Zurich Herald, 1947-03-06, Page 2AGENTS WANTED GHTNING ROD DEALERS E NOW HAVE A COMPLETE eitoolt of all Lightning Rod Mate - Tittle on hand and can supply Me - Mediate delivery, Why not write and enquire about a dealership for your territory: Our equipment is the best on the market and our prices most rea3onable. The 13, Phillips Co. Ltd„ 200 Main St., To- ronto. ATTENTION TRAPPD/RS1 FOR $1.00 I WILL TELL YOU how to Mix rite of best beaver scents ever known. Apply Stanley Fuller, Whitney, Ontario, fill-SIKR-AT, MINK AND DEAVER trappers, Triple your catches with a submarine trap, Ten muskrats to a catch, Simple ple to operate, weighs three pounds. No losses from biting or pulling their feet off. $4.00 each. Write for catalogue. Submarine Trap Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, BUSINESS O1'I'OIiTI XITIll S TRU VILLA(r'E OF G ARDE1iTON, Manitoba, would appreciate veg- table canning factory. For partic- ulars, apply Secretary, Gardenton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, Man. BABY C)11OKS API'leOVI.I) BARRED U 0 C IC cockereir. February and March. $1,00 per hundred. MacIilllican Poultry Farm, Moose Creek, Ont. TWO AND TS4III.E wieEh- OLD started chicks at rook bottom prices while they last. Burred Rock, White Leghorn, Black. Australorn, New kirimpshiree, Liah Stussex X New Hamp•hit'•-., Nr u- Hamp- shire X Barred I.e,ck, Light Sussex X New I-iampehiree. Send for spe- cial pricelist. T:re,idle thick Hat- cheries Litmited, Fergus, Ontario. NEW HAMPSHIRE SATIRE RED CHICKS,, own breeding' fleeke, banded and pullorum Leet •d under Ontario breeding station policy. No reac- tors.' Write for details. Hcecke's Poultry Perm, 'antpbellford, Ont. 'COCKEREL 11Altt::AINS IN DAY old, two and threw week old chicks, Many pure breede and hybrids to oineose from. Send for special prices. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario, BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks, All breeders are IOa percent free from pullorum, 'Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Parton Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. White ttoclt Mixed $15.00 per 100. Pullets $25 00. Brown Leghorn Mixed 814.011 per 100. Pullets $25.00, Leghorn -frock Mixed $12.00 per 100. -. Pullets $25.00. Red -Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets .821,00, Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your station. $1,tiO down, balance C.O.D, Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham, One tart o. 2 COI1IIIl N ATI ON IIT: CK EYE INCC_ bators ter sale cheap. Setting capa- city 12,000, hatching capacity 4,000 eggs. 1 combination Buckeye Tur- key incubator, setting capacity 6,700, hatching capacity 1,680 eggs. A11 incubators supplied with 25 or •60 cycle. Apply Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario, - 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 ,free chicks (our choice). BarredRock Pullets $21.05 White Rock Pullets $25.95, White Leghorn Pullets $24.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25,115; Red - Rock hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn - Rock Hybrids, $25.95, Al] chicks sold are from bloodtested stock, back by high pedigreed stock. $1.00 books you Corder Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario THE WA'V TO BETTER PROFIT in the chicken business is to avoid needless risk, Avoid risk two ways by this simple method . , , first way: Orcle•r now for delivery on the date you wish, and thus avoid the rink of delayed delvieries or higher prices :F'''ond way: Order from Top Notch chickeries and know that you will start with chicks of known quality tram a known hatchery. Top Notch chicks are approved frompull"t'urn tested stock of all the beet breeds - and some fine crossbreds, They're from strong, true to type breeders with proved records of livability and productiv- ity. Top Notch chicks cut risk away down. . build your chalices for goad profit away up But be sure to get y,cir order in early. In that way you e til be sure to have the kind of you want when you want than. and at the lowest Price whether prices rise or fall. Better write for the Top Notch catalogue right away The right start is en early start. Also started "hicks two and three weeks old. Tap Notch ('hickeries, Guelph, On- t a rin. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read whet Mr. Broadhurst of Joli- ette, Que., says about our chicks: April 50, 1046 -"The 208 chicks re- ceived te splendid condition, not one dead end only one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks i eve, received and l have been handling revolts for over 40 years." Order now and get the best. Here are our prices Barred Rock Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $21.00' White Leg. born, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24.00; White hock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, $25.00; I;roan Leghorn Mixed. 814.00; Pullets. $25.110• Hybrids Rock-lied Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, 82100; Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix- ed, $12,011; Pullets, $25.00. You also get free cnicks. Goddard (.'hick Hat - .fiery. Brilcunte Heights. Ort 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pays to raise capons: The price of capons is approximately 5c lb. higher than the price of cockerels. Prices of heavy breed 3 week old to Marek 21st 25c; to May 10th 27c; after May 10th OOc, l'rnmpt deliv- ery. Order from this ad. or send for full particulars, Lakeview Pout. try Warn:, Weill Bios., Exeter, On-. teria I'OirI,Pll\ RA1S1S11:S WI -SO WELL know the tntportence of getting the right clock for big pte fits, depend on- TWO:ODTM CHICKS, year after year. Our repeat customers have kept us in business and growing, her 23 years now. The time to or. der your 1947 Tweddle checks is right now. An early order will as- sure you of having the breed of chicks you want, delivered on the dateou select ready y fol' a proper start to n profitable year. It pro- tectsYna againstinst ]rito changes tete If prices raise, you pay the price at time of order. It prices drop, 8)u bay Coe lower price. All Twad- dle rhis1-s are from Millennia test- ed stock of proved high production and livahil'y, Approved of course. • Ail popular pure breeds • and hye bride to choose from. No Waiting, eprompt delivery, Write for free catalogue. Also started chicks two and three weeks of age, "1'weddie Chick r'raicherlee Limited, leergtte, n tario, inAIVY Cll1CI S ADVERTISING STARTED PULLETS. 2 - 4 WEEKS February delivery, Cash in an the early egp, markets, Al'u s:•crted cockerels cud mixed chicle.=, Send for Weekly Special List. i,cckeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. HALEY CHICK NEW RAMP-. shires, fast feathering Barred Rocks and Red -Bock ll,vbrlds, blood -tested under Ontario breed- ing station, not a single re -actor found, Mixed 14c. pullets 25e each, Write your order iii at once. Hard- ing Smith, Sparta, Oat, CHICKS FOR LATER SPLINE DE - livery should be ordered now with- out fail, Altho we're pretty well .sold for March we may have chick available on some dates, Contact us. Right now we've datold and started cockerels. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N„ Hamilton. "OXFORD" APPROVED CHICK live, lay and pay. They are the re- sults of twenty-one years of care- ful selection and breeding in 0. B.S. They have to be good, because we want the very best hind of chicks for our own flocks - big, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks. White Leghorna, Ramp. x hock Crossbreds, Ramp x Leghorn Crossbreds. Rock x Leg- horn Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-op- erative 'Produce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, On- tario RELIABLE CHICKS IT WALL PAY YOU TO ORDER the beat and we have them. Barred Rocks bred to lay. Leghorn ROP sired. White Giants mixed. New Ramps. Leg X BR. Miller's Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breeders It is not too early to book your chicks for. 1947 to be assured of getting Lakeview super bred chicks when you want them. Buy your chicks from a reliable well established Bleeder Hatchery back- ed by 5000 hens, pure breds and all popular hybrids. Start your chicks early. Chicks started then show biggest profits. Send for Price List, large illustrated catalogue and Poultry Guide which tells you how to raise better pullets. AIso ask for Weekly Special List of heavy cock- erels and 'overhatch' hatch -day Specials, and New Pot Type Queen Oil Brooder Stoves, SPECIAL PRICES HEAVY Cock- erels. Day old or started, also day old or started pullets and mixed. Prompt delivery. Lakeview' Poul- try Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, On- tario, HATCHERY APPROVED BABY chicks -from blood -tested Govern- ment inspected Breeders. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Pure Breeds - Barred Rocks, White Leghorn & Rhode Island Reds - your choice mixed 12c each. Hi-Breds--Red X Rock Red X Light Sussex & Leg- horn X Barred Rock -mixed 12c, Pullets 22c, Cockerels 4c. All high production strains, All breeds available now. Enclose ad and Se per chick deposit, balance COD. Blenheim Hatchery & Poultry Breeding Farm, Blenheim, Ont. FAST, -- FEATHERING BARRED Rock approved chicks. All of our chicks are hatched from our own. selected breeding stock which Is Government pullorum tested and banded. Sexed chicks are guaran- teed 90 percent.. aqcurate. Qualify 'and satisfaction guaranteed. Write for price list and particulars. L. Heistern and Sons., Huntsville, Ont, ELECTRIC IIROODI.R. 150-250 chick size, Chromalo element, very substantial construction. Express paid for only $12.95. Buy direct from manufacturer and save $9.00. Send remittance to Gordon's Equip- ment, Dundalk, Ontario Money refunded if you can better this value. Order to -day and avoid last minute rush. DYEING AND CLEA KING !TAMS YOU ANY'I'IIiNG NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 11LI.CTI(TCAL TeCt.LIl'MEO(T IeROSI STOCK NEW: a.e. d.c. C,G,E. Welders, Welding rods, tic- cesories: A.C. or D.C. motors, all sizes, 25 or 60 cycles, Electric hoists lie to 6 Ton. Spot welders 5 to 2511 K.V.A. Gas engine generator plants, also WIND CHARGERS, 6-12-32 Volt, Aircooled gas engines. Worm reducing gears. Gas driven pumps also complete electric pumping Systems -Shallow -Well or Deep Well 100 to 500 Gal, per mill. also Trans- formers. Alliance Electric Works Ltd., 11179 Beaver Hall Hill, Mont- real, or write nearest office Halifax Rouyn - Toronto WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER. NEW 5/S JOHNSON GASOLINE Engines, 547,10, Electric Lighting Plants, $82.50, Immediate Shipment. Currey Buttner, Iig'lington & Bath- uret, Toronto “Cts trolt >AIX Foil BALK I:lli'ROVim LEVEL Farm, fenced, good soil buildings, water. Write Thos. Blythe, Fusi- lier. Sask., Can. FOR. SALE ATTENTION lt"A RD 15115 POI( SALE, TRACTOii 'TIRES, made of rubber, suitable for bolt- ing on steel wheels, $15.00 each, rear wheels; $7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diam- eter and width of wheel, National Rubber Co. Ltd„ 6 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto. Ont. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 0fl05'T&UIEANT SINKS, 11 0 0 D S, steam tables; oiI tanks, 100 to 200 gallon, maple syrup and honey tanks, open water tanks, canoes, boats, skiffs. Guaranteed atunti- nunt hot water boilers, Inquiries melted, Ttideau Aluminum Boat Co. Ltd., 1320 Bank St„ Ottawa, Ont, CANOE CANVAS 1,vni(1I7'I's At(I) WIDTH also copper nails, tacks and ctieves filler. Write for prices. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W„ Toronto. EVERLASTING FLOWERS A I)1CAT'TII I I BUNCH OP fZtI*1D everlasting flowers, pink, white, ur ] p ri o, yellow, rose and flame shades gloriously mixed. Send $1.00 only, postage prepaid. also pack- age " ack- a A 'SinPPC English h Lavenders, ranine anywhere d 25r a.s l le Flowers, 407 Burnside :Rd.,n 'V ., Viotoria, 13,C, (MME I't:ltt:Ni'iAL PLOWER Seeds and Plants, also Special low prices, on Strawberry, -Thimble- berry, Asparagus and other Nurse- ry sleek. Send for entuiog. May. farm Nursery, Galt, 'Ont. Ill it SA I.tt 101.11 COATS FRAM :Bra. REPAIRS up. Mulls, t n01,ers, tither bar. gamne. Write Dept. W., The i•'ur- riery, 11!1.0 Qecan W., Toronto, t,Olt('I•I(71 t4 (i/IA INt BA141«IAM, tl 'P0 11 inches across, Latest and etari- d.ts'd v,rt ltle.t. iP'. ,ta,hahle p ices, c'stalogue free, Ilubberl's Dahlias, :Min St., ('i:C1t, Ont. HOME -MAIMS i*A'1' '1'ISAP, 9110W idea, cheap, Safe,, etttcient, tine dollar for plans to build your own traps Satisfaction guarenteeri. Ro- bert Robbins, Patriot, Ind., eieeA, IIr YOtt WANT A SMALL ACRE. ego and a beautiful first-class home in the rich fruit belt near Winona and can pay $213,000,110 cash, Write J. G. Kennelly ileal Estate Broker, 404 Ilus Terminal Building, I-iainil ton, Ontario. JERSEYS FOR SALE, to I''UESH- en from March first on, 13 mature cows, five first calf, four yearlings, including five registered. Apply W. Cottingham, Lachute, Que, SINGERS. 'i'titlADLlii SI.WING machine WW1ed With drop -head: Write stating price to 40 . South Oval, Hamilton, Ont. STitAwnl.MItI' PLANTS. DUNLAP, (Ilettintrie. Thousand $12.00, Pre- mier. Samplebuster $15,00 prepaid, 'artier e•u•ly, Cash. Earl Bower, Kemptvilie, Ont, SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE $6200.00-6 room frame house and double garage in Orono -lee acres land -all conveniences -new home with lovely garden, berry patches, shrubs, etc. Possession April 1st. Long Broe., Licensed Real Estate Brokers, Port Hope, Ont. THE NEW MARTIN LOADER IS available now. Fits practically any tractor. Write for descriptive lit- erature, to E. C. Maunder and Co., P.O, Box 145, Hamilton, Ont. THREE CYPRESS TANKS FOR sale, 6 ft. staves x 6 ft, diameter (bottom), Staves 2" thick. Dona ble bottom of 2" stock, Hold ap- proximately 1000 gal, each. E. D. Smith & Sons, Ltd., Winona, Ont, "NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves". We have used these with outstanding per- formance. Book now for Winter and egrly Spring delivery. We can give prompt delivery if you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein- Bros., Exeter, Ontario. RETREAD TIRES, ALL SIZES. Good as near. Firestone design. Write for price list. Prince Tire Shop, 771 St. Clair NV, Toronto. TARPAULINS STURDY BROWN OR KHAKI Duck Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, ail weights. Write for quo- tation4 and samples. John Leckie, 77 Wellington St. W., Toronto. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -In tires (guar- anteed to be in excellent shape); 600it16$5.00 An orders shipped C.U.D. Spec1a4 equipment for vulcanizing Truck- arid ruckand Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Sts.,. HAlM1LTON, Ontario, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN I.QUI1'1'I.1 TiRE 50101' Dealers Wanted i1AIRDRI'.SSING LEARN HA.IRDRISSSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes, Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto HELP WANTED TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON , Ont. 6 girlsforWard Diet Kitchen. Eight hour duty and six day week. Good living conditions. Apply by letter or phone dietician.. JU. 1162, local 49. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED HOUSE - keeper, good habits for widower. Good home on highway near City. Apply 398 Pape Ave., Toronto. 181EDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF - EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug- Store, 335 E1 - gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or ' hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Send Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. it., Corner of Logan , Toronto 'TREAT 1'O1:ItSOLP Al 010181i0i±'- with electromagnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vari- ease Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- lets front CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street. Toronto. IT'S euaDPsleterof RhmticainorNr is should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- � ostpdieg$1 ore, 83$ 'Elgin, Ottawa, "EUI: A LINIMENT" l•W)Il '111r'a A(';tl ilk' ART Pliti'I'IC Irwin. 51,21 6 oz. bottle, Pitt. No, Pee, lee, 114, Saint ,Tobe, N. rot slue!. I S'I'ttt elleNTS. Fir(:1) A, Itoi)1J)Ati'I'ON ,lit''S, sei1�, esclilsb(:cs musical ntstru• mete,: I 11 Church, I'urouto 2. (il'i'Oit'J,t NON t:v I'()I4 !\'Otit:]W BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN 1'AN A l'.VS LEA I t INO SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn lia hid Ptaan slt dignifiedtssinproE ssion, good wages, thousands successful, Marvel 'graduates, America's greatest sys- tem ill flat re ted ca tnlogue free. Write or Cali MAitVEL, HAI ltL)R79SSJNG St'II(JULS :lee i'.loor tit. W„ Toronto Drat„.neh 44 Bing St., Hamilton et 74 iadenu Street, Ottawa. Ute visit 'I'O (;v V EN'I'Oit;. AIN Oht'1,h TO I:A MR1 IN V 141%"i Oil Liz t ut inventions and full lnfor- mallen sent free. The Ramsay Co., i'.egisletso Patent Attorneys, 272 flack Street. IJ;tri wa. Canada 1,A TENTs FENDER S'l'ONAron & L'O611'AN'V Patent Solicit0rc. Established 1890. 14 Ding lVest, Toronto, Booklet of Information on request. I'EIISONAL •W ANTE I) it 1' RESPECTABLE middieated uachelor on farm, 6 miles from t o w a, respectable middieaged widow as housekeeper. With pay $10 per month, Apply Andrew Lawson, R,It. 1, Clinton, Ont. LOOK: 1 $10 REWARD FOR ANY watch we cannot repair; best work- manship; written guarantee. Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station "CI", Montreal. "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free. Me- giddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y. LEARN MAGIC AT HOME. EN- tertain your friends, Complete in- formation and catalogue free. Write today. S. B. Robinson, River- side, Ontario ATTENTION, STOREKEEPERS! Write for free monthly wholesale list of novelties and specialties. Specialty Distributors, 896 Mac- . hray Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. :STAMPS 25 , DIk'FI:RENT FOREIGN, $21.00 Catalog' Value only $3.00 to Approve al Applicants. 30 Different Ameri- can .0., stamps wanted. Chowen, 256 Waterloo, Saint John, New Brims. wick, FREE. FIFTY DIFFERENT SE- lecterl foreign stamps for five cents postage. Approvals, Box 100, Dix- ville, Quebec, PIIOTO GRA PHY 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 r 0 Us Folder Mounts Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74c if picture colored 94c. REPRINTS Sc EACH Send us Your Old Negatives Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 25o We make prints and enlargements from prints of lost negatives . DEPT. 9$, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ilox 120, Post Offlee A, Toronto. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY LEARN HOW TO DEVELOP TOUR photography yourself, Become popular. It will pay you a lot and may help you someday. Free infor- mation: Write to Bob Mercier, 3862 St. Andre, Montreal. WANTED HARDWARE OR FARM IMl'LE- ment Business wanted for cash. Prefer town or large village, Box 133, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. WANTED ALL KINDS OF dressed pouctry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poul- try Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., To- ronto 6. (We do custom' grading). Torrid Air Found In Upper Altitudes Details on the existence of per- petually torrid layers of air in the otherwise cold upper atmosphere were disclosed by the National Ad- , visory Committee for Aeronautics, a United States Government re- search agency. Results of studies by a special NAA subcommittee •show a hot zone with temperature at 170 de- grees Fahrenheit from 30 to 40 miles above the earth's surface. Above this the air grows colder and drops to below zero tempera- tures at about 50 miles. From here on out the air grows hot again and reaches 212 degrees at 400,000 Peet, the present limit of investiga- tions. The probable maximum at this level is probably above 600 degrees. It always has been as- sumed that:: the air remained at a constant temperature of minus 67 degrees Fahrenheit from an alti- tude of about 35,000 feet on. ISSUE 9-1947 11-7.15 CP.ASH WAS FELT FROM N.Y. TO CANADA N ir. a 1W You're looking in the middle of a tangle of splintered and bent freight cars that piled up in Stamford, Comm., on a main -line section of New Haven Railroad tracks that carry one of the heaviest rail traffic loads in the world. Forty -car derailment blocked the tracks for many hours during the week -end travel peak, effected train traffic all the way from New York to Montreal. s S iF By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") In conversation with a 16 -year- old Toronto lad just the other day, it came as something of a shock to learn that he had never -excepting in the movies -seen anybody either walking on snowshoes or sailing an iceboat. It made us realize to what an extent those two once -popular pastimes have passed out of our modern sports picture. eM a a Snowshoeing was once enjoyed by thousands in many sections of Ontario and Quebec, with regular championship meets being held, and races contested at various dis- tances. But now, most of the sports record books fail to give it even a casual mention, and to most folks, excepting in parts of the north country, it is just a curious mode of locomotion sometimes seen on. the screen. The culprit responsible for its demise was, of course, no- thing else but ski -fug. For once even the most enthusiastic snow- shoer tried out the waxed blades, he realized that -as far as kick and excitement were concerned -there was about the same difference be- tween the two as, say, making love to a pretty girl over the long-dis- tance phone,• and doing same in person. as a a Ice -boating, even in its palmiest days, only had a comparatively limited number of devotees; but there was a time when frozen Toronto Bay was a thrilling sight, with dozens of the top-heavy look- ing craft darting over the ice at speeds of a mile -a -minute and up- wards. It always used to mystify regular sailors no little to see the darned things, after they had what was technically' known as "punched a hole in the wind," scoot around a triangular course with no change at all in the set of the canvas, making practically the same speed on all tacks. q a a Iceboat sailors used to be very big-hearted in the matter of dishing out free rides; but they weren't always as generous as they seemed. For one of their favorite tricks was to get a greenhorn aboard and, after lulling him into a false sense of security, suddenly throw the thing into a viciously abrupt turn - and some of them could turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. Whereupon the .passenger, who had neglected to keep a firm grip on the realities, would go whirling and spinning across several acres of glassy surface, finally piling up in some snowbank with a mile or so walk shoreward staring him in the face. * * >K But it was all good clean fun, especially if you didn't happen to be the greenhorn in question. How- ever, the March of Progress has tramped all over this robust and hilarious sport, at least as far as Toronto is concerned. \Vhat with a much smaller bay surface, because of land -reclamation, and channels to Island and pumping -station kept open all winter long, it is doubtful if iceboating will ever again lure the youth of the City of Churches into passing up Sunday School on a frosty afternoon. But they'll probably find something else that will serve the purpose just as well! * * * What with these bad bold gun- men rudely interrupting their dice sessions and robbing them of their hard-earned money, and the minions of The Law continuing to act very impolitely toward anybody who looks as if he was even think- ing of accepting a wager around hockey games and other sports events, our poor friends the gam- blers continue to take a gloomy and morose view of life. But we have no doubt they will manage to come through, somehow or other, as they have in tile past. Off To Africa Twelve white leghorn cockerels from the Hambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg, arrived in Montreal on the Canadian National's 'Transcon- tinental Limited, en route to the largest farm in Southern Rhodesia via Saint, John, N.B. Accommo- dated four to a crate, the birds were fed and watered during the Canadian portion of the long trip by Canadian National Express at- tendants. They will sail for Africa on the cargo ship "Cargill." ge/14;i'4i1Y 1' From! pb0Ofsul_`'� sinus Ilifectft9rl TABLETS �A� a ALL ONLY �L 0RUGSTO RES MUTT AND JEFF---. Jeff Seems to be Kinda Hot and Cold with his Lady Friends BY BUD FISHE) pNf y l,tr gpi6 ' D6L10{{TSD, ,'1L=Ft f# !,'� i"iNE,EMMA! MEET ME AT' 'rile LAKE . Atit1.1)01'T F6RGE'1'YoUit: ICE tKATES: r ARE Yoc GOING WELL, VJELL,,,TOR, ENCES'S O. K. WITH EMMASCHu "t'Z IN A WHAT 1511E'S MY SUMMER EfZ AGAIN,YoiJg 01.0 VJA'aYE6! ABOUT 1'JME GAL-! -� � r Catttl.fRtENA? 1e, / WANT ENCEe .,13EStDES,ISTHERE'- ,,;: -ro Go tee ;. AHYTNING WRONG SKA'TINCa! WITH RAVINl3 No, OF COURSE Na ' BUT EMIv A SCHULTX IS so N>AVy FoR A , rrTLS SHt2 mr, 1 1. Yt7. -ft SHE'S f* JUST FINE ! ' St4ES MY waei7GR GAL! 'tK 0 ` ` ...,..,,,.,- ,r • "" moi, ' Ak1W,EMMA, a . You 1`t t'T *� 0 .,, 1 ,�s . , "� ; r'iR�'i �e q *', ,, $j v )' -.t l � ra . 1 i4 .1 h� .W n1L� y � . IR v -..- ,t •r'_ 51 +l y� : MISS setw 7z AS F �. ' \ice `' A FRiet4D? YYrI 1 /�' >:' i. t r' 1. yy�"' t •� J (i' �n ,:F/ d e I �. ,,;' l 1 xt �� � t ei } ' , u � M b, YY .i :l \ 1 �`:p +fit .. ..Y Ira'd yti .. r, 1 I :n '4t��5t '-. e 6+.1 tis tr ? I S �t ,, :'� i zn : !` 1 I I ,' , �r 1 �'• hei'i w . a:•. 3t:�✓- " ti•.' ".. . • •.-. .. .. ''i" '$N,p 1'� '• Cl'- .nF F.F'Y:. 't^ <e . a.. 5�.,�''a y '''' ... . Y�!R Hll�' .... 1 r .- .ir FT",, x, y l,. .. .!. ."'... ♦ �. � mifi� . SYL i l ` .,,.,, Cir 1r ,Y,ry g ( d ,• Iilil lM'M NYy,,,t,x+Ayr,( r ' s. i lr:a l u'Y"ry '