HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-03-20, Page 8alilLAC f .ts SAA\ /'f.1M1lV gP WHILE WALLPAPERS ARE STILL IN SHORT SUPPLY., WE HAVE A FAIR ASSORTMENT OF NEW PAPERS TO CHOOSE FROM, AND SMALL LOTS ARE SHIPPED TO U WEEKLY. COME AND SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE ROOK a.r ALSO IIAVE A SUPPLY OF BUNDLE LOTS OF FROM 3• TO 6 DOUBLE ROLLS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Men's year A NEW LOT Or MEN'S TOP COATS IN GREY AND: BROWN TWEEDS AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND A SUPPLY OF MEN'S GERSCY VESTS AND JOCKEY SHORTS FOR SUMMER WEAR Lenten Specials HERRING IN T „ :ATO SAUCE, TIN ORANGES 292•1, 2 DOZEN FOR SARDINES IN OIL MACORONI, 2 LBS FOR SPAGETTI, PER PKC, PEANUT BUTTER, PER Ll;. LIPTON NOODLE SOUP, 2 FOR GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, 48 -oz. TIN SMOKED HERRING, LE. 25a 39c 9c 15c 12c 39c 25c 29c 38c FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY TELEPHONE 59 WEEK -END s. ZURICH IEMS OF LOCAL WE Rei and Mrs. E. Jdeimri Tueseiay at London., Mr. and Mrs. J+:arl Yungblu I the week -end with relathes ti :,i.. Mr. and Mrs. Ht est. Ra D .-hwaod, were Saturday via town, with friends. Messrs. •Geoa:'ge Deichert and HaJerer made •a business trip. geA eter one day last weekM. ss Rosebelle Albright is visiting' at the home of her sister, Me., and Nies. Chas. Scc+tchmer, at Bayfield. Mee and M, EFraaxbard and p rs I echild were arl Sunday visitors at thn home of Mr, and Mrs. ,Samuel :Oesch, �i 0 Goshen line, Stanley. 4 Mr. and Airs.:Eaz1 T;hiei and. chile f 1G 1 VG X00 h" 8 c9 ZURICH }-ar:RAU+ REST I ST. PETER'S spt.nk: Evannbeiical Lutheran. Church pspc,eiL 11 ZURICH -.- ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH1, RASTTOR 1dar of ; 1;0 a.m.—Divine Services I itozs• in 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. ',Tacob. 7.30 p.m. -'"Divine Worship. j,1.,. to. Ex-' Everybody Welcome to all Srsreices lir it Q( unsd Js, : I re' a } . 11111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111`� EMMANUEL. EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. C. B. HECKENDORN; Minister ren and .Mr. ,Clara Decker, were Mrs. M. Oesch—Organist Sunday visitor; at the home of.Mr. and 11rs. bred Rader, Dashwo Mrs Mi,npe has returnee' from Kitchener after spending weeks in that city visiting re and friend,, 13. Coxori, Vice I'm er the Veterinarians At-ociatio companied by Dr. •Steiner of h attended the .::Bring •meeting h Woodstock ape day last week. ladies s = pending the da at Lon Mr. and. Mrs. Gorden Prane tion: and Telles -Kathleen Hay of tee; 3iis, yrtle Hay of Seafcrile i � e:'e Sunday visitors at the home o their parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Wm re, i Hoy. we j Mr. E:phriarn Gingerich and 112is5 QD DG 1G ad. hone a few latives aident n, ac- l;xeter, eid at Their don. We are .an a .position to take• care. e. and 1St Your Insurance requirements, Exe- ; Such as Fire, Auto, Sickness, Accid- ent and Hospitalization. 10 a.m.--Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m.-Sunday School, 7.130 p.m.—Wer<,hip. Sermon: ns ra ce I ron. E ie D!&oentures CANADA TRUST Guaranteed Certificates AMOUNTS OF $100.00 OR MORE ACCEPTED BY THF. COMPANIES. INTEREST AT 216 PER CENTUM PER ANNUM PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR FOR THREE YEARS OR MORE, INTEREST BEGINS ON DAY CHEQUE IS RECEIVED AT HEAD OFFICE. A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOUR. FUNDS. AT MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST. LITERATURE AND FULL PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Telephones: Office 65; House 175. N3eIER.: aaaa AQRc°.Plndo...s 149 mins vats#ti.+i+nl,•�;4 5 :.r:.a:.ain,+.-wn.X•v.l- err HARDWARE SEEDS and TURN! T URE r firA COAL n.... Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal,, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS ! PAINTS! We carry full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- , ware always in stock. STADE et WEID ZURICH ONT. QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE x40 4, eem3@iffitalevelt'n9D� a License No. 011018 • Loraine Gingerich and :Hiss Lovana Rol:p who are attending the Menn- onite Scheel at Kitchener,: vis- ited at the home of their pazeaits, for a week -end. .dr. AIf. P"aff retuned home from London, ••" rs :' •.;g with ries' wife who had 'been a. patient in St, Jos- ep s Hospital, Landoll and expects to the hone soon. Sha 1s progressing !very favourably. Sister D.;es •-` 1 Word has been .received • in Zu by Miss Ida Brill, of the death her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Zim man, as the result of a heart a at the home of her daughter at 1 march, N. Dakota. She was ,bu at Yakima, Washington. Announcement Mr and Mrs. Henry Schilbe, Hay Township wish to announce engagement of their daugh !Beatrice Anne, to H. Leslie Locke t.lo Rader Ccnnnunicati.on Sch Clinton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo Locke of Newfoundland, the wedd to take place in April. MAGISTRATE ILL Friends in Exeter and district gret to learn of the illness of Iiia Magistrate James W. Morley. I was taken to Victoria Hospital a underwent a serious operation. condition was ,reported as serious first, but latest reports state th he is considerably improved, and wi no further 'complications ne ties good chance of recovery. rich of mer - tack B•is- ried of the ter. , of Sol ageng celebrated; the.68th, anniversary of their marriage at their home. Mrs. Kraft, 88, does her own shopping, re- but has been unable recently, be - on cause of the much snow. The couple He farmed in Stephen. Township for the nd first 812 Mears of their rnarriage.�Since Iris that time they have resided in Dash - at wood. Have three daughters and one at son living. Mrs. Fred Rader, Dash- th wood; Mrs. Victor Heywood, Exeter; aa, Mrs. William .Stadelbauer, London; and Edmund Kraft, Dashwood. Mr. Kraft will be 91 this spring. Phone. 150 HY. GALLMAN - ZURICH' Income Tax Returns,, BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers: Business Men Professional Mn,e Garage Operators. and Others ARTHUR FRASER Telephone. Exeter 17 P. 0. Brox 11& Temporary Office- at the house of the late Dr: H. K. Hyndntan, Huron Street, Exeter HAD 66th ANNIVERSARY Congratulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Peter .Kraft, az' Dash- wood, who on Monday, March 10th Leg Amputated Roland Motz and Allan Fraser,the two men who were injureu n1 an auto accident during the recent sev- ere storm rare getting along as well as can be expected in Victoria Hos- pital, London. Mr. Metz underwent an operation for the amputation •of his left leg below the knee. He suff- ered considerably from the shock and injuries. Their friends hope that they will both make rapid recovery. OFF RATION LIST Ottawa—Table :syrups come off the ration list Monday and the move will mean Canadian housewives .will be able to stretch their sugar coupons further, this includes corn syrup, cane syrup, which is made from .sugar. Freeing of syrups from 'ration regu- lations will mean that housewives will have more coupons available for the purchase of sugar and jams, jel- lies and honey. STILL BLOCKED The County Road, known as the Parr Line, north of the Zurich Road has been blocked for over three we-' eke and unlc':ss very lately there is little traffic thereon, The 'Village of , Hillsgreen, et the junction of two county roads, has been completely ! cut og from communication. The stcr'ekeeper was comped TOWNSHIP OF HAY TENDERS WANTED FOR CRUSHING AND HAULING GRAVEL—Sealed tenders plainly marked, will be received by the undersigned until 0.00 o'clock, p.m„Saturday, April 5th, 1947, for the crushing and hauling of 5,000 cubic i yards of gravel ye -inch size. Gravel to be used from the Welsh pit east of Hensall and from the Gingerich pit north of Blake. Gravel to be placed. on roads ata rate per cu. yard, per mile; tenders also to state • a flat rate forhauling. Contractor to supply crusher, power, ana trucks; � Hay Township to supply one truck. ' Contractor to satisfy the Council as I to Compensation Insurance carried and work to be completed .by Octo- ber 1st 1947. All work to ne done e( to the satisfaction and under the direction of the Road Superintendent Contractor to furnish bond in the Wm aa marked cheque to guaran- too faithful performance of contract No tender necessarilyaccepted. Janes Masse, Road ,Sulierintendent, ,Zurich, Ont. R. R. 2. ten milesto ed to walk There w get a steeple of bread. weeks. Both os schools situamail edeonr hthe Iine were closet[ for two weeks MODERN.FARM ARM HELP PAYS DIVIDENDS Ir,:�$er, one school having and How many times have you thum- six day, one February. had only bed through farm equipment catalog- , ebruary. Farmers ues, or read advertisements deecri,b+- are compelled to use fields with their ing the modern frm aids now 'avail- tearne. OBITUARY Late Hem -y Schroeder Mr. Henry Schroeder, a life long' resident of the Dashwood community messed away at the home of Wit. Desjardint:, of Stephen Township, on Friday, Feb, 28th, :Ile was in his 78th year and a very faith,ui mem bei of the. 13 Line Church of God. his wife, the former Hattie +Snider, predeceased him some years ag;o, Fte is survived by one sister, Mrs. Chas, will tell you how the 13 of Ws farm Certs, of Greenway, and sic grand- improvement loan plan can assist children, The. body rested at the T. you to buy the modern equipment .harry Hoffman Funeral Home in you need. This equipment, and other T3ash000d, 'The funk.:ral was sched- labour saving devices, can help you Sled for Monday but owing to the develop a "go-ahead" farm that will storm, was not held until Wednesday bring you increased profits, with interment in the Exetee cemet- Mr. Sewell will' be glad to discuss ere. • your particular needs at any time. able? How many times have you wished that you were in a position to buy such equipment? How many' times have 'you felt that such , in•1- provements would help you make your farm more productive and pro- fitabl e ? It costs m ,ney, you say. Yes, but amazingly enough,, that .can 'be the least ot your worries. A visit to Gordon Sewell, manager of. the Bank of Montreal, will show you why. He 4, eak miouncEng thke Furniture +++ ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF ODIC NEW FURNITURE.'. STORE RECENTLY PURCHASED FROM' .JOHNSTON &'. KALBFLEISCH; ;t1c3, rill A POSITION TO SERVE YOU. AND WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE t itIa t � ''� estialie FURNITURE 4 PHONE, 63, ZURICH 111111111111:11111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111((I I I D ,4n ,.. 4,0 Dead and abled orals REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 A.RL1NG and CO. Of CANADA LTD; (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) etztesitnntsszsmEmasseeeversisstezmasesairszzmwEsscirammawnmsammassumw artawasmairl 1: Tor %�,F••4�4.•F Jr+f••4•�r •4q..!,va.r�.q.✓,..�•d=.rr die>;�+�+C•�+W'iH: irkBale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS.. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite., L& Us Supply Yom Needs! F. C. K.A.LMi LE•.aSCR '6: SON Phone 6a - - - ZURICH .I, 40 :et 4... ;L6+d 44 +•d++i+d•++ +eeee �I••I••t +4•.4»t.r-;- �, ++++++”1 -1,4 -1.4 -?-7..4,44+4.4.4 •4e xx: REQUES Aria m i s CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY 'FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE AIM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 scar Klopp Rei. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOVR SERVICE 1e A 61: 1 I.e ..ONE CENT a Word (mininum 25c,) is all that it costs you for a classified adv. in the Zurich Herald Ari Adv. that each week will reach and be read by several thousand readers, many of who will be in- terested in what you are advertising or are offering for Sale. if you want to buy or sell anything, there, is, no cheaper or more effective 'way than using an classified adv. in the Herald. Phone 80, or 105. THE ZURICH HERALD