HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-31, Page 71111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i i �i I i iIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIINIdI111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11IIIIIIIIIINIIIIJIiII CL.SIFI YV E TI S I G BABY CIfICIKS LAYING AND IlLEA1DY TO LAY pullets for immediate dnlivery, Pall hatched chicks booked to order, order your 1947 chick now and be sure of the kind of chick you want when you desire them. Free cata- logue, "Lop Notch Chiciceries, Guelph, Ontario. TIIW »10I'AIt'rMI3NT SAY "AN assured market at a higher price Tor every surplus Canadian egg", We advise you take stock and or- der your January delivered chicks now. Ask for pricelist and Service Bulletin. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. 13c Sussex X Hampshires 13c 1JOQIC YOUR ORDER FOR SPRING Chinks without delay at these 23Ce7lhresulcCox Mixed Chicks ploram tested under Government approval. Order now to insure delivery when 3'equired. Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Box 256, Elmira, Ontario. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT laTEW "CYCLOI3IVP' LIG13T1NG Plants powered by "Briggs & Strat- ton" engines. D.C. 350 watt $125.00 farmers price $115.00. 500 watt $160.00—farmers $150.00. 1500 watt 6350.00—farmers $320.00. 800 watt C. $300.00. British gas and Diesel twines 1-3j to 200. H.P. light - eight, air cooled, portable, twin o%i $225.00, 6 H.P, $330.00.P. — 5 Diesel engies 4 H.P. and up $450,00 and up. Prom stock A.C. or D.C. Weld - ling machines, electrodes and gngne driven portable self -priming centrifugal pumps 7000 gal per hour. Total Ceight 90 lbs. Operates 5 hours one allon—$185.00. 6 volt wind charg- tara with tower $60.00. 32 volt large Capacity $260.00 also transformers, a'eetifiers, worm gear reducers, exrope V belt drives, spot weld- / re, volt D.C. CALmotors 1ANCT1 and ELEC `RIC WORKS LIMITED, Mont- real _ Toronto - Halifax - Rouyn ,- Winnipeg - Vancouver. DYEING AND CLEANING • HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to an- wwer your questions. Department Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, FOR SALE BuGOcsRA & DoesBth three monthsFORA kLE old, Apply Chas. G. Laing, Bayham, Ont. ATTENTION NOVELTY B-4-5 DIFFERENT VARIETIES IN' one apple tree. Also McIntosh on Currant Pltantsl;for s. Bcomme ck ommercial and private planting in the newest va- TEAUGUAY LLPS rieties.]VILLA E. QTJFARMSE. CCHA- BONER furs, FAWN, BLACK mask, champion stock. E. Armbrust, 89 Queen St. North, Thorold, Ont. CEDAR POSTS—ALL SIZES FROM 4" to 10" tops 'Write Harvey Bor. ris, Highland Creek, Ontario, or phone Scarboro 603. FOR SALE, (300D BUTCHER AND grocery . business, mining town; living accommodation included; 93 6,0Ade00 W.baance Bx 121, , Toronto. FRESH OYSTERS RUSHED TO you fresh from the sea coast of Nova Scotia, Delicious. Informa- tion for stamp. Economy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ont. S VOR breeding DUCKS, Orders Ymust be in before November. Send for free pricelist today. The 3. P. Tanton Co., Summerside, Box 36, P.E.I. JAMESWAY 8.000 EGG INCUBATOR for sale. Front Road, Stop 61, R.R. 3, Amherstburg. Philip Gimpel. MODERN OLD TYME - COWBOY Records. Large suck, prompt de.. livery, send for free listing. Ed- wards Music House, 684 Mount Pleasant Road. Toronto. NEPTUNE OUTBOARD MOTORS and authorized Parts Service; ship anywhere. Neptune Outboard Mo- tors overhauled; workmanship guaranteed. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL .BREN GUN CARRIERS Bogie wheels, sprockets, track ,and many others. LEVY AUTO PARTS 735 Queen West, Toronto. OUTSTANDING D 0 B 10 R M A N. black and tan, 4 months old, grand- son of International champion Troll Von Du Lngeisburg, $150. 101 Osh- awa Blvd., Oshawa. ]'UPS FEMALES ONLY. BEST sheep dog, strain imported from Scotland, bob tailed black and white. Also Springer Collie, cross make, wonderful watch and hunt- ing dogs 316.00 each. A. MacKen- zie, Box 623, Lethbridge, Alberta. REGISTER ED GERMAN WIMP - herd puppies, three months, cham- pioned stock, dark males 3100, fe- males 375. Von Erie Kennels, Box 538, Grimsby, Ont. Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer It your stove or furnace causes trouble due to soot, poor draught or smoke. We guarantee our soot de- stroyer to remove soot from any coal burning stove or furnace pipes and chimney. Gives better draught and more heat, saves fuel. Pack- age contains approximately 30 ap- pllcations, Enough soot destroyer to last one stovo or furnace all 'winter. Send money order 31.40. Postpaid anywhere in Canada. Use 8 weeks if not satisfied money re- funded. J. 11. Kernohan Mfg., Box 295, Forest, Ont. etSPEI DIE" rn,I C'rRIC 9i0'r011, The toy motor that features high speed, one cell operation, non -slip pulley, weighted base. Limited num- ber at only $1.75., postpaid. Thou - stand Island Crafts, Box 04, Brock- Ville, Ontario. TIRES 95V'e are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar. *tithed to 'be in excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 ,11 orders shipped C,O.D. Special stQuipment for vulcanizing Truck O Farm Tractor Tires. LaACON TIRE, corner Queen and 'R 'ark Ste., HAMILTON, Ontario, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN 1 Q,DIl'1'0D 'I'10000 :5II01' Milt 44- 104, FOR SALE TROPICAL FISH AND PETS Aquarium tanks, tropical and na- tive fish water plants, all aquari- ani animals, fish foods, and sup- plies, Snakes, turtles, lizards, alli- gators, while rats, etc Write for free catalogue and tint out about our special free offer. Tillsonburg' •School of Natural Science. Box 187 Tiilsonburg, Ontario. VACCINATED, T.B. TESTED fOL- atein Heifers,Four one_year olds, five two-year olds. Box 261, Al- monte, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST FARMS in Western Ontario, 216 acres,close to Dutton. A11 under cultivation. Good soil, well fenced and drained. Splendid buildings, Nice brick house in grove of maples and pines, Filtered running water and elec- 'trlcity in house and barn. Imme- diate possession. Full equipment and livestock optional ALSO, near- by, if desired 300 acres pasture land with some black muck for celery and onions, at low price. G J. F. UNDY—TRUSTEE OWNER 1010 Canada Bldg., Windsor, Ont. FURS FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made into neckpieces. collars and capes. Take advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd., 26A Dim Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED WOMEN FOR DINING ROOM AND tray work, immediately; full main- tenance. Apply Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, Ontario, COUPLE FOR FAMILY OF THREE adults, Wife, cook general, hus- band gardner and handyman and be able to milk one cow. Modern separate living quarters, near To- ronto. Box 119, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. COUPLE FOR FAMILY OF 2 adults. Wife, cook -general, hus- band — houseman and handyman. Able to drive car. Modern separate living quarters. References requir- ed. Bayview Avenue, near Thorn- hill, 7 miles from Toronto. Box 117, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED, AN 'EXPERIENCED farm hand, single, industrious. will- ing, no intolerable habits. Wages start at $60 per month, yearly con- tract, clean home, start November. Box 118, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. Ont. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap_ point you. Etching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- lete's foot will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopelePss they RICE 31.00 PER TAR 3end Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan Toronto. GOOD HEALTH FOR MEN AND women ill and weak. Free healing and health, drugless. Illustrated literature. Write Elmer Julian, D.C.D.N., 526 North Claremont Ave., Chicago 12, Ill. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EV- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem.. edy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, 111hCh exchanges Toronto 2.`stru- errOlt'rUNf'1'IES FOR Wt►Mt9N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free Write or call. MARVEL EL RDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 llioor St. W., Toronto Branches:on & 4 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS F'F3'I'Illai$'EONIIAL'GII & C;t►MI'AN% Patent4 KiniiS VestBooklet Solicitors. iished 8lof fnformatlan on request PFIO'EOGIIAI'l1 ' IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST oult I'RAlt 110 t' NO h'AS'l' i:r11tV- ice and fine quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de- veinned and printed ape IMPERIAL PHOTO TE SERVICE FILMS Di VEI,Ot'F:1) 'S5 Cb1N'I'S. I Guaranteed one day service. No waiting. T.ltq' Photo Service. North Bay. DAiLY til BI IC1C, FREE 1':F: 4 X 6 ICN- larg'ement with each 6-8 exposure. Roll 25c. Reprints 3r. Crystal Pho- to Service. 1100 flundns W. Toronto. XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -22 FOR 79c Your negatives moire the most original and pleasing Chi istmns Cards you can get — cards that friends treasure—and the cost is tve1sta favorite nega- tives and end hem to its. We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures printed on— and envelopes for mailing --a11 for 79c. Order early. (2 PhotosDEPT011 Calendars 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Post Office A, Toronto (Print Name and Address Plainly) ST'AMP'S STAMP COLLECTORS, A FREE Get Acquainted package and details of interesting Bonus System to ap- proval applicants, sending postage to cover cost of mailing Alexander Supply Co., i'.O. Box 82, SudburY, Ontario. TAXI DIllealY A'1"I'3±N'I'1')N 01910R IILiNTEIti; -- Have your trophy mounted by tlan- ada's heading Taxidermist, Finest workmanship at reasonable prices, We tan Deer hides Into Leather suitable for Gloves, Windbreukers, etc. Oliver Spanner & Co, Ltd. 26 A Elm St., Toronto, TRAi'PING WOLF - PDX MINK TRAPPERS use the best trapping system and gland scents money can buy. Write for particulars to A, E fisher. Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. • WANTED WANTED TO BUY—SIAMESE CAT or kitten. Also Chihanhan puppy or young dog. Apply Box 120, 73 Ade- laide W. Toronto. WANTED, RELIABLE FARMERS to winter feed number young cat- tle for cash monthly. Write num- ber could accommodate, exactly how fed, also pride monthly. Write W.P.O. Box 578, Toronto. HATCHiN(; EGGS WANTED FOR 1947 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge un- der Government supervision Guar-- anteed premium plus hatchability premium paid. For full details write Box No. 95, 73 Adelaide W., To ronto. GUNS WANTED 360 cash and up paid for good qual- ity sporting rifles and shotguns; inspection at your convenience; out-of-town inquiries invited. Ivan A. Flatman, 125 'Dawes Rd., Toron- to. Phone OX. 2782. Time For Painting Around The Farm Early fall is an opportune time for painting around the farm be- cause it is then that the farm build ings are most in need of protection supplied by good paint. Wood that has become parched and dry during the summer will be exposed to the rigours of winter. Metal, too, needs protection with paint against rust. .Implements should be painted after the summer and fall work is done. Much of the life and serviceability of farm equipment depends on the protec- tive care given during ,the fall and winter. Buildings in out of the way places, such as eaves, should be well coated with paint. Using an old brush to get at awkward corn- ers will save a good brush for the straight-away surfaces. Paint pre- serves waterspouts, eaves, and other metal fixtures around the farm. If metal is rusted, it should be sand -papered or wire -brushed down to the shiny metal surface be- fore priming and painting. Paint will prevent rust on a clean pipe, but it will only retard, not stop, the work of rust going on under the paint. Greatest Crop In U.S. History The greatest crop production in the United States history is beii.g realized as the growing season nears an end, the Agriculture De- partment reported. The department said aggregate production of all crops will be 2.5 pep cent more than the previous record of 1042 and 26.4 per cent more than above the 1923-32 average. Topping this year's production will be record crops of corn and wheat. Lessons By Radio School lessons by radio are to be introduced for children in the re- mote parts of the Northern Terri- tory of Australia. Formerly their lessons arrived by the postman. Send for details of FREE TRIAL OFFER of British -made appliance for relief from Rupture. Recommended by Medical Profession. Light and comfort- able—you will not. know you have it on. Holds the hernia firmly. In many cases the ruptured tissues reunite and rupture, is conquered' forever. Write today= aoa.bny's, Dept, '.:'M.60 Front f6 W., Toronto. CHECKED !lIaJ/ffq ;_ -or Money Back _'or quick relief f rom itching caused by eczema, ethlete's!mt. scabies, pimples and otheritchinit conditions, usepure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. 0.. D PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and inlets. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms itenso itching. Don0 stiff cr Ask your druggist today for D. fJ, p, PRESCRIPTION. "OH, THE PITY OF IT!" No one was hurt in the accident pictured above, but it was a tragic happening just the same because those four smashed cars were all brand new. En route from the Detroit factory to Mason City, Ia., the huge auto transport hit a viaduct at Moline, Ill. Top of the front car was completely sheared off. S"OTS OF SPSTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Just about the most pathetic figure that has shown on the sports scene in many moons is that of Mr. Ted Williams—remember hitn?—of the late Boston Red Sox. And al- though there was a time, some three or four months% ago, when the sante Mr. Williams had about the sante effect on us as a boil on the neck, right now we cannot help feeling rather sorry for him. * * * For young Williams is a perfect example of the extreme danger of believing all you read in the papers —or hear over the radio—especially when it is about yourself. There's a type of sports commentator now- adays, as perhaps you've noticed, whose organ has only two stops— pianissimo and fortissimo. With. those bright lads you're either a hero or a heel—either colossal or a crumb—either peerless or pedicul- ous—with no way -stations or whistle stops in between. * * * A horse runs three or four good races in a row, and right away these experts have him tabbed as another Man 0' War. or Phar Lap. A half- back gets away for a few fairly lengthy runs, and at once they start comparing him with Red Grange and Jim Thorpe, to the Iatter's disadvantage. A hockey player shows a flash or so of forms, and immediately he's rated along with , —or ahead of—the Shores, Con- achers, Taylors, Cooks, and other real stars of old. * * * So it was with Ted Williams. Through a combination of consider- able natural ability and some fair - to -mediocre pitching to bit against, he started in to do some really com- mendable clouting, especially of the long-distance variety. In this he was aided, too, by the fact that he is a dead right -field hitter, and practically all major league ball pastures are so laid out so that lefties have quite an advantage over their right-handed brethren when it comes to extra -base knocks. * * * And all at once the sports pages were filled—and the air -waves slopped over—with paeans and plaudits for this Wonder Boy. Com- mentators, some of whose personal baseball memories went back all of ten years, hailed him as better than Willie Keeler, Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth all rolled into one; and even men of experience, who should have known better, were quoted—or mis- quoted—as saying he was the great- est hitter, 1f all time. * * * Came the All Star Game between the two leagues. The very best thing that could have happened to Williams would have been for the National League pitchers to set him back on his Frances, hitless. But they didn't. To them that All Star Game was just another extra chore, for which they didn't even get paid overtime, and they pitched exactly that way. And Williams fairly murdered that National League pitching—and one could almost see him licking his lips as he thought of the World Series to conte. * * * Signs of increasing delusions of grandeur on the part of Williams became even more noticeable. He talked of demanding a mere eighty thousand dollars for his next sum- mer's toil, airily saying "I guess I know how much I'm worth." He • showed symptoms of annoyance with his •teammates when they fail- ed to show him proper respect. He even hired a personal business agent to handle all the juicy offers that were bound to come for his endors- ation of this article -or that. 4' * * Then came the Series—which might go five games; perhaps even as many as six—but which could assuredly have but one ending. And some of us heavy -thinking experts were even suggesting that possibly the best way for the Cardinals to deal with Williams would be to hand him an intentional pass every time up—for surely anything was better than to allow the ball to come within reach of that deadly war -club of his. * * * Now that Series has passed into history—and to us it will always recall the figure of the mighty Williams stalking up to the plate, time after time, when any kind of a base hit would have meant the ball game, and failing to come through. That, and the picture of the same Williams walking, all alone, along the St. Louis station platform toward; the Boston train, with a look on his face which said, "Surely they can't do this to ME; it shouldn't happen to even a dog." „ * * * It must have been indeed a rude awakening for the kid—about as heavy a jolt as any athlete ever took. And personally we're pull- ing for him to have entrails enough to take his medicine and come back better than ever. But, if he's wise, when next season starts Williams will confine his radio listening to all -music programs, and his reading to poetry or mystery stories; for, sad to say, those baseball scorers -are pretty tough eggs. For they only credit you with the hits you actually make there at the plate— and not with the ones that your praise -agents claim that you're bound to tally. RECTAL SORENESS AND FILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Road from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem -Road is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of foUy for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a tine remedy may be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely_ pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111Il11111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 pen ce begins with a state of mind Of all the people who seek to be independent, only the man who firmly makes up his mind to do something —and does it—ever actually achieves independence. A very good something you can do is to put your savi::3s into Canada Savings Bonds. We highly recommend CANADA SAVINGS BONDS and offer our facilities for their purchase. Telephone or telegraph us collect—WAverley 3681 ,INTO.' SECURITIES CORFORATI01.4 LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1901 TOP ONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK. LONDON. ENG. 15 King Street West, Toronto III 111111 III 11111111 ]III II III III 1111111 11111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 INNINIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111II IIIIINII I I 11111111111111111111 MUTT AND JEFF Just Training The Kid For Possible Russian Delegate to the U.N. BUT I'M SCARSD TO JUMP PAPA! ITS T• * FAR! to Divi SAMMY! PAPA -J WILL CATCW YoU! iYUMP! So- adt 1n MISTER, I SAW THAT! THAT WAS A TO PLA IOt' TRAT BOY! , WNATS TME BIG IDEA? By BUD FISHER MiSTER,THAi WILL TEACi- MY SAMMY NOT TO TRUST ANYBODY! NOT EVEN NAS OWN 1'ATWER! esa 1.11-40