HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-03-20, Page 1Established 190,116 ZURICH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY MVIOR11I' 1 IG, MARCH 20 i9 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHil y1.50 a Year in Advance $1.15 in U.S., in Advance. Lit t �.� herald know of your COMFORTA LE GLASSES At. REASONABLE PRICES c, E. id .$ ft`b rH �A• 0 00 OPTOMETRIST Ea EXETER Wine Newest Approve,c4. Method of Eyesight Testing Used-. `;pen every Week Day Except Wednesdn r. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices t..g..p.÷• 1-4.4.41-b.+++4.4 .,r+•u- 4+444.44++ 3 4..¢.4.4.4*.+ F4.4••h44.4 1.44 4. 4 4. 4- 4. 4. •I• 4. .4. t + :...•g.a••y.4..-r•4••E4++.t.4.-1•• '8•d -i•4r-&44+4. 1.1•• a••S••d••a✓r+++.0.1r+•E++.1-1-+ +.0 '_ucR glavrat fjJnie Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick aanAA injured. Licensed Embalmer :'.nd. Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE N. 70 Dashwood SMI ntario IN l IMO 111111111 11111111111 ,$) 1 11 Ili( 111 ' iwl, t11 CHN tore When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced nn '? Oe&c PRODUCE WANTED. ►.. UI,Y1Iod ). Mit I ISE 1..Nile 1(104 urich Phone 165 11 1111 i>�111 'UhhI ,RDRZOISDOIEMENIESMIntieliternMENOMEZIMOrleassresannInnknaiarenSanSHISDEnganonnansnensnsnenSISM. to GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday AYLMER VEG.. SOUP, •O -.Oz. TIN . . Sc ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 7 -LB. BAG 25c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PORIDGE,. PKG.... .., 18c DICED CARROTS, 2 TINS . . 15c MIXED NUTS, 40c PER LB. _ .......• ....... . PALMOLIVE SOAIP's 3 REGULAR BARS 20c 3 GIANT BARS, FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR YOUR Spring . Papering COME AND SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. DRAPERY MATERIALS AT VARIOUS 'PRICES Ladies and Childrens Phone 140 C. H. THIEL fneemmitemeweneftwommmesorms 27c Dresses Zurich CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my many friends and neigh- bours for all the kindnesses, cards, and treats in my recent illness. - -Mrs. Keith R. Westlake. South . Huron Agricultural Society r SEED SHOW Was held in the -Town, Hall, Hen - sail, Saturday afternoon, March 1.5. Prof. Regan, of the O.A..C., Guelph, acted as judge and congratulated the Society on its fine exhibits: The Prey vincial Waeed Inns•pector also addres- sed the Meeting on Weed Eradication Mr. J. J. Johnston of the Dept. of Agriculture, London, gave a very in- teresting discussion on the control of nic-rot and water -core in turnips. In addressing the Society, Prof. Keegan discussed new varieties of oats and. barley, Beacon and Beaver oats have rust resistance to stem rust and some resistance to leaf rust, are high yiel- ders of grain. Montcalm barley, he said,' originat- ed at MacDonald College, is the only smooth owned variety acceptable• masters in Canada. There is an op- portunity to grow this variety in this district as cash crop. The prize winners: Early oats—N. .Clark, L. Chapman, A. ,Shirray, A. !Wolper, H. Wright. Late oats—O. Tuckey, W Elliott, A Shirray, L. Chapman, N' Clark. Barley—Wm. Elliott, H. Strang, Allan Wolper, J Alexander, H Wright Field Peas—A. •Shirraly, IL Wright Field Beans --J McEwan, A. Shir- ray, C. Down, L. Chapman, W Alex- ., Soya Bean -s t Chapman; A Shirr - ay N Clark. ' Timothy Seed --L Ohapmanr W. Alexander, A. ;Shirray, H 'Wright. Red Clover—W Alexander, H. Wright, A .Shirray, L Chapman. Alsike Seed—Albert Shirray. Potatoes—Albert Shirray. Alfalfa .Seed'—A. Shirray. Special prize of busher of corn on co?b—A.Illan Walper, J Alexander, W Alexander. Table Turnips—A Shirray, J Mc - Ewan. Most creditable showing of grain and seeds—Sweepstake bacrge-- etr Shirray. First prizes for small seeds—Tim- othy, L. Chapman, W. Alexander, A Shirray, H. IW:right. Special—Bes,t 10 bushel lot of oats H {Wright,. A. Shirraly. ,Special -12.0 bushel lot of barley— Seed Judging Competition—Mur- ray Roy,Londesboro; Ed. Miller of Exeter, -as close second. nits and Visitors Season Is Later We have ;been ;informed that last year at this tithe there had been pot- atoes planted and seeding was on its ways. but we experienced colder wea- ther,; with many late frosts later on which caused some damage to fruit trees, etc., and practically ruined the honeb' crop. 1With the present high now' banks smiling at us after their long 'stay, we hope they will soon disappear for this season and the balmy weather will make its appear ance: as we feel we have had our share of whiter fox this, season, and with 'the beginning of spring on Fri- day, March we 'are happy 'to• welcome the spring. season. Fiftieth - Anniversary Mr and Mrs. George Wiegand of the 14,4th concession, Hay Township On. Monday* celebrated tnerr 50th wedding anniversary. Mr, Wiegand was born in Hullet Township and later moved to Hay Township with hist '/*ents. Mrs. Wiegand is the former Mary Baker and was born and:haired near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs Wiegand were married in 11897. Mr. Wiegand purchased a farm on the, lltth con. Hay, where they still reside:. They have a daughter, Mrs. John. S. Hauser of West_Lorne, and a sonlElgin at-home: There are two grandchildren. RED CROSS NEWS —CAMPAIGN'— At pip Annual Meeting'of the Zur- ich ut*"s' D;7,strict, .I ranch.;;of the Red ,Cit ,klf't'`VVas decided co tak&'part �n the National Campaign for funds to carry on the peace time programme of the Society. The opening date of the Campaign was March 3. For two reasons the local campaign has not lyet been launched. In the first place the supplies for the campaign did .not arrive until a few days ago and secondly the condition of the roads made it impossible for the can- vassers to make the calls. The time the canvass is held is not as import- ant as the causes for which it is held'. Posters will be placed in the stores this =week showing why the Red Cross is appealing for funds. The Society is dedicated to serve humanity in peace and in war and nue are sure that you will be ready to support the campaign the proceeds of which will' be used for services within Canada. • l Huron Old Bovs The Huron ,Old Boys Association C.± Toronto, will hold as Bridge and Euchre at the Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Ave., -on Friday, March 211st. There will be the usual spec- ial prizes -for 'winners. - A new feature will be competition to declare the ibest.. pair of euchre players in the Association. A trophy A iia r: OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE REPLACED. THE BROK- BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED FROM EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES._ FUL VU OR REGULAR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio* of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co.. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDS:+1>N Pone 10 - Hensall at341969tbieSCIe9®k'9S®®SW4 ®064** as Lions Club News Most of the Lions were present at the supper meeting on Monody even- ing when there was a nicely decor- ated dining room at the Dominion House, the decorations of course be- ing St. Patrick's effect, as it hap - ed to be the 17th of March, when the wearing of the green is in evidence. Governor Taal Meir of Seaforth was present as the main speaker, he mak- ing his official visit. His ,address was very interesting, congratulating the Zurich Lions on the 'fine work they have done in sponsoring the Bayfield Lions Club. His address to, gee Club was also very elevating, dwelling on the fact that to be good Lions, one must believe in God and Christianity, and must follow these principles. The countries who have tried other wor- ships, like dictators, etc., have railed to prosper, but a good sound christ- iRnn nation, will prosper, -and this holds good with I.ionism. ?Vir. Don- ald Bedard, of town, and who is at'. tending Exeter High School, gave his oratorical address that -he used at the competitions at Exer-er and London. concerning the nationhood of Canada, this Was indeed very in- teresting and he gave it in a veils, pleasing manner, closing with the thought' that to make a good nation it must 'be Christian. Lion Albert Kalbsbeisch, who is retiring ,from business life, after a successful twenty-two years of hard- ware and furniture business in Zur- has ;1;. en donated to be called the McLaren Trophy in the hondr of trhe late J. A. McLaren, Two men, ladies or -a mixed pair may win the cup which will be competed for an - Entrants must come from the same ich, was then called upon and gave section of Huron County. • Entries l a very good account of himself, and will be accepted up to the time ' of l it dose of his addsthe eTail- competition. il C)nftrister, Lion -Ofirville, Alb - Refreshments will be, .served and: ert for being able to retire being tri ';11 Marmites will be welcome,. I business fox such a short time. SO es of 00090 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BEd .AND ,WHEEL CHAIR FOR RENT> FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich SYD a potoopob9vi7ae?+43!ar,2B4:. S.1+M tS+64aSJoemem$S065**0JI806000yJ6d6 0x'40SO ammumatougmatammommagiammorimmorozommErimeuirtsfarsizom SS a 0 5, a a a Ward Fritz SALES Wan. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND- EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND- INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION .AND DUNLOP TIRES 'EXIDE AND PRESTO -LTTE BATTERIES 5 PR OI rC E EV WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING Chick Season IS HERE AGAIN. GIVE YOUR CHICKS A GOOD START WITH_ THE FOLLOWING: Pioneer Chick Starter SCRATCH FEED, CHICK -SIM. GRIT AND OYSTER SHELL, ALSO A FULL LINE OF MIXED FEEDS FOR STOCK. WARNER AND JAMESWAY ELECTRIC BROODERS; BURNING BROODERS AND COAL BROODERS A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always OIL r BLAKE SLOB,® Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone t 11-97 goRlimmo•Remelorew,