HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-17, Page 4AUCTION SALE Community Stock Yards, Watford, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th, at 2 o'clock sharp Usual number of calves and cows. 150 mixed pigs. 100 head choice Herford stockers 900 lbs. '20 fat heifer:. Please remember from now on sales will be held every Saturday after- noon. Terms—CASH G. Hollingsworth, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Poultry, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, At one o'clock, p.m. At Thomas Butt's Farm, adjoining the Village of Kippen. 20 Durham Bull 8 years old; ]Durham and Hereford Cows due 'October to March; 10 2 -year old Durham and Hereford Steers; 20 Heifers rising 2 years old; 25 spring 'calves; 5 York sows with litters; 7 pigs 150 -lbs; 150 year old. hens; 75 pullets 5 months old. Terms—CASH Thomas Butts, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Executor's Sale of Household Eff- ects at the home of the late Samuel C. Houston, Bayfield, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th .at 1 pan., sharp. Studio .couch, (nearly new) ; 3 - piece living room suit, leather rock- ing chair, cane bottom rocker and 9 cane bottom chairs, 3 small tables, extension table, sideboard, General Elec, cabinet radio; Victor gramoph- one and records; Doherty organ, what -not (antique); chest or draw- ers, 2 bar -room chairs, 3 -piece bed room suite; dresser and wash stand, 2 bed room chairs, bridge lamp, car- pet sweeper; small desk, Jewel. Range (nearly new) ; Quebec heater, coal oil heater, coal oil stove with oven; linoleum 21'x12'; rug 12x9'; carpets, mats, kitchen cupboard, 2 kitchen tables, 8 kitchen chairs, ice box, wooden chest, electric iron, '2 -burner hot plate; toilet set; 91piece dinner set; 0 -pc, set of Wm. Rogers 18147 silverware; dishes; glassware (some antique) ; cooking utensils, sewing machine, 3 lamps, coffee perculator; linens, drapes, quilting frame, iron- ing board, quantity of coke and Al- berta coal, hardwood and cedar, steel drum, 2 lawn chairs and swing; wheel barrow, lawn mower, set of scales, tool chest and carpenter's tools, buck saw, forks, showers and numerour other articles. Terms—CASH Roy Allen, Carl Houston, Executors. Edward. W. Elliott, Auctioneer. OUT OF THE DISPLAY WINDOW AND ON TO THE FARM Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture, at Lot No. 14, Con- cession 10, Stanley Township. 2 miles west of Varna and 1 mile south On Wednesday, October 23rd. At 1 p.m. sharp the following: CATTLE—Durham cow 5 yrs. old due Jan. 14th; Durham cow 7 yrs. old due Jan. 15th; Durham cow 7 yrs. old with calf at foot due April 23; Durham cow 9 yrs. old with calf at foot due May 2nd; Durham cow 5 yrs. old with calf at foot due May 8th; Durham cow 7 yrs. old calf at foot due May 10th; Durham cow 8 yrs. old R1due Registered Shorthorn bull121a.1 yrs. old. PIGS -11 pigs 10 weeks old. POULTRY -80 X Rhode Island Red pullets, laying. Equipment—Brooder stove and shield; Colony house and three shel— ters. IMPLEMENTS—;Massey Harris binder 7 -ft. cut; M. 11. 2 -row scuffler with bean puller attachment; M. -H. hal loader; M. H. 13 -hoe o rII with fertilizer attachment; M. H. 13 -hoe drill; M. H. Walking plow; Deering mower 6 -ft. cut with pea harvester attachment; Deering manure spread- er (nearly new) ; Oliver sulkey plow, spring tooth cultivator; 4 -sec. drag harrow; outthrow disc; rubber tired wagon; flat rack; steel tire buggy; cutter, 11ih.p. gas engine; black- smith forge; 1200 -Ib scales; electric fencer, DeLaval cream separator; fanning mill, water tank, sugar ket- tle, hay fork and slings, wagon box. post hole auger, pig troughs, 2 set of double harness, 3 horse collars, whif- fletrees, neck yokes, forks, shovels, tools, and numerous other articles. Feed—Approximately 6 tons of mixed hay; tris tons of bailed hay; quantity of feed beans. FURNITURE — 2 -bedroom suits; settee, 2 arm chairs, 2 small tables, kitchen table, 2 kitchen chairs, power meat grinder, other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms—CASH No reserve. as farm is sold. David J. Stephenson, Proprietor. Richard Robinson, Clerk. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE • Of Household Goods and Furniture. In the Church Shed, HENSALL, on SATURDAY, OCT. 19th at 1.30 p.m. 1 have been instructed by The Canada Trust Co. to sell the foIlow- ing articles for the estate of the late Mary J. McDonnell: Heintzman piano, walnut tables, axminister rugs 111Ax9', 9x4, 8x4, and others in various sizes; Phonola radio, pictures, sectional book case, electric heater, Westinghouse 6 -ft. refrigerator; MoClary electric stove; Simplicity washing machine, cedar chest, 4 bedroom sets, trunks, chairs, ornaments, kitchen utensils, dishes, silver, cut glass, chesterfield, quilts, garden tools, 150 jems, and otner ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Terms—CASH The Canada Trust Company, Executor Mary J..MeDonnell Est. Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. BREAD on the table the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice s slice of energy. Buy an extra Loaf today --stare now to serve more bread at ever, meal. Get your ,TASTY -NU Brea, at W.illert's Bakery or at your loca grot;ers. "wt'sBakery. p,.v..» t: 1nn ..... 71.11C,14 101 Modern farm equipment has plen- ty of eye appeal in a store window. But the proper place for this mach- inery is in your farm, savrng you time and labour. You may have often admired the new, practical, profitmaking farm implements now on display through- out the country. You may have wan- ted to put such equipment to work for you. But the cost may have made you hesitate. Yet such equipment may be yours easily, without fuss or bother— the new barn, inside plumbing, modern ZURICH HERALD "hl Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR. MACHINES EARLY FOR 1946! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at 400 to 450 SIZE @ 850 to 900 SIZE @ (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KI4IOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp .Res. bJ MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Aran, for Canadian Farm. $70.75 $59.50 $82.75 profit-making machinery, ' the new 1 Windsor spent Sunday m Beaver- livestock you've wanted so badly—, town with her father all the things which make a farm a Miss Lucille Jeffrey left on Sun - better farm. A visit to Gordon Sew- ell, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, will showy how they may become yours. Mr. Sewell will explain the many advantages of the B of M's farm im- provement loans and show you how such a loan, with its low rate of in- terest, can really bring modern machinery and equipment out of the display window on to your farm. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. James Masse of St. Joseph were last Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Masse of Dashwood. Mr. Oliver Cantin and friend and Miss Valeria Cantin all of Detroit, spent the week -end with their par- ents in St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mareutte and son of Detroit were Sunday vis- itors in this community. ed with bag and baggage to spend a Mr. Ross Hewitt and children offew more weeks. It is past the day last for Windsor where she will spend a few weeks with relatives. Sister Francis Biagio of London and Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Duch- arme and family of London spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Wm. Ducharme, Sr., of the Blue Water North. Mr. Nelson Cantin of Windsor was a Sunday visitor with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farrell of Zur- ich were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Jeffrey of this burg. Recently your correspondent was motoring one evening along the Blue Water Highway, looking over the borders of Lake Huron were summer cottages are built all along, remind- ed us of the camping season of July and August, when all the spare rooms in the cottages were filled to capacity. Resorters who had to pack and lift the sceene weeks ago, return 'Thursday, 'October 7tiI O . R a' R D SPRING WHEAT MILLING COMPANY LIMITED L. SCHILBE & SON memory of old timers when hot summer like weather continued so late in the fall. And those from cit- ies who love camping life took full BORN At Zurich, on Saturday, October 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Claus- ius, a daughter. At the Meyers nursing home, ®* October 10th, to Mr. and Mss. Har.- old Connell of Stanley Township, at, daughter. (Ellen EmiiIy). At the Meyers nursing home, o Oct. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson (nee Kathleen Kockems) a son. 1 urryj Folk9 time is slipping* :by! Ever since October 15th there's been a steady stream of folks flock- ing to buy Canada Savings Bonds. Already thousands of Canadians have become happy owners of these new bonds. Hurry!—don't delay another day—get your name in for your bonds now. Put all your present and future savings into Canada Savings Bonds—up to the $2000 limit, of course. If you should need the money you can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest, at any time at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. But please remember this point. These are "Serve Yourself"" Bonds. This time there are fewer salesmen. They will not be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment opportunity—without delay. You can buy them at any bank; authorized investment dealer; stock broker; trust or loan company—for cash or by the Monthly Savings Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions from your pay. 3outoflO will buy again.