HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-02-06, Page 5It's a Drawstring Perfect complement to the suit or casual dress is the drawstring bag. This roomy design of draped calfskin has a gold clasp. HEAVY LITERATURE URE , 7efinitely not light reading is he tome lied by Jean Leggett, f White Route secretarial staff,_ bQv&. X.t's Uncle Sam's new budget for fiscal year 1947-48. `LUCKY NUMBER' ... MAN FROM "DOWN UNDER" LEARNS ABOUT HOC BEY Chips Rafferty, Australian film star, who has the principal role of a cattle drover in "The Overlanders", saga of the great stock drive across Austarlia, was initiated into the fundamentals of hockey upon the occasion of a recent visit to Ontario's own hockey t eam, the Maple Leafs, when the rudiments of a game which he had never seen before, were explained by Bill Ezinicki, Sy1 Apps and Gus Mortson. Chips had not seen ice or snow since he was eight years old. Chaim Bastowski, 18 -year-old Pol- ish war orphan, displays arta on Which Nazis branded his serial tutnber. On recent arrival in New fork, he said it's his "lucky" nuttt- er because he escaped death when Ns parents and sister were shot by Ole Germans and he was one of w to survive winter march from Auschwitz to Buchenwald camp. VISIBILITY UNLIMITED IN `FLYING FISHBOWL' A cabin that is nearly all window gives airmen in this unique liaison plane. full visibilty. Observer can ride backwards, facing the rudder. Designated the L-15Ar the all -metal craft was built at Boeing's Wichita, Kans., plant for the United States Army Ground- Forces, OPERATION FRIGID ..... A ar,...uw.. ...... .....wv .be tJ S. Army infantrymen run from the burst of a hand grenade during Operation Frigid in sub -zero Alaska. The Army is testing winter equipment in the frozen north. BIG ENGINE LOADED &xRx'°a »ate" ;•;`,hl ..,,,.<:: . s: :ate: ..: *:: M locomotive for the French railroads, built by the Montreal Locomotivernlocomotives Ltdvw is A huge 'steam e shown being hoisted aboard a ship at Weehawken, N.J., for eal Works,Canadian affiliate of the American Lo transported to Weehawken by rail from t1►moViYe Comp nY. Library Comes .o You Italy Italians in Rome examine books in a mobile library, a jeep re- modeled for a Turin publishing company to revive its traveling' bookshop, discontinued in the war. The job cost 500,000 lire ($2000). FAITHFUL TO 'HIS' COP "Pepsy" mongrel dog, origin unknown, one night followed Police- man Henry Breitenkam as he walked his midnight tour in Orange, N.J. For months after that, he would wait for his uniformed friend outside police headquarters each night and remain with him until he went off duty. Then Breitenkam' fell ill, failed to report for duty. Pepsy, disconsolate, crawled under his friend's locker and refused to eat. Above, Lt. McDermott offers food but Pepsy just stares dully. When Breitenkam returned, four days later, Pepsy pepped • . up, broke his fast and seemed happy. DISASTER SPOTLIGHTS MINE MENAGE ^h^^Atfantic Ocean rAtAAA/rMWs�Ia NrMwrii.Aww�,�/�A� /ry �yyyyy�ywV rAIIrJ�Ar �'//j�AI /�•AIMxr1'�A /e it `_,;,i .,.../A NORWAY I/rAJA%+r•� Ira�I�al/i AII�Ar/�/jf '� 4 !ri :r'j`' :''North.; I `+!' rr. �irwi Sea A:Ar(.i+1t/, /ibh.�� r+AI' �i�rAA IA./ .r'4 GREAT: w 1411. /+F�,w8R1TA1N��,", ire r� r s„ �aEt c. GERMAi ,, LUX. oirvfrafieo *0 ..P FRANCE nitswmv ,rA/rAI/AA frak oti'ih /i ntihlrAA%st aArVM/M �rr-i 1 • valo U. S. S. R. ALGERIA editerranean Seo �y r�s�./'�_ nrd._ ' 7/..I /MWMWAA" ewt, 7+►4 LISiA EGYPT Wartime Minefields som Areas Still Uncleared The recent sinking of the Greek. ship Himara in the Aegean Sea (1) with loss of nearly 400 lives, presumably from a mine, underlines the menace of naval nines still remaining in costal waters, Inter- national Mine Clearance Authority, headquartered in London, re- ports (2) that at least 'y8 British vessels have been sunk since ii Day. A critical international "incident" occurred when two 3 rittsh destroyers hit mines (8) off Albania..