Zurich Herald, 1947-02-27, Page 1ZUR1 Established (.1 ER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27 9 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.50 a Year in Advance $1,75 in U.S., in Advance. t the Herald know of your Visits and Visitors ,COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Appirepreel Ms tisea of tlEyesight Testing Used1.. Open every Week Day Except Wodamoeday. 4.++++++++++4+4,+.1.++++++4.4.4.+.4.4.4.++++,++++++4.4.4: Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices arti .1afiniag lanerat Calle 3 . Private Car Andralkanc_e Service for the Conveyance I '4- of Sick mill Injured. Licensed Embalmer and .T -+- * , 4 Fiineral Director. . 1' 4 .4 -1- • MEMBER. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. T. .4. • * DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. TO ' . ' * 4 * ' + 1 Dashwood On — tario .4: '.,-- * 11111111111111111111&; „.1e.."1.4.1ere„leilleiel1011111111iiii11011111111.111111111.1111111,e,,,Ii6eelle,"!. . !lire zuRteirs •Grocery Store. When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Ontnges Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many ',other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced emit° Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 • I:6- MIT 'reliXikleibliallMaitugatteaateaneeeee.— IEL'S • Su erior Store aem"......."...oceermsmormnawayss*tamomamentemme • IN MEMORIAM NEEB—In :Loving Memoily of a Dear iWife and dinghter,Violet - Neeb, (Adams). Who passed away four years ago, February 21b, 1943.. My lip g cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how we miss her Ti a home that is lonesome to -day. Was Guest Speaker Mrs S.tewart Bell of Hensall, was ;guest speaker at the regular meeting ef the Zurich Women's Institute at the home of Mrs. Menno Oesch on ;Thursday evening last. Her theme swas "Hospitality." She was aceorap- , anied to Zurich by Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake and Miss Gladys Luker, secret - ON ary of the Heneall Institute. Mrs. THURSDAY, MARCH 6th. Bell's talk was very! much enjoyed by "James Street Church Young people the Zurich Ladies. of Exeter" will present a fine corn- edDrama in Three Acts, in the OBITUARY TJames A. McClymont T. Jlames Alexander McClymont, '73, Hall, • Zurich 'This Play is being SPone died on February 19th at his home sowed by the Lions Club of Zurich', in Kipper.. Surviving besides his and all proceeds will be used or widow, the former Amelia Ann 1Vic- Communitel Welfare Work. The title Clinehey (Wagner), are two daugh- of the play is Betty, The Girl of IVIef ters, Mrs. V. Terryberry, ,Cottam; Heart," and the word is going round !Mrs. !Geohagan, London; four that it is well worth your time and sons, Melville and Verner, Detroit; money to see it. Remember of net re- 'Harry, Kalamazoo, Mich; and Roy, ceipts from this play go tow-ards Windsor. Funeral was held from the Community Welfare Work. Pleqse family residence, Kippen on Satur- day, February 23, at 2 p.m. with give your support. A.denission. served Seats 50c; Rush for Adultes.interment in Exeter Cemetery. 35c and Children 25c. Farm Forum DASHWOOt3 • The tnique Farm, Forum: met at Ladies' Aid Meet the home of Mrs. Myrtle Ir...rueger, The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran =with 28 present. Mr. A. E. Oestre- church entertained the Ladies Aid cher led the discussion of the topic of Zurich Lutheran church to a TI- •"The Future Farm Price Program" entire supper on Thursday evening resulting as follows: Farmers should last. About eighty-five guests an,4' know the price ot farm products. for members sat down to tables ta.ste, the length of tine+ it takes for that fullly decorated in Valentine eolpp:,•!prodnet to be of market value e y, The committee in charge of the app-' from ,chirk to laying hen. These vi- per consisted of Ws. Add.; Tiernan, tvance prices could fie estaCished the' Mrs. T. Hoperoft and Mrs. W.m. Co-operative buying' and selling and. Haugh. Later in the evening !a. (thy producers organieations e g., hog Program 'consisting of musical nuteo-' Producers and they cansidering warldi ,eee, .earde a play entitled, le markets. If, the cost of. production' wood Uplift Society" was presented: eST.highei- than. the .0wareer can pay The program was under the direct- Viten. our economic stem 3s.'wrong, ion of Mrs. Elgin Merrier. Mrs. E. but we thought this produce should G. Kraft, Mrs. Harold !Weber, Mrs. be put in storage or converted into Rein. Keller and Mrs. John Rader. other materials e. g. rubber from wheat. The next meeting will be held BLAKE. • at the home of Clarence Schade with Roland Geigei: as discussion leader. MAPLE SYRUP—OFF ItArioN The Price i Board armounced that, effective February 17, izil maple pro- ducts will be removed from rationed preserves and no longer will be sub- ject to ration regulatibus. Board offi- cialis said the removal will not en- gender any change in validating of sugar -preserves coupons, but indust- rial users still will be required to ob- levee permission in writing from the 47.Z.7171.9// __Ever remembered by her u sna and family, Mother and Dad. . ome y LJrama GROCERY SPECIA.LS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ROBIN HOOD OATS, 'Large 5,4h. 25c CLARKS MUSHROOM SOUP, nae•oe. tin 9c iEfICED CARROTS, 2 'Tins .... 15c tCHOICIE COOKING 'FIGS, 1.41h. 25c ',PLAIN OR IODIZED 3AtT 2111a. Orem• 15c NEILSONS COCOA, 19c 1141b. en• •29c ',FRESH FRUITS ABM VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK. . Dry Goods.. eLIMITED QUANTITY OF FLOWERED CRETONNE AND DRAPERY MATERIAL IN STOCK AT PRESENT LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRINT AND PLASTIC APRONS Tattlaz READY-TO-UANG PAPER DRAPERIE.. $2.49 PR. 1 ONLY 9X12 Re'RRYIVIORE RUG. Ladies and Childrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich • , Colorful emi-PSorcelain 32 PIECE BREAKFAST SETS AT $9.95 THESE ARE OUTSTANDING. VALUES CHOICE OF SEVERAL CHARM- ING DESIGNS. COMMUNITY PLATE AND 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVERWARE IS NOW AVAILABLE 26, 34, AND 42 PIECE SETS FROM $16.75 UPWARDS LET US SHOWLYOSU THESE VAI JE • Preientation A few of the• neighbours and church members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred.. Bancroft, on Tuesday evening last for a surprise Pally!, and welcome them to Blake community-. A sing song, music and games were the evesdng's entertain ment after which an address was read as follows!: Dear Mr. and Mrs. F. Bancroft: We have gathered here tonight to as new friends'. and nerg ou , welcome you to OUT 'community and 'Sugar administrator before acquiring hope as time PAS on yo will con- on wing any maple syrup of maple tinue to like yak= new tome and s'our7aulthienrphieeinduacntlis.fadaftlrapeleof panyro products friends as well as get more acquaint - with each other. We know you weare rationed in Mach, 19413, at have come to as ,fine a community which time 'consumers received for 1 as could be found anywhere and trust coupon six fluid ounces of maple but - you will! think the same as time goes tear or 10 ounces ormaple syrup or on. While the weather was stormy.. a half pound of maple sugar. Since when you arrived we hope that will that time the coupon! value has been not always continue and when the. increased to 48 fluid' ounces of maple sunny days tome back we'll forget, syrup or four pounds of maple sugar the blustry pst. HOCKEY NEWS Now as a token of our welcome. Exeter, Feb. 21 — Paced by Bill deomennaseamegesaamearoseemasomasumegossannsalsomffwA'. Dashwood.Defeats Zurich and good wishes. for a long and happy wedded life!, we would ask on behalf of your neighbourhoodyou, and Musser !and J. dileyter, who combinedl friends to accept thigift and asyofor !five goals between them, Dash - s :u use it, from time to time, may it wood coilectedi a four point victory bring fond. memories of those ,gotle- over Zurich in. the first game of a ered here tonight.On behalf °fele !Cyclone League double-header here. Neighbours and Friends. Musser potted' three goals with J. Had Birthday Dinner Hayter .colleeting two. Turkheineand A birthday dinner was given in Krueger scored Zurich's goals liii the, , honor of her mother, husband and fast but slightly one-sided, game. brother, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hensall:Fucksters Defeat Zarith Rudy ,Oeseh. Members o the fare- Exeter, Feb. 14—Scoring two go* ill,' were present including. Mr. and in the final period, Zurich packsters Mrs. Wm. Oesch and Marilyn Jay, managed! to avoid •a shutoutti i' a, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Faber, Carol Cyclone League game here tonight, and Kenneth of Kippen;...elrs. Caro- but went down to a 5-2 defeat before line Oesch of Blake celebrated her Herman. The winners held; a 86th birthday' and is well and living advantage going into the final 4anza alone in her comfortablehome at aped held off Zurich' ee desperate at- Blakei Mr. Rudy Gesell is employ- taele, :Kozechuckeand. NieleelSon paced ed at the Kallefleisch Planing Mill, Zurich and Mr. Sam Oesch farms in the Hensall sharp -shooters with two Stanley Township, on the Goshen i goals each, while ,Chipchase notched Line, orth, • the fifth. .010wyer and Robinson Miss Phylis McBride of Stratford garnered Zurieh's tellies. n Normal School, vent the week -end Hensall: Goal, IVfickle.; defence, at the home of her parents, Me, and Ducklow an.d.: •Chipchase; centre, Kos - Mrs. Roy McBride. achok; vela," .Nicholson and Moir; The W.M.S. was held at the home subs, iceennedy, Nig, Sangster, Ste - of Mee. Prank Young on Thursday' Phar.., 'Kruse, Little. afternoon lest and on Friday the Zurich: Goal, Schroeder; defence, They of ., . was held In the church Turkheim and McKinley; centre, CP- I 4 The teacher, Mee Westlake and lirterc'wings, Krueger and 0 wy , pupils held a Valentine Social at iAte eube/13edard, Robinson, Miotdo. school on Fridwe attutAtteri last. . • lte-teree—.1toss Haugh, Ntwood, . . A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. blue i'i.aI or Positive Identification. of the World's Finest 1 Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal, Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimizedi Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel!! Vim101•••••••••••••ap••••••••••• 1041#114140 841.60100(1 4, 400011.1141140 41004111111114,40600.906009641414041 I Westlake Funeral Home • 1 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director COMFORTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR RENT Day and Night, Service... Telephone 89 Zurich waesoroovises4;0.1:4•00onmesesssiesisseissosseesescseessm' z Ward Fritz Wm. McAdams SERVICE SALES - •ZURICH MOTORS SPECIALLY • TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND' INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -UTE BATTERIES WELDING AND, GENERAL REPAIRING smmuelanneWslm Chick Beaso IS HERE AGAIN, G/VE YOUR CHICKS A GOOD START • WITH THE FOLLOWING: -Pioneer Chick Starter. SCRATCH FEED, CHICK -SIZE GRIT AND OYSTER. SHELL, ALSO A FULL LINE OF MIXED FEEDS FOR STOCK. WARNER AND JAMESWAY ELECTRIC BROODERS; OM BURNING BROODERS AND COAL BROODERS A Good Line of Patened Medicines on Leaned alwar, Tut BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentrubar, Prop. Phone; 11.4S1 I I