HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-31, Page 4RE n the table the meal is rt e ` .y''! No meal is complete without plenty :sof delicious wholesome bread. And 'TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a elice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—stars 'now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at Willert's Bakery or at your loca grocers. Willeres Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imp1e- r. anent: , on Lot 8, Co.n12, 11.ii mile north of Daehwcod, on FRI DAY. NOVEM1 Ei1 1st, At 1 o'clock, par. harp FARM—Consists of io0 acre.: more or les:. 8 acres of bush. The balance is in cultivation. Bank barn, brick house and brick kitchen, wood shed, drive shed,garage, moke house large bank barn. Terme of Real Estate -10% on day of sale and babe -nee in 80 day:. Sold subject to a reserved bid. Poss- ession will he given at once if sold. Horsens — 1 black driving mare 10 yrs. old; bay Clyde gelding f, yrs. old; bay half -hackney 5 yrs. old. Caths' — 9 young Durham Cattle rising 2 year, old. Poultry — About 200 Rock and New Hampshire pullets about four months old; 300 or more Sussex and New (lamp. pullets 31., months old. Also cockerels the same age. Implement:. — Maxwell nay Loader hay sack; wagon, Oliver bean scuff - ler and puller combined, 4 section harrows, hand scuffler. McCormick cultivator, light wagon, wagon box stock racks, light sleigh, cart, 4 - wheel trailer with shaft and tongue to fit; double set of heavy harness; double set of light harness, set of light single harness, doubletrees, 3 - horse eveners, walking plow, 'gang plow, hog orate, horse collars, sling ropes, Stewart horse clipper, bag truck, Renfrew Separator and num- erous other articles. Household Effects — Quebec heat- er new; large size kitchen table, large kitchen cupboard, Coleman lan- tern, new Coleman gas iron, wash tubs, washing machine, churn, cot, beds, dressers, fern stand, new kit- chen stove, small tables, rocking chair ahest, bread box, hanging Lamp, other lamps, large mirror, cradle, -spinning wheel, large type; cutlery, boxes, high chair, wardrobe, bedpan, chamber pail, bench, strawberry cra- tes, berry carriers, large egg crate, buck saw, etc. TERMS—CASH Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Rheinold Miller, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Proprietor. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Im- plements, At Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay Township, 211, miles east of Zurich and 3% miles wast of Hensall, on . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th. .. At 1 o'clock, p.m. horses --•Matched bay team 10 yrs. old; 11 roan mare 12 years on. Cattle ---5 Durham cows with calv- es by side; 1 cow due in December; 2 heifers 2 years old; 2 steers 2 yrs. old; 4 yearlings. Pigs -13 pigs 10 weeks old; 7 pig,; iw weeks old. Implements — M. -H. (i -ft. :binder, Deering 0 -ft. mower; 10 -ft. rake; M -1I. manure spreader like new; 1 Cockshutt 11 run fertilizer drill like new; al -H. stiff tooth cultivator; 1 spring tooth cultivator, Melfi. bean puller and ,scuffler; 6 -ft. disc; Que- bee sulky plow; stone boat; walking plow; set of 4-:;ec, diamond harrows; wagon and rack; fanning mill, set sleigse; clatter; work hi'.rne:-s; 2 sets single harness; horse collars; forks, whippletreee, neckyokes, and numer- ous other articies. Hay and Grain --Quantity mixed grain, 10 tons mixed hay. FARM. -100 erre farm, more or, less; 2 Utory .brick ho+nea frame kit- chen and garage; double deck hen house; hank barn 74x0,4, silo; good water supply. Firm i.' in state of goo'l cultivation. Property offered ub,;nct to a reserved bid. 'remiss on Chattels Cash. Gordon Pybus, Proprietor. 1.. i' Chesney, Clerk. Harold .1:u fr 'm, Am't,ionear. RIc li HERALD__ YOU k.x. Appliance and Heating Store ZURICH — ONTARIO FEATURES THE FOLLOWING LINES: KELVINATORS, REFRIGERATORS BEATTY WASHING MACHINES LIVINGSTON AUTOMATIC COAL STOKERS� MARCONI. RADIOS DE. LAVAL MILKING MACHINES AND ,CREA:TVI SEPARATORS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONS AND TOASTERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND BUTLBS.- CLAR.KE •G.AS ENGINES - OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT • A FAMOUS LINE OF ELECTRIC STOVES WILL T3E ADDED SOON IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING PHONE 197 AT TEN TION THE FOUNDATION OF ANY NEW BUSINESS MUST BE BUILT ON SQUARE AND HONEST DEALING AND REPUTABLE SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AND OF COURSE THE GOOD WILL OF YOUR CUSTOMERS AND OPPOSITION YOUNG'S APPLIANCE AND HEATING STORE IS FOUNDED ON THE ABOVE, AND AT THIS TIME I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE THANKS TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS SINCERELY --FRANK H. YOUNG. ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF YOUNG'S APPLIANCE STORE AS YOUR KELVINATOR REFRIGER- ATOR DEALER FOR ZURICH AND DISTRICT BUY WITH AN EYE TO THE YEARS AHEAD BUY WITH AN EYE TO VALUE BUY WITH AN EYE TO FEATURES BUY WITH AN EYE TO QUALITY GET THE BEST THING FIRST— "GET KELVINATOR" PHONE 197 IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING STANLEY TOWNSHIP McBride—Carter The manse of Wesley -Willis United church, Clinton, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding, when Rev. A. Lane united in marriage, Marjorie Blanche Carter and Wesley Ervin McBride. The /bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carter, Clinton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, Stanley Township. The bride was ibecommingly attired in a powder blue garbardine suit with black accessories. She wore the groom's gift, a pearl necklace and a corsage of Prosperity roses. Attending the bride was Miss Flor- ence Kirby, London who wore a grey worsted pin stripe suit with black accessories and a corsage of Better Times roses. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a pearl necklace. Hugh McBride, Stanley 'Township brother of the groom was best man. Following the ceremony, the bridal couple left immediately on their wed- ding trip to Toronto, Niagara 7e ails, and North Bay, the bride travelling in her wedding suit with a black shorty coat. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm in Stanley Township. • St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and .Mrs. Peter Ducharme of Stanley Township, was a Sunday vis- itor with - Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard Mr. and Mrs. James Masse of St. Joseph motored to Goderich on Sun- day last visiting at the home of their son and family. Messrs. Fred Ducharme, Remmie Jeffrey; Mrs. N. A. Cantin and Mrs Conzaque Cantin, all called on Mis. Joseph Bedard on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Rau, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue all of Stanley Twp. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Sesame of the Blue Water south. DECLARED SURPLUS SOLD Port Albert, war -time training station of the Royal Canadian Air perations were In prorgress, and it is thought that a spark caught the straw and everytkinig being so dry,the whole barn just went like so much matchwood. The fire was noticed from the house where Mrs. Tebibutt and her mother were preparing sup- per. The house being some distance away, they were unable to snout- a warning before the fire had made a headway. A broken telephone Iine prevented sending out a neighbour - call for help. New Skates Troublesome A new pair of roller skates. pres- ented by relatives with whom she was visiting in Hensall, proved trou- blesome for 10 -year-old Dorothy Mc- Clinchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet 1'dcClincheyn, of Seaforth. Try- ing the skates on the Main. St., she fell and received a severely fractur- ed aim. The fracture was reduced at the Seaforth Hospital. TO IMPROVE ACCOMMODATION The directors of Bayfield Agricul- tural Society met at the fair grounds with the president, A. H. Warner, in he chair. The minutes of the last me- eting were read and adopted. tPlans to improve accomodation am- beef and dairy cattle were put in hand. The school committee reported that three additional school's have been added to enter the. shield competition this year and extra accommodation would be arranged for inside display. It was decided that prizes for light horse classes; team, tandem and sin- gle, would ze $8, 6, 4, and 2 in each class. Miss Mavis Spencer ofToronto, was a visitor .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and daughter of Port Stanley, visited re- cently with Mrs. Green's mother, firs Jas. Dayinan. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Iiipfer who spent the summer with the labter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green at Port Stanley have returned ;to their home. Miss Margaret -Glenn was a recent guest with Miss Barbara Michie at the latter's home near Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and Mrs. G. C. (Petty have returned home after a pleasant visit at the home of the former's daughter at Guetph Mr. and 12rs. Cornelius Cook ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. A W E. Hemphill were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Howard Hemphill in Stratford, when their infant daughter was ,oap- tised. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Carroll and Bil- lie returned home after spending a week with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Neeb at Tavistock. Dr. Norma Cook and friend, Dr. Alice Goodfield of Toronto were we- ekend visitors at the home of the for - races parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian Church are sponsoring a rum- mage sale and tea in the Town Hall Hensall, on Saturday, Nov. 2nd af- ternoon and evening. Miss Martha 4Heideman spent a few days last week at her home in Zurich Rev. P. A. Ferguson; Mrs. Fergu- son and children visited with relati- ves in Hamilton, recently. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Fergus- on's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Sander- son, who had been visiting in Ham- ilton. DISTRICT NEWS Bus Line Purchased Purchase of .Western Ontario Mot- orways Ltd., by Lindsay Mercer, for- merly of Windsor, from Harold Ber- ner, London, has been announced. Purchase includes' 27 basses operat- Force, scene of theInternational. ed by the Company and franchised Plowing Match, has sheen declared on router, from London to Owen surplus by the RCAF and handed Sound, London to Palmerston, •God- over to War Assets Corporation for erich to (Woodstock and Wingham to disposal. F. Jennings, corporation Kitchener, and the municipal Iran - official at Montreal, staters that act- ehise to Owen Sound. ual disposition of the buildings has Reception for Scottish Bride not yet been decided. HENSALL 32 persons sat down to a banquet table for a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switzer on Thanksgiving Day, the occasion be - Mr. and Mei. S. M. Barbour of ing areception for Mrs. Wan. K, Hig- Toronto and ;Mr. and Mrs. R. Frear gins and son Bobby, who arrived in and children of Dorchester visited: Exeter from Paisley, Scotland, to with their parents, Mr. and 'Vbs. Jas join her husband. The guests were Hoggarth• accomodated in one long table set Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell of ; up in the splendid ;basement of •Mr. Guelph were visitors with Mr. and i Switzer's new modern home. After Mrs, R. Y, McLaren and attended; partaking of a repast that n•o doubt the Plowing Match.! was a pleasant surprise to the honored Mr. Doxiald Walker and Mr. and! guest, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins 'were :W ta. Ferguson of Toronto were -0e- j presented with a set of silverware. itors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker*i Barn Burns Mr. and Mrs. T,orne Elder and sot l . A disastrous fire destroyed the of Hamilton, were visitors with Mr. f barn of Carman Tebhutt, Viaitlond• end Mis John Passmore and attend -I Con., Goderich Twp. The fire broke ed the Park -1 Alper wedding. Huron County Council Picnic at Goderich Favoured with perfect weather, the annual picnic for members or Huron County Council and their families was held at Harb-or Park, Goderich, Saturday last. Starting off with a boat trip on the lake, the program included games and races and a bo- untiful picnic supper. Clerk Norman Miller and Treasurer A. H. Erskine were on the committee in charge of arrangements. To Thos. Inglis, 83 - years of age, warden of Huron in 1929, went the prize for rule oldest person present.. This was presented to him by Warden R. Shaddick, of Hensall; who presided at the supper nobles. Ronald Ernest Deecroft, of E. Wawanosh, 7 mons. old grandson of J. D. Beecr'ofe, reeve of E, Wa- wanosh, was awarded the prize for the youngest child presene. :se tray went to Mists Elvera Churchill, of Toronto, winner of the supper draw Dr. J. W. Shaw of Clinton, asked the blessing. Amongst the guests present were Dr. Hobbs Taylor, M.F.P. for South Huron; John Hanna, M.P.P. for North Huron. outabout 5 p.m., while threshing ep- Thursday, October 31st, d'4 cad and Fisatild Aril els REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 o,,RLING arid CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) -7 'Special ReTo FARMERB TUNE IN :CFPL, LONDON DAILY AT 12.14, OR CKNX, WINGHAM AT 6.15 P.M. DAILY UNTIL NOVEMBER 4th, FOR SPECIAL RED HOT NEWS. Tel. Shop 149 0 &GE Kiopp Re.. 67 The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. aieReee Set honey Flaking for Whenever money is needed for any sound purpose, that is the time to come to the B of M. See your nearest B of M manager today. Ask or write for our folder. "Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer.'! ANK OF MONTREAL working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 HAtir 104 kl[[l00 CANAD/400 ADVD COMO • • °cow'? There is still time to buy Canada Savings Bonds -•- but don't limit for a representative to call on you. There will bo no national house- to-house canvas's -. theme are "Serve Yourself" Bonds, so it is up to you to make sure you buy. Buy them through your Bank, In- v ratan:,rnt Dealer, Trust or Loan Company, or through your Payroll Savings Plan. They are safe as Canada d- pay good interest -- and you can get your money bask at any time,