HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-17, Page 7Cl'i>ssified A wrung MARY CIIHC14".$ PULLETS E'RU35 12 WI''Eif:S TO laying. Fall hatched chicks, for int- - mediztte delivery, Free 'catalogue. Send for 1047 day old prieolist. Top Notch Clneireries, Guelph, Ontario. IF Y01i WANT' CILICKS I+OR DE - livery November or December, or- der now, Asir for pricelIst and Fall S3ulleiiu• Bray Hatchery, 1.30 John Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS ALL AGES 12 WEEKS to laying', Also Fall batched chicks. Prompt delivery, Free catalogue. It is not too soon to order your 947 chicks. Write us. Tweddle !tick Hatolzeries Limited, Fergus, ntario BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASE BY RETURN MAIL POR your old Gold Jewellery, Gold teeth Diamonds, Sterling Silver, etc. 100 per cent preinium on gold coins. Satisfaction guaranteed or parcel returned prepair. Kirby Company Jewelers, 13?b Queen Fast, Toronto, Ont, ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO SMALL RE'T'AILERS AND RUSI- nese men who cannot afford to hire a regular bookkeeper we offer like perfect bookkeeping and tax serv- ice. Write for details • MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING Room 300, 21 king St. E., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to an - ewer your questions, Department 11. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. ELECTRICAL- EQUIPME'N'T' NEW •r(1YCLORtIT" LIGHTING ]rants powered by"Briggs & Strat- ton" engines. D.C. 350 watt $125.00 —farmers price 5115.00, 600 watt $100.00—fanners 5150.00. 1500 watt 5350.00—farmers $320.00. 800 watt A.C. 5300,00. British gas and Diesel engines 1-34 to 200 H.P. light- weight, air cooled, portable twin '1.t cylinder — 1-H.P. $135.00, 2- engnes 4 H.P..0, H.P.n5330.00. p3 5450.0Diesel up. From stock A.C. or D.C. Weld- ing machines, electrodes and ac- cessories New gas engine driven portable self -priming centrifugal pumps 70000 gal. per hour, Total weight 60 lbs. Operates 5 hours one gallon—$185.00, 0 volt wind - chargers with tower 500.00, 32 volt large capacity $200.00 also trans- formers, rectifiers, worm gear re- ducers, Tesrope V belt ririves, spot welders, 32 volt D.C. motors and bench grinders, etc. ALLIANCE' ELECTRIC WORKS LIMITED, Montreal - Toronto - Halifax - Rouyn - Winnipeg - Vancouver POR ,SALE ATTENTION NOVELTY 3-4-5 DIEVERt7NT VARIETIES IN one apple tree. Also McIntosh on hardy rootstocks. Black and Red Currant Plants for commercial and private planting In the newest va- rieties. 1'HTLLPS FARMS. CHA- TEAU(it'.\5' VILLAGE', QUE AU'T'O i'AnTs AND ACCESSOIDES for alt cars Price List on request. Piston rings for all motors at pre- war prices. Dept. W., Canadian Auto Parts, 334 Queen St. W„ Toronto, CEDAR I'0)$'rs.—.:1Lr, SIZES F110M 41' to 10" tops Write Harvey Dor_ ris, Highland Creek, Ontario, or phone Sc+u•boro 003, DOGS, i:I'RINGER SPANIEL PUP - pies, reels tered, 3 months old, -champion stock: males 535; fe- males 325. J, 1\T.rA1'ee. 2118 Aileen• Ave., 'roruntn, MI'. 5005. FRESH O1'S'i'I;RS RT;SRED '1'O You fresh from the seri const of Nova Scotia, Delicious, Informa- tion for stamp. Economy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ont. FEMALE 1,'OtifloUND, 15 months old, $25; crossbred foxhound collie pups, 5 months old,- either sex, 510; 30-30 Savage rifle, in good service- able condition, with rear peep sight and case, $60. I'd. Johns, Greven- burst. Onl. VOX AND DEER HOUND, 5 YEARS old $95.00. 1 Fox Hound Pup, 44 months gild 510.00. Fred Davies, Fergus, Onl'. 010EJ41:, '!PCT'S, TURKEYS FOR breeding purpose. Orders must be in before November. Send for free prlcelist today. The J. I'. Tanton Co., Summerside, Box 36, P.E.T. MODERN 01.2) TYNE - COWBOY Records. Large stock, prompt de.. livery, send for free Iisttng. Ed- wards Music House, 584 Mount 'Pleasant Road, Toronto, •R16G1S'rt0REl) SCOTCH COLLA: Puppies, tricolor, and sable and white, Strathisla strain. Arnold R. 'McEvery, Ilallinafad, Ont. REGIST'IORED SPRINGER SPAN - lel female liver and white 3t/. yrs. 1 female 7 months, not registered, Garfield Poldt, Kinmount, Ont, Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer ;If your stove or furnace causes trouble due to soot, poor draught or :smoke. We guarantee our soot de- stroyer to remove soot from any ,coal burning stove or furnace pipes and chimney. Gives better draught .and more heat, saves fuel. Pack- age contains approximately 30 ap- plications. Enough soot destroyer to last one stove or furnace all winter. Send money order $1,40. Postpaid anywhere in Canada, Use •8 weeks if not satisfied money re- funded. J, R, Kernohan Mfg., Box 295, Forest, Ont. ,0S1'EEl)IE" 'ELECTRIC 111011OR. The toy motor that features high .speed, one cell operation, non -slip pulley, weighted base, Limited num- ter at only 51.75., postpaid. Thou- sand Island Crafts, Box 94, Brock- ville, Ontario. TIRES • We aro overstocked at the present of gond used trade-in tires (guar.. .antced to be in excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 Ail orders shipped C.O.D. Special .equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. 33I':ACON TIRE, corner Queen and 'York Ste., HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP 1047 Will 0VESA LEI CA'f.&l,UGL'61, Merchants and storekeepers only. Send W.P,T.13. License number for our Free Wholesale Catalogue. 1"enny-up Merchandise Co., Balfour Bldg., Montreal 18, Que. 'IATA COLLIE PUPS WITH SA- bre markings on head, rgeistered. •ilpply Mrs, Louis Barrett, Salford, FARMS FOR SALE • 25 ACRI]S, 1'RTT1'T1' , l� T,LT. '%'IL - ltd, geed pasture, good buildings, alto. Seven acres bush. Orchard, t`WO windmills, lots of wafer, l'os- Session anytime. Price, $8,000, or 'frith stock crop and implements, 518,000, Apply North half lot 7. con- eessici 0, Tltnnkt, Ltnn',ton Coun- ty, one mile on't of 'Inwood, or 'write Tont Stevens, 11,r'. 1, Alviln- ton, bait, FARMS FOIL SALE ONE OF THE BEST FARMS 'n Western Ontario, 210 acres, close to Dutton, All under cultivation, Good soil, well fenced and drained. Splendid buildings, Nice brick house in grove of maples and pines, Filtered running water and elec- tricity in house and barn. Imme- diate possession. Full equipment and livestock optional. ALSO, near- by, 1f desired 300 acres pasture land with some black muck for celery and onions, at low price. J. F. GUNDY—TRUSTEE OWNER 1010 Canada Bldg., Windsor, Ont. ONTO HUNDRED ACRES, MEDIUM clay .loam, fifteen acres, wooded, balance grass. Immediate posses- sion. Elizabeth Weir, Winghatn, Ontario. CHOKE I+'ARM CONTAINING 108 acres located in the County of Ox- ford 3 1-2 miles north of the Village of Drumbo. Farm all under cultiva- tion and in good condition. The buildings consist of a large L shape steel bank barn with cement stalls and steel staunehions, cement silo and hen house with southern ex- posure on second floor. Two storey stone house in good state of repair. ['arm equipped with hydro, Early possesslon. For further particulars apply. The Canada Permanent Truitt Co., Woodstock, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSINQ TRH Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED HOUSE TO ROUSE SALESMAN FOR paste soap, hand cleaner, household cleansing and purifying products, Write Lichty Products, Kitchener, Ont. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED farm hand, single, industrious, will- ing, no intolerable habits, 'Wages start at $00 per month, yearly con- tract, clean home, start November. .13ox 118, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. COUPLE FOR FAMILY 01r 2 adults. Wife, cook -general, hus- hand — houseman and handyman. Able to drive car, Modern separate living quarters, References requir- ed.. Bayview Avenue, near Thorn- hill, 7 miles front Toronto, Box 117, 73 Adelaide 'W., Toronto. MEDICAL FRUIT JUICE'S: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 !Elgin, Ottawa. IVANT30O 33TERY SUFk 1,R1m OE' Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. 1'ostpaid 51.00, 3 1.1:41 CAL fin sant 1191E:N'rti FRED A Itl1UI11N1:'l(IM1 It41'S sells, exchanges musical Ins(ru• merits 111 t'hurrh 'Toronto 2 O1'1'0It'!'L N t'1 tI:. I'•uu N url I;N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SC16UOL Great Oppurtunit;v. Learn Ha I'lettsnnt•dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel g'raduates. America's greatest Sys- tem. 111 ustra ted ca tit loo; ue ft ee Write or call MARVEL HA11IIRI'iSSINC; S1'kl (a ILS 358 ITionr St \V., Toronto •tranches 44 LKittg $t., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. i'A'I V N'I. FI:'rlIHRSTUNUAI'(1% A VOM l'ANI Patent Suiletials Established 1340, 14 Ring \Vert rornnto linnt:let et Infnrmn1tnn nn request PlIOTOG 11 IMPERIAL `DUALITY 15 QUALITY AT ITS BEST (11'11 1'T';Alt 1t011N1) FAST S1:11%'- iee and fine duality work will plertse you. For sntisfae'.ion try int. pedal. 11 or 8 exposure films, de. velnned ntld printed 50,- 1101'14111A1, ar'1101'b1111A1, 19lO'l'O Si:11l'1('R Station 1 Toronto !POLOS DEVELOPED 25 ('I:N'rS. Guaranteed one day service, No waiting. Tay Photo Service, North Bay. DAILY SERVICE, 1011E:1: 4 S 0 E:N- largentent with each 6-8 exposure. Roll 25c. Reprints 3c. Crystnl Pho- to Service, 15011 Dundas W, Toronto. XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Your negatives make the most original and pleasing Chi istmas Cards you can get — cards that friends treasure—and the cost is small. Select your favorite nega- tives and send them to us, We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures printed on— and envelopes for mailing—all for 79c. Order early. (2 Photos onPCale dars 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ileo 129. Post Orfice A. Toronto fl'rint Nonce end Address Plainly) 1'E:II.SONAL b,'INI'IS'r WArl'('H1 S RT)1'A'iR1;1), prompt service. Capital City Watch Hospital, 155 Eccles St Ottawa, Ontario, 20 tears experience, MILLIONS PLAY RACES FOR $Millions$ You may play for fun. Purl-13onkie Raring Game $1.00, VANDYKE, 0019T1 Middleton, Hunt- ington Park, Calif, S'E A 93 I' S CANADIAN ANT) i+ 0 11 1O 1 (1 1\ stamps, mint and used, on approval. We buy stamps. Claude Langlois, IA Albert, Victoriaville, Que. COLLECTORS! SENi). 51.00 1`011 selection fine ahprnvnle. tlefnnded if not fully satisfied, No trash. A, Bloom, 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Can- ada. TRAPPING WOLF - FON - MINK TRAPPERS use the best trapping system and gland scents money can buy. Write° for particulars to A. IO fisher, Box 420, Colgan', Algeria.. WANTED wANTIOI) ('.O1IIPANION 1CDITCA7'-' ed, sharp expenses, fond of animals and country. \Tedd, R.R. 1, s'hed's ford, Ontario. HATCHING EGGS WANTED 13031 1947 hatching season. Flocks culled and hloodtested free of chnrge un- der Government supervision, Guar- anteed preznium plus hatchability 95,4.3oeletawrite 10premium 7AdaidW, To- ronto. GUNS .WANTED .206 carat end up paid for good dual- ity sporting rifles and shotguns; inspection at your convenience; nut -of -town inquiries invited. Ivan A. Flatman, 125 Hewes RO., Tot'on- to, Phone OX, 27,82, ARMS AND THE WOMEN—IN CHINA Armed with rifles, like regular infantry, bobby-soc ked Chinese' WACs parade in Taipeh, Formosa where they are part of the regular garrison. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") If that oh -so -genial Quizmaestro on any of the innumerable question - and -answer radio programs hap- pens to ask you which sport an- nually draws the greatest number of cash customers, don't go making the mistake we, personally, would have pulled if we had ever been in a similar, Heaven forbid, position. For we, in our ignorance, would undoubtedly have taken a stab at either soccer, horse -racing, or base- ball; and none of these is the an- swer that will win you the Grand Prize of a diamond -handled putty - knife plus two tubes of Smello Goldfish Polish. * * For we now learn that it is the comparative newcomer on the sports scene, basketball, that tops them all when it comes to paid at- tendance and also, probably, for the number of athletes who play it. And while many sports have their roots in the far -distant past, it was as recently as 1891 that a 'Y`.M.C,A. instructor first hung two peach baskets at opposite ends of a gym, turned the boys loose with an, old soccer ball, and so started the whole thing. (And, by the way, just a week or so ago we fancy that we bought one of those sante original ' baskets at opposite ends of a gym, of the same original peaches; but that is the danger of looking for fruit bargains too late on a Satur- day night.) * * Here in Canada—except for a few spots such as Edmonton— basketball although widely played, has never been any great shakes as a spectator pastime; but this is principall; because of lack of pro- per seating accomodation. But the way folks go for it elsewhere is sec:' by a look at Madison Square Garden. There, where the Ranger's play what is sometimes laughingly called hockey, slightly over 15,000 is fullahousc for that great winter sport: yet they regularly pack in over 78,000 for basketball- games, and turn theist away in droves. There is also a record of a basket- ball tourney where the average at- tendance per game topped 23,000, This, of all places in the world, was at Peiping, China; so it would ap- pear as though the game Mi•. Nai- smith invented to keep his Y.M.- C.-A, boys off the streets has travel- led quite some in slightly more than 50 years, * * * just how fast and exciting modern basketball has become, citi- zens of Toronto and points adjacent will soon have a chance of finding out, For, starting next month, that city is going to have one of the 11 professional teams in the Interna- tional Basketball Association, with weekly games in—you might have guessed it—dear old Maple Leaf Gardens, where life is just one darned thing after another and the weary turnstiles never get a chance to catch up on their rest. * * * How good this team will prove in action, we're not going to stick our valued neck out by trying to pro- phesy; although the pedigrees of the players look, very impressive on R paper, especially that of the play- ing -coach Sadowski, who has been on no less than four World Cham- pionship outfits, But we can predict that it will outclass any team that ever wore Toronto uniforms in any sport from at least one standpoint— that of personal altitude. * * * Something that has puzzled us for seine time past is the way the younger male generation appears to be stretching upward. Like the Old Timer who could remember the days when ladiees' knees were considered 'way uptown, we can well recall when a giant six feet high was accounted quite tall, and six feet two was exceptional. But nowadays, every High School yard you peek into seems to be densely populated with juvenile skyscrapers whose heads just miss bumping into low-lying clouds. * * * Writing about his pet theory of Creative Evolution, Bernard Shaw claims that mankind, by wanting anything—such as longer life—in- tensely enough, can eventually at- tain it. We are beginning to think that a lot of kids, consciously or unconsciously, must have been wishing to become pro basketball- s, because in that sport anybody under six feet is liable to be tagged "shorty" by the fans. And the new Toronto Huskies promise to have then' all the way up to a guy called Nostrand, who measures six feet eight, and who has our sincere sympathy when we think of him trying to keep his toes warm on some of our brisk Canadian winter nights. Personally we would have a nice, t?.ick-pelted dog to sleep on the foot of the bed. * * Which should be quite sufficient regarding basketball for the one session; and if, by reason of the foregoing, you should be tempted to go and have a peek at the Huskies when they get into action, our conscience is perfectly clear— or anyways as clear as it ever gets. For they look as if they might be quitet a team; and big-time basket - hall, properly played, is a sport that leaves few, if any, idle moments for yawning and stretching, like some others we might mention did not politeness prevent. And, anyway, you. should know by this time that you never stand to lose by a trip to the great Queen City. * * * For, to quote a friend of ours, "Every time 1 take a look at down- town Toronto after dark, I come back to the old hone town so much better satisfied \wtih the place where I live that it's money well spent." And lie doesn't live in Hamilton either! Million Foi• . Airport Newfoundland has acquired Gan der Airport from Canada for 31,- 0(70,000, Newfoundland Utilities De- partment spokesmen disclosed. Annual operating costs of the Airport, the Island's Great Atlantic Terminal, are estimated at $500,000. St lin F':•;!Ewes N :. New W 1N Stalin's Actions Would Count More Than Words, Says Thci New York Tirnes The declaration of Mr. Stalin that he did not believe in a real danger of a new war, has been ac- companied by two Russian actions which tend to cast entirely new light upon it. Two Actions The first action is the Russian note to Turkey, which not merely reiterates the Russian demand for a "joint defense" of the Dardanelles, which means Russian control, but also warns Turkey that Turkish acceptance of help in the organiza- tion of the military defense of the Straits from any non -Black Sea Power "would, of course, be directly contradictory to the interests of the Black Sea states." The second action is Russia's de- claration in the United Nations Economic and Social Council, not only rejecting all efforts to estab- lish free navigation on the Danube, the main artery of Central Europe, but also insisting on exclusive con- trol by the Danube countries as an item in Russia s military dispo- sitions Diplomatic Offensive These actions are a very blunt notice of Russia's determination to make Turkey and Danubia darts of her sphere of influence and a warn- ing to all others to get out and stay ottt of them. They denote an intensified Russian diplomatic of- fensive, which would abrogate by another unilateral Russian action both the principle of international control, long established for both the Dardanelles and the Danube, and the principle of Big Three collaboration and Joint action after consultation throughout liberated Europe, as agreed upon at Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam. Above all, they would produce a permanent shift in the balance of power throughout tate world. which would make Russia master of Europe and the Middle East and drive both Ameri- can and British interests from both. Russian Aggrandisement The days of frank power politics still recognized the principle that the gain of one Power should be "compensated" by similar gains for others in order to maintain the power balance. Under the new dis- pensation, all Powers have renounc- ed all aggrandizement, territorial or other. Yet this does not keep Russia from pursuing the greatest ag- grandizement of both territory and power in her history. And only when Mr. Stalin is willing and able to match his declarations with ap- propriate action by curbing the Great Russian urge for expansion of land and power will it be possi- ble to lift the shadows which now darken the world. Britain To Lose Britain will lose £90,000,000 ($360,000,000). foreign currency next year because of her inability to provide accommodation for the estimated 5,000,000 tourists anxious to visit the country, a British Travel Association 'official said. J.S. Timber Stand 'The timber resources of the Unit- ed States are steadily declining, ac- cording. to figures issued recently by the American government, and there is 40 per cent. less standing saw timber now than there was 30 years ago. The cause of the de- cline is given as the failure to adopt proper conservation meas- ures. OUCH d1\ MY HEAD! You can quickly relieve the pains of neuralgia, bad days, la grippe, etc„ with The Sts Ilegis Hotel TORONTO 5 Every. Roont With Huth ea Shower and Telephone Single, $2.50 op— Double, $3.50 up 8Tood Foop_ Dining and Dane - Lag NIglatly Slterbourne al Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY I1URNISII111) $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. — C.N.R. STATION Easy Way to Treat Sore, Painful Piles Here is the chance for every person in Canada suffering from sore, itching, painful piles to try a simple borne remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost of the treatment if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hent -.Rid and use as directed. Hem-Roid is an internal treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quickly noticed. Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued 'the sore, painful pile tumors heal over leaving the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem-Roid today and see for yourself what an easy, pleasant way this is to rid yourself of your pile misery. NOTEt The sponsor of this notice is a re. liable firm, doing business in Canada for ore` 20 years. If you are troubled with sore, itch. ing, painful piles, $em-Roid must help you quickly or the -mall purchase price will be gladly refunded. IBA® POWER M IL ORD 4 PHOEBE STREET, TORONTO Young Men's and Men's pleated wool trousers ..plain brown and herringbone ... brown and grey.$895 Boys' wool suits with shorts ... blue, grey and brown. Sizes 4, 5, 6 $8.75 Boys' breeches...aiI-wool . double -knee • lt winter weight ... 6Tue and brown .. Sizes 4, $ 5 and 7 $3.98 Men's sleeveless pullovers . . ovine, sand grey and blue . . Sizes small, medium and large $2.98 Paornpt delivery. Quality guaran- teed or money refunded. Money Order or C.O.D. Mailing Free ISSUE 42-1946 MUTT AND JEFF— HEY, POP! HOW DO WARS BEGIN? WELL, TAKE TWO NATIONS! 5uPPoSE MEXICO AND ITALY STARTED QuAl2RELING- A WORD TO THE WIFE IS SUFFICIENTI MUTT, YOU'E MISLEADING 111E CHILD) MEXICO AND ITALYARINT QUAgf pLING!, YES, S idNOW! L SAID SUPPOSE! WHY TAIGi WHAT's THE MEXO TALYY, WHY I'm USING A NOT TAKE- HYPo'l E TICAL. iMSTAN CE! r STOP USING BIG WORDS You KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AND - By BUD FISHER I'M NOT SHOUTING! Oul