HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-03-20, Page 7!r� CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY AGENTS WANTED IGIHTNING ROD DEALERS ,, a now have a complete stock of all ightntng Rod Materials on and and oan hutiply immediate delivery. WM, not Write Arid enquire about a dealership for your territory? Our equipment is the best on he market and our prices most reason - Able. 'The B. Phillips Co, Ltd,. 200 gain $t., Toronto. ATTENTION TlearPERS 11fUSIRAT, Mink and 1800,ver trappers. Triple Your catches with a submarine trap. Ten muskrats to a catch, Simple to operate, weighs three pounds• No losses from biting or pulling their feet off, $4,00 each. Write for catalogue, Submarine Trap' Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Al- berta. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE VILLAGE of Gardenton, Manitoba, would appreciate vegetable lycanning etaac- tory. For particulars, a Gardenton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, Man. •ness O Int uctlons s: plans; schemes that rofitable mail order siwin. .Splendid opportunity. Complete plan 500 Postpaid, Joseph Frank, G,P.O., Box 405C, Brooklyn 1, N.Y, BAITY onions SUSSEX X RAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order to -day at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks 130; Pullets $22,00; Cox 90; Leghorn X Humps. unsexed 130; Pullets 26c; Cox Re. Pull- .prum-Tasted Gov't. Approved Stock 31.00 Down, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 256, Elmira, Ont. GOVERNMENT APPROVED .Chick s, Batching Eggs. Leghorn, Rock Haines - rock Hybrids, Day Old, Started. Sherin- •dale Forme, Woodbridge, Ont. MAKE Tweddle THIS Ch Chicks nnowig ii year a orderingchicks are well known through 23 years of top quality, high production. An order now assures you of the best Price, whether prices rlee or drop before dellverY, and also that you will be ready for a proper start with the kind of chicks You want on the date you watt hem. We have the following pure breeds to choose from: Whitee L Legho ns, 33arred o tet Rocks, Brewn White Boo Rode, New nttes, RhodLight Sussex, Rods, Witte Wyandottes, Black Australorps, Jersey White Giants and also 12 profitable cross breeds, All are approved from puiloriml tested stock with a proved record live delivery production livability.guaranteed. Your success 100% Your Is our success. One year With Tweddle chicks and you'll keep re- ordering from us as others do. Write at once for our valuable free catalogue. Also te Y oimmediatwo and Btee week of deliV. Tweddle Chid started ck for k Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Rainbow Chick ,buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow •Chicks. All breeders are 100 per cent free from pullorurn. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappoint - m Barron r 100. Pullet $24.00 Barrl Barred RockMixed 0 e312.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. White Rock Mixed 816.00 Per 100. Pullets 925.00. Brown pLeg- hrn MixedLeghorn-Rock Mixed4.00s $12 00rPts pers1002JPul- lete $25.00. Red -Rock Hybrid 912.00 per 100. Pullets 921.00. Special prices on cock, eredetiverg to lyouuan tetlon.antee 91.00Per 0ant ldowne balance •C,0.1). Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breeders. It is not too early to book your chicks for 1947 to be assured of getting 'Lakeview super bred chicks when you want them. Buy your chicks from a re- liable backedtbyl established Breeder 5000lie s, pure beds and Hatcheryall Popular cks early. ChicksstatsStart u edthensh wbiggr est profits. Send for Price List, large illustrated cata- logue and Poultry Guide which tells You how to raise better pullets. Also ask for WeeklY Special List of heavy cockerels and 'overhatch' hatch -day Sperials, and New Pot Type Queen 011 Brooder Stoves. ay .SPECTAL PRICES � ed, assogeavy day oldkoristarted pullets and mixed. Prompt delivery. Lake- view Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, •Ontario. STARTED PULLETS. 2 -4 WEEKS rly egg March delivery. Also started cockerelsash is on te e and mixed chicks. Send for Weekly Special List. Lakeview Poultry Perin, Exeter, •Ontario. BABY CH1CIeS, Government banded and blood tested. Barron strains, S. C. Plite ultryLFlorn and arm, I3oxB378, Acton. Ont. Acton WE And it's March chicks you immediate eddfor0the Startedbetter marlcets. and d Cockerels, pullets, unsexed. BrayHatch- ery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ont. WE HAVE some choice two and three week old started chicks in pure breeds and cross breeds in non -sexed, pullets or .cockerels for immediate delivery. Send. for special brlce list. Tweddle Chick Batchries Limited. Fergus,Ontarc._� 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Barre Rook Pullets 921.05, White Rock' Pttllets 526.933. White Leghorn ,Pullets 924,05, Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.05; Red -Rock• Hybrids, 321.05, Leghorn -Rock I3ybrids, 92505. AU chicks sold are from blood - tested stock, backed by high pedigreed stock. 91.00 books your order. Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery. Bent Hatch- ery. Cho them, Ontario. CHICKS IDLY WANTED wM habits orwidower. Good home on high- way near City. Apply 808 Pape Ave„ Tor- onto, B 5re IOfi ROCcke,IZbanded, pulim polirunt- es undehave a Government t quantity for March and April delivery, Pullets 22o, mixed 19!, cockerels. Gordon W, Scott, Moose Creek, Ont. DYEING- AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or cleaning? Write to tie for information, We aro glad to answer your questions, De- partment H. Parker'e Dye Werke Limited, 701 Tonga Street, Toronto, Ontario. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT NEW '5 Tobnson Gasoline Engine, 347,10, Electric Lighting Plante, 382.50. Immediate Shipment. Currey Bulmer, Eg- !Inton & Bathurst, Toronto, FROM stock new: a,c.-d.c. COX. Weld- ers, 'Welding rods, acceesorles; A.C. or D.C. motors, all sizes, 25 or 60 cycles. to250 ElectricofIGV �A. to n Spot weldems 5engine generator Planta. oleo WIND CHARGERS, 0-12-82 Volt, Aircooled gas engines. Worm re- ducing gears, Gas driven pumps also complete electric pumping Systems -Shallow Well or Deep Well 100 to 500 Gal. per min. also Transformers. Alliance Elec- tric Works Ltd., 1079 Beaver Hall 15111, Montreal, or write nearest office Halifax Rouyn - Toronto - Winnlpeg - Van- couver. - FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE -Improved level. Parra, fenced, good soli, buildings, water. Write Thos. Blythe, Fusilier, Sask., Can. 100 ACRE Farm, 82500, Large Barn, Hogpen, Granary and House, second Kenyon Alexandria. Alexander De Prato, 428 Sunnyside, Ottawa. FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE -Tractor -Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 915.00 each, rear wheels; 37.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. A thriving business, fully equippedwith blacksmith, woodworking, electric & acetylene welding, near Belleville. APplY D0410001 & Broadworth, Stirling, Ont, E0XE11• puppies, registered, whelped Sept. 9, 40; top blood lines, sire champion Kavaliero of Briarnole. Ears up, inocu- lated, good °O reasonably pried. perfect dispositions, Write Box 110, Aurora. 2 COMBINATION Buckeye incubatory for sale cheap. Setting , capacity 12,000, thatching011Buckeye capacity Turkey0 combina- tion incubator, capacity 8,700, hatching capacity 1,680 eggs. All incubators supplied with 25 or 60 cycle. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat- cheriee limited, Fergus, Ontario. CONCRETE BLOCK Machines, 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 45 te 105 hour, Brick machines, Batch Mixers any size, motors and Gas Engines. Madi- son Equipment Co., Madison, Tenn. FARMER, single, experienced in dalr'Y and general farming. Good wages and Yearly employment for right man. ApplY stating age, quallfteatlona and wages expected to Harvey Nurse, R.R. No. 2, Georgetown, Ont,, -- --- charge of EeRto take ll farm home, 3adult. Write stating age. qualificationsn expected. Apply fargaretSwanton, ..N Merlin. ST. JOSEPH' H SIITAL CHATHAM, ONTARIO Nursing, efarngthepSprings Class. School Require- ments, Junior Matriculation or its equiv- alent. Apply to the "Superintendent of Nurses" WOMAN to cools at Tourist Lodge from early May to October 16th. State age, experience and wages expected. Write A. W. Nicoll, Baptiste, Ontario, FARM HELP Wanted, married man. Buehwork as well as farm. Steady em- ployment, no milking; near school, 975.00 home.' right Freed party.yee, Alex Loucks,Clute, Ontario, EXCELLENT POSITION for cook general with good qualifications. Healthy,, pleas- ant, eaant, clean, energetic, No waxing* or heavy laundry, lovely room, private bath, Suburban home. Widow with well behav- ed daughter six to ten considered, our onlshin. child eleven Particulars needs Writeand references. Box 137, 78 Adelaide West, Toronto. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT -Every sufferer of Rheum- atic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. RELIEVES PAIN from Rheumatism or costs you nothing. Rheum Aspro will re- leieve you from Rheumatism. • Sciatica, Neuritis, etc. $1.00 per box. Satisfaction guaranteed. namInternational llfntreaDrug 7222i6, Quebec. 2 FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years again obtainable bet mall. NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS selected for backache, rheumatism, headache, avowed - nese, postpaid 91.00. GASTRONOX scientific stomach powder. aide indigestion, gas sourness, destroys' bacteria, postpaid 91.00. ' SAVE 25c send this advertisement with your order, Deduct 25c from the prices listed above. NOX LABORATORIES Dept. W.P., 353 Tongs St., Toronto. BID JL°T A[ RWES 114 MOSCOW French Minister of Foreign Affairs Georges Bidault, (right) and Madame Bidault (left) are greo�c in Moscow on their arrival for the Big Four Conference by Andrei Vyshinsky (second from right), Soviet Vice -Foreign Minister, CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper nails, tacks and canvas filler. Write for prices. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W.. Toronto. CIHOICE Hereford Bull (Service -age) Fe- males, "Ringwood Mixer Tone," April. Dundee htl{ereford re SOWS C Farms edit due 8, Dundee, Ont. DUCKLINGS. We still. have limited quantities of wine Pekin ducklings and hatching eggs ' available weekly. Write for prices. Burwood Farm, Dent. W., Maple,Ont. .. - FUR COATS from 352. Repairs $5 U. Capes, neckpieces, other bargains. Write Dept. W. The Furriery, 1276 Queen Weet, Toronto. • GLADIOLI, 125 Varieties, Large at 6c and up, 100 Medium Good Assortment and Prepaid Parker 5 175 Shaw St., Toronto. . "Catalogue Free", Moore MAKE your bicycle a motor -Wire, Wltizzer 21/2 horse power bicycle motor complete with gas tank. 3138.50 101111inst instructions Wags controls sor $150.00com- pletely installed. Rae J. Watson, 257 Wellington Street, London, Ontario. Of- ficial Gficial Motorcycle I3eadquarters for West- ern Ontario. NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves." We have used these with outstanding performance. Book 11011• for early Spring delivery. We can give Lakeview 1�Po ltrYt delivery Farnl, Weinyou 'act gtBros., Exeter, Ontario, ONE TEAR old Registerel ctrl Yorkshire Il tar r 950.00, 2140 egg $98,00. Two broad breasted bronze tur- Ckner, 1Morrisburg, Ontario. a tested 92.00 each. Harold ar Dor..TABL3 Arc Welder, gas driven, 400 • apps, A-1 condition for rent or take erection welding. Advertiser, Box 625, Fort Erie, Phone 262I1. RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALE Canada Red. Developed by the late G. F. Chipman. One of the best varieties. Stents Clark red clear to the heart, Makes the sweetest, finest 'flavored, beautiful red sauce for dessert, pies or shortcakes. Price each 70e, per 100 or over 65e each, per 1,000 or over 60e each lass shipping charges. Please advise date. 3. Ie. Garland, 1503111 Mills, Ontario. RETREAD TIRES, all sizes. 000clasr price . new. Firestone design. 'trite f Prince Tire Shop. 771 St. Clair W., Toronto. 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pays to raise COMMIS. The price of 'cations is approximately 5c lb. higher than the price of cockerels. Prices of IteavY breed 3 week old to March 21st, 25c; to May 16th 270,; after May 16, 30c. Prompt .delivery. Order from this ad, or send for full particulars, Lakeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros., Exeter, Onta't o: _- FAST Feathering Barrell liock approved chicks, All of our chicks are hatched from our own selected breeding steels ivhleh is Government nutlorunn tested and banded, Sexed chicks aro guaranteed 90 ;rurnt to d `u Write Quality nr price elist d �agd par- tioulars, L. Helstern and Sons, I3unts- vitte, Ont, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Rend what Mr, Broadlmrst of Joliette, 'Que., saYs about our chicics: April 50, 1046 -"The 208 shirks received 1n splen- did condition. not one dead and only one .died slime. They are the most vigorous Minch of chicks I ever received. I have been handling chinks for over 40 years." •Order naw and get the best. Here are •ntir Prices: lia'red Rock Mixon, 912.00; Pullets, 321.00;924.00: white Leghorn, Mixed. 3111.00; Pullers 9 X .0 00 White Rock mixed, '$15.00, Pullets, Brown LeghoHerbrn Mixed, $14.00; Pullets, 32 ds 110015 -Rest Mixed 912.00; Pullets, 921.00; HybriPul- lout, 928,00, 'Toru also Mixed,Reck get free nicks. «04dar4 C hi a Is Hatchery, Britannia. Heights, Ont. TT.\7 (TllSTtY Approved Baby Chicles from blond -tested Government Inspected Premiere. Satisfaction guaranteed. furs Breeds, Barred 11.oelc, White Leghorte & Rho() mTslend T,ight SI1052Y Fel Lred d Leghorn Redrx Barred Rorie, Mixed 12c, lreavY pullets 22e. Leg- 1Allt pull As 24e, Cnelcerels 4c. All high Y old anlln�s'arteAvailabled'. Tenpins.adandlea perachick ('0.7& P t.oPolance C.O.D. ultry Breeding Perm. ehBlenheim, Kine ISSUE 12-1847 HIG15LY RECOMMENDED -Every suf- erer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Stould try re, Dixon's 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 811.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint You, Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache. ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, orderless ointment, regardless of how stubborn of hopeless Pmay RICE31.00nPER JAR Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 580 Queen St. E.. Corner of Logan Toro o TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism. Insomnia. Varicose Veins and other circu- latory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- lets from CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Fk2ED A. BODDINGTON buys sells, ex- changes musical Instrument. 111 Church, Toronto 2. SMALL 3J11T.\T, Stampings madedl Ind. Ltd..e rder, prompt cleliVOrY. CaPital 12 St. Patrick St.. 'Toronto, Ont. TIRES We are overstocked et the present of good used trade -In tires (guaranteed to be In excellent shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 Allrs shipped C.O.D. Special cumin - moot or for vulcanizing 'Erucic and Farm Tractor Tires, 33EAC0N TIRE coer Queen and 'York Ste., HAMILTON, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wnnted OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every inventor -List of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay1aCo., Bank ReSgisteredP Ottawa.. Attorneys, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BEA HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S GP LEADING ity SCHOOL Hairdressing " Pleasant dignified thousands successful.£eg Marvelgraduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. TARPAULINS glurdy brown or khaki Duck waterproofed Covers with lie ropes, all weights. Write for quotations and samples, John Leckie, 77 'Wellington St. 'V., Toronto. WOOD snort ens THRESHER Com- pany. 7111 & Halifax, Regina, Sask. Limited number of cornpickers for 1947. First come first served. Write us for eOnnhines, co threshers rnPtekers, repairs. TOILETS FOR. FARMS. SCHOOLS SUMMER cot- tages and camps. Can be either with or without running Water. Caustic Sanit- Unnt Ltd., 21 Ridley Boulevard, Toronto. TURKEYS, Bronze, White Holland, small white breeding and toms for sate. $12.00 to 315.00. Pooley, Exeter, TYPEWRITIOIt-Standards and Portables, Gaarantoed A-1 eon dILion, sacrifice. particularsWrite for 222 SlcintYro Block, Winnipeg,Manitoba. 156 YEARS Calendar, beginning from 1848 to 2880. Most useful to every trade, snorts, Immo and family, 350. Throe copies $1.00, postpaid. John Ehrenrelch, P.O. Box 245, Montreal, Que. 11A1RDRI6SSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson me. thod. Information on request regarding Robertson's Ueda classes. 107 .ertueRoad,o n°, PATENTS NTs FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Paten"I'', Solicitors. Established 1800, 14 King, Wet, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL LOOK! I $10 reward for anywatchive cannot repair; bestworkmanship; writ- ten guarantee. Atlas Watch Repair Co.. Box 91, Stations "G". Montreal. Won- derful"ELIJAH Coming book free. Before l Iegl440 Mission.Ro- chester, 11, N.Y. LEARN MAGIC at home. Entertain Your friends. Complete information and cata- logue free. Write today. S. B. Robinson, Riverside. Ontario. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Again we had to confess that the visitor from the South rather had us stopped; that, as against cock -fighting, it was hard to de- fend -on either moral or aesthetic grounds -the spectacle of a couple of punch-drunk fighters tottering around a ring, or of a wrestler pro- ducing?' from his trunks a length of rope and attempting, or pretending, to strangle his opponent. That's the trouble of getting into a dis- cussion with these benighted for- eigners. They just don't realize that we North Americans are a superior people, and shouldn't be called on to justify any of our actions. All Radar Port The port of Liverpool, England. will be the first in the world to utilize radar on a full-scale basis. The equipment used will enable e port to 1 emain open in all types of weather. It will include an aerial scanner weighing two tons rotat- ing on top of an 80 -foot steel tower erected at the seaward end of the North Docks system. There are times when a • glimpse of things from the other fellow's point of view can be both illum- inating and startling. Just the other day we were introduced to a gen- tleman from Mexico, and sat down to chat with him in the rotunda of a big hotel. When we arrived he had been idly glancing over a To- ronto newspaper, the pages of . which were lavishly illustrated with pictures of the Dick murder trial in Hamilton. * * * ruoiroC1C A1;11Y COMET PHOTO SERVICE Ono Day Mail Service., work guaranteed 25o per roll. Reprint 3c each. 6 x 8 Gold- en Sepia Mounted 690. Box 6. Postal Sta- tion D, Toronto. 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 x 6 IN FOLDEa MOUNTS Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74e, if Picture colored 94e. REPRINTS 30 EACII Send us Your Cld Negatives Any Size 11o11 - 6 or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 26e 'We make prints and enlargement from Prints of lost negatives. DEPT. II, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 110X 129, POST OFFICE A, TORONTO WATCl1ES - CI,OO1tCS WATCHES - CLOCKS ' REPAIRED 1 week service, price 81.00 up. Fully Guaranteed Send to OTTAWA WATCHMAKERS, 782 Gladstone, Ottawa, Ont. EFF --Just To Be Different -What's Wrong With This Picture? MUTT AND J - . One of the pictures, which show- ed a bunch of people standing in the snow not doing much of any- thing, seemed rather to puzzle the gentleman from the South. We explained to him that these were men al.d women who braved all sorts of weather for hours i- or- der to catch a fleeting glimpse the unfortunate woman. He mus- ed' over us- ed`over this information for a moment or so. "And yet you Ca- nadians," he said, "consider us Mexicans so very cruel because we attend spectacles such as bull- fights." * * Somehow or other we couldn't think of any snappy comeback right at that moment. Or at any moment since, for that matter. So the Senor went on to defend an- other pastime highly popular in Tropical regions but not looked upon with approval -openly ad- mitted favor, that is -in these more highly -civilized, we believe, areas. His arguments were by no means new, but we couldn't help being in- terested in the way he presented them. "You people of Canada and the United States," he said, "pay great sums of money to see your boxing contests. These boxers -men like Joe Louis and Graziano -do they • really love to fight? Do they go out and pick quarrels just for the pleasure of the contest -or do they fight only for the money?" We had to admit that most of the boxers we have known, from Joe Louis down, were very peaceable gentlemen indeed outside of work- ing hours; and that they fought only at the' drop of a sufficient quantity of dollars. * * * "Just as I thought," said the Mexican gentleman. "Now, on the other hand, these gamecocks of ours are bred and born to fight. They adore the battle n'iore than eating, making love, or anything else in this world. If their owners do not find fights for them, they will go seeking then all by them- selves. Tell me, Senor, which is the more reasonable -to watch birds that fight for the pure joy of it and that will continue as long, as they can draw breath, or to ap- plaud your boxers and wrestlers, who go through their performances only as a ' means of making money?" WANTED WANTED --Ali kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept„ 205.4 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (We do custom grading). BEAUTY SHOP fully equipped, to lease for one year with option to bus,. Apply to Box 24, Gleneoe', Ont. BLACK SADDLE HORSE. 16.9 hands or over, not over 0 years old, weight approx. 1150 lbs. Must be good saddle type. Give full partclulars. P.O. Box 93, Forbes Ont. DEALERS Wanted For EVER READY PORTABLE MILKERS Large demand Produces Profitable Turnover DAIRY SUPPLY COMPANY 381 -4th Ave., N.Y. 16, Dept. V.S. CIGARETTES It OWI CIGARETTES ®Til In 1947 wages and materials will cost the C.N,R. $100,000,000 more than the 1939 rates. DON'T WAVER. Say "Maxwell House". It's the same marvellous coffee blend whether packed in Super -Vacuum Tin (Drip tel r Regula€ Grind) or Glassine -liked Bag (AllPurpose Grind). MOST MOTHERS DO THIS AT BEDTIME rub throat, chest, back with VapoRub: Re- lief -bringing action starts right away... WORKS FOR RO S while child sleeps. Often by morning most distress of the cold is eased. est -known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of children's colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub. Even while you rub it on, VapoRub starts to work to ease distress ...and it keeps onworking during the night. I No wonder most mothers do • this when a cold strikes. Tonight,try V VAPOSUIS ow Yl r,: Can Get Iukk elief Frol Sore, Painful Filets Most peopple seem to think the only way to get I circulation in the lower bowel the painful pile tumors relief from thorr sore, painful piles is by looal treat- soon heal over leaving the I m m d tretel nembmnes men t.Localtreatmeotmay�•• 4. '1S invite you to try give temporary relief from �,, �� P Hem-Ro d and letit rove the itching but you oan `� c 4•: itself. Ian can make your 1t �. re, t b bF do ••:;.•+ nc 6 , rrV rash see why v ... „.•::::::::::....:... ,. ,, ,;•• test, in tl e P Y the ca v 0 T correct �> •. C meet will not � .,,.,,,• . , ,;r •. :..?c:.•o,:.,.,+. `�. y ourownhome, l30 cause of ourpiles."` Y it you aro not convinced No lasting freedom from "`• ��w k y °<'.`.•:;a<ti that this is an amazingly Pilo misery ono bo had uu- `• � ,,• ,, , „tip ,; ; g `„ 00ey and surprisingly eifee- use of tin Cron• \\4 ,�,,,,>; :;• ?�" %ri. ; :>. ::', tivemethod of trentin your less thio on': treating your Piles ,�:•:;.:;;; < :•••••`;i`:';i sere painful riles. Me is oorr\,:;.t,. •.� P 1 duo to internal causes so ., •'•' R° ., ' ` Get n packare of sem- at last,- ♦ ` t,;`' m as the best wayto :.>"' `1i: ;, Rotel today i'ro Y ;, Thom tit as t • ���'. and use treat to `''r':l a i store relief' s t st reh �.. drug i ti.. g ng �„ 'sin ?�� FIVE edn ''w JUST 1? V m .lU 'ba for t '•a•.a, ed 1 0t in terns l wt ii, •,<• • til dire Y .i. oft that be end Hem -Reid, <: `� • .,l• z :' ' � Win....:>'s;';,: •. DAYS. At t like ..t.;.Z,., .:4 :.3.. uta •:.• ::.., ' . ,>>:: re net nbso- •Itoid is a form „� �.; ,,:,. ;:;,•'.; ::•;{ time if you n Mem.. .,.0 �'•Ea:�`�i:"�;3s.:.;..'��?i�icc;'•°`:. - aid is 40 501(10 thousands over ,,, ;:••. ��, �: .w�h lutely,euro Bern R bythousands of \#i :•.:r:; ;;;::' :i:'•.':`<•.••••:`. ` ho tient, cleanest and pi years p.� `..:::?:`3:'r:;;: ,`•.. r r.' t ,, iso su51113' o Itis a � ;,, ;, s; �; :`.;;\ ;i''` #> i!s<; most effective pile treat - tablet, a.:, tried, re - toed ter concentrated �:::::.::r:::::.:,:.::,::. :+.lidi:';r:;:� ver smell, highly canoe <:•.<z:::>a>s::>:..;: meet you e not sed portion of leas unused and the P e t ens P tet t tabl Y :iS; your do m- to o co e f"�'•' ky cleverly �'ir lac a histiro g use. This 1 m t nwill promptly t formula he P P blc and Ppounded to gist a 0 n motto , medical natio and your Y f directs g. cls its ror to tic[ of the loauoo on i:` NOTE: This 9008100* • • :areli- able bya backed cause of i: ;:;<;,;;r:c•::x;:•;•;•:<::: ;.• is b that is the rent s ,.;,,,;,,,.;,, ,,, offer lipid pro- a...,..... c., • efirmdoln businesslayourpiles. Hem P abl 9 motes free, easy and coin- Canada Fora good many fortable bowel es itshnts, . Posed by a Professional Model years. Hem -Reid must help quickly relieves itching circulation and soreness wernbdowstimulatesitbgood blood I this simple, easy test quickly, you eethi nothing.pleasantly It today tiirouhttioa io rho low MORNING,MAM! 11,11 TAKING TI.4E SELL HOPS PLACE JUST POR TODAY! HERE ARE SOME FRESH LINENS! p>l, HoW DARE You ENTER MY KNOM OCKING! T INDEED!SUPPaSEI HAD BEEN INDISPOSED oft HAD NOT BEEM PRoPrRLYATTiRED? CA, Wet WoRRY AIOUTTHAT! I KNOW WREN ieS O3010 COME IS AND WHEN lis NOV �I LOOK 'THROUGH THE KEVNOLE! By BUD FISHER