Zurich Herald, 1946-10-24, Page 4( IT "`,$ rp. :• J B "AD on th table thee x' is re tOit tdy e No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesame bread. Ane TASTY -NU Lasa g and and is good hearty food fae you. Every slice a slice of oiic:rgy- Buy an eatra Loaf f today—start now to :verve more bread at ever} meal. Get yocn' TASTY -NU Bread at Wiliert's ta':ery or at your loco.; grocers. Dien 9 6 Any PHONE 100 — ZURICH AUCTION SALE Of Farm, fags: Stock and Imple- ments. on .Lot Con. 12, 1 is mile t , north of .-:ais•.vcoti. on .FRIDAY, OVEMBER 1st, beds, dressers, fern stand, new kit- chen stove, small tables, rocking chair chest, bread box, hanging lamp, other lamps, large mirror, cradle, spinning wheel, large type; cutlery, bo'a', high chair, wardrobe, bedpan, elueah 'r pail, bench, strawoerry era- ter, berry carriers, large egg crate, buck saw, etc. TERMS—CASH Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Rheinold Miller, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Proprietor. St Joseph and Beaver Town The 1r,. A. i)ucharme, Diaise, Hubert and Mr. and i\Irs. Joseph Masse all of Windsor, spent Sunday with their parents on the Blue 'Water Highway after attending to the Far- well—Hartman wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ty Stansberry and Children of Detroit were week -end visitors here, also attended the Hart- man celebration. Mrs. Josiah Sararas of the Blue Water south, has made all preparat- ions to move to her new home in Zurich, after spending nearly half a century on the Blue Water. The noighbours will greatly miss her as she was a perfect and kind neighbour and we wish her all that can be, in her new home, with good health and long life. .Many from this community atten- ded the Farwell -Hartman wedding on Saturday, at St. Boniface church, at Zurich, and all report a swell time. Enjoying themselves to the early dawn of day. Among those present were Miss Leah Damphouse of Win- dsor; lir. and Mrs. Peter Mass and daughter Charolette, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner and daughter of - De- troit. Miss Shirley Jeffrey of Detroit, spent Sunday in Beavertown with her parents. Well, the weatherman is generous in fulfilling what we believe a prom- ise to send summer like weather. People are sure grateful for it as it will save fuel and feed and besides we can trod along with comfort. But we do not wish the old boy to. open up winter with this stuff, for it would be inconvenient for farmers Many would have to draw water as already they are doing. It is pretty hard to please all. HENS ALL Mrs. Churchill and daughter, of -Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and :Mrs. Shaddick and family. Mr. Eric Reid of London, visited with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. At 1 o'clock, p.m. sharp FARM—Consistss of Soo acres more or less. 8 acre, of bush. The balance is in cultivation. Bank barn, brick house and brick kitchen, wood shed, drive shed, garage, smoke house large bank barn. Term, of Real Estate -10q on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reserved bid. Poss- ession will be given at once if sold. Horses — 1 black driving mare 10 yrs. old; bay Clyde gelding 0 yrs. old; bay half -hackney 5 yrs. old. Cattle — 9 young Durham Cattle rising 2 years old. Poultry — About 200 Rock and New Hampshire pullets about four months old; 300 or more Sussex and New Hamp. pullets 3 x,_ months old. Also cockerels the same age. Implements — Maxwell hay loader hay rack, wagon, Oliver bean scuff - ler and puller combined, 4 section ,Case harrows, hand scuffler, McCormick Mrs. Alice Joynt had as holiday cultivator, light wagon, wagon ;box .auests, Dr. H. Jovnt of Tm onto,1' rs stock racks, light .sleigh, cart, 4-,g. Joynt an Judith of London, Dr. wheel trailer with shaft and tongue Wm. T. Joynt of London. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Glenn of Tor - to fit; double set of heavy harness; double set of light harness, set of light single harness, doubletrees, 3 - horse eveners, walking plow, gang plow, hog orate, horse collars, sling ropes, Stewart horse clipper, bag truck, Renfrew Separator and num- erous other articles. Household Effects — Quebec heat- er new; large size kitchen table, large kitchen cupboard, Coleman lan- tern, new Coleman gas iron, wash tubs, washing machine, churn, cot, ganizing a Girl Guides and Brownies onto were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. John M. Glenn. Reeve E. Shaddick and Mrs. Shad - dick were at Palmerston. Mr. Carey B. Joynt B. A., Os- good Hall, Toronto, spent the holi- day at his home here. • Miss Florence Schwalm of London spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. A meeting in the interests of or- 0 DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 41/% due November 1st 1956 HAVE BEEN CALLED FOR PAYMENT NOVEMBER lst 1946 These bonds should be presented for redemption with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. ER 4.1( FOR THE GC. R'"ri,t) I i RM Art/ • Woe Put a BofM Loan to work for you. If you need extra money for your farm's devel- opment or improvement, see your BofM manager today. Ask or write for folder "Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer." 'MY OANIc re wuoaavOnrs ADS MONTREAL rn verj+ wd, of I fl$hiee f8117, ,)'R,ICI-I HERALD Thursday, October 24th, X;;'4$ Bottles, jars, all sorts of glass containers are MISSING t The warehouse shelf, the wholesaler's storeroom, your retailer's shop .. they're all feeling the bottle shortage. The shelves that used to be packed with full bottles, jars and containers are now empty—very empty. Your manufacturer and dealer are depending on you to return these empty bottles so that he can refill them again. You depend on him to deliver the goods• you need. Doesn't it seem reasonable for you to help each other out? Remember, no bottle means no refill. Please gather up and return to the dealer ALL your empty bottles today. ago Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) rwes held in the Town Hall, Hensall. Thursday afternoon, Oct. 17th, and an association formed with Mrs. T. Lavender as chairman, and Mrs. Ste- wart Bell, secy-treas. The organiz- ation will be called the Hensall Local IDASHWCR) .Calvary Evangelical church will ob- serve their anniversary on Sunday, November 3rd with Rev. Paul .orb of Mildmay as guest speaker. Mon- day evening, Nov. 4th a musical pro - Guide Association. Mrs. Keith Clys gram wilt be given in the church by dale of St. Marys, divisional Guide talent assisted by "The Cowsins commissioner for Huron and Perth iviatelocal taaartette.' and Miss Anna Counties was present to discuss de- Brock, reader of Exeter. tails. A committee composed of Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Martin McGrenere of Lavender, Mrs. S. Bell, Mrs. Laird London spent a few days with her Mickle was appointed to appear be- parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer fore the Hensall Chamber of Comm- Mr. and Mrs. Melton Waiper and erce for their support and co-operat- Mx. and .Mrs. Clarence Routledge of ion. Attending the meeting were Mrs L. Mickle, Miss Ellis, Mrs. R. A. Ingersoll spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold, also cezebr- Brook, Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Miss aping their 47th wedding anniversary V. McClymont, Mrs. S. Bell, Mrs. D lylrs. Jim Beavis and daughter Kyle, Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs L Bayn-. B'aribara of Toronto spent the past ham. Mr. Lavender, Mrs. A. Orr and week with her mother, Mins. Bertha Rev. P. Ferguson.. Mr. E. M. Dignan of Exeter, was Mr. Dennis Corriveau has purchas- e week -end visitor with his cousin, ed the property of Mr. Glen Baker, Mrs. Alice Blackwell of town. south of town and moved Saturday. A. reception for Mr. and Mrs. Miss Dorothy Hayter is spending a Ross Forrest of Hensall, a recent bri- few weeks with her sisters in Toron- dal couple will (be held in the Town to and Brantford. p Nix. Norman Scott and son Owen Hall, Hensall. Friday evening, Octo- ber 18th. Murdock', Orchestra will Cudmore of Toronto spent the lioll- furnish the music for the dance. daffy with Mrs. E. Kleispent r: Ladies axe asked to please bring Mr.. Chris. Andersen who recently lunch. ste Everybody is welcome. -Mrs. purchased a house near Crediton, Forrest is the former Margaret Tref- had it moved to his property west of fry of Cromarty town formerly known as the Morenz The Fall Rally of Huron Presbytery Flower Gardens. When finished Mr. Young People's Union, will be held Andersen will have a nice home. Friday Oct. 18th in Hensall United Mrs. E. Kleinstiver returned home Church. after spending a week's vacation at The Women's Missionary 'Society Toronto and Bowmanville where she Convention (South Huron) Presby- attended the wedding of her son terial will be held in Roy's Chinch, Lorne. Thames Road, Friday, October 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman whowcwo sessions 0.30 and 1.30. The spent their vacation with relatives welcome will be extended by Roy's here, returned to their home in Port United Church Auxiliary. Comouraie. Chiselhurst Anniversary will be Mr, and Mrs. Russell Eckstein and held Sunday October 27th at 2.30 Miss Lily Hoffman of London, called and 7.30. Rev. Reba Hern, B. A. on friends here on Sunday. of Varna will be the guest speaker. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Zimmer and A new heating system has been in- Mrs., Alex. Zimmer attended the fun - stalled and the church auditorium is era' of the late Mrs. Louis simmer now in the process of being redecor- at St. Agatha on Thursday. :ted. Bayfield Fall Fair The following Congregational Corn- mittee of Hensall United church was appointed for work in connection with the proposed set up of Brown - ;e and I3ov Scout organization in Honsali. 'Mrs. Howard Hyde, Mr, The largest attendance since 1933 featured the annual fall fair of Bay- field' Agricultural Soeieily on Wed- nesday of last week. Nearly 1,500 people attended. Elgin Short, Meq. Laird II/Tickle, Mrs Miss Myrtle Livingston, Blyth took navia Kele, miss Barbara lVi[ichio, top ho•tors in women's work, winning ,S;ym ;Rannio. t %98 firsts and 15 seconds. Seven boys WHY A BOTTLE S ORTAGE ? Canadian glass factories normally pro- duce MILLIONS of bottles every month. Tlie vital ingredient in bottle making is soda ash. The only big Canadian soda ash factory was strike -bound for months. Stocks of soda ash have been used up .. bottle factories are closed down .. . bottles are not being made today. Beverage bottlers and all producers of bottled liquids must have your bottles back to keep go- ing. Bottling plants will close down too , .. if your empties are not returned. • 11. Ito • • • P • • • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY hone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 '\FLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) Special Request T FARMERS TUNE tIN CFPL, LONDON DAILY AT 12.14, OR CKNX„ WINGHAM AT 6.15 P.M. DAILY UNTIL NOVEMBER 4th, FOR SPECIAL RED 1HOT NEWS. Tei. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Re*. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. of the Bayfield Swine Club complet- ed their achievement test and showed their two sows under the direction of G.E. Nelson, assistant Agric. repres- entative for Huron County. Ray Wise, of 'Clinton, was awarded first prize in the competition and Clayton McCuliagb, of Clinton, won second prize. A three -heat free -for all harness race was taken by J. R. Burns, of Seaforth. Art Bushie, Seafortli, took second place honours. Prize winners in various competi- tions included Horses, Stewart Mc- Call, 'Walton; Fred Roney, Mttchell; Cc►lin Campbell, Bayfield; Joe Gelb). - as, Zurich, and Miner Webster, Var- na. Dairy Cattle—Irvin Trewartha, Col- in Campbell, Alvin Betties, Llo}ye9l Seotchmer. Poultry—Ivan McClymont, 0. Bat- tler, 'Carl Deihl., Harold Penhale, Snowden and Grainger. Sheep --E. Snell, Russell. Manson.. W. R. Pepper, Orval McGowan. Pigs—C. Parke & Son, 11. Penhale' A. H. Warner, E. Webster, 0. Me - Gowan. - Dairy Products—Fred Meel:yntont,, 0, Battler Vegetables -0. rattler, Snowde & Grainger. Grain and Seeds ---0.. Uat t1er IL A. Puss.