Mcllroy, 59 r 1, Grand Bend. p *I4MM-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111,11111111111111111-ffil1i1111# AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, light wagon, Top Buggy, Etc: at Con. S. W.S., Lot 23, Dashwood, on SATURDAY, MAY 31st. At 1:30 o'clock, D.S.T. General Effects — Light wagon with hay rack, rubber tired top bug- gy in good condition; Portland cutter single harness, 3 horse collars, sweat pad, lawn mower, doubletrees, can't hook, forks, Vs -inch rope 75 feet long, cross cut saw, pulleys, bag holder, grain bags, horse blanket, 2 robes, broad axe, other axe, crow bar, post hole auger, ash sifter, snow shovel, 2 spades, sledge, lantern Household Effects — Dinette suit, 6 pieces new; sideboard, 4 leaf din- ingroom table, 5 diningroom chairs, New Williams sewing machine, couch living room heater, 2 piece chester- field, hall rack, flower stand, stove pipes, axminister rug 9x9 ft; 2 mats Mrs. Frank Corriveau is home a - to match; tapestry rug 9x9 -ft; wood- gain after spending a week with h en bed spring and mattress, white her daughter, Mrs. John Aubin, of Brucefield, Ont. Mrs. Aubin has a wooden bed spring and mattress white dresser, small white table, -pie-, baby daughter. tures, vacume cleaner, picture tram- Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Rau have es., sealers, pots, pans and dishes; moved to Seaforth last week. Where wash board, Connor electric wash they intend to reside. machine, boiler, tub, ironing board,Mrs. Jane Rau visited with Mrs. AUCTION SALE COMMUNITY STOCK YARDS, WATFORD On FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 30bh. At Eight o'clock sharp, Standard Time, Usual number mixed Cows and Cal- ves. 70 head Choice Hereford Stackers. These are extra good. 150 mixed pigs; Number of Young Sows. Please Note—Sales will be held every Friday night until further notice. TERMS—CASH C. Hollingsworth, Auctioneer DRYSDALE: ,2 leaf table, 4 kitchen chairs, carpet sweeper, coal oil stove, glass cup -- board, kitchen stove, circulator heat- er, rocking chair, magazine race, 2 frying pans, sausage press, and many articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS—CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. David Schroeder, Proprietor. DASHWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Genttner of London spent the week -en's at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Genttner. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bruce of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein over the week -end. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. S. Witzel. Miss Violet Rader has secured a position in Winnipeg. Mrs. Herman Zimmer of Windsor, visited with relatives over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong -,43f London visited with their parents 'ver the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family of Detroit spent the week -end with Mrs. Hamacher. Miss Amelia Willert of Detroit, spent the week -end at her Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman and John spent the holiday at Han- over. Mr. and 'Mrs. Garnet Wetherg of Kitchener visited with relatives over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe nrsee Of Wind- Maggie," and `"I tame from Alab- sor and Mrs. John Snyder spent the ama" between the first and second week -end with their mother, Mrs. acts dressed in the gay 90's attire. Mrs. Rohert Hayter. Mrs. Hayter return- Harold Jones and Mrs. Arnold ed to Windsorwith them where she Gackstetter sang a duet "The Bells. ' will undergo an oneration. of St. Marys" and "When it's Spring Time in the Rockies" between Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winiam,s and see - Nettie Harvey over the holiday: Mr. Joseph Ducharme is on the sick list. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Marie Smith has returned to Detroit after staying far a few months with her brOther, Mr. Edw. Mousseau. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys of Bruce - field were visitors with' friends in the Varna district, Sunday last. ' Messrs. Elmer Webster, Russell Consitt, Lorne 'Coleman, Anson Cole- man and John Parker of Bayfield, at- tended the annual sessions of the Grand Orange Lodge 'being held in North Bay. Young People Present Play . The Young People of Varna and Goshen United 'Churches presented their play "Petty Coat Ranch„ in the Varna Hall and on Monday evening last in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, and was well received. On Tuesday Evening June 3rd, they will present the play, in the Town Hall, Zurich. The cast was introdrced by the Pastor, Rev. Reba Hera and con- sisted of the following: Sherriff, Bill Ewing, Arnold Keys; B. C. Jackson, Banker, Gordon 'Coleman; Ma Man- ning, Mrs. John Keyes; Golden Man- ning, Doris Reid; Petro Franks, An- son McKinley; Don Gordon, Ivan Mi Clymont; Mrs. Harrington, Mary Mc- Clymont; Barbara Harrington, Hilda ehearer; Curly ,Claidon, Chas, Reid; Ellen Starr, Mary Reid. There was a good attendance at both times and the players all took their parts -well. Bernice 11.1cClinchey and Wilma Kyle sang. "When You and I Were Young, Mrs. Mtirdoff of 1Bowrnanville, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore of Toronto visited with Mrs• Wm. Klein stiver over the holiday. Rev. and Ma's J H Gates and fam- ily of Ge'den Take arrivaq Satur- day to take un his new charge as min ister of the Evangelical church On Sunday evening a miscellaneous pro- gramme wa,i. Tiven by local talent with Rev J. S. Burn, former pastor, acting as chairman. During. the pro- gram Rev. Burn introduced and wel- comed Rev. Gates to' the local' con- gregation. At the close of the spry - lye the 'congregation assembled is+ the basesnent when a social hour was spent aftss whiA a .dainty lunch was Sersed. f1,4 lfr T ern r erehen and Snm lleirikerehen of Pembroke, nearance on Sunday last, But as they fircrc with Itev, and Mrs. T. day was not pro -using /or resorting AT. Gates. -.they did not stay any length of time ond and third acts. Joseph and Beaver Town , Mr. and Mrs. Law. Ducharme of Detroit were -Sunday callers over the week -end. The, former calling on his father, Mr. Joseph Ducharme, who is quite Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard of St. Joseph, north, paid a flying visit with relatives in 'Chatham, Windsor and other points, returning on Sunday last. Mrs. Daniel Bedard, Mrs. H. Mir - eau, Mrs. Oconnor of Courtright and Mrs. Win. Wessing and :chilti'ren of Moose Town, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Josephine Ducharme of the - Blue 'Water' north. Summer resorters from. London in this new resort made their first ap.. ZURICH HERALD Ms's. Leon Jeffrey who has pent the winter months in Chatha-m :and Windsor has returned to her home in .Beavertown. A Lots Rain! At time of writing there is as iyet not much let up in rain or change in weather. Well, it is an ill wind that blows no good, and we might take from the backward weather a lesson which the world might profit by. To -day, there is too much speed and the life is too fast to keep up with, and perhaps a world crop fail- ure may solve many problems. It might bring about peace. While all other sources have failed to bring, and today there are little bands of people who live in peaceable comm- unities that are not satisfied with present conditions. Not even with the creation of the Universe. They even are snaking desperate efforts to change the work of the Creator. Ev- en making attempts to' make the sun jump one hour ahead of its time. And Mr. Editor, one can well take from that, that Man to -day Is even trying to destroy the work of the Creator. What else can one expect in the world. How can we expect to have peace' 'when there is sites a division of opinion. BAYFIELD - Some time ago Bayfield Postmis- tresi Mrs. W. N. Woods resigned on account of ill health and Mr. E. Hov- ey has been appointed new Postmast- er, and the post office has been moved to Mr. Hovey'.s buildmg:Both Mr. and Mrs. Hovey served in the Air Force. Master George Castle, son of T. Castle, is isi- Toronto General Hosp- ital. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Tor- onto is home for the summer vacation Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards of 'Lon- don spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. T. Bailey 'and- Mr. Bail- ey. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and sister Miss 'Fisher and Dr. Mueller Fisher of Montreal were visitors 'with their aunt, Mres. F. A. Edwards. ,Mali L. G. Barrett has returned to her home after spending the winter with her sister, Mss. Davidson, of Woodstock. Mr. Edward Morrison of Los An- gles, :Calif., called on old friends in Hayfield. He was born in Bayfield, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morrison a former merchant of Bayfteld. It is over 50 years since he lett Bayfield. Mrs. E. A. Featherstone who was nursing her mother, Mrs. Chas. W. Parker, returned to London. Mrs (Parker's manly friends are pleased to learn that she is improving nicely Rev. and Mrs. L. Morgan,. and Karen returned to The Rectory after hanving spent several . days in Lon- don, where the former attended the meetings of the annual Synod of the Diocese of Huron, St., Paul's Cath- edral. The fishermen are busy these days and one boat reported a half -ton of perch. Miss Doris McEwan of London Un- iversity spent a few days at her home in the Village. Mr. L. Fowlie of London was a visitor with his sisters the Misses Fowlie. Mr. iHarte is 'building two new cot- tages on Louisa St. Mr. McMillan has purchased the property of Ivan Steckle and plans building soon. Mr. G. 'Weston who 'bought the bakery business of Mr. J. Applebach has taken possession and is being wel- comed in Hayfield. Mr. Applebach has moved into the cottage of John Pier- son. Miss Manson has returned to the village after a few weeks holidaying in London. Mrs. J. owett who spent the win- ter in her home on Main St., has moved back to the Grove for the summer, 40;0 HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. Thursday, Nfay 2901, 194T 1** IMSCSSSSISsts stss o.99:55%01%;9. wa` s., Stade & Weido - Phone 92 - Zurich glIWIMIO1111•111 4.10.111111 SAV E UM 999 009 9,3 flILEnun aic71 air im mg.. OW OM 990 MO 019109 909 eat lbw Om 00, lam 900 all re• 999 ow Ms 009 act )015 caut 909 EDS We AM 909 091 09f or. oot BANK, OF MONTREAL '111Y BAN 5 950 505 pa 995 ooc 530, 509 IWOM CANAOIANI ea Ka feb 500 05f $55, 9153 44 .65 .e ,33, ellt t481 509 901 9501 VA a. mdt o. Imo cot 599 oos 9399 999 oszemga ea 09.. 009 0. ?Oa 999 MOON M .1extma STAS, WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SIN CE -1 1 7 00100410400AlitsmasaMorsom9.0009 • It's a wise motorist who insists on long -wearing, money - saving Goodyear Tires. They give many more miles of dependable service: . at lower cost -per -mile. We have Goodyears in your size come in today. 'YOUR GOOD/EAR DEALER STADE andWEIDO HARDWARE Phone 92 ZURICH azniciErszEnzzammizema HENSALL Lamrnie has been confined to her room with illness. Mrs. Sperry and babe of London visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs Edmund Geiger. Miss Greta Lammie was guest violinist at the anniversary - services at Centralia United 'Church, when Rev Arthur Sinclair of Blyth was the guest speaker. -Mrs. Smith of St. Marys visited with her mother Mrs. George Petty, who is ill at Mrs. !Saundereock's nur- sing home. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, minister of Blyth United Church, was the guest speaker 'at the United 'Church Sun- day morning service. Mr. Sinclair, who has been 30 years in Huron Presbytery, is leaving Blyth for Win- dsor in July, where he has accepted another charge, Father's Day will -be observed in the United Church on Sunday, June Rth, when a special program will be presented. Mr. Ed. rink, our enterprising plumber and business man, has earn- menceci 'construction on a new build- ing adjacent to his tin shop. .111•MMI511111.1110 MISMINIIMMINIMMINIMMIMINnousimimmommIMIMINNIMIZip THE 1947 FOR C NTING totitk 10 LBS. PER PERSON As in previus years this special allow- ance of sugar for canning will be in, addition to the regular sugar ration. It will be made available in two amounts of 5 pounds each. ::$5.49,559555:55,5;1,kN*3:4t:: SzstikisS VALID MAY 15th VALID JULY 17th Coupons Yl, ¥2, Y3, Coupons Y6, Y7, Y8, Y4, Y5. Y9, Y10 Coupons may be used as desired after their respective validity dates, and will remain valid until at least December 31st, 1947. Each coupon 1.5 good for the purchase of 1 pound of sugar. sssssssssssssssssssssssissssisssssssssisssiSSSSISSSSSSSSSSESSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSssSSSSsssssssSrS' The world sugar situation has been improving and has made possible the recent increases in the Canadian allowance. Worldl supplies, however, are still inadequate to meet demand, re- quiring continued rationing. WARTINIE PRICES 41.trt,„TRADE ROARD Mrs. Pearl 'Stephan recetved word that her son Ronald Stephan, Air Mechanic, 'Second Class Fleet Air Arm, at Dartmouth, N. S., while en- gaged in his duties met with an ac- cident suffering a fractured ankle, and knee. Mr. mid Mm. Ed, Frisk and Mr. and Mrs. L. Seamen spent the week- end in Buffalo,. . Mr. and Miss: R. J. Drysdale and Jerry 'left on Saturday by motor for Florida., where they elcpect to spend a month vacationing, and will also visit the Kentucky Mountains and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Raye Paterson of Toronto were week -end visitors in Hensall and 'Clinton. Dies At London Arthur Clark, 79, former well known Hensall resident and resident of London for the past four years, died Friday evening at Victoria Hos- pital, London, after an illness 'of two weeks. Mr Clark lived with his son, Sidney, 52 Regina Street. Born in England he resided in Hensat for'25 years. Was an adherent of the Mr, and Mrs. C. Kennedy and Jean Church of England and was a mem- Ivisited recently with Mrs. ICennedy's her of the LO 013' in England. Mrs. sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.. RoyliCiark predeceased him in 1943. Sur- , rtear in Dorchester- riving besides hie wt Sidney, are A 44. one brother„ Albert, England; twe grandsons and one granddaughters. . in London. The body rested at the George E. Logan & 'Sons PuAtnerat. Chapel where a service was held on Monday, May 26th with Rev. Canon C. W. Foreman, Rector of the Church of 'St. John the Evangelist, officiat- ing. Interment was in Hensall This • ion Cemetery. nstwoaDl DISTRICT NEWS . R. A. Macintosh of Guelph is the new manager of the United Farmers' Co-operative' at Wing,ham, succeed- ing J. A. Wilson, who resigned at - ter 26 years of service. Presentations To Retiring Organist The menibers of the Wingham Un- ited Church choir assembled to bid!, farewell to Mr. A. W. Anderton, who.' has been choir leader and organist for six years. The chair president, N's Keating, expressed appreciation to Mr. Anderton for his efficient leader- ship. The choir has enjoyed excellent training and regret losing an out- standing musician. Both Mr. and Mrs Anderton have contributed to the pleasure of the choir by their hospit- ality on many occasions, Mr. W. 'Tif- fin and Bert Tsard made the present - alien two chairs, antique style.