HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-04-10, Page 1RIC .16.411.610.0/...Mone161,100.0*•••••*/ ern1111111W*MOI*0•1401.1010.4,11*•161**INNYM....*Inf* Established r ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORIpiG, APRIL 10 •Pasewarmoloma....... Aszamarmwewormoomunotrom.onsastmen,vgrowsnourtmran*“...mammammaammeamomtemramaram 14*.10[1...LMOVVMSM.1.01010 , • Sokosao*.••••.••••••••en..o.a..**0.01. COMF RT "Lc LE GLASSES At REASONABLE k ICES C. E. Zurbrigg, •0. the He ald know of y0.10 OPTOMETRIST sat EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testins LhJ kpi every Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONT. Week Day Except Waelmeaay. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ,::•+++++++++++++4 -i -!'e+++4 -C-4•44+ i -i-:-+++-1.4.4,4-++++++++++++++++ ++ 4. 4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4.. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. err affua lnneral, Nov Private Car Ambugance Service for the Conveyance of Sick awl Injured. Licensed Em J er and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE oNTARio FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAT OR NIGHT TELEPHONE N. 70 Da.shwood 41115160 19Wdong m iilli 4. -44 namomeurn. When you. i'airO Rooldng for good things to eat be sure and Visa Mr Store, as we always maintain to have a gooa stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although s me lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our hest to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices. - Visit Our Store and Be Convinced eni PRODUCE WANTE esch -031112 uric Phone 165 fgl$.41110. .111 i11;,1E1ijIIffI 1:.1111001$1.0„..411111141.11011111066.04,,_ eateINOMENNWARMAZIVORMEIMMISFZEr BANQUET BLUE WATER GUN CLUB will hold their Banquet at Dominion House, Zurich, on Thursday, April 10th. at 6.30 p.m. Max. Turnbull., President. Len. Snares, Secretary. Blue Water Gun Club CARD OF THANKS . Mrs. Alfred Pfaff wishes to greatly thank her many friends for the love- ly Cards of Cheer, flowers and the many. good ;wishes extended her during her recent illness. SHORT COURSE The Grand Bend Womens' Institute is sponsoring a short, course on ::the subject, "Time Saving *Kitcnens11, in the afternoons orApril the luth, 17th, and 18th, from 1.30 to 4 o'clock in, the basement of the United Church. Ladies of neighbouring communTties are welcome. SMEOMIMSNiagnSORMEMMINSINIME9MMIEJSISSEJEJJEMININ111111111/ r Sto GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday AYLMER VEd; SOUP, 1O -Oz. TIN 8c - ROBIN HOOD; FLOUR, 7 -LP.. BAG 25c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PORIDGE,. PKG.lac DICED CARROTS, 2 TINS 15c MIXED NUTS.. PER LB. 40c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 REGULAR BARS 20c 2. GIANT BARS, FOR 2.7c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR' YOUR Spring 'aperinv COME, AND SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. DRAPERY MATERIALS AT VARIOUS PRICES Ladies and Childrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich WaerneelleellitellffiellINNISIOSIVISIVECINSOISKINg W. H. Golding. 11P, Paid Trl.bute In Appointment To Important Office. 1947 'sits and Visitors CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH/at $1.50 a Year in Advance $1,75 in 'U.S., In Advance. Hay Council met on Monday for the April meeting. Had 87th Birthday Congratulation go to Mr, Andrew Thiel of town who last Wednesday, April. 2nd, celebrated his 87th birth - at the home of his son, Mr. and Mt George Thiel. Immediate relati- veS•spent the evening with him as he enjoys the best of health and tak- es a great interest in daily activities. Mr. 'Thiel spent most of his life time in Zii,,rich and has made many friends who wish him many more birthdays with,health and enjoyment. Women's Institute The Zurich Branch of the Womens Institute are celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary on Monday eve., April the. 14th, at 7.15, in the dining room of the Dominion Hotel, when a ban- quet will be served to the members end. their husbands. Guests of hon - 011r will be three men of the com- munity who have returned from over The annual meeting and election 'If offi- eers will be a feature of the pro- gram. •ZURICH LIONS CLUB "A large attendance was present at tbe.Supper, meeting on Monday ev- ening in the Dominion House. -A number of citizens were entertained, dna goodly number of the newly organized Club at Bayfield were also -.:wesent.• The: guest speaker for the of tiendeiV:if1,a1114,',*P language teacher of the University in that city. Prof. •lialbfleisch talked an the early history of civilization. This was brought to the ear•iy Per- sians, and later the Greeks. It was a Irony interesting talk and much knowledge was gained by those pres-1 ent. OeaS since the last banquet. 48 Hours OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FUL VU OR REGULAR. AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ' Miller Creek CoaL Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensall William Golding, Seaforth AILING MLA'S 11 mons, at Ottawa Friday last. He was practice nearly two years, Dr. R. Although he has been retired from Liberal .nieml:er for Huron -Perth,. was honored by the House of Coin - appointed deputy chairman of conun- Hobbs Taylor, Progressive-Conser- ittees of the wholl, House. and .,at This vative member for Huron South request without remuneration. Hon. whose. home is in Dashwood, worked Ian Mackenzie, minister of -veterans' overtime all last week caring for affairs, moved the appointment. fellow politicians NiTho complained of The minister explained tne essen-' bresillg. ill... The doctor's suite in 6 id l reason for the motion was me, ..t.oronto hotel just about was turned of procedure. In the event that the into an office like he used to main- , Speaker was unavoidably ,absent, the tan at Dashwood as patient after ' chairman of committees assumed the Patient filed in. Included among his • that the Speaker, or ' deputy, alonk „ of .patients were two cabinet ministers, Mom. W. A. Goodfellow, and Hon. George Doucett, the former suffering chair and exercised the authority the Speaker for 24 hours. It followed 1 could open the sittings of the House,-,!, r the flu and the latter from a If Rooth were absent the House 'could ':Ii: ci.:• Bast Lambton's member, J. E. --1',gran'es, was also treated for an ill - ss attributed to stomach flu. A 1f dozen other private members of , e Drew Government alsd required Veal attention or advice. Dr. Tay - .I ' confessed he had just put in a- 1 bout as busy a week as vey ne ex- perienced over the many years he l• i • 4. 5 5 a 4. 0 { not be opened. \ .,•••.o FOR. THE GO-A.HEAD FARMER -- A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION .."14.e.: tra Farm Financing Simplified. in life a man .cannot remain station- practised at Dashwood. ,One ary-he must march forward ;ce however, the health of all the Oppos- slip behind. Mon members seems excellent," mus- ed' the Doctor. "I didn't have one of lem for a patient. It is an oft -proven statement that 666$66666.046664666 1114 the; 660,6 0066 OS 6 0G000000 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 4. ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR 2 RENT. FLOWERS, FOR ALL ' OCCASIONS Day and Night 4.0 w$,.,o,4;m..i.E.-,cao..7:,,,,,,,,,,,,mt,!:,,,to4riemoQoclockKagooggeetroeoo6606)06666 Service. Telephone 89 Zurich 4. ec, This saying is ,particularly true , the farmer. For unless he makes of modernized -equipment, MO. win not be able to stand up apA the competition from neig. 'go-ahead' farms. 'Machinery for increased prOlitict7, ion, materials. for new buildings. and, extensions, new improved hnplern- , eats and equipment, new . build up the herd, adequate electric -i al wiring, modern heating and water her 47th year, after an illness ot systems, motors, pumps, milki g' about three weeks, having passed on machine -these may mean the cliff- in St. Joseph's Hospital of that city. erence between .success and failure. receased who was born and raised'in if sorb improvements are on your Zurich, was well and very nvourably • • u known, and had many warm friends,. • ' • k OBITUARY • Late Clara Weber 4. 0 2 This week we arc obliged to re - rt the sad death of Miss Clara ‘iWeber, of London, and daughter of Yr. and Mrs. Louis Weber of Zurich, whodied on Sunday, April fith, .in Ward Fritz SALES Wm. McAdams SERVICE ,,,,,,,,.. , .„,...,.,,,,,„• .,.,, , a . SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES' EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING. AND GENERAL REPAIRING 4. 0 6 4. 1 usanourtarazzimumwmasesagiummosammonzurarozonagoonanummoorammaranzaws= ofilMENSISY6 1114Qratrid farm, they will make money .. 1 It is true, of course, that they will also cost mAney. And that is whY the first step for a 'go-ahead' farmer 1 is often a vielt to the Bank of Mon- treal. A talk to Gordon Sowell, man- ager of the local B of M, will reveal how money wisely borrowed and in- vested can change an ordinary farin into a pratable farm. Mr. Sewell is well acquainted with farmer's needs and problems. He h who greatly regret het depnrtUT of this life,. when just in it's prime years. The remain,A were orought to the Westlake Funeral •Home, in Zur- ich, from where the funeral was held on Tuesday, at two -o'clock, p.m. with Rev.. Heimrich officiating, inter- ment followed in St. Peter's Lutheran Cerneteny. The departed is survived by her parents, Mr. tr.1 Mrs. Lr.Auts W ,sber one sister, Mrs. Theodore * , is anxious to help you so 1,e .. , PoSter of Detroit,. and one 'orothet problems. Ite will be glad to see Yo/40.1 Roy of Londgri. The family have and your visit will be a step it t 001 title RN,vpatig- e..r. a large circle of 1 right directien, ' 1 fiend. imingoitsion!oionemosionemminimmeirgintNzi- - ' ' . l armaaseszesz •!, titnPV•I Cliiek91 on c, 6 54444 e" IS HERE .AGAIN. GIVE YOUR CHICKS A GOOD START WITH THE FOLLOWING: Pioneer Chick StatteT SCRATCH FEED, CHICK -SIZE GRIT AND OYSTER SlItFLL, ALSO A FULL LINE OF MIXEP FEEDS FOR STOCK. WARNER AND JAMESWAY ELECTRIC BROODERS; 011 BURNING BROODERS AND COAL. BROODERS A Good Line of Pateued Medicines o'n hand always r IE iE STOR Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. I.OPMCMIVSVPROPMEIr Phone: 11-97 MOM