HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-02-27, Page 4fr r'. 'ZURICH, ONTARIO 'Zurich Beauty Shop LOCAL NBWSI TUE HOME OF THE BETTER. OIL PERMANENTS The Bettor Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL!. Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILBE-Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel were re- cent visitors with friends near Birr. Mr. Morris Andersen of London, renewed old acquaintances in town on Friday. Mr. Jacob Warm of •S•eaforth -vis- ited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Emily Fuss one day this week.. Flour & Feed' WE CARRY A. COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER• FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK .'RAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK L Schilbe & San E. C. SCHILBE, Manager I'CI"IHERALD Mr. Cyril Gangerich and Mr; Don- aid (Plank and Miss Pearl Doehn, who are attending :Biible •Seheel • at Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of the fermer's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Goshen Line south. A mother took her small son 'tg ie Egyptian room of a New York mus- eum. After they had looked at the ancient objects on display there, the boy complained, "I see mummies all around, but where are the puppies?" The many friends of Mr. Henry Brown are pleasedho»»ihear that he is getting- along nicely after his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Sehilbe and' l'Irs. Harry G. I•Ieas made a business trip • to ,Kitchener last Thursday^ • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher, of Dashwood visited at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel one day last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,Scotcnmer and.l daughters of Bayfield were Tuesday. visitors at -the Thome of Mr and. Mrs. John Albrecht, the latter.; who had been visiting with them for ,some Itime, returned tome. • Lions Club News THE CARNIVAL The weatherman favoured the Lions Carnival last Tuesday evening, with excellent weather, and as a con- sequence, a large turnout was ex- perienced, and good . competition was in evidence in all ,classes. Follow- ing are the prize winners: Best fancy girls, 12 and under, Kathleen 4(albbeisch, Betty Ann Geselho, Catharine O'Brien and Joyce Witmer. Girls 16 and under, Barb- ara 'Gescho, Betty :O'Brien and 'Moe Ha Ha •Dietz, 2 Joan Merner and Joyce Mousseau, 3 June Hess. Billy 'Hess, Boys 1121 ' and under,H Boys Donnie O'Brien, Bobby Fisher; 11.16- and under, Jack Haberer," Ken'.. neth: Park; Men, Ed. " Geseho, Pat Hess.; • Best 'Comic Costume- 4irlM 12 and under, Marlene Wagner, ary Lou Fritz, Carol Thiel; Girls 16 and under Kathleen Hess, Margaret Rad-, er, Doreen Hendrick; Boys ,16 and under; Doug. O'Brien; Boys 112 and Under, Billy Yungblut, Arthur Miller Eugene O'Brien; Ladies: Marjory Hoffman, Betty Geiser and Belva Truemner (3 Liittle Pigs); Men, Ross Johnston, Dan Brintnell, Leonard 'Merrier. Pancy and Comic Costumes—Girls 8 and under, Donna Oesch, Diane Thiel, Marian Yungbl•ut, Pat O'Brien. Bobby Johnston, Michael O'Dwyer:. Best National. Costume—Mrs.. Sie- bert, Ronnie Heinrich, Theresa Deit- rich • ' • ' Best dressed ' Lion Memiber—Ivan. Kalblbeis'ch ' • TO BUY AIRPORT GARAGE The Road ;Cousmission of - Huron County at a recent Meeting decided to 'purchase a '19 ibay. garage at Port Albert from War Assets •Corporation. The building will be used for storing equipment., ' • McKinley's Chicks FIRST HATCH WILL BE ON JANUARY 16th. We have nonsexed chicks and •pullets to spare before Feb. 13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season. We hatch Bared Rocks, White Leahorne, Light Sussex,, New :Hampshire' and Whit. Rocks as purebreds and Ness,; •Hump' shire X Barred Rocks, New Hampshirer Suses:c, White Leghorn X White Rocks, ir• crorahredii. -' • PRICES ,ON HEAVIES AT HATCHERY • • - Nonsexed ; Pullets Cockerels Jan. 16th to Feb. 1Oth • , . 140 . ;25e 5.0 Feb, 13th to Mar. 6th r 114'sc 26c ` 5c 'ear•, 14th to '.tuprrl 21s_ t 1.6c ..•27c. Aplil E4 'ta May 1i 14e ' 25e.. 7c Ater ¥ty let , , , , s .10'4 . '204 , $'?,. White Legh.arns nonaexed'.are•Ts less and:pullets are Os higher White.,Leghorn..;x White • iBooks crdssbrrds' nonsexed e. nig l c. less,and Pullets are , ic. h gller •thait heavies.,, All prices are subject tochange withotjt''riotice and deliveiy • caninot lieu guaranteed •• MCKINLEY FA VI Zurich, Ont Ali `• • ' • Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column, COST In Zurich, :2 ,Ration Books: Mnd'er kindly return to Mrs. MBtetn niet;z'„ Zurich, phone 172. LEFT FOR HOLLAND Ian McTavish of ,Seaforth leftfor Toronto where he joined 'two other former overseas mexnlbers of the squ- adron in the airforce, to New York from where they will fly to• Amster- dam, Holland, .to .accept positions with the Royal .Dutch Air Lines. Ian MacTavish served With distinction as combat pilot on the continent during the war and has •saceessfulliy passed the stiff exams. Former Resident Passes Word was received • here of • the passing of Mrs., Daniel 'Steinieach; of Battle Creek, Mich., on 'Saturday, February 212nd, in her 74th year. She was a daughter .of the. late Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph [Heideman of Zurich, and as mentioned -hi last week's issue she and her husband celebrated their '50th wedding anniveasary on Decem- ber 29thdost, her maiden name being Minnie Heideman, and was ailing for the past' few ,hears. The funeral was this' week. And her held ,husband aand'• h Tuesay; f ofirning friends have the 'sympathy of many in, the •Zurich district. •- FOR SALE A coal brooder ,500 Chick 'capacity: nearly •new.• : Apply - te; Clarence Geseho, Phone 97 x 9. • Fog, QUACK SALE TAuerait t, February 271h„ :1. ZURICH HERALD .Authorized as second class 'malt, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BEES CARDS LICENSED AUCT1ONEE Edward W. Elliott, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence ,p smptly answered. Inane¢ late arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 20l CLINTON. Charges med'erate: •.ate .c satisfaction guaranteed. A" 3=Bairnec Westinghonrse ES'ecirie Range, with ligh shelf, in geed; con- dition.—Apply oni-dition: .A:pp1y to: Mrs. John K. Ehlers, Zumiich.. :Dislocates „Moulder - 111r. Peter Delehert of the Blind Line had a very painful experience when he and his son Harold 'went to the Deichezt.. homestead to feed the 1 rgittle, The former goingin the barn tnorw to ttrow down some feed and by' mistake• -stepped in an open space and :fell • to the bottom,- o the stable dis locating this' shoulder: "'itis soil= imir mediated,, ::phoned to neighbour -a - An' `,new improved implements or esu L help and snedreal aid turas called. -M••tt" meat, new It eetock to.,Jb'xijd up your Deieher.t ia• 110w renting comfeita.+bly erd; veer building ,' •repsir or et- 1: 1 ,F . Oldest (Person on•,akates--Jehn,:W. Merner. ' ' Lois ' Races.=-+Gi'ris 12 and under, Boys Eleckendorn,' JaniceRegier;. l2 and'finder, Billy Hess', • Donnie O'Brien; Boys open, Don Brintnell, 'Bill O'Brien. •• FOR SALE 8 two -months old pigs for sake:,' Also 112 inch dry soft body wood' at $22:50 a cord., Apply to Walter Diebold, ' Phone 57r5, DasIuweod.• 'HQ1? ' BIG' IS 'A .!ARM7 ' . Sounds like a Silly'•qu'estien, d'oesn'-t Farms are' all 'sorts, of .sizes.. But HELP WANTED A girl for , general house • orl� apply Ito• Phone 215, Clinton. a farm is only as big as its product- • :Take a look.around you. Ask ourrself whether any of these things. could make money for you r'b in ' eases} production—in•-ether' words, gymike'•your farm a bigger'farm • Oscar Klt>tlDpo • LICENSED AUCTIONEER W'a;; sell Anything, Anytime, r. where: Telephones: Shop 149: Res. 641, Zs Central' Alvin H. alTrer• !LICENSED AUCTIONEER Far Huron Count,' - . FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ' 'Prices Reasonable and iSati"sfactlioa• Guaranteed ' PHHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD .S A coal (brooder . stove, 500 chick capacity, with self: feeder. Apply to J.' W. 'Me+ner,,phoiie. 137. FOR'• SALE A• 500 -chick: capacity' coal Brooder stove.— otraari Gharr'ette, Phone -stud be- able tOt•lbe upr '-',And • totrl3i®.n• • i s -PIGS FOR • SALE ' ` A number of"Sitacker Pigs for sale'. • Aare Geiger,. .. grid..wxtl t eleatical s•Ya` T .,, •. r separator, refrig- tcal••aidrs as .a 'cretin: Ireration pumrps, motors, sinking mach, Ines, etc. • "Birt all of these. thine' , cOst ,ironer: Ares might. well say, ,S6 . them, do, 'but that is where the Bank of 'Montreal 'conies, in. It .is the Bank's business to lend money where money will make ' money. . Money `'wisely borrowed at the right time has made many of Canada's rnvtl'fariners ]big farmers 'Gordon Sewell, manager off the lank of Montreal, knows .•a; dot about the farmer's problems. He is •eager 'to help you get your full: share Oh'e 'ire:Wards that lie in increased ag ic- `'ultural production. He makes loans in as Simple a manner, as the •generai storekeeper sells his wares. 'NOTICE TO ' CREDITORS •around . a�n+` " 1 g heat or waiter cyst rt• 'S`:olectri. • . ` . BORN •' - At the Farwell Nursing Home, at' 'Zurich, on February -20th, .ho Mr. and Mrs.. Walter. Eckel of Stanley Tvwp., ♦''ion, (Raymond -Moo{ e) • tinu,gcl'el p -art. 'friendahtp'o£theKed , ti•1 frontier comnu nntttes i✓to�FS ,.1410.4 ill nhen and women back ,from the need'Out Wst cir,a,nlspmedscandi . nurC-in world battlefields often► tell how the ' set, rit- Red Cross wAis :ih.04 to 'aid and com-; ' pied `th ldre&s hospitals.;, must be fort thent--oftentimes to save their. ., maintaiwomen and and eex across Canadpanded. , lives. Now the Red Cross asks those a extended such Solid help the Rede Blood Cross lasstartedo supply.' during the, war years, to keepWill ou continue to lend your help Red Cross strong in peace. •`y Today there *re thousands of sick and • to s Cross work ick and sris sufferinghumanity? sportThe disabled veterans who need the CO*, L/CAI., HE QUART S: , TOWN HALL - ZURICH wow eied FOR. QU1GK vim "3 -♦burner Coleman Gas Stove fn good ebirdition. Apply 'to; Harvey Claussus, Phone'"194. �1Cr;► N;TE,•D, A' Diningroam Girl, , and also , a K;itclsen . Girl.. Good wages., and.good working condittipns ;--,ledforfi 'Hotel Qoderich,•, Ont- • - • E. F. CORBE'T,..: LICENSED AUCTIONEE Tema Reasonable, Satisfaction- Guaranteedd EXETER, R. R. I Phone Zurich 92x7, `vfETERINA.RI,AN`:, Dr. W., R. COXON, B.V. VETERINARY SURGEON' ' ;•Qi!iee with Residence, 117ain ;Sir smite DrugStore . Phone—SS ZURICH; BUTCHERS • •,� k �0. x,. , . s. . ,r. . ., . .w . ., fly;, 3rop ;with *kw, , f ' Ten :extensioniadaeFs oar i,oioe of Fresh and ieet..Iox►g: step.- iadasa•.s.:: 631. � ed 1 ts.. l+ognas•,,Sausa got.• rpsi+s, ;15-iu ', asays a] 6 mrg; always- preCii.k t Itiadep itiicedi ttia,�'cleat small nand+ deigns. Willert Wood 1P.rodlacte,. •Z'u icli;. 'Ont. FOR FOR SALE A number of cedar sposts for isa- mediiate sale. --♦Harry McAdams. 1y.V. A N T E D iClark, 'Male of::remade. Apply at Bank of Montreal, Z•n>rc. I EO R .S,.LE Rolstein Cow .4 years old, due rn April. Earl Gingerich, Phone 90ri. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having any; claim. against the. Estate of Cecilia Mathieu, late' of the Village of St; Joseph, 'in 'the County .of Huron and of the City of Chicago, ,Cooke: County, in the State of I1linoise; 'whQ .died on the 16th. day of Januaiy, 1942, to send the same to the undersigned, verified by declaration, on or before the 15th day of March, 11,947, as after., that date the administrator herein will proceed to •distrllbute the said estate; having regard only to the claims -•of which he shall then 'have had notice. DATED at Goderich this 17th day of February, A.D. 1947. William A. Sutherland, Administrator. CHICKS •on hails: ept ash gr Electric RefrieeraaioT: Highest Cash,Prices for; ; . `i col, Hides and Stena H . yunghlut & Sam xea1ahpn, hunky WHITE LEG - HORNS es usual. Our breeding :flock is headed by .Government' band- ed R.O.P. Cookerele. Come and look them over.I o iniecresige in prices. - TWINMAPLES POULTRY FARM, B. J. Klopp,''Prop. General Insurance pRt?��1GF• :•:' sauced DA111,IES- . ..„ Cask tatroket for Cream, Evora 'and • Poultry Have Your ,Eggs Graded oI our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Mana[`i Phone TOt Ztaricli FIRE; AUTOMOBILE, • LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and AOCI•DENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. R.presenting wsell' known.• -.GeuSdi*U Companies ,L�� Rates gladly.quoted without aalaibgaut- Ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 1611 Zurich; Ont. (Chats. IlinshRl1'i' Proprietts INSURANCE Zurich Creamery Your Rome Market for Crea slit Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid. pint a plernium for .deliveredcr ' WV°e are equipped to .give offs • tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department its charge of Mr. T. Meyers. e a soriablet • _ Western Farmers', Mtl#u ' , ... Outwear Feather Insuraid corgi:.. B rea _ OF WOODSTOCK ` .:",,,, ..,.. ,i,L'WAYS A GOOD SEL, EG'I'IO,N, .I�A T .REsuRvi B,A�L,., Of. NG1 r -OP ANY CANADIAN •itill(l'-= ta 1 the table " MEN'S GROW-; SAL ] DOING BUSINESS.; meal MEWS, SOYS', W+D , kk1`' T°a3'IS IiI:Nt? II�••flNTARIO• s . the is ready!INC 61111114 ; 1 ; 11tIISSES AND G']ille rbntnit aI surance at Rus .,oma,. � laecetrrber atiC , at 6 , Be Sine you gave plenty r£•delicious R,E�2•?'S: .wholesome TAST rNU Bread always 73;6931 t t, 10 really to: Burt on your table! No meal pinc d'• Sliurd " E'odawear iia cta¢l'c. mom d`a�sfn , Bank arnit Bondi.. is complete without ]bread.. BIJY YOUR.SHOES FROM] •'• 1 4' 9 Tris ; l-dtu, Apel xls. 'Willer* Bakery 'always- The "VV D. J. DATARS�i fry sh, ., cr%sp-cruatecl W a"" - N U i F. .OPP- loafanextra. 'to -day. Et 1I'S1 lirl: FtItITWI AIB: Willert's Bak r ,IndStItEPIi111 ' lsoDta.inL:b' lo 23,10", TRUN1 S,. 1r A(tS NDS and a._ Ian& ,of Fisc Tnstxxarii+