HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-02-27, Page 8011.'2.0 21. 22. 1. 0 • 011.•••••••••••••••••s: • • , • • p• . r fr • r A • LPAPERS WHILE WALLPAPERS ARE STILL IN SHORT SIPPLY. WE HAVE A FAIR ASSORTMENT OF NEW PAPERS TO CHOOSE FROM, AND SMALL LOTS ARE SHIPPED TO US WEEKLY. COME AND SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS! ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF BUNDLE LOTS OF FROM 3 TO 6 BOUB:.E TIOLLS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. en's Wear' A NEW LOT OF MEN'S TOP COATS IN GREY.AND BROWN TWEEDS AT REASONABLE PRICES, ANP A SUPPLY OF MEN'S GERSEY VESTS AND JOCKEY SHORTS FOR SUMMER WEAR • Lenten Specials HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE, TIN ORANGES 29, 2 DOZEN FOR SARDINES IN OIL MACORONI, 2 LBS FOR SPAGETTI, PER PKG. PEANUT BUTTER, PER LB. LIPTON NOODLE SOUP, 2 FOR GRAPE FRUIT JUICE, 48 -oz. TIN SMOKED HERRING, LB. 25c 39c 9c 15c 12c 39c 25c. 29c 38c., FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK -END Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH • • ZURICH HERAI .0 tilTEKEST Rev. C. B. Heckel -140'm made a busine4s trip to Kitchener last week. Mrs. Dennis Bedard, Sr., is spend- ing a few weeks'in Detroit with some o. hc children.. MS's. M. Minim is at present, visit- 1.0 aan,—Divine Services. w.th relatives and friends at Kitchener. v iolet Rader of Toronto, is vit.iting at the home of her sister, Everybody Welcome to all Services Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang. 113011310•11E0**0162.1111011•01410.20011.01*S2122.220./.221.1/•1•21411=111*111.• We are informed_ there are cases of scarlet fever in our Village, Wish - hag them a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mitchell of Caladonia is stay- ing at the home of her daughter, Mr an." Mrs. Walter Eckel, Goshen line north, for a few ,weeks. • Mr, and • Mrs. McLean of London, Were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. arid Mrs Lloyd O'Brien. Mrs. Clayton Smith -and sons, Gor- don and Stanley, of the Blue Water Highway, made a business trip to Stratford last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh 'and children of Clinton were visitors at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breaky one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Kaufmann, R. N., has returned to • her home • tn. Toronto, after nursing her ,sister, Mrs. Keith Westlake, who had been in, but has irri,irove•d and is able to be up. This, her many friends, are pleased to hear Mr. Gordon Sewell, our popular manager of the Bank of Montreal in Zurich, is at Toronto for two weeks, at the Bank's Head Office, for special training. Mr. II. A. Bennett or Ham- ilton is relieving manager, until ,Mr. returns. Mr. and l'Irs„ Newell G•eigei. of the Goshen ie noL, \isited at ,Kitch- ener and were accompaniedhome by the latter's mother, 'Mrs. Mary Man- sbn who had visited there and other places for a few weeks. Engagement The engagement is announced of Hilda. Alma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward Maier, of Dashwood, to 'Mr. Howard Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs W. J. Tomlinson, of Thamesford;the wedding to take place quretly, on March 1st. ' Like The: South. We are in receipt 'of a most lovely coloredcard from • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess who • 'are SPending the winter in St. Petersburg,' Florida, having joined Mr.. atia.Mr.S. William Hess of Pontiac, Mich: . for a two months trip in Florida, 'They. • write that•there is 'an abundance of little 'is 'being shiPped out. • Have Moved :Effects, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer have moved th'eir household' .effectsa- oVe the' 'Charles Thiell Store Where they 'will take reaideriCO; while Mr. and MTS. Lorne , Rader will occupy the rooms Vacated by the Edighoffei. farniiY. We Welcorae•Mr. and, Mrs. Rader te our Village and .thope they will feel veat1 muchat home. ST. PETER'S E.vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 11.15 a.m. —Sunday Sehool. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. 121111. • murnismii"H Huron. & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST.:. Guaranteed Certificates AMOUNTS OF $100.09 OR MORE ACCEPTED BY THE COMPANIES. INTEREST AT 23 PER CENTUM PER ANNUM PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR FOR THREE YEARS OR MORE. INTEREST BEGINS ON DAY CHEQUE' IS RECEIVED AT HEAD OFFICE. A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOUR. FUNDS. AT MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST. LITERATURE AND FULL PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, WIEWIMMIS1111•1116 - Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. C. B. HECKENDORN, - Minister Mrs. M. 'Oesch—Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: p 00 010410410 041006000•6111•41140•0440 000 ••••4*0•04942001064100•0411• • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE • Order Now I ALBERTA COAL I •••%•••walacsicealeasowebbanlAlcaras.....YOS•NM•M=MW.A•MbInalallelonft•I• Insurance We are.. in 'a position to take care of Your Insurance requirenients, Stith as Fire, Auto, Sickness, Accid- Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years • ent and Hospitalization. • License No. C11018 Phone 150 A Bit thidet.' Our printing plant is just a bit upset at present. Last' 'September we had new walls and 'ceiling put in our shop, and owing to the illness of the publisher, were unable to have it finished. But now, the' decorator, "Dick" is on the job and finishing these walls, and what "a, hore it is to move all the type cases and racks away from the -walls, cover, all ,our machinery up:and then clean up af- ter it is. all done. But as the saying goes "we'll try anything once!" PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and ,Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinernith- ing our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE WEIDOi zuRicH - ONT. .101101•15.011001104100004100.11.4•006 QUALITY -PRICE — SERVICE HY. GALLMAN - ZURICH Income Tax Returns BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others ARTHUR FRASER. Telephone Exeter 17 P. O. Box 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndmaril Huron Street, Exeter Tiaursdatyi, Fednuery 27th, 1947 .--•••••••••••••••••••• •I• .1.4010 ••••••••aa.••••,...•• : 44•44400.400114W44411411.10111111/1111 .006400**********40440044011 ' • • 1 4 4 4 UR *•.:., Hardware :and Furniture i gi i / 1 ,P Eti t 4. Leavitt's Theatre Phone 135 Exeter, Ont. NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a hipnerlit of New + • • Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which ; seem to be of very good quality, and some Attractive • • color designs. Ta appreciate these articles one must t • • • see them. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have 4. * a fine range to choose' from, a rine stock of Spring t. Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses • . Priced Very Reasonably • BEDROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns • and finishes.. Be sure and see them if interested in • this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements • Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday, Matinee at 2,30 p.m. Erving Berlin's Blue Skies in" Tech- nicolor.. .Paramount!s :Melody Master IPsieco,,featuring all of Erving•Berlin's biggest Song, Hits, 'Starring: BING CROSBY, FRED ASTAIRE, AND JOAN .• CAULFIELD AND BILLY DE WOLFE. Monday, :Tuesday, March 3rd, 4th.. The Show of MliG.M. Featirre,.. star- ringRED SKELTON and MARILYN MAXWELL, ROCHESTER ANDER- SON, MARJORIE MAIN. PAY MORE FOR CLOTHES Ottawa—Canadians are going to be paying more for their clothing as a result of withdraw' of ,the Govt's. subsidy on 'woollens, worsteds, yarns and tops and lowering of the subsidy on cotton. The Prices Board said the subsidy reductions had resulted in cost increases to clothing manufactu- red which would reflect in prices of certain men's, boy's, women's . and misses' clothing. .HIKE 1,000 MILES IN WEEK Hensall — A trio of sailors have proved that the navy can make time in land as well as on sea. Air Mech- anic Second. Class Ronald Stephan, of the Royal Canadian Fleet Air Arm arrived in town with two buddies, af- ter hitchhiking over 1,000 -miles from Halifax. ,Stephan,•who has':been' in England for the past 10 'Months,. ar- rived in Halifax a week, ,ago on the Aquitania and intends visit with his mother, Mrs. Pearl 'Stephan, for a month. • • I Johnston de lialbteisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ti.+411.494++++++++04.40444.44. 44 4• *4* 40 4. .44 .4.41141 'Conning Soon—Enchanted Forest, TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL, BY The Time, The Place, and The Girl. The Jolson Story, Gallant Bess, Royal Canadian, Navy Show.- • What A Winter • 'Another week of bad and stormy weather has passed, as 'February surely is doing its worst in many a day. -Over the week -end snow again pileup' higher than eVer,, with 'the storms raging on into Monday. Some think it is the worst piling up they 'have ever witneaSed. But .we know there is plenty of it and Old Sol will have a big job on his hands to melt it away this spring. Traffic was all tied up over the week -end and only the main roads are open now. The concessions are. mostly blocked up and the Township equipment is hard- ly strong enough to open it tip just now. Thanks to the advanced sea- son, as, on Saturday will be the first of March, the month' 'that always ushers in spring and we will indeed be glad to see it Cane. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 ARLING and CO. 'Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) 1 41,41104•0000••••••••40•040440•440,00•0orrite•44,400• • I , IMPORTANT . NOTICE • 4 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ' ' . • 0 . • INCORPORATED • • : For the convenience of 'Members and. Patrons • s . our . , . • t t D of the Zurichisric,Co-Op. Feeds, Binder Twine, .' • ,t, Mill, at Zurich. ' ' • • R. J, . COOPER, Manager" ,... • • • 1i Iresueli ' * ' :saxond - =Zurich 4, o ... paaj mialla -n, •TAT ..m le entopla mou an 4.213 * • ..c., • • . • •••,,•••••••••••••••••••••,•*••••••••••••••••••••••• * READING ENTERTAINMENT AT ITS BEST You'll find' it in The American Weekly.,..in Puck, The Comic Weekly. and in Pictorial Review, the three .great magazines distributed with The Detroit Sunday Times, Only Michigan paper with The Big Three —The American Weekly, PUCK,The Comic Weekly, and Pictorial Review. Get Sunday's Detroit Times! NEW HOMES FOR OLD Low -Cost Personal, Loans. Enable Many To Improve Their Homes Many people who have put off improvements and repair -Work on their homes throughout the war, are now undertaking the work, rebuild- ing, redecorating, buying new furn- ishings, new appliances and generally improving their propertits. In many cases, the Bank of Mon- treal is giving ready assistance with low-cost' Personal Loans, making pos- sible the immediate cash purchase of materials and essential household ar- ticles. . To, anyone with a, regular income, who is, in a PoSitIon, to repay, the Bank of Montreal is glad to lend money for all useful purposes. The rate' is surprisingly low --27.c a month for a $11.0.0 loan, repayable in twelve monthly instalments. You may bor- row smaller or larger sums for short- er or longer periods; the cost, equal to 6% per annum, is proportionately the same. There are no handling charges, no deductions, ltd extras. See Mr. Sewell, manager, of the Bank of Montreal, he will be glad to talk your plans over with you. You will realize then that "When you ask for a loan at the B of M you do not ask a favour." ...............4............................................. I ' For Quick Sal.e 50 IRONING BOARDS, 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite.. Let Us Supply Your Needs! ' F. C. E.ALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - ZURICH • I Massey - Harris REQUESTS • .. CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS,' AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE