HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-10, Page 1Established (l bet he ZURICH, NTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10 t 9 46 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $L50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance, e ral I kno ,k', f y Dr Sum COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zitrbrigg. 0 OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method off 'Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. ._'x 44 Are You Suffering L From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest .Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO,DERIGH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 4-+-1-1.+÷÷÷-0+++++.0+++++++++++ 4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. . fir; arra ° ; affniart lunera, Aaine Private Car Amb ance Service for the Conveyance + + of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and 4.4. Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO 1' LTNERAL ASSOCIATION. + DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 'I' Dashwood — Ontario 4.+ 4. + 1.++++h•+-i•+i-++fi +^E'+++k++++i-h ir2.**++++++++d•+++,?++++++++++fir llli •.1illili ii: 11 10 04 Aitiilciulull uu utto 11l0111 lull(1 ,..11111 +1111111.(11 _:ilau ' Gro er 9 tore When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced enno Lesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 "i �i►`Glfl"iii 11� 1s.'lii.1�1 HI1)Jl1((II.,411il(.J10111f 111(.(111,1IIIi.'f� '6 t u lor FULL LINE OF MEN'S AND (CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, (TROUSERS, LEATHER JACKETS, ETC. GOOD VARIETY OF WOOLLEN BLANKETS AT ALL PRICES GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUICK QUAKER OATS., 3 -lb. .Box 'for 19c CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP , 2' tins ,........... 21c 70c PRETZEL STICKS, Pkg. SHREDDE» WHEAT0 2 Pkgs.. ...... .2Sc BRUNSMVMICK. SARDINES, 2 Tins 17c Ladies • nc hildrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Rainbow Theatre EVERY SATURDAY TOWN HALL, HENSALL 8.15 o'clock SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, My Son, the Hero 30c 20c 15c It's a closer drive to —HENSALL Second Largest Canada emerged from World War 11 as the second. largest exporting nation in the world and foreign trade now forms one-third of our national income. ACCEPT TENDER The finance •committee of Huron County Council met recently to con- sider the tenders for the $250,000 five year debentures, bearing niter - est at 1% p.c., for the erection of the new court house at Goderic.h The tender of Anderson Z Co., Toronto„ was finally accepted at a price of $99.93. MILK PRICES UP 3c. The .price of milk over ,most parts went up 3+c. a quart on Tuesday last. The increase in price is caused by the withdrwwl of the subsidy on milk by the Dominion Government and the increase in price allowed to produc- ers to offset their loss of subsidies. The new consumer prices were set by the Milk Control Board of Ontario, which may be added to the local pri- ces of milk and cream charged be- fore October lst. OUR 1947 MARKERS Toronto—The color scheme fox Ontario's 1947 auto license plates will be black numerals against an aluminum background, the first time the Highway ,Department has used this combination, it ,was learned. The wartime practice of issuing only one rear marker for each vehiclewill be continued. NEW FIAT INDUSTRY With the acquirement of the Hes- Iv Flax Co. building on Main street by the Felt Industries Ltd., of Galt, Mitchell can look forward to a new industry for thb manufacture of lad- ies' felt hats for which 100 hands will be employed. It is expected that work will get under way shortly af- ter Christmas after the premises arc vacated. Representatives of another firm were in town looking for a sight x'naruaxxspsrw'sr.,z.: mac:., z :.:..._: for a building to manufacture ladies dress goods and Nylon cloth. This !Hey. C. B. Heckendorn, Director of to get into production early in the • Christian Education of the Confer - er Visits an Taken to Hospital Mr. Christ Heist was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London to nave the fracture in his ankle reset. His many friends wish him a speedy re- covery and return home. Had Operation Mrffs. Dennis Bedard Sr., has re- turned home after spending some time with her husband, who had an operation performed at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. His many friends are pleased to hear that he is getting along. so well and expects to be home soon. Honeymoon at Lake Among the latter honeymooners at the lake cottages were James Rag- land and Miss .Mary Alice Phillips of Detroit, who were married at First Methodist Church, Dearborn, Mich., on September '28th. The couple en- joyed a week's camping in one or C. 0. Sni&th & Sons cottages last week. FALLS FROM BARN ROOF Clayton Ortwein, 35, of tae Bron- son rine, Hay Township is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after suffering a fracture of the left leg in a fall of 28 feet from the barn of Leonard Zirk while cleaning straw from,the roof, was reported to be im- proving nicely. Mr. Ortwein had been using a rope tied around his body, but thought he could sweep off a small portion left on the side of the roof, when he fell he clutched the evetrough and pulled it with him. HIS 1-'g struck •a. ,scantling breaking. the bone and lie landed only three feet away from a stone pile. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer was called and summon- ed the Hoffman ambulance from Dashwood and taken to London. Evangelical Church News Evangelical Men's Rally A great Rally of men was held in the Evangelical Church on Thursday evening, October 3rd. One hundred and seventy-two men carne from as far as Hamilton and Milverton. A bus load came from. Kitchener. Mr. Fred Capling, president of the Conference Brotherhood presided. The men's chorus from Crediton sang three numbers. Mr. Allan Gas- cho, secretary of the local Brother- hood read the Scripture. Mr. G. Hil- debrand of Hamilton, led rn prayer. new year. STANLEY TOWNSHIP ence presided for the Annual Busin- ess meeting. The officers for the en- suing year are: President, Fred Mrs. C. Stelck, of Varna left re- 'Capling, Kitchener; Vice 'Aresident, cently to spend some time with fri- C. 0. Kr.uspe, New Hamburg; Secy., ends in Windsor. Norman Draker, Hamilton; Treasur- Mr. Gordon Johnston, Parr Iine, er, Arthur Wiffin, Tavistock. Rev. F who underwent an operation for ap- M. Foist of Milverton, delivered an inspiring address. At the Fellowship hour following the service Mr. Harry Hoffman led and Mrs. Soper, who are in Clinton in a sing -song. Lunch was served by • hope the local Brotherhood. It was one Hospital. Their many friends to see them in their respective hom- of the most successful Rallies held es very soon. in recent years. Mr. David J. Stephenson of the "'Goshen line north, has disposed of his fine 100 -acre farm to Mr. Earl Oesch of Zurich. Mr and Mrs. Ste- phenson who have recently purchas- ed a home in Egmondville, are hold- ing an auction sale in October. Marks 85th Birthday A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Stephenson, Parr Line, Varna; on Saturday Sept. 128th, the occasion be- ing the 85th birthday of his father, Mr. Ralph Stephenson Among talose pendicitis is recovering favourably. The communie y in general extend their sympathy to Mr. A McConnell OBITUARY Mrs. Anna Weseloh Mrs. Anna Weseloh, 85, died Sat- erday last at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. Baetz, following a brief illness. Born Feb. 28, 1861, near Tavistock, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hohner. De- ceased was a member of the St John's Lutheran church, Waterloo and an honorary member of the Lad- ies' Aid of the church. The late Mr., present to celebrate the occasion we- ; Weseloh was a former resident of re his brother, Mr. and Mrs. David! Zurich. Her husband, John Weseloh Stephenson of Stanley, also his two I whom she married in Zurich 64 years daughters, Mrs. Webster Turner of , ago, predeceased her in 1938. Surv- Hensell and Mrs. Elva Reid of Sea- iving are a son, Theodore, of Water - forth. Greetings were received from loo; three daughter's, Mrs. Ralph two other daughters, and Ins sister, , (Emma) Whipple, Mrs. Floyd Pierce Mrs. Alice Armstrong, all of Pilot both of Detroit, and Mrs. C. (Alma) Mound, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs Har-; 13aetz of Kitchener and two sisters, ve s Xeys of Stanley Mr. and Mrs. i1'Irs. R. Fitzpatrick of Buffalo and Russell Consitt and family, Mr, and , Mrs. C. Lachman of Waterloo. Ten Mrs. Elmer Turner and family. A da.! grandchildren and nine great -grand - int ,• lnneh completed with birthday , children survive. Two daughters pre - lTisitors J3roken Spectacle Lt nses —DON'T WORRY- -SAVE THE PIECES— WE CAN DUPLICATE IT PROMPTLY ANY SIZE—ANY SHAPE ANY COLOR PLUS A SAVING A G. HESS or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Jeweler and Registered 1 W. R. AVl Optician.. Pone 10 SON Henson cake completed the menu and bro.' deceased. Remains rested at the the +'ninvphle ev^Hing to a close Rat? Bechtel Funeral Home from ,d all wishing Mr. Stephenson be where burial took place at Mt. Hope ••pared many more birthdays. Cemetery, em 1 00 0®0 00 to 0000xo ooa 0 *0000 000000 AN OU O NG KEIT 00000000 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director FOR RENT Telephone 89 Zurich HOSPITAL BED Day and Night Service. 0000000000,000.0.0000000000 00 Malan Ward Fritz SALES Wm. McAdams SERVICE Mr. Earl Zimmer, formerly of Dashwood, is now Employed by us Mr. Zimmer comes to us direct from the Chrysler Corporation of Windsor and has had four years' 1 Factory experience on Chrysler Cars. He also can 0 take care of any welding jobs you have. Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service 01.00040111000 010001EnteftS0000110ME0001000100904MMMOMMM0000 S a } arto Rasios We have a complete line of Radios in for your inspection and entertainment this fall and winter. A and B BATTERIES Also POWER PACKERS FIRESTONE Automobile TIRES, also.. Batteries Let us show you our BOOTS and SHOES PURITY and ROBINHOOD FLOUR For Your Baking Needs A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always 11 RIL.4IKE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone; 11-97