Zurich Herald, 1947-03-06, Page 1Established 19110 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN1 1 •COMFORTATLE GLASSES At: REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z Arhrig4,, R. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved. Method of Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every • Week Day Except Wednesday.. •t+F3d•vi••'k4+i00•4.4•3• 4 4 4 4 f Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN • GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices r ti�-t •2• .t + + 4+4 ÷ 4-. i..44** •t .54 +444++ .xtieral 2 fi Private Car Aanbuihnce Service for the Conveyance of Sick aaA injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE GN'F RI.O FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No.. 7e1 Da ehWin:.,.d; Ontario 4-4•.}..t.ar,.I.'i ,4.p•3..#.'j,.gg..'L.4.,+,t'+t +4,.4+ I ets$ s.4+.Y..q'.i :"`{..4,}.i'., +.1.4+.g..E°'E..}..t..g..iq +.ii ‘33.1221anre, �� ? tf tie{{141p aaiaa� 1 i(fI ili��1(fi(�Id( I(i(fl pull IFINEM1111 usti,„gm When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and vomit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply- houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices.. Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Aem s ascot ., PRODUCE WANTED. (It t iiai{ii a iI BH .i►l�� li!miJJi(1i r uric Phone 165 for GROCERY SPECI . LS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday CANNED PLUMS, 2 'TINS 27c KELLOG PEP, P11 G. ...,..,...... 13c NABOB COFFEE, LB., •BAG 47c CLARK'S SAUCE;, 8-•0Z:. BOTTLE . 22c CHOICE COO1I[ING FIGS, LB. ....... , .. 22c MIXED NUTS LB....................40c PITTED HOLLOW'IN DATES, LB. 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK NOW IS THE TIME TO C,ET READY FOR YOUR S,,t .� ring apermg COME AND SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. DRAPERY ]MATERIALS AT VARIOUS PRICES Ladies a d, Childrens Dresses Phone 11. C. H. THIEL Zurich , MARCH a 947 isits an MARCH 22 NEW DATE FOR ' CAR LICENSES Hon. George H. Doucett, min- ister of highways, announced to- day that in view of'the unusual snow. conditions prevailing in many parts —of the province which have prevented many motorists from securing their new registration plates, the tern off. 1:146 motor Vehicle permits and driy.- ers' licenses has been further extend- ed to Mercian. The minister added that therewon.ld be no further extensidn beyond that date. LIIONS Bayfield Lions Plan Charter. NNght May 14 The first regular meeting pf I3ay- field Lions Club was helu . at The. Little Inn Wednesday evening.' Visit- ors included ten members of the sponsoring Zurich Club; District Gov- ernor H. G. Meir, Seaforth; Deputy. District Governor Len Palmer, Lona. don; and President Ivan Yungblut, r recolortglf•hrateateiweimismozommassgesraear....mater.avalust000kur 1.191.1* Mail In. Zurich Ar we go to press we learn that mail will be delivered in Zurich this Wednesday afternoon, as the Guen- ther Transport of Dashwootl went to London for the mail, and George Thiel, is away to Dashwood for the Zue,e.h mail, No road is open to Henan, all traffic goes by way of the Blue Water Highway. Died at London Alex. Kerrigan of London, who was overtake-; by smoke and fire over tIt week end was .a brotherein-law to Mrs. Geoige Thiel of town. He had been a member of the London Fixe Brigade for some years and wqu'd have ,been due to pension next :tion , ,l :March 10th. Much h r . , symp- Zurich, -athy goes; to his family;' relatives and The following committee's were appointed: Committee in charge of a wide circle of friends. •Charter Night (May la), chairman, Decorating Church L. Scotchaner; .membership committee L. Makine, W. E. Parker. 'Tle interior of the Evangelical Gini ch. at Crediton is being redecor- To complete the appointment. of ated, which when completed, promis- directors, President Castle named es to •lee a 'marvelous improvement. Charles Gemeinhard and Melvin Mr. ;s'ar'is Anderson, of Ailsa Craig Davison, Grant Turner, Reg. Francis, has the contract. M. Corrie and George were appointed Were Lucky Winners a committee to take charge of the Uri and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut, the dance and card party which mei be former, president; and Dr. and Mrs, sponsored 'by the Lions Club on W. l; •Coxon, the former, as vice - March 17, president: of the Zurich Irons Club, Lion Len Palmer gave a sheet atter led the presidents' Dance held speech .giving the dates•and times, ete at to hotel. 'T,,ondon, by the Londoia of the various social and educational Lions Club last Wednesday' evening. functions to be held by the Lions Club of London in the near future. At a previous meeting of theEx ecutive, J. J. Finch was appointed Chief Lion and Spencer Ervine, Tail Mrs, Hess, Zurich, was present to` lead in the singing. The closing songs of the evening were accompanied by Mrs. James Ferguson, who is' the pianist for the Bayfield Ciub. HENSALL NEWS Mr. and :Mrs. James Wright„ of fortunately ' not so with the stal- Kippen returned home Last weep,• worths frons, the country, who owing after spending two weeks visiting to the blocked roads, could not be their son and daughter-in-law Mr. present, but most of these were and Mrs. Gordon Wright in Lorne voted a 'credit attendance, as it was Park. Mr. and ills. James A. raterson were in Toronto, where Mr. Paterson attended the Municipal Convention. Mrs. C. L. Jinks spent Friday last in London, visiting with her brother arranged a very interesting quizz Mr, Wellington Blatchford, who Is ill. which included all Lions present. A. Mrs. Martha Gregg, of Moose Jaw, very lively aeingesong was the latter Sask., is spending a few weeks vis- part of the meeting, and a hearty Ulna. her sister and brother-in-law, vote of thanks, to the pianist, Mrs.. Ward Fritz, OBITUARY Dies At London 'Solomon F. Miller, of 50' Philip tore of her right ankle caused when treat, London, who died Tuesday, she slipped and fell on the ice. Dr. %St ; at Victoria Hospital in his 64th J. G. Goddard is the attending phy- year, was entotauber temporarily at sician. Mount ]Pleasant Cemetery following The many friends of Rev. A. E. sei^vfces at 2 pan., Friday, at the Hinton of Kippen, who has been aFerguson Funeral Home. Born. patient for about a year at Victoria at Dashwood, he was a time of the Hospital, London, will be pleased to late? Charles and Mary Miller, and learn that he has returned home and came to London as, a boy. He was ,expects to occupy his own pulpit at employed for several years with the Easter or befo,rca Landon street Railway in the clays of T raac Mixup horse-drawn cars. At his death he Two trucks and a car figured in was employed at Hotel London. Sar- an accident on No. 4 Highway two riving are three sisters, Mrs. Sylv. and a half miles south of Howell, Witmer of Zurich; Mrs. G. W. Shore with damage resulting to the car and of Woodrbridge, and Miss Matilda one of the trucks. While proceeding Miller of Toronto; three brothers, towards Hensen, Frank Forrest, dri- Jack W., of. Raconville, sank; L. A. ver of the truck owned Eby George Miller, of Winnipeg, and W. C Miller Bennett, who operates the Iieneall aC Brocket, Alta. Funeral services Dairy, was forced to swing into the were conducted by Rev. lir. C, V. ditch to avoid another truck in a McLean of Dundas St. United church snow drift, as he had swung out' the body will later on be taken to A car carrying two air farce person- Exeter Cemetery for burial. ell ::mashed into the rear of the truck Late Bernette Mousseau slight damage was done to the truck, Barnette Bei ~esus the youngest but the car was badly damaged. Had Sax Social member of the well known Mousseau The Arnol Circle of Carmel Pres- family of the French Settlement, must south off Drysdale, passed away in' Victoria lHospital, London, on Saturday, March 1st, in her 62nd year. The departed was well known Ms Ivan • Yungblut: held a lucky num er and .von , :a pair ef. Nylon stoe' 'figs, while Mrs. W' 13. ,Coxon, also field a lucky nuniiberand won a pale Of Scottie ,Bronze book ends a' is ; the many ,other : prizes that. *6°''givei': n' "faire`' evening n as''very- much enjoyed. Lions Club News At the regular supper meeting on Monday evening the Lions Trona town were present every man, but un - CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.60 a Year fin Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advanee. Asir . , s 32 PIECE BREAKFAST SETS AT $9.95 -THESE ARE OUTSTANDING VALUES CHOICE OF SEVERAL CHARM- ING DESIGNS. COMMUNITY PLATE AND 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVERWARE IS NOW AVAILABLE 26, 34, AND 42 PIECE SETS FROM $16.75 UPWARDS LET US SHOW YOU THESE VALUES A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for ]BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal:: Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimize 1 Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall 0 0 0 R a 0 • 0 0 Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich a 0 a J'000.n w 900,3*C6'ye, olaiG:G+k8i56[, aitofiator40e0ooseaFPeit).c asacio00C '0600 00t30p;evaaNs ase,0 Westlake Funeral Home Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director COMFORTABLEH-OSPP1 AL BED AND WHEEL I L CHAIR ReRENT 0 0 utterly impossible to be out to attend i € The speaker for the evening, Prof.' g Hubert Kalbfleisch, could not at- e tend, but the program went on just! 58 the same with Lion Gordon having '• Mr. and Mrs. James Wright of Kip - pen. Mrs. Milton Lavery was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday suffering from a severe frac- byterian church held a box social at the home of Miss Jean.Meanteen on Friday evening; last, the•membersand l 1 1 f the iters the invited nt.ittan(s o' le mcni ^weste for the event. Nineteen bores iia the district, always being of a were auctioned. 'rhe highest realiz- jolly and -cheerful disposition, and ing $2.0.0. • $32.00 was realized, the .she will 'bc .'heady missed by her boxes were auctioned by Mrs. F. Tion- many .friends, and mostly by her ' Orme A. program was enjoyed, con- brother, Edward, who lived with her ei=brig of quartette composed af' on the olcl homestead. The body is ;blit:. P. A. Ferg;uete Mrs. Harold resting at the family residence until Bell, Mrs. ]toy McLarene, rS, W.: 'funeral can be held, owing' to the, brown, who 'eank for their selection: inclement weather, ns the funeral r had been set for Tuesday' morning, 0 0 0 0 0 0 bell= 17' .. :..tis ..,,7=13 ; da „Z' r,twi:+� r"�•i^.;'d�.�..n"±G"«�k�,e�•+r.�:,'�n,:maw.':,�as+l�tak.,iii.£iu;':.�.a�...:.ss,:ie�i;Y+na.;.t��oav�+a�dt'K.,:,"���. Ward Fritz SALES MEMSIF �/'i�mi . McAdams 0 0 0 0 0 3 48 0 0. SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT' FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS rAPPROVED 4_ E R_y_I C E� GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING "Lazy Days " 1VIr:, C. Kennedy was :cconnpanist. Mrs. •Ii.iiton. Lang f, withinterment it ri It hi St. Peter's +.(,.eget, Eacter C6nducted tea tnlctl'c';std quiz, 'i wootommamomoiot'NF cwgiii't06-6de,4;6,- i„,+:•a.• .b 4 r'3 ten` x`1:.10 Season IS HERE AGAIN. GIVE YOUR CHICKS A GOOD START WITH THE FOLLOWING: Pioneer Chick Stater-. SCRATCH FEED, CHICK -SIZE GRIT AND OYSTER SHELL, ALSO A FULL LINE OF MIXED FEEDS FOR STOCK. WARNER AND JAMESWAY ELECTRIC BROODERS; OIL BURNING BROODERS AND COAL BROODERS A (God Line of Patened Medicines on hand always Edmund Swalzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 0