HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-03-20, Page 5SMOCK tN TAI O ZURICH HERALD.Atjthorized as second class mal, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINE$ CARDS Put Your Want, For Sale: Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in tins Column LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE A number of Pure Bred Yqrk Hogs. Phone 25 r 5, Dashwood. Edward W. Elliott LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptlry answered. Immediate arrangements can be made de for sale dates by phoning tl(ILINTON.. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER Anytime, ;Will sell Anything, here. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central Alvin H. Walper LICENSED AUCTIONEER • For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. ERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON FOR SALE 1 Yorkshire Boar. Also 1 brood 'sow. Apply to Alvin Gingerrclh, Phone 97 r 112, Hensall. FOR SALE Choice onion Seed, yellow variety. Apply to Henry Clausius, Phone 94 r 6, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEW easonabIei Footwear Mr. H. W. B•rokenshire was on business to Exeter on Wednesday. Messrs. Ted Haberer and Wes. Meaner were at Clinton on business on Monday. Mr. Arthur 'Haugh of Dashwood, made a business trip to town, on Tuesday. ' The Lions held a public Sa i on Pat- rick's Dance in the town ; Monday evening. Mr. Melvin Schoch is enjoying a visit with relatives and friends at Detcit for some time. FARMS FOR SALE 50 acres level, school, village handy good buildings, Hydro, Hibbert. 100 acres, school handy, reason- ably good !buildings, Hydro at gate, good hardwood bush, Hibbert. 100' acres, school, village canning factory handy, good 'buildings, bush, Hay. 75 acres pasture with hard- wood bush; windmill, Hay. 150 acres, extra tile drained, school, vil- lage handy, bush, buildings have Hy- dro, spring possession of all.—W. ;C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH e IQhi one --96 BUTCHERS ZurichS' Popular MEAT MARKET ?.et Us supply you with the '-ery Choice of Fresh and Cur- '• d Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yun h1Ut & Son PRODUCE r Rev. and Mrs. J. Burn and Mr. Arthur Haugh and son of ;Dashwood visited with relatives and friends in town last Thursday. and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden Mss Nola Krueger of London, enjoy- ed the week -end- at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. G. Krueger --- Miss Jean Krueger, nurse -rix train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, en- joyed a wekeepd at the' home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Herib Krueger Misn Joan Paisley who is attend- ing Alma College at 'St. Thomas, was a week -end visitor at the home of her aunt 'and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. !Siebert. ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION Of MEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN'S, GROW- ING GIRLS, MISSES AND CHILD- REN'S. Fine and Sturdy Footwear in Stock. BUY YOUR SHOES FROM FOR QUICK SALE. A quantity -of good used maple flooring for sale.—Johnstoh's Weld- ing Shop, Hensall. FOR SALE 2 Red Shorthorn Bulls, eleven months .old.—Apply to John Brown, R.R. 3, Zurich, phone 84 r 8. Silverwood DAIRIES PIGS FOR SALE 6 pigs 7 weeks old, 'started. — Also 2 Brood Sows. Stanley Souder, Phone 94 r 22. A large number of people a£�erno ere ut in town last Wednesday and took in the auction sale of the Kalbfleisch Estate's effects, good prices were realized in most cases. Real cold winter weather has pre- vailed 'the past week with very little thawing, and as a consequence thereh was no maple sap running. t to -day, Wednesday, it is warming up a bit with the nice bright sun in our midst which will soon melt away the large snow banks. FOR SALE Extension ladders, 24 to 35 feet long; step ladders. 4, 5 and 6 feet high; wheelbarrows; 1..5 -inch hand- saws, all ball bearing, precision made 16 -foot hay racks, custom wood work. --For rent, electric spraymg mach.- ine.—WWillert Wood Products, Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE 20 choice stocker pigs for sale— Chas. S. Bedard, (Phone 98r15. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS AND SUITCASES MORE CANNED FISH Ottawa—Greater supplies of can- ned fish should reach the shelves of Canadian -stores after March 31st, it was indicated in the House of 'Com- mons, as the international allocation schemes will end- at that time. The allocation of salted cod and other salted ground -fish of 1946 will end June 30 and there will be no alloc- ation of salted fish from 1947 ;prod- uction. During the war years, most Canadian canned fish was subject to international allocation. Misses Marjorie and Donna Mer- rier of London, were week -end visit- ors at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Arnold Merner. Donna at - :tended the 1Grely Beauty School of that city and was successful in re- ceiving her deploma •and has' been accepted at a position in London. Her many friends wish her every, success. NOTICE HARNESS REPAIRING AND OILING I am in a position to do only kind of harness repairing and oiling at any time. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Phone 79412. MAKES POWER SCUFFLER We congratulate, Mr. Leon Prang, garageman, who is a mechanical genius, and put his orts and ambitions to work dur the past few weeks, when auto tra was at a standstill, and with wh few items he could find 'around shop, he got busy and turned ou attractive looking power eeu which is propelled with a small g line engine, and operated. without horse or tractor power. This mac should do grand work when the 'son opens and will be a great venience for whoever operates it has such work done. With the p ing out of the horse age, we revert to other methods of powe till the soil, and this contraptio Len's looks good to us for sm jobs like our gardens. WINS ORATORICAL and real eff- ing file at the ut a filer aso- any hine sea- con - or ass - must r to n of eller TO END CONTROL Ottawa—The Prices Board annou- nced that the price ceiling on gaso- line will end 'April 1st, as well gas dis- tileate tractor • and the Dominion ex- cise tax of three ,cents a gallon on gasoline will be cancelled, thus retur- ning to the. provinces another field of taxation +taken. by the Federal Govt. during the war. The price control of eggs will also be lifted, and just how these prices will soar or stay as near the present level, no one knows. FOR QUICK SALE A 3 -Burner Westinghouse Electric Range, with high shelf, in good con- dition.—Apply to: Mrs. John K. Ehlers, Zurich. FOR SALE 8 two -months old pigs for sale. AIso 12 -inch dry soft body wood at $2.50 a cord. Apply to Walter Diebold, Phone 57r5, Dashwood. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. FOR SALE A coal brooder stove, 500 chick capacity, with, self feeder. Apply to J. W. Merner, phone 137. THE LOVE THAT LEADS TO MURDER Neither the dying victim nor the killer would implicate the sprightly socialite who Was the cause of the crime. Read "Chivalry in Denver", Peter Levins' behind -the -scenes story of murder for romance in The Amer- ican Weekly iisueh this TheuDetro t (March 12,3) Sunday Times. DID YOU HAVE IT? There is a bad flu epidemic mak- ing its rounds, and. when you get it, well, you must wait it• out. A good- ly number of people have had it, mostly it .starts with a cold in the head, and then goes thr ongh the system, leaving the patient in a very weakened condition. Your publisher cauld not escape it. as last 'Wednes- day evening we felt it coming on and then thanked t'le powers that be that the issue was out, and so we Miss Lenora Normington of 'Hell" stayed the rest of the week in the • i` conpaea nla!ted on '`vm 'bed or house, but got better just in I time to get out this issue, what a life when things click right! • MAD SOCIAL EVENING An enjoyable evening was spent on March. 111th when about forty friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCiinchey. The guests of honour were Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hudgert, who are. leav- ing shortly for their new home near Broadhagen. They were the recip- ients ecci d ients of a beautiful table lamp a box of ,groceries, the presentation being made by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, and the address read by Mrs. Bob Elgie. Mr. Hodgert replied, express- ing their thanks. Progressive euchre was played, Mrs. Roy Consittand f r Bob Dayman capturing the prizes r high lady and gent, respectively, and Mrs. Joe McLellan a special for lone hands.. A beautiful lunch brought this most pleasant evening to a close. sail, �s cv nine! the shield for giaa in the Lions Oratorical contests for this zone held in the Public Libyan r at London. Miss Zurich, 1both studengton and ntsll ard Bedard ofof Exeter high school, took part in the contest. They were previously winners in the local contest. Miss Normington will now zone at a contest pthatnthe district will likelyt be heldin Toronto. WANTED A Diningrooln Girl, and also a Kitchen Girl. Good wages and good working conditions.—Bedford Hotel Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE A number of cedar posts for im- mediate sale. --+Harry McAdams. FOR SALE A Holstein Cow 4 years old, due in April. Earl Gingerich, Phone 90r7. CHICKS W. M. S. MEET Dashwood—"Inter-Racial Underst- anding" was the subject of an ad- dress by Mrs. George Link as mem- bers of the Evangelical W.11.C.t with Mrs. Garnet Wildfong pa in g for the program. Mrs. H. Klumps played an instrumental solo; Chas. Snell, Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. Wm. Gossman read the Bible lesson. Musical numbers were given by Mrs. Ed. Stelck on the violin and broom, and a ladies trio accompan- ying. Mrs. J. M. Tiernan, the presid- ent, conducted the 'business when plans were made for a bazaar and baking sale. Healthy, husky WHITE LEG - HORNS as usual. Our breeding flock is headed by Government band- ed R.O.P. Cockerels. Come and look them over. No increase in prices. TWINMAPLES POULTRY FARM, B. S. Klapp, Prop. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIANCANADIAN,M .UT- tJ.&L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS . OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total. Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application F KLOPP—ZURICH A. IG E N T Also Dealer in Lightning Rods nitd all kinds of Fire Insurance General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, Y PLATE GLASS, LIABILITY, SICKNESS a;nd ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. T� HOCKEY NEWS Hensall was on the short end of a 7-4 score Saturday night in a game with Lucan, at Exeter Arena, but won the Cyclone semi-final eround with this •cluib by one goal dge race as it was goals• to count. Lucan were beated in 6-2 i'n a previous encounter Hensall's loose play in the first two periods almost eliminated them from the finals to be played with Exeter., By putting on a third period spurt, which netted three goals, and were able to score the winning counter in the dying moments of the game on a backhand shot by .Kozachoic froth a scramble in front of the net. Koza chok with two goals paced the Hen - sail club with Little and Nicholson each flashing the red l ight Cht�onc Paul The smooth play of and Revington for Lucan almostup- set a set the applecart and threw quite scare into the iHensall team and its supporters. The play-off with Exet- erd night 18th in the Exeter epo s ape. orld (Thursdaiyr,. March_20tth, t.1J41 eeds Christ "FOR THERE IS ONE GOD, AND ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, THE MAN CHRIST JESUS; WHO GAVE HIMSELF A RANSOM FOR ALL --Tim. 2: 5,6. "NEITHER IS THERE SALVATHON IN ANY OTHER; FOR THERE 15 NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG. MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAts VED." Bread on the table "FOR WHOSO'WER. SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED."—Rom, 10: 13. TUNE IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7,30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST" N the meal is ready! Mutual Network, Sundays. Be sure you have plenty of delicious wholesome TASTY -NU Bread always ready to put on your table! No meal is complete without bread. The Willert's Bakery always has cFhinky 's FIRST HATCH WILL BE ON JANUARY 16th. We have nonsexed chicks and pullets to spare before Feb. 13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season. We hatch Bared Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussex, New Hampshires and White Rocks as purebreds and New Hamp- shire XBart Barred Rocks, X White Rocks,re as Xcros breds seer; White PRICES ON HEAVIES AT HATCHERY fresh, crisperusted TAS TY -NU Bread. Buy an extra loaf to -day. a es a Tuesday g A- h sup to be a humdinger Successor to Hess insurance Agency .1illert'S Bakery since there is a !teen rivalry between W W these clubs. In League plsv the res - .t. W. HABERER ord between Exeter and Hensall was PHONE 100 ZURICH Phone 161 Zurich, Ont one win and a tie for Exeter. Nonsexed Pullets Jan. 16th to Feb. 10th .... 14c 25c1wil�c 26c Feb. 13th to Mar. 6th . ••• • .. 15c 27ce Mar. 10th to April 21st 14c 25c April 24th to May lot 13c 2!5c After any, 1st White Leghorns nonsexed are is less and Pullets are 3s higher White Leghorn x White Rocks •crossbreds nonsexed are 1c less and Pullets are lc higher than heavies. All prices are subjectchange ge without i hou notice and delivery cannot Cockerels 5c 5c 5c 7c 8c McKINLEY FARM AND HATCHERY . Zurich, Ontario GUILD qieSNAPS14OT CLEAR, SHARP PICTURES Clear,pshots are simple to get—just by following sharp, Interesting spa a few easy tips. The best shots are those that "tell a story." \y SAT kind of snapshots do you ''VV like best? If I asked you that, you would probably say, "I lite sharp snapshots—good and clear— that are' interesting and nice to look at." All right—you can have them, and really very Just a few easy rules, matter, and agood look at the subject before you shoot. Sharp snapshots you will always get it the subject is still, the camera is steady, and the lens is set for the right distance from the subject. Most cameras, even some of the in- expensive ones, can be set for dif- ferent distances—and this allows you to move nearer the subject, or farther back, so as to have exactly j sthatsetuwant in the picture. You the lens for the distance from camera to subject, and shoot. Clear snapshots you can always get it the subject is well lighted, and if you give the proper exposure. Of course, if half the subject is in black shadow, You can't expect your camera to see the details. That's why You use two lights for most indoor snapshots --one for the main light, and one to brighten up the shadow side. When using just one light—like a flash bulb You should usually have it quite near the camera, so it will reach all of the subject that is in the picture. Interesting snapshots you can get,. very easily, if you keep things sim- ple. It Is especially bad to clutter up a picture with objects that aren't necessary. For example, if you took. a •picture of Grandmother peeling apples, it would be a mistake to have the whole kitchen in the back- ground, with sink and stove and work table and doors and windows all in view. No—you just want her, and the apples, and maybe Johnny looking on, but nothing else hat can be avoided. A. perfectly plain background is best. Whenever possible, your subject should be doing something—some simple act—because then the pic- ture "tells a story." Such pictures have a point—and folks really en- joy looking at them. Try these suggestions, and you'll just naturally get clear, sharp, in- teresting shots. It's more pleasant than doing things the wrong way— and the pictures are much more sat- isfying. atisfying. 325 Sohn ,an Guilder