HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-03-20, Page 4= ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD *Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS 'The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! • *••••••••**4•4* 4,41•440***. • • • • • C, drd HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED Fertilizer! Fertilizer • '0 e WE ARE AGAIN TAKING ORDERS FOR FERTILIZER. 0, • • KINDLY LEAVE YOUR ORDER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE • • Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILBE—Zurich • • • • • Flour & Feed WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK L Schilbe & Son E. C. SCHILBE, Manager AUCTION SALE wof Household Effects, at ZURICH, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th. At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. Kitchen stove, coal or wood, near- ly coal or wood heater, nearly -new; coal oil stove, .3 -burner with *oven; stove pipes; washing machine; Raymond sewing machine; Cycle hatches, 50 egg capacity, like new; Walnut bureau; wash stand, 2 mir- rors, 3 double beds with springs and mattresses; cot and mattress, couch, 2 rocking chairs, linoleum 8 pieces; several carpet strips; cupboard, din- ing .room table, nearly new; 8 good solid chairs; 2 kitchen tables, 2 small tables; kitchen sink, 8 -day clock; about Pe ton of chestnut and No. 4 coal; large quantity of hard wood; quantity of kindlinee saw horse, 3, 5 -gallon cans of fuel oil; 2, 6 -gallon crocks; 7 various sized crocks; 6 storm windows, corn sheller, 4 bar- arels,12 coal scuttles, 4 lamps, lantern, blinds, curtains, picture frames, wash board, 2 boilers, tub, snow shovel, oal shovel, scythe, rake, hoes, axe, lawn mower, cross cut saw, buck eaev, 2 tea kettles, empty sealers, kitchen knives and forks, and a large amount cd cooking utensils, No Reserve—Everything will be Sold - In case of bad weather, Sale will be held in the church shed. TERMS—CASH Oscar Klotpp, Auctioneer. 'R. F. Stade, Clerk. Sirs. Katherine Keller, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. On Lot 17, Concession 13, Hay Township. let miles west of Zurich and one mile south, on THURSDA.Y, MARCH 27th. -Commencing at 11 o'clock, p.m. shar Farm—Consisting of 99 acres; well drained, has 9 acres of goo cedar swamp; 15 acres in wheat; 2 acres fall plowing done, and the ba ance in grass, school on same Lo This farm will be offered in one o separate parcels to suit purchasers. Terms of Farm—Will be sold sub ject to a reserved bid. 10% on da cif sale. Balance in 30 days. Live Stock—Holstein cow 7 year ald, due April Ilst; Durham cow, years old, due April 20th; Durha ,tow, 5 years old, due July 20th Durham tow; 8 years old, due Jul 25th; black cow, 3 years old, fresh blue cow, 3 years old, fresh; re cow, 5 ,years old,. fresh; Herefor heifer, 2 years old, due at time o sale; black cow, 3 years old, due September 2nd; red cow, 7 years old, due at time of sale; black heifer, resh; spotted cow, 5 years old; bred -January 30th; 5 yearline. heifers, 2 calves; black gelding 7 years old; White gelding 16 years old. All the above cattle are subject to T.B. Test, Implements, Etc :—M. H. nay load- er; M. H. side rake; M. H. mower; -disc drill M. H.; rubber tired wagon; wagon box 30 -feet; hay rack, 2 gravel boxes; Coekshutt tractor disc; 14 -plate Cockshutt disc; bean .scuff - ler bean puller, Cock- hutt; No.. 21 walking plow M. H; (yang plow; 2 -section harrews; elec- tric brooder; incubator 150 capaciey; •Klee Easy milicing machine, 2 unit; DeLaval cream separator 650 -lb. enipaeity; top busgy, cutter; 2 sets single harness; v sats double harness; pimp jack, speed Sack, gas drum pump new; sheep clipper attaehment, Milk pails, grain sacks, ehovels t forks tools, and many other artierlet. Household Effeets--Kiteleen stove, kitchen sink, low cupboard, rocking hairs; bed springs, etee; feather tick, easel, pots, pans, and eller household articles. TERMS—CASH 'Oscar Klopp, Auetioneer. T. P. Stade, Clerk. ppi'ry kdam,s, Peeprietot. - • p ci 2 1- t. r y 6 rn yd f • , e PHONES: TO AVOID THE RUSH LATER ON R. J, COOPER, Manager Hensall 115. Zurich 154 40.* ..1=0** s=“rii.•0A0O *000400 .004,4140.44,1,+0•04 4, •=a POSTPONED AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 17, South Boundard, Stanley Township. 8 miles north-east of Zurich or 5 3-.,i miles west of Kippen on FRIDAY, MARCH 28th, at 1p.m. sharp. Included in this sale are 4 horses, 4 cows in calf; cow with calf at foot (all cows have been T. B. tested.) 2 steers, 11e years old; 2 heifers years old; 4 calves 'T months old; 8 sows 'due in March; 5 chunks; York hog. A full line of implements, for fur- ther particulars see last week's paper TERMS—CASH NO RESERVE Mrs. Robt. Baker, Proprietress. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. BLAKE Mrs. Robert Baker has postponed her sale until March 28th, when the roads may all be open In the district Miss Mildred Westlake spent the week -end with her parents near Bay- field. Mr. Napoleon Ducharme 'and fam- ily of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeff/eV. Mrs. Sam Hey is visiting /ter dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge in 'Goderich for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oesch and dau- ghter are 'busy preparing to leave to their new farm home on the Goshen Line N., they purchased from Mr. Herb. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride atten- ded the funeral of her aunt in Kin- cardine recently. They were, visited by a brother, jam -es •of Amberley al- so. 'MSS Emma Martin is improved after her aacent illness. DASHWOOD The Evangelical Ladies' Aid will hold a bazaar and sale of homemade baking on Saturday afternoon, March 22nd at three o'clock in the office of Klumpp's planing mill. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Gordon Eagleson motored to Windsor on Sunday, Miss Myrtle ,Gaiser of Preston, spent the week -end at her home here Mrs. K. Streets of Clinton is spen- ding a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D„ Tiernan. Helmut Messner has returned home after spending the winter in the lumber camp. George Wolfe of Hamilton spent the week -end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. D. Keys of London, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. .T.. Kraft, who is confined to her home through illness. Rev. Burn will conduct special Lenten services for two weeks. Mr. Kenneth McCrae is in West- minster Hospital in London this week taking treatmentse ..1.1,1••••••••0•0.010.0.I0,11,110.1•10.1. ext and received final instructions. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of of the 15th concession•'were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Laporte of Drysdale, north, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and MOS. Hector Laporte, of the Blue Water, St. Joseph. BAYFIELD Mrs. William Cameron, Seaforth, has come to nurse her mother, Mrs. W. H. Talbot, who is still quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Shuttieworth have returned to Windsor after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 'Spencer Ervine. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berry have returned from London after spending some time with the former's mother. Mrs. R. H. Middleton and baby have returned to Hensall with Mr. Middleton, after having spent some time with her mother, Mrs. N. W. Woods. Miss Milverna Sturgeon has return- ed to her work with the Bell Tele- phone Co., London, after a three we- eks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon. Fishing Through • lee 'Some Of the local sportsmen have been fishing throughthe ice lately, Geo. Little has built two cabins and they are able to fish from these cab- ins which have been taken out on the lake. Herring is being caught. To catch the fish they use no bait but rather a pearl button. A person can look through a hole in the ice and see the fish and the stones at the 'bottom of the lake. No Milk In Bayfield The recent storm was bad, ;but Bayfield could have been worse off. All roads around town were passible for cars, and that with the snowplow. But all roads out were blocked with the exception of the Brucefield road The children were 'worse off as there was no milk delivery from Se.tarday until Thursday afternoon wheitSnid- er's Dairy of :Goderich sent down 200 pounds of milk by plane. It landed on the river and was soon relieved of its cargo. This is a far cry from the days when . almost ever y house- holder in Bayfield boasted a 'cow, which supplied the family with milk and butter, and mowed the village streets in summer, saying nothing of the nusiance it was in other ways. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. 'Orville Addeock and Bobby of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale during the week. Mrs, Hugh McVivar of 'Popular Hill spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs., R. 3. Drysdale. The Inaurau:gal meeting of the Us - borne Township School Area was held at Elinville. Mr. 'Clarence Down was' appointed chairman of the ,school area trustees and Mr. Garnet Hicks secretary -treasurer. Much discussion t .00k place regarding future plans. Messrs. G. 11,I. Drysdale and E. Norminton and Walker Carlile spent Wednesday in London attending a demonstration on Coleman Space Heaters. The annual meeting of the Wohelo class was 'held in the church school- room, Friday evening, the 27th. with Mrs ness and Paul spent Tuesday Mrs. D. 'Kyle the president, in the with friends in London. I chair. Mrs. Edison Forrest presented Ithe topic, "Europe To -day. Her Farm- ers Want to Work In Peace" . in a very interesting and informative manner. The Misses Mary Goodwin, Betty tMickle, and. Jenny Jolly econ STANLEY TOWNSHIP The regular monthly meeting of Stanley Township Council. was held in the Township Hall, Varna last, Monday afternoon. lenbuted a pleasing trio ,"All Through Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Galbraith who the Night" . Miss Eleanor Cook was spent the winter in London, have re -!accompanist. Miss Lenore Norming- turned and are guests of Mr. and . ton favoured with an interesting story Mrs. Ed, Foster. 1"Faible of Churchill and the Carp" . Mrs. Souter, who has been spend- It was decided to hold the 'class meet- ing some 'time with her daughter, !ing the last Monday of each month. Mrs. Orrin .Dowson, is under the doe- The offi-ere elected for 194'7 were- tor's care, and her friends hope she president - Mrs. Wesley Kyle, vsce- may soon recover, president - D. Kyle, secretary - Miss Were Going Night and Day Violet 1VitClymont, treasurer - Mrs. The district road machines with !Ross Forrest 'pianist - Miss Gladys their staff of workmen, were going Luker, buying committee - Mrs. Jack night and day to relieve the sittationleorbett, Miss Edna !Welsh, Mrs Ross The staff operating these machines Forrest. The contests directed by Miss had a very streneous time and are , Gladys Luker were enjoyed by all. deserving a good deal of credit, I Cr. J. C. Goddard was named chair- men at a.rneeting of the 11947 Board St. Jose and Beaver Tom." of Health held in the Hensall Town Mr. Dominique Jeffrey of St. Jos- Hall. A letter from Victoria Hospital, eph motored to London on Monday London, regarding patients with lase on a business trip. communicable desease wee read and Mr. and Mrs. F. bilaterale of the Reeve Kerslake stated that the mat - Blue Water south were Tuesday vis- ter had received the attentko of the i13 tors with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hart- county. Considerable discusskm took man of the Goshen line, south, place regarding the installation of .a Mies Cecilia Masse of «Clinton, waterworks system and construelen s spent Sunday with her parents, in and installation of septic tanks. I St, Joseph. , M. James Bri ht f T ' (rinmatlan War* 20th,, /0411' . 0 To save the lives of our Canadian fighting - men in action during the war, thousands of Canadian civilians gave their blood to the Red Cross. But in peace, too, Canadians die when a blood transfusion would save them. Whole blood and plasma are in short supply.. in some parts of Canada there are no facilities at all for an emergency transfusion. In order to save the lives of Canadian men, women and children, the Red Cross is estab- lishing a Civilian Blood Transfusion Service. By a system of voluntary blood donations, the Red Cross will supply every hospital in Canada with whole blood and plasma. Any patient in need of a transfusion will receive one, free of charge. Your help is needed to support this and other valuable Red Cross services. The Red Cross needs money. .. your money. Money to maintain Outpost Hospitals .. .to help correct the deformities of little crippled children . to maintain Red Cross Lodges, where next-of- kin of disabled veterans may visit their loved ones . . . to bring relief in time of disaster. All these things the Red Cross does ... won't you help them keep up the good work? LOCAL HEADQUARTERS: TOWN HALL - ZURICH CANADIAN X.04. RED CROSS cently appointed thigh school boar of Exeter district was held in th high school 'on Wednesday. Dr.H. H Cowen of Exeter representing Huro County Council, was named chairma E. L. Bilickle of tHensall repr senting Hensall municipal council, H. J'ones of Exeter, representing E stem-, council. James McAllister, o Zurich representing Hay Townshi council, and George Hess of Henna representing Hensall echoed boar. were present. E. L. Mickle was named vice chairman, and R. N. :Creed,: was al pointed temporary secy-treas; 3. Hooper is chairman of the financ committee. Mr. Hopper also repre. semis the board on the area commit d Mrs. Sydney MacArthur who was • taken to St. Josephs hospital, Friday n ,Borithrons ambulance suffering it. with a severe stroke, remained un - e_ conscious for several days. She is re - 3. ported, as having xegained conscious- ness shortly after. I Miss IL Sutherland, Who has been 12 a patient at St. Josephs hospital, aondcn for the past two weeks, is now at Mrs. Saundercacks nursing in. Hensel'. Mrs. J. E. TiltEwart returned home aturdaiy after spending a week visit - ng with her brother and sister-I/14m Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love at Cairo, Mich. and also with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Porterfield, at Flint Mich. Gary Noakes, six month old son of Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Noakes, who was ill with pneumonia, is improving nicely. The comedy -drama, "Betty, Girl of My Heart" which was to have been eld in the Twin Hall, Wednesday March 5th, had to be postponed un- til a later date, due to the fact that Mrs. Alan Mra,ser, who directs the play would be unable to be present owing to en accident in which her husband suffered a compound fract- ure of his leg, and also owing to road and weather conditions The many friends of Mrs. T. Richardson will be sorry to learn, has been very RT, but at date of writing is much improved in health, i tee. Regular meetings wilt be held othe first Monday of each week. Mrs. Edward Daley' well known ii the Kippen district, passed away ii Oshawa, on Friday the 28th. She wa former Grace Cuchnore, and' wa in her 712nd year. Surviving are he husband and 3 daughters, Mrs. Fran: Thompson (Dorothy) of Toronto Mrs. Eldon Southwell (Margaret, of Oshawa, Ethel at home. Three Isis ters, Mrs. Thomas 'Workman, Kippen Mrs. Lula Horton, Oshawa, Mrs. Sey mour Watson, Vancouyer B. C. Porn brothers 'Lorne and Ed. of R. Will- iam and Sam of Seaforth. The re- mains" arrived in Seaforth Monday where a public service was held from the A. G. 'Whitney 'funeral home at 2p.m. Interment in the Maitle.ndbank Cemetery. The Arnold Mission Circle of Car- mel 'Chruch held their meeting at the home 'of Mrs. C. Kennedy Friday. Mrs: L. Beynham 1st vice-president presided. There were twenty present. The scipture lesson •was read by Mrs. C. Forrest and prayer offered by Mus. W. Brown. Mrs. P. A. learguson presented the topic "India". 'Lunch- eon was served. The March meetin g o d ill be held at the home of Mrs. W. Pawn. Hibbert Township Council Meeting cheduled ifor Monday Metall 8'rd was ostponed due to weather and road A large meetmg was held in the ed with Mr. end Mrs. 31 • iti G av I nders R. nrs,viale bond ens. e e Parish Hall en Monday evening for before leaving for Atlanta, Georgia, wefze to have been considered the purpose of organizing themselves; to attend the Shriners 'Converition„ImAkthwe will be toTIMOrOci at for the Dioaein program now under' PICKS CHAIRMAN' way. ,A1I the teittn leaders were pres- Te inaugural meeting of the r dab. e•• I Hensall Caudell Minutes Regular meeting of the Village Council held on eve of February 4th at 8 p.m. in the Councif Chamber, with all members being present, T. Kyle reported the pump in the well at the rear of the Hall as being in poor shape, instructed to advise G. M. Drysdale as to the action that will t be taken by the Council. J. A. Paterson Tax Collector re- ported as halving collected $05.88 in v Tax arrears leaving a (balance un- I collected on the 1946 roll of $.245.68. W. Parke reported as reeeiving an unsigned letter complaining about pin ball machines sante read and filed Correspondence read as follows, Man, to ;return the buttonand badge whfell I Inspector of Provincial .Police, Court- delivered to him, also to as W. L. at this 'ity Treasurer, Dept. of Health, C. 'Davidson 'when he was going to atart a later St6eper , County Clerk, Canadian drilling test wells. Natienfal Railwaris, Dominion Road That we now adjourn. i c venue, Composers Authors and Pah.- listbere Association, Westeel Products". Ltd, Liquor Control Board, Dept or Planning & Developement, County, - Auditor, Canadian Aid to Chink,. Workarens Compensation Board, S. Grodzki, Ocean Accident & Guanau- tee Corp Ltd, R. J.. Paterson, Musk.- icipal World Ltd,: Association of Bin'.'- al Municipalities, Association of Ass- essing Officers, Huron County Tub- erculosis Association, McLeod Young:- & -Weir Co, Meadows Crirtoph Co,; same considered and filed. That we send Kerslake and Pater- sonto days, the Convention in Toronto for two-- Yeas- Brown, Parke, Twitchellse Kerslake. Nays- Middleton. Motion Carried. That we donate $15e00 to the kuts, to Ohina Fund: Carried. 'That we install 'a Telephone Di tha Clerk's 'office. Carried. Rills and Accounts read as Inflows; Canadian Aid to China Fund grant 15.00;Association of Rural Municie- •palities membership 5.00; Municipal World Ltd. supplies 1,4.00; R Dave- ideon 'coal ,Hall 46.05; F G IBenthront postage 5.00; T., Kyle salary 73.80;: F G Benthron. Fire' nsurance 25.00; Provincial Treasurer Intb suli. L16; N Jonnes Labour ,Hall 4.40e: .1 Pfaff Teaming S 4.80 Snowplow- • ing 12.60 17.40; W Coleman Team- ing S B 4.80.; G Beer Labour S LW; B Todd Labour S ,3.20; E. Dick Labour S. R 3.20r G Schwalm Labourur 8.20; C Kipfer Labour B 8.20; J Smith Labour 813, 3:20; L. Noakes Labour S R 3:20; Pasemorse supplies Rink 5.30 Hall .72 6.02' Hydro Commission Hydro Hall 23.05: E Fink repairs and supplies 13.20e rink 3.55 a16,75; W Allan snowplow- ing streets 49.50; W Brown sweeping -compound Hall 9,50. Total Sa89.11. Middleton &Twitohelt that account be paid as read. Carried. Parke &Brownthat By -Law No. -r be given first arid second reading.. Carried. Twitchell &Middleton that. By -Law No.7be given third and final'. reading and finally passed. Carried:. That we ask the Canadian Legion, to furnish a list to. the Causelties• hat they consider should be added( o our War Memorial in front of the. Town e Ith''lio-uncil went upstairs an& bowed the new Stage curtain recent - y installed and (lorded by the fire- men and , all heartily approved the: The Clerk was instructed 'to notify - W. Geromette thespecial Polle ikt h nerY 0,, ept ot National Re- Ames L. Pa,terston; ate*,