HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-02-06, Page 4McKinley's Chicks FIRST HATCH WILL BE ON JANUARY 16th. We have nonsexed chick and pullets to spare before Feb. 13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season. We hatch Bared Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussex, New Hempahires and White Rocks as purebreds and New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, White Leghorn X White Rocks, as crossbreds. ;PRICES ON HEAVIES AT HATCHERY Nonsexed Pullets Cockerels Jan. 16th to Feb. 10th .... 14e 25c 5c Feb. 13th to Mar. 6th '1(4%c 26c 5e 15e 27e 5c 14c 25c 7c 13c 213c 8c Mar. 10th to April 21st April 24th to May 1st After Mty 1st White Leghorns nonsexed are is less and Pullets are 3s higher White Leghorn x White Rocks -crossbreds nonsexed are lc less and Pullets are lc higher than heavies. All prices are subjectcannot hchangegwithout, it out, notice. and delivery McKINLEY FARM AND AATCHERY Zurich, Ontario AUCTION SALE numerous other articles. sOf Dwelling Property and House- TERMS"—Real Estate: 10% on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Chattels—Cash. Alvin 'Wolper, Auctioneer. Milfred Merner, Clerk. Wesley England, Executor. hold Effects of the late Henry Eng- land in DASHWOOD, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. REAL ESTATE—Part Lot 23, Con- cession North Boundry, Township of Stephen, Village of Dashwood f1: 5th of an acre, more or less. 1% storey Of Tractors, Combine, Farm Im- frame house, kitchen and woodshed, good barn, good water supply. plements, Carpenter, Mechanical and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 2 Cement Laying Tools, also Butcher - mirrors, 2 si1ebpds, 2 couches, n jing Equipment At ZURICH,MAIN ST. SOUTH parlor tables 1 cupboard, 2 extension jOn tables, drop leaf table, table, organ, 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. organ stool, music rack, 4 dining- ,Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, p.m. .room chairs, 2 arm chairs, 10 kit- Farm Equiment — McCormick then chairs, 4 rocking chairs, 1 iron ' Deering Tractor 15-30, complete AUCTION SALE ZURICH HERALD Bread on the table LOCAL NEWS Mr, T. Harry Hoffman of Dash- wood made a business visit in town on Tuesday. Messrs. Ed, Datars and Ward Fritz made a business trip to Tor- onto last week. Mrs. Harold Stade has returned home after a visit at the home of her parents, near London. of Crediton, Miss Donna Wrighth was a visitor at the home of 'her sis- ter, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Johnston last week. Dr. Archie MacKinnon of Guelph, was a week -end Mrs. toMatiltheda Mac- Kinnon his mother, Kinnon •orf town. the meal is ' ready) Be sure you have plenty of delicious wholesome TASTY -NU Bread always ready to put on your table! No meal is complete without bread. The Willert's Bakery always has fresh, crisp. crusted . TAS TY -NU Bread. Buy an extra loaf to -day. bed, springs and mattress, 2 wo -. beds, springs and mattress, 2 dres- overhaul job on motor, transmission d ; and rear end. Allis Chalmers Trac- 4 sem wedges, mauls, sane set, 1o•ggmg Willert's Bakery PHONE 100 — . ZURICH PIGS FOR SALE A number of Stocker !Pigs for sale. Clare 'Geiger. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. WANTED A Diningroom Girl, and also a BUSS CARDS Kitchen Girl. Good wages and good working i0onditions,—Bedford Hotel Goderich, Ont. .ICENSED AUCTIONEER Tyunaday, February 6th, 1947 ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail,,Peat Office Department, Ottawa. wavatawormaimamssammammaiimairarriiiai 'Mr. Maurice Finkbeiner of Kitch- ener and Mr. Ralph Smith enjoyed the week -end, at the home of their parents. Mrs. Samuel Faust and son Harold Mr. and Mrs. Carl Faust, all of Mit- chell were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien FOR QUICK SALE 2 choice York Sowsin pig, for quick sale. Walter )Eckel, Phone 97 r 12i5, 'Hensa'll. FOR SALE Ten extension ladders 20 to 3 2 feet long; step ladders, rows, 15 -in handsaw all ball bearing, precision made, priced' to clear small hand" sleighs. Ont. Willert Wood (Products, Zurich, FOR SALE A number of cedar pasts for im- mediate sale. --Harry McAdams. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Coxon at- tended the Veteniary ,Conivention held at Ottawa last week. They motored to London from where they took the train to Canada's Capital City. Mr. Oscar Klapp and daughter Miss Delores have returned 'home after spending some time visiting' at the home of the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Len Hoist at Detroit. Butcher Equipment—Feed cooker, lard press, large meat grinder, meat rail and hooks, 2 cleavers, " steel, skimmer, meat saw, butcher knives, gam sticks, scrapers, scalding hooks, scalding (barrel, kettle, Coleman gas stove 1 -burner, sheet metal stove, Dayton 'Computing Counter Scale, large !tanpulin. Tools—Good line of carpenter tools consisting of planes, chisels, augers, squares, saws, etc. (Mechanical Tools— Wrenches, soc- kets, 'hammers, grease gun, 71/z ton cap. hydraulicjack, truck jack, ear jack, etc. Cement, Masons and Ditching tools, Etc.—Spades, shovels, pick, tile scoop, brass markers, floats, crosscut sers, 2 stands, combination reser, bureau, sink, 2 kitchen stoves, heater tor Model B. on Rubber, in A-1 •con - (coal or wood), coal oil heater, small dition, nearly net , with the fells cultivator, w - coal oil stove, stove guard, linoleum, ing equip ment: sff tooth 2x4-yds,linoleum 4x5-yde or more, bean muffler, bean puller, single fur- prlr ug, 2 flower stands, easel, ,'row 16" plow; Allis Chalmers Model toilet set, basin and pitcher, Alad- ' 40all cropHarvester, nearrll5y new; din lamp, 4 lamps, blinds, curtain grain n saving pick ue poles, stove board, pictures, wash pickup; section diamond rinh ow;tooth n13 r - machine, copper boiler, tub, bench, 2 rows, screen doors, window screens, crocks, . hoe drill with tractor hitch and mar - hers ; Inthrow Disc; 1 soil pulverizer; 1 heavy duty 4 -wheel trailer or wag- on with coal box and stock track, 1 4 -wheel farm trailer; 1 cutting box; 2 iron pots, meat saw, hand saw, 2 frying pans, brass kettle, cabbage cutter, dishpan, basin, coffee pot, tea pot,teakettle, bake dish, lard can, sealers, sprinkling can, kitchen uten- I float, stoneboat . - sits, ironing board, clothes basket, IHarness, Etc: ---Set single harness basket, 2 clocks, 2 spinning wheels, , almost new; third horse harness, step ladder, hoes, spade, ditching collars, home straps, curry confb, spade, 2 axes,_ grain cradle, (buck saw ;brush, 6 sleigh bells, set chimes, and blade, draw knife, lantern, chop- string hells, rope set block and ping block, cutting box, ladder, grain and tfacolerobe, sling ropes nearly new, 1buf- t ags,. 2 feed barrels, iron gate, chains, crow bar, hay forks, manure forks, scoop shovel, about 150 jute bags, coal brooder stove 500 chick 'capacity, feeders, fountains, poultry boxes for exhibiting, -2 145 -gallon -gas barrels, other oil barrels, 5 and 10 gallon cans, -grease pails, truck flares, second hand tires, re -liners, rear ends drive shafts, transmissions, pails, more tools, iron rods, angle irons, •doubletrees, bushel boxes, quantity 'of nails, (bolts, belts, 2 small tables, quantity of lumber and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—,CASH Everything will be said without re- serve. In ease of bad weather Sale will be held in Lutheran church shed. Oscar Klapp,- Auctioneer. 'Earl E. Weido, Clerk. 'Mrs. Emma Bloch, Administrix for Late Herbert ,Bloch Estate. Auction Sales On Saturday of thi's week there will be an auction sale of property and household effects art Dashwood, the estate of the late Henry England, and this is the first sale conducted by the young auctioneer, Mr. Alvin Wolper, and we wish him every suc- cess. Then a week 'later, 'Saturday, Feb. 15th there will be an extensive sale of farm equipment, etc. in Zur- ich, the effects of the late Herbert Bloch. Both of these sales should be largely attended, as the articles offered for sale seemingly are very choice value. CALL it what you will the desire to stand on your own feet—the urge to get ahead under your own steam—"a business of my own" is probably for you, as for thousands of fellow - veterans, life's No. 1 ambition. IF you have ideas of starting up in business for yourself, of improving your present set-up, or of going into partnership with a friend, the need for money to get going will be just about No. 1 item on your agenda. HERE'S where you can look to the Bank of Montreal, t^: which has already become "My Bank" to thousands of veterans from cast to coast. DROP in and discuss your financial needs with your nearest B of M manager. He knows the details of the new Veterans' Business and Profes- sional Loans Act, recently passed by Parliament for your benefit, and he is anxious to help go-ahead veterans. If your proposition is sound, there's money for you at the B of M. Remember, when you ask for a loan at the $ of M, you do not ask a favour, A 1NT.UAL BANK' Zurich Branch: G. G. S 'l f? l,I., Manager WORKING WITH CANA pIAN5 IN EVERY ',HACK OP tIrs _S ..181.7 WANTED Clerk, Male of Female. Apply at Bank of Montreal, Zurich. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mrs. Maurice Charrette who has spent a few weeks visiting her chiI- dren in Detroit, and other points, has returned to her home on *the Blue Water South. Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Cantin, Jr. are spending a few days in St. Jos- eph with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oberer of De- tr it spent the week -end in their sum- mer ome on t e 15th Con. Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme and two children, Mr. Hubert Ducharme all of Windsor were week -end -visitors with their parents on the, Blue Water outh.. Mr. Nelson Cantin, Jr. and Mrs. Blanche Hewili of (W'!mcor were Beavertown visitors on 'Sunday last. (Deferred Items) Mr. and Mrs. Tony Masse of God- ericih were Sunday visitors in St. Joseph with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter Ducharme of Drysdale north, visited with the Leon Bedard family of the Blue Water. Mx. and Mrs. Harold Siemon and family of Goderich were Sunday vis- itors with their relatives in St. Jos- eph. Members of the Steady Club held their first meeting at .the home of Mr. and Mrs Dominic Jeffrey on Friday evening last, the attendance was a full 1 p.m. OBITUARY Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER Will sell Anything, Anytime, Anr.6 where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central FOR SALE A bay driving mare, quiet and re- liable; 1 York Hog 300 -lbs. for sale. Earl Gingerieh, Phone 90r7. PIGS FOR SALE A number of pigs for immediate sale. • Apply to Chas. S. Bedard, Phone 98 r 15. FOR SALE One Jersey bull ealf 7 months old bred from good producing stock. Al- so a double set of backhand team harness like new with or without collars. Apply to S. Baechter R.R.2 Zurich. Phone 97r14. FOR SALE A two -home apartment in Zurich, centrally located, modern convenien- ences. For particulary apply at the Herald Office. CHICKS Alvin H. Walper LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and ,Satisiactiosa Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. ffi E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Gamed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. Healthy+, husky 'WHITE LEG - HORNS as usual. Our breeding flock is headed by 'Government band- ed R.O.P. Cockerels. Come and look them over. No increase in prices. TWINMAPLES POULTRY FARM B. J. Klopp, Prop. General Insurance VETERINARIA.N citc. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc . YaTERINARY SURGEON E Clete withOpposite Drug Store Phone --96. Znrieit FIRE, AUTO.MOBITN„ LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Mrd. Adam Edighoffer Mitchell —One of this community's oldest citizens, Mrs. Adam Edighoger died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Yule, Fullerton, early Saturday morning, Feb. let in her 96th year. Until two weeks ago she had been in fairly good health. She was born at Zurich, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kein- hardt, on June 114, 1851, and follow- ing her 'marriage on February 22, 1870, she resided in Blake until com- ing to Fullerton in September, 1936. 'Surviving are four. sons: George, of Mitchell; Edward, Zurich; Arthur, of Zurich, just now at Brantford; Ed- gar, Pigeon, Minh; three daughters, Mrs. W. Yule and Mrs. John Mar- shall, Fuilarton; Mrs. Fred Walker, Mitchell.; two sisters, Mrs. N. Diet- ric,h, Kitchener and Mrs. A. Ahrens, Waterloo; 21 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and two great -great- grandchildren. The body rested at the Heath Funeral Home where a private service was held on Monday at 2.30 pan. with Rev. W. O. Mather officiating. Temporary entombment was made in 'Woodland Mausolem with interment in Bronson )line 'Cem- etery, Zurich' at a later date. Late David Schwartzentruber There -passed away at his home on the Bronson line, Hay Township, on Saturday, February 1st, David 'Sch- wartzentrdber, who was 'unmarried and was found dead in bed, the nei- ghbours not having seen any move- ments about the place, investigated and found that he had slept away in his 66th year. 'He was the young- est member of this well known :fam- ily, and lived on the old homestead, Surviving are two members, one from where the funeral was held on brother -Christian, and a sister, Tuesday. Services were held in the (1lhagdelena) Mrs. John Erb, both of Amish Mennonite church, 'nd inter - the neighbourhood. 'The remains ment followed in. the adjoining tem - were at the. Westlake Funeral Home, etery. Rev, Peter Nafzinger ,and in to vn and then taken to the home Bishop 'Mose Jantm of Kitchener, of Mr. Curie:ti rn ,Fj,^171vert .^''"'-enlace vole in ehavn'e of the services. J. W. HABERER Phone 16(1 Zurich, Out. Seasonable Footwear BUTCHERS Zurich:' Popular MEAT MARKED` !.et Us supply you with this eery Choice of Fresh and Cum ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ext., always on hand. Kept resh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins yungblut & Son PRODUCE ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION Of MEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN'S, GROW- ING GIRLS, MISSES ANIS CHILD- REN'S. Fine and Sturdy Footwear in Stock. BUY YOUR SHOES FROM ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS AND SUITCASES Roy N. Bentley Auditing and Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Systems Installed Monthly Statements and Invoices Prepared. Commercial and Private Typing I will be at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, Thursday, Feb. 20th, '47. Prompt and Corteous Service Box 58 Phone 10708 GODERICH Silvcrwocd DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Managar Phone I 0 1 ZURICH Zurich Creamery four Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. ugliest Cash Prices paid pots a premium for delivered cream Ate are equipped to give effi* :lent accurate service. EBIi ted Poultry department its :barge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Minshall; Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'HE LARGEST RESERVE BA13- 0,10E OF ANY CANADIAN MUT-' JAL COMPANY DOING BUSINEM OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk oat December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds., $275,133. E. F. KLOPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn. lag Rods and all kinds of Ara ITiA r#once