HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-05-15, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' DUSIN$l$S orvo {i'UNITI ATTENTION: Tourist Resorts, Souvenir Shops, Drug Stores. I have a Practical two tone combination ash tray and cribbage board. Liberal commission, For particulars write Rudolph Carlson, Kipling, Ont. BABY onions BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices for Baby Chicks and started Chicks will surprise you. All Chicks from blood tested stock, Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. DAY OLD chick bargains for this week and next, Barred Rocks, New Hampsltires, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred hock X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks non -sexed $0,05, Mullets $17.95, cockerels $4.95, Assorted Heavy Breeds non -sexed $8.96 bullets $16,95, cockerels $3.85. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Barred Rocks $1.05, White Leghorne 95c. Twe weeks old add $0,00 per hundred. Three week old add $11,00 to non -sexed and. pullets, $8,00 to cockerels. Shipped C,O.D. This advertise- ment must accompany your order to receive these special prices. Top Notch Chtckerles, Guelph. Ontat lo, LAKEVIEW CHICKS at greatly reduced prices for May and June. Hatches weekly. Prompt delivery. Egg prices are expected to be high next Fall with price ceilings removed. BREEDER HATCHERY of 6000 Breeders. All double bioodtested, banded and culled for body type and high Production Hatched under ideal conditions. "Best Chicks We Ever Bad." pullets are laying &well, cockerels good size, reports Lincoln Luedke, Eden Grove, Ont. Never had - such goad luck with pullets, reports Ernest G. Barnhardt, Hawkestone. Ont. Send for free Poultry Guide and Price List, also full particulars on day old and started chicks and heavy breed cockerels. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. WE HAVE some dayold chicks for prompt shipment, also some started heavy breed •cockerels, 2-8-4 week old. Book your June chicks now to get quantity, breed, date of delivery youwish. pullets. non -sexed and •cockerels. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N, Ham- ilton, Ont. NOT A MINUTE to waste. Early chicks mean big fall eggs. Tweddie chicks will make money for you too. For more than 23 years now we have been helping to make poultry keeping profitable for our customers. Proof of .satisfaction Is that they come back year after year for Tweddlechicks. We have the fol- lowing crossbreeds: Black. Minorca X White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X White Leghorn, White Rock X White Leghorn, New Hampshire X White Leghorn, Iight Sussex X White Leghorn, Bla'rk Australorp X Whits Leghorn, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X New Ramp - shires, New Hampshires X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X Barred Rock and 12 pure breeds to choose from. All from Government Approved Puilorum tested breeders with pray- ed records of livability and profitable produc- tion. 100% live delivery is guaranteed. You get only healthy, lively birds, day old or older, Pullets, cockerels or non -sexed. Twe&Ile chicks are fast-growing, heavy producers. Start lay- ing in 5 to 5% months. The sooner you get a flock of Tweddle chicks the sooner they'll .start making money for you. Send now for. our illustrated catalogue and reduced prices far May and June. Also two and three week old started chicks and older pullets eight weeks to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order today at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks $12.00 per 100. Pullets $22.00: Cox Oct Leghorn X Hampe, - unsexed, $12.00 per 100; Pullets 26c; 'Lox 8c. Puilorum-Tested Gov't Approved .Stock 1100 Down, balance on delivery. BONNi(E'S CHICK "HATCHERY Box 256, Elmira, Ont. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also mixed chicks and cockerels, All ilitlsed in brand new air-conditioned brooder plant lender ideal conditions. Send for Weekly Special List of started chicks. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter, Ontario. '9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c Sussex Y New Ramps.. Rock X Hamps., 'Barred stocks, New Hamps,, ' Rook X Leg - horns, Sussex X Leghorns, New Ramp. X Leghorns and Pure Leghorns 11c, Pure Sue - :sea I 2c. Assorted Mixed Chicks 9c. HURONDALE PULLETS 19c Ail heavy breed pullets 19c, after June 1st 17c, Bledium Breeds and Leghorns 21c. As- sorted Pullets 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerels - Send for Special Priees. 3000 BREEDERS All double bloudtested, handed and culled by inspectors, backed by high pedigreed founda- tion stock, litany customers report wonder- ful success. "Best Chicks I Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 1VEEKS TO 6 WEEKS OLD. 2 weeps add 4c. 3 weeks add 10c, 4 weeks add 15e, 6 weeke add 20c, 6 weeks old pul- lets 50c. 100% live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 deposit on day olds. 10% onstarted orders. Order from and ENCLOSE this ad. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat type New Stamps Ge, all other heavy breeds 6eec. Assorted heavy Cox 5it.o. Rock X Leghorn Sussex X Leghorns 21/2c, Day old 'Cox miry Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON. ONT. YOIJ WILL save feed and also catch up on the season if you order some of our well .started two and three week old started chicks. We have the following breeds in non -sexed, Pullets or cockerels for immediate delivery: 'New Hanpshh•es, Duryea Rocks, Barred' nock X New Hampshire&, Light Sussex X Barred 'Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Light :Sussex X New Hantpshires, Rltedo Island 'Beds, New I$ampeltire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex, ales pullets eight weeks to laying. 'Twaddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Cute -Mo. DYEING AND CLEANING 'HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information, We are 'glad to answer your questions. Department Ii, Parker's Dye Works Limned, 791 Tongs ;Street, Toronto, Ontario ,FOR SALiE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALI7—Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $16.00 •each, rear wheels; $7.50 each, front wheels, When ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wilt- shire Ave„ Toronto. Ont. .AC'REAGrii on lake, well wooded, suitable for I3oys' summer caput, C. Wren, 11 Addend Ave., Toronto. :300 AMP, Electric Welder on rubber Chrys- ler Engine T 120, used about 100 lroure, :$1975,00, Walter Plane, Stam ford Centre, 'Ont. BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE. baled soft wood shavings, car- load lata only, Write Plus Products., P,O. 'Box 'lee Montreal 3 CANVAS COVERING 'Heavy White Duck waterproof with light rubber coatitg one s t -Ede 40 (aches wide, $1.96 Yard. Suitable lOr Canoe Duck, c Ground ;Sheets, Roof or Deck Covering, Full rolls 100 verde enceinte' price. Supplied in Tar - au1ns. sturdy,longwearing,complete with ,ttte ropes .12c square loot, Write for sample John Leckie Limited, 77 Welliegton St. W. 'Toronto 11 EWES, 1 rant, 7 iambs sheep onshore, $176. J A, Pewtrese, R.R. to NAVA%, Ont,. FOR SALE—W. I. Victory cook books, 800 recipes, postpaid. 60c. efrs, Andrew Mc- Cain, Floretrceville. N.E. 50K SALE CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper tacks and canvas filler. Write for John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington W.. Toronto, nails, prices Street Indian Hill Turkey Ranch We guarantee the genuine broad -breasted bronze turkey pointe. Our flocks are tube tested and were headed by Kopetz Tome direct from Oregon. Write for free circular to Indian Hill Turkey Ranch, Box 208, Stayner, Ontario. MUSICIANS STRINGS --Violin, Steel (wound) Set (U) .60e, (W) $1.95, (X) $1.50. Pro- feeetonal Set (X) $3.50. Hawaiian Guitar— Silver P wound 6 strings ,76c. Hawaiian Gui- tar—Bronze wound 8 strings $1,50. Spanish— Silver P wound 6 strings 80e: Bronze 8 strings $1.00, Mandolin Set • $1,60; Barrio Set $1,161 Ukelele Set .60e Postage paid. Fully guaranteed, Send Money Order to: AEOLIAN, Box 111, Station 'D', West Tor- onto, Ontario, MODERN GUN SHOP ANTIQUE AND MODERN ARMS BOUGHT, SOLD, EXGIIANGED EXPERT REPAIRS FREE lists available upon request. 3000 DANFORTH- AVE., TORONTO. OILS. Greases, Tires, Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers. House and Barn Paint Roof Coatings, ete. Dealers wanted. Write Warco Grease & Otl Limited, Toronto, PAINTING TIME Now is the time to brighten up your buildings with a new Webster Paint Sprayer. Use the sante compressor unit to pump up your tractor and implement rubber tires. Write for full particulars. Air compressors, up to 150 pounds pressure, priced up to $646.00, Full stock of woodworking machinery, motors, pumps and electrical wiring supplies, Write now for details, MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West, HAMILTON, Ontario. PERMANENT Pasture Mix. $12.00 per Acre; $11.50 Five acres or more delivered, four types to suit _your soil and climate. When ordering state soil type, drainage and fertility. Stittevllie Feed Store, Stittsyille, Ont. POTATO GROWERS be sure tosee the New Holland potato har- vester. Digs and bags your crop on one machine. lean Martin, St. Jacobs, Out. POULTRY switches: immediate delivery, General Time Recorders, 98 Church St.. Toronto. PARTS FOR ARMY TRUCKS 9.00 x 13 or 9.00 x 16 New GOODYEAR TIRE AND TUBE—$55.00 Tarts for all Army Trucks both Canadian and U.S. Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd. 735 Queen W., Toronto, Ont, SAVE YOUR LEAKY ROOF! Old leaky roots made like new again with liquid asbestos Master Roof Kone. Easy to apply. Saves you money. Full Information free. Dominion Cement Paint Company. Dept. S. 454 King West, Toronto. roar 68th. year.) SAWMILL heavy portable sawframe and car- riage etc. Seed description, location and cash price. Joseph Woolley, Aneaster, Ont. SAWYER-MASSEY 36-70 thresher. 3.5 HP Homely tractor, in good running order. The outfit $750.00. New, White, 28-46 all steel with shredder. Ivan Martin. St. Jacobs, Ont. STRAWBERRY plants for northern districts. I recommend Catskill later variety. Hardy heavy producer. 50 for $2.00 or 100 for $3.50. also Gent Everbearer bearing this season until late fall, 25 for $2,00, 50 for $4.00 or 100 for $7.00. Prepaid. Order now. L. W. Phillips, Box 11, Welland, Ont. STORE EQUIPMENT Traded -In, computing scales, meat slicers, electric meat choppers, etr. Perkel Products Co. Limited, 2199 Rloo' W., Toronto. TARPAULINS Cturdy brown or khaki Duck Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes. all weights. Write for quotations and samples John Leckie. 77 Wel- TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In ex- cellent shape). 600 X 16 — $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Sts., Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIER SHOP Dealers Wanted TRACTORS & BELTS 12-24 Cart Peer & Fordson cheap for MINS sale. Goodyear belts in "all standard lengths American Separators & Mincers. American Separator Sales, Goderich, Ont, TYPEWRITERS standard and portable, re- built, guaranteed A-1 condition. Write Capitol Supply. 264 Bank St., Ottawa. Ont, FAROIS FOR. SALE FOP. SALE 200 acres good clay loam, C miles from good town, 8 acres hardwood bush, balance tractor land, brick house with furnace, batik barn with litter carrier, water in farm, lien house, Pig Pen, Implement shed. Shed for tractor, one ear garage. Immediate Possession Apply to A. E. Bates, R.R.1, Shel- burne, Out. 200 -ACRE dairy farm, situated on King's Righway, nine miles west of Cornwall. Farm In excellent condition, carrying 70 head of cattle at present. Buildings consist of two houses, large barn, large henhouse and Pig Pen. all in excellent repair: also sugar bush. Modern equipment to Souses and barn. Apply to R. C. Hartle, P,O. Box 1075, Corn- wall, Ont. 100 ACRE carat lot 20, Mulmur; clay loam, lovely home, 8 -roomed house, hardwood doors, 2 large barns, stone foundation, all cemented, spring water in Pasture, well near buildings. Early possession. Near school and church, hydro and telephone available. Apply 143 Donlande Ave., Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hab'drose Ing Aen.demy, 137 Ave-: nue florid. Toronto. HELI' WANTED MARRIED COUPLE wanted, cook and house titan for country residence on bus line near Brampton. Private quarters, high wages, no tawdry. Telephone 99, Brampton, or write Mrs, IV. L. Gibson. WANTED—Eldorly men and boys. Meadow - mount Farms, Newcastle, Ontario, Route 8, GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING—Good wages for competent woman to 'live In nrddern residence, excellent locality, Young family with four year and infant girl. Reply—G. Barrett. 0 Alexandra, Galt, EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID for new country hones near Oshawa, Private room, washroom, radio, liberal time off, Good bus Connections, Apply Box 140, '18 Adelaide W.. Toronto 4 GRADUATE Nurses, General Duly. Wanted for a .25 bed Municipal Hospital, in a thriving town; population 2,000. Recreation with full ala' $110,00 w l igood, s y facilities Cs g maintenance increased to $12000 per month after six months service, 6 day week, 8 hour day, $ weeks holiday with Pay after one year service. Taber Munla] al Hospital,iiah Box , ,60 Taber, Alberta. C HOUSEKEEPER, capable,aUlo retta la, for Wet- ness couple with two school-age chlidren Small lionto—no heavy work modern home appliances --plain but good atokinr aecoeeary —good wages. J rIVate room and radio, Write Dirkan's, 4 Oxford Street, corner Spadlna, TorOnto. MEDICAL WANTED—Every sufferer of 'Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy, Munroe Drug Store, 835 Klein, Ottawa. 'Poet paid $1,00. TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism, In- ean:Ma, Varicose Velure and other circulatory a.11ments. Free explanatory pamphlets from CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenatone of. fers prompt lasting relief. One months' treatment $1.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver. FRUIT ,TUICES: The principal ingl'ediente in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic 'Pains, Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 336 Eight, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, BODDINGTON buys, sells, ex- changes musical instruments. 111 Church, Toronto 2 OFFER TO INVENTOIt-S — AN OFFER to every inventor—List of Inven- tions and full information sent free, The Itamsae Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages. thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system, Illustrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETBERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1800. 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL STOP SMOKING without taking anything internally or using any will power) Send 4e addressed envelope for information. Pierre, 442 Birks Building, Edmonton 6, Alberta. LONESOME. join a Society which operates from Christian principles. Somewhere a future sweetheart seeks your acquaintance. Splendid positions, means, Information free, Canadian Friendship Society, Box 113. Dur- ham, Ont. ASTROLOGY—A tree Solar Reading. Helpful advice end guidance. Send birth date, stamped -addressed envelope. THE PSYCHO - SUCCESS INSTITUTE (M. 8), 922 Federal Building, Richmond Street West, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, Sc Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera, full 127 size, guar. anteed, $8.05; with leather shoulder carry - Ing cane, $11,45; shipped postpaid. We have Ansco Films in stock. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6, Postal Station D, Toronto PROMPT MAIL SERVICE This big, reliable studio does quality work AT LOWER PRICES Don't rislc your. films. Send them to Star Snapshot Service. ANY SIZE ROLL 0 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 30e Reprints from your negatives 4c... 2 mounted. enlargements 4 x 6" 25c. En- largements framed 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74e, If picture colored 94c. Prints and enlargements made from prints it lOst negatives. Dept. 111 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 129, POST OYFSCE A, TORONTO S'L'AMPS, GRAHAM BELL on paper showing postmark wanted. Collectors to loin New goateed Exchange Club. World Wide correspondents. $1.00 year membership. A. E. Whitfield, 24 Glen Road, Toronto. ACCUMULATION of Stamps collected over 15 years. Complete collection for sale to high- est bidder. Box 724. Etobicoke P.O.. Toronto 14. TEACHERS WANTED FOUR QCTALIFIED Public School Teachers for School Area No. 2 efonteagle and Herschel Salary 91500. per year. Duties to commence September 2nd. Apply stating queiIttencinns to Earl 6fnst•low, Sec. Treas. Mueclmv, Ont. SALTFLEET AREA NO. 1 NIAGARA PENINSULA TEACHERS for September. Modern one - roomed schools with enrolments about 85. Suburban erect of. Hamilton. School nurse. Music Supervisor and free pupils' supplies in schools. Salary $1,750.00 for experienced teachers. State qualifications, experience and name of present inspector. Apply Mrs. George Lee, Saltfleet School Area, Wentworth County, Stoney Creek, Ont. WANTED I-IARDWARE BUSINESS wanted for cash, town or village. Box 143, Room 421, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. TYPEWRITERS wanted, state make and model, write 537 Besserer St., Ottawa, Ont. WANTED—All kinds of dressed poultry. Top Prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept . 2064 Danforth Ave., Torontc 6. (We do custom grading). REFINED WIDOW,' 51, desires position as hoeselceeper to elderly gentleman, city or country. Box 144, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. SHORT STORY writers wanted. Poems wanted for short stories. Send for type and information before sending mac. Storl- verse Publishhtg Co., Box 1432, Columbus, Ohio. ATTENTION FARMERS and Property Ot4n- ers. I am prepared to purchase In this district for cash if priced right, parcels of land. large or small with fair buildings. Write giving full particulars of lot number, con• cession number, township to H, Pragnetl Realty. 1553 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. ISSUE 20-1947 HERE'S WORLD'S FASTEST FIGHTER tat it 44 World's fastest fighter plane is the "Thunderjet," pictured in flight over Republic Aviation Corporation's Farmingdale, N.Y,, plant, Officially designated the P-84, the jet plane makes over 600 mph, climbs higher than 40,000 feet and has more than 1000 -mile range. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit With, sports of all varieties boom- ing throughout the land as never be- fore, it is rather sad having to in- ject a sour note into the general harmony. However, we learn on good authority that one minor branch of sporting activities is suf- ferig from something of a slump. A young friend of ours who, for some years past, has bolstered his pocket -money allowance by search- ing for lost golf bails and then re- sellling same, reports that things in his line are by no means as they should be. * * xc "It's getting fierce," he says. "Balls that even last summer I could have got half -a -rock apiece for, nowadays I have to let go for thirty-five cents or even two bits. The golf ball makers are turning out far too many balls these days, and somebody ought to stop then before they put business on the bum for, keeps." * * a This 14 -year-old added, however, that far more people are taking up the game for the firit time than ever before in his experience; and this, from his point of view, is all to the good. "That is what I like to see out on a golf course," he said. "Plenty of these new beginners that swing with their eyes shut and spray balls over the rough, and then are asham- ed to spend a lot of time looking for them. Gee, atter a punch of them have been around a guy can find balls without even trying, ' so I guess that even if prices are all . shot, it all c+' •l° "'n" * * * We told the young gentleman that smaller individual profits and: increased volume of sales was sound business procedure, and asked hiss if he'd ever tried , to enlist the . aid of his dog in the search for lost Darts. `1 did try a few times but it wasn't any use," he sadly replied. "The dumb pooch always thinks it's skunks instead of golf balls 1 want hint to haute, and he's too -darned good at it so 1 have to leave him at home now." 7 he kid thought deeply for a mo - uncut and their. added, "Oh, brother, if they'd only find some way to perfume their golf balls with skunk oil, what a cleanup sue and the dog could snake." We pass the suggestion along to We. Dunlop, Spald- ing and all the other manufac- turers without comment. * * * Ii'e have ever been chary of RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady writes: i had Eczema break out on my leg and tried almost everything, but it did no good. Then !tried Mecca and go! relief from the smarting, and itching. I cannot speak too highly of Mecca. 12E Ai I EWE RU ee Brings quick relief. Greaseless, feet -drying, no strong odor. Large, economical size, 65c Critic") trying to hand oast advice to any politicians; but if some of the salons at Ottawa, rVashing- ton and London were to start.a movement aimed at calling off the coining Olympic Gaines, in our opinion -they would be doing more for the cause of interna- tional friendship than all their talk about the United Nations, atonic bomb controt, and all the rest of it. Of course by so do- ing they would earn the eternal enmity of ' "the badgers" — those amateur authorities who are looking forward so longing- ly toward that free trip to Lon- don; but the public generally would approve. * * * Just let your mind travel back over past Olympics — those that took place when the world was com- paratively calm ad settled — and recall all the unpleasant incidents, all the squabbling and name -sling- ing, all the international disputes and near -riots, and we think you'll agree that holding these Games un- der present conditions is just about as sensible as fooling with a gun that may be loaded. So, while there is still time, let's call the whole thing off. Why not write a letter to your Member at Ottawa? It won't do a, bit of good, of course, but it will make the poor fellow think he's getting popular, receiving so much fan -mail. U.K. Fishermen Fear Poor Season Hundreds of small fishermen, who normally make a reasonable living from fishing in the Firth of Forth, have this year been hard bit by one of the poorest seasons on record, says The Edinburgh Scots- man. Herring has almost gone from these waters. No one knows Wily. At present any boat which can slake enough money to pay its crew 45 per week is doing ex- tremely well, Generally catches are so poor that fishermen, many of them ex -service- men, are making only 42 to as for a week's work—a week in which each working day lasts for 16 hours and more. CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War • Quality The onfy Cigarette Paper MADE IN FRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a CIGARETTE ROLLER 2ZIG-ZAG a PLEASE ;YOURSELF.. Choose Maxwell House Cof fee in either the Super - Vacuum Tin or the Glassine - ,Lined Bag. You always get the same smooth, full-bod- ied Maxwell House blend. amOMMA ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH Pr "vola "INNUGGET"POLisei IS WONDERFUL/DEAR- BUT YOUR SHII`-0ES •SO BRIGHT TWE PUGS THINK. IT'S A I..IGFiT!" F 42.4100.4.1 eel c, \`le`d' 1) b� i. it FOR A SPARKLING, LASTING SHINE, ALWAYS USE "NUGGET" MUTT AND JEFF—A Fiddle Must Have A String—If Only A "G" String By BUD FISHER SOH --• A ASS FIDDLE! WHAT'GHA ' REHEARSING! I GOTCH JIQBW .A BI BAND' .You ONLY GOT'TYEI ONE STRING ON TNAT THING! -t, I TOOlt� THE OTHER TREE OFF! BUT YOU'RE ALWAYS PLAYIN' THE SAME t, Yo oTIIER FIDDLE PLAYERS NAVE 'FOUR STRINGS E YEH,TNosE GU* , ARE ALWAY',' LOOKING FORM -1E E RIGHT PLACE HE); MUTT! , . I'LL SETTL ; FSR A fiLW • iDOIN' JEFF? t, , "'-""j IT'S EASI i N- , t STRING! 'Q' 4".."- ::. N. ,.a'� . 'r 1111-5.,.:;. AVOND sly 7 .../- 'W . ill (f " : ��' ® ", ' , ;-= ri mfr MOVE YOUR FINGERSARON!. K � YEAH MAN! '?' _ ,, • f ," - '°d. "bd fit'4Y " ,/'•:,1 ip•y r ,, 1� 'r 4�„/ , • FINGERS UP NI DOVYN1 A 1 ' i.t• 1,, .1 1 f„nj .9 � .` �w -' ir. C 7. iIIItBi i �'llltflin rrRc �.S f - Jam,, ti y P 1 �. � :,11 n fir ..ytlt.. :.-. �.M-,.:: J 1 _ . ..,,• , ;� ,� m tj. sji � tr . f i I c3 • .e /' „1'`'�aw �0 �M. t?' ” ,�� .• � .,�. - �� ,. ,Iii• �: ,... w,. t; , 1I � c• Via: / +P I-,••;7,,>♦ e i is •t� 'mat. l A r re i Sa'a;;;: . » �r •. '{ .rr� 1' .`.t' J. t. vt a i g I 7 1 ���<"W 4' , \ i.^ , Q!' ••F' � = +flip .�.� +'<,. "4 'G• j / _ . J � „(4. .,t 'iib ;� a� n a.. ,••, I %ul ?1. • z r yy�� i b• ,. ,. 1. �•, •J ! Vs. •r . 7 • i'i