HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-02-06, Page 8*Wm enirAm. •wowir•"!a.fil3R 11001=-°".."1l6:1104' New Arrivals Q0� IP 5 DOZEN LADIES HOUSEDRESSES IN PRINT, BROAD- CLOTH, SEERSUCKER, PRICED$ 1.98 TO $4.50 let) 1.1NEW VAL AND CLUNY LACES, EMBROIDERIES , RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS. NEW CHENILLE MATS FOR BATH OR BEDROOMS, ASST. SIZES, COLORS $2.98 TO $6.75 NEW CHAD RUGS, SPECIAL AT EACH $9.25 NEW PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS IN BEAUTIFUL FLORAL DESIGNS. SILK 72" AND Si" SHEETINGS. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY! ms's Wear MENS AND BOYS OVERCOATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BOYS ALLWOOL WINBREAKERS, REG. $4.50 for $3.S0 REG. $3.25 for $2.35 BOYS COTTONADE BREECHES LINED TO CLEAR $2.25 EVERYTHING IN FRESH GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS as :a ho Bros ZURICH TELEPHONE Si Thursday, Mr 1947 '�.. ZURICH A `i' _ ... P ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Ward Fritz made a business trip to Windsor early this week. Mr. and Mrs. • Kenneth Breakeiy spent the week -end at Toronto with ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTARIO • REV. E. W HEIMRICI.1 PASTOR **-4,44w44-044044-4"0:440wom ***00-444,40.440.600 • iture�n YOUR the formers mother.• Mr. and 'Mrs. Win. McAdams vis- 10 a.ii . --Divine Services. • ited for several days in Detroit over 11.15 a.m. --Sunday School. thewee-en. k d 7.30 pan.—Divine Worship. 0 Services Mrs. aro Johnon o ero day in London. _...__ _._ 118 Mr. and Mrs. Allan ,Steckle and Everybody Welcome to all Harold J 1 sit pent Satur- •. er o Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Niel Witmer, and child of Mitchell visited with rel atv-• EMMANUEL es in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader and Mr EVANGELICAL CHURCH and Mrs. Victor Dinnin and Mr. Win. Rader were Saturday visitors in Lon- don. The Young People of the Evang- elical Church attended the Fireside Program held!' in. Dashwood on. Sun- day •evening.' • Mrs. P. J. O'DRVyer, Miss Pauline Uttley and Mr. Cyril Ducharme at- tended the Musical Recital held at the Grand Theatre ; at London re- cently. Mrs. John. McOlinchey. . _ and .son, Larry, have returned to the home Ill the former's parents, Mr..and Mrs. .Roland Geiger, after spenttcng a few weeks with her husband who hasac- cepted a position in London. Mrs. Joseph Traher and, daughters of London, (Miss Maii V'Hoffman and Miss Doreen Hoffman also of London visited at the home o(f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. iSimon Hoff)nan,also attending the funeral of their grand father, the late Mr .Jacob.iRegier. Has Returned Home Mr. Clayton Ortwein;. who suffered a bad injury to his leg by railing off the roof of Mr. Leonard Zirk's (barn, while sweeping off the, straw and was taken to St. Joseph's I ossprtal, Lon- don, for treatment, has returned to the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs Milton Dietz of town, after being in the hospital for four months. We are pleased to report tiha; Clayton is get- ting along quite well (by the aid oaf crutches. and when the allow and ice disappear we will likely meet him wishthe street. His many him a speedy recovery. Had Annual Meeting A fairly large crowd were present at the annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone ,System on Mon- day afternoon in the Town Hall. The meeting went on well into the after- noon, as a• delegation -from. Stephen Township were present and petition- ed the Council :too have some forty- five subscribers 'dded to the System. This caused considerable discussion. • The System during the past year gave service to 903. subscribers and 47 renters, 950 in all, . and it now has a total feet of cable -of 36160: The "total income for the `*year was .$114,752.47,. and the net income for the .year's operation 'was "$2,731,77: The total, assets of the System now runs up to $83,8621.93. Andto most of us that -seems a. lot -of money. A Bad Storm : ' ' The remnant of the worst storm in history of the Canadian West, is now with us here, with plenty of blizzard and zip, the mercury. around the zero mark, and if we have not got a good heating system, and well insul- ated place to (be in, well, we get a bit chilly.. In the Western Provinces we are told snow is piled up twenty feet and more, it will take at least a week to get the railways plowed b t, and highways will probably e opened till spring. Many isolated places are being taken care of lily the horse and sled method, going just where going is the best. While con- ditions here are not so bad, as most of the main highways are open and going is rather hard. Late Charles E. Aldworth Charles E. Aldworth, a prominent. and widely known fanner of Hay Township, died Wednesday morning last at his residence, lot 7a -concession 4, Hay after an illness of four weeks part of which was spent in. hospital, London. Deceased was in; his 71st year. He was a member of the Offic- ial Board of the Main St: United church Exeter and active hi the work Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST Guaranteed Certificates AMOUNTS OF $100.00 OR MORE ACCEPTED BY THE COMPANIES. INTEREST AT 23 PER CENTUM PER ANNUM PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR FOR THREE YEARS OR MORE. INTEREST BEGINS ON DAY CHEQUE • IS RECEIVED AT HEAD OFFICE. A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOUR. FUNDS. AT MORE THAN USUAL INTEREST. LITERATURE AND FULL PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich g,kuta414010404004060.014141414216Z4110,40 0000 HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE rder ow ALIII3.HTA COAL Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years REV. C. B. HECKENDORN, Minister Mrs. M. Pesch—Organist 10 a.m._Worship. Sermon: 1+1 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 pan.—Worship. "Sermon: Insurance We are in a position to take care of Your Insurance requirements, Such as Fire, Auto, Sickness, Accid- ent and Hospitalization. License ,No. ,C1101-8 HY. GALLMAN - s 1 I I Phone 150 ZURICH - I Income Tax Returns, BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others ARTHUR FRASER Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter 4 NEW ENAMELWARE 4' We are very fortunate in receiving a )shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive color designs. To appreciate these articles one Must see them. We invite your inspection. . MATTRESSES ' MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you. have - I.4. a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses; also the usual Felt filled Mattresses' Priced Very Reasonably WILL BOBBYSOXERS MAKE GOOD MOTHERS? Consulting Psychologist Lawrence Gould sa 's "yeas" and gives some forthright reasons why in his "Mir - 'roil: Of Your [Mind" feature in Pia tonal Review with. this Sunday's -(Feb. 9) ' issue of The Detroit Sun- day Sunday Times. Get The Detroit 'Sunday Times every week for The Big Three —The American Weekly,. Pictorial Review, and Puck, The Comic We- ekly. • BED ROOM FURNITURE We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if ' interested in • A Full Line of all the Home Requirements • 's Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware 1 Johnston & Kalbfleisch I Hardware .& Furniture. Phone 63 this line of furniture. r41*4•4.444•R•+fi.d.•1++t+.44.1, .160z3<8.•.r.se$++++,++++,+44,+4I40 and Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 4RLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) i Farm Forum "What Makes Prices" was the sub- ject discussed (by the Babylon Lin1e Farm Forum at the home, of Mr, amid Mrs. Leonard Er(b. Many different methods of influencing the prices of farm products were suggested. Progressive -games were followed by a delicious lunch (whish included treats by the hostess. Next meeting will ,be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner. FORUM MEETS The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs Maurice Durand. with 41 present. Mr. Leon- ard Merner led the discussion, the topic being `,What (Makes Prices." Prices for farm products should be determined by the cost or pros uction on the farm and if we as farmers know our cost of production, and by buying and selling co-operatively and by supporting -our farm organizations we are in a position to influence the prices for our product. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs. 'Clifford Pepper, the topic being `Ar`e Farm Prices Com- parable to Industrial -Prices" with Mr A. E. Oestreicher as a discussion lea- der. HOW FAR CAN A 'GO-AHEAD' FARMER GO? Well, perhaps that's a little like �•�®o�A®®®®® e i'®d.+s®,►'**O*V...***Q+vooiVai•R# PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, t Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, lumbin, F urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO. ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE .. SERVICE of the church and Sunday School. asking, "How high is up?" A to - Surviving besides his bereaved wird- ahead' farmer tries each year to in - ow whose maiden name was Relbecca crease the profits, benefits, and en - Northcott, are two " children, Rev.' joyinent he and his family receive Edward Aldworth of St. Marys and - from his farm. And so it is difficult Mrs. Ross (McClellan -of Stratford. i to estimate any limits on his pra- The funeral was held on Friday! al- grecs, ternoon with . interment • in Exeter,But the things which limit a far- mer's progress are known—ouinod- B L A K E. ed machinery, run-down herds, ob- solete plunvlaing, homes and buildings Mr and Mrs. Roy McBride were in in. disrepair—all these not only eat Zurich to see Mr. John McBride who Up potential profits, -they rob a man i;. ill. His many friends wish him a.' and his family of their opportunities speedy recovery. I for leisure and recreation. Miss Phylis McBride of Stratford. Yet many farmers, conscious of spent the week -end at the Home of the value of modern equipment, hes- her parents. itate to make improvements because Miss Westlake also spent the we- of a lack of ready money. This need ek-end with her parents near Bay- not .stand in the way. By taking ad - field. I vantage of the Bank.' of Montreal's Miss Dorothy. Oesch returned to farm improvement loan plan you may her home after spending a couple of secure time .saving and profit-making weeks near ICippen. machinery and equipment. Miss Vera Oeach spent a few days A visit to Gordon Sewell, manager in Zurich. of the local branch of the B 'of M, Mrs. Allan Steckle has been in the will show how such -a low-interest liosnital at London, Her many friends loan can help a farmer to he a 'go•- wiah. he a speedy recovery. ahead' farmer --bringing (better far - The annual Church -Congregational ming, better living and better profits. meeting is being held at the home of It will show you, too, that when you ilr. and Mrs. Itoiy Moi3ride on T'hurs- ask for a loan at the ,B -of M you do 1 -day right. ' net ask a favour. IMPORTANT NOTICE HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED For the convenience of our Members and Patrons of the Zurich District, Co -Op. Feeds, Binder Twine, Etc., are now available at Mr. M. G. Dietz's Feed Mill, at Zurich. R. J. COOPER, Manager PHONES: Hensall 115. Zurich 154 • • m. a Air 4. 4 0' • a 4. M P' e •s • •a 0. 01000* •**.* r*®A®®**4•®'4,4-0 cemetery. ( n++++4•+•4••2.5•5.-1.+++++++++4 04 44 !'444rf•1•+++i•+++ +++4444441 < A For Quick Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. T{ALBF LLISCH c& SON Phone 69 ZURICH Massey - Harris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR IMPLEIVIENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R. 67 AUCTIgNEERING AT YOUR SERVICE