HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-10-03, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Past Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINESS CARDS LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron . and Middlesex 1Alif IN A POSITION TO' CON- sny Auction,,, Sale, regardless to 'size or article" to sell. I solicit r business, and if not satisfied will .k• no chargee for Services Ren - ARTHUR WE•REE.--Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N era W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETER1NA.RY SURGEON set, N Seco with Residence, ainOpposite Drug Store Obtes-..-.98. Zurich U1EHERS Zurichs' Pop -al ar MEAT MARKET tat Us supply you with very Choice of Fresh and Cur- all Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Sat., always on hand. Kept flesh in 'Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yunghlut & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES -Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH Zurich Crowell Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers! Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK rflE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP-_ZURICH 'Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Job Panting IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ifgtr, ALW, Y., LCW WOO" Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column BEAN GROWERS REGISTERED WHITE BEAN SEED FOR 1947 PLANTING To promote the growing' of bet -- ter quality beans we are offering to supply a limited nuniiber of growers in each district with registered seed. This seed will be treated and sealed, By planting this seed you are assur- ed of better yields, more uniform ripening, less loss from disease all of which adds up to more money. As the quantity is limited we re- quest you contact our nearest elev- ator. W. E. Reid — Chatham, Ont. Alvinston, Dashwood, Thedford HELP WANTED Girl for general work Phone 68 Zurich. FOR SALE A large thresher tank, nas pump and 20 feet new rubber hose. Apply to Wm. Haugh, 14th Con. FOR SALE A quantity of home grown carrots for sale.—Apply, Phone 56 Zurich. WANTED To purchase a large brooder house Apply. to—Alvin Gingerich, Phone 84 r 3, Zurich. FOR SALE Colony House and four rain shel- ters. Also half -horse electric motor, new. — Chas. S. Bedard. .11111111==.o FOR QUICK SALE A large size, Dominion Circulator heater, burns wood or coal.—Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson line. c FOR SALE MrCormick Deering walking plow No. 407; McCormick Deering bean scuffler with puller attachment, near- ly new. —Alfred Ropp, phone 96 r 4, Zurich. 2-c FOR SALE Frame Building 20x30 -ft., approx- imately 15 feet high, has heavy tim- bers inbers and a lean on back end 12x20 - feet. For further particulars apply to A. V. Tiernan, Dashwooe . FARM FOR SALE 150 acres clay loam, highly pro- ductive; well fenced and drained, plenty of good spring water, 15 acres bush; good bank barn with new hip -roof, strawshed, good brick house, hen -house and other small buildings; well equipped with Hydro; 80 rods from school; 1 mile from Highway 83; seven miles from Grand Bend.—George Link, R.R. 2, Dash- wood, Ont. FOR QUICK SALE PEACHES—From Labour Day through September. Bring your con- tainers.—Vance Bros., Lake Road, Forest. Phone 611-14. p -3t PIGS FOR SALE A number of pigs 6 weeks old, apply to Elton Bender, Phone 97 r 112, Hensall, Central. FOR SALE 100 cords of stove hardwood for sale. Apply to Alex, Sparks, R. R. 1, Bayfield.. HELP WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kaibfleisch & Son, Ttd. NOTICE . We are taking orders now for fall whitewashing jobs, with new Power• .MaChine.---Mm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19 Dashwood. 9-4. 10th •.Income Tax Returns, BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others ARTHUR FRASER Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box' 118 Temporary Office at the house the late Dr. H. xr. I iyndman, Huron Street, Exeter " rrincxAew4nW �n.Aa4.t.,,2i•4u,Ctz.+iY.x.n3A. LOCAL NE1111�� Mrs, Thompson of Kippen is vis- iting with her sisters, Mrs. Milton. and Mrs. Wm. McAdams. ;Miss Myrtle Hay has Ieft ror Sea - forth where she has accepted a pos- ition. Rev. Reulber of Crediton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. ,me one day last week. Miss Rulby Church of London, was a week -end visitor with her mother, Mrs. E. Church. Misses Pearl and Idella Gabel have accepted positions in the Hosiery Mills at Hensall. Misses Shirley and Aryls Haugh, of the 14th Con., enjoyed a week's visit at Stratford. !Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Tetreau of near Grand Bend were visiting rela- tives in our vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weido and sons of Waterloo, were visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Mrs. T. L. Wurm and brother, Mr. Nesbitt Woods of Toronto, visited with their friend, Miss Anna Datars, also calling on other friend. The local Owl's Club had a very pleasant time over the weer -end• in the cottage owned by Mr. H. G. Hess in the Pinery. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Bassow of the Bronson line wish her a speedy recovery from her recent illness. Mrs. H. H. Cowan and sister, Miss Pearl Wurtz of Exeter, visited at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Fritz one day last week. Mr. Aibel Schilbe of Waterloo, Mr Earl Schilbe and sister of Detroit, have returned after visiting relatives and friends in our village. !Miss Norma Steinbach of Exeter, visited over the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Steinbach and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Suplat, of Tuckersmith moved to Goderich, hav- ing accepted a position with Mr. Bev- erly Beaton at the bakery. Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys has returned home after spendrng sever- al days at the home of Mrs. iChas. Welber, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Eick- meier. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith attend- ed the Earley-Southcott wedding on Saturday held in St. James Church, London. They were accompanied home by their daughter Mae who left for her duties in Petrolia on Sunday Mr. George Schnell of b'enton, N. Y. was a recent visitor with his un- cle, Mr. Louis Weber of town, also visiting with his brother Mr.Lrd. Schnell of Bayfield. Miss Jean Krueger, nurse in train- ing in Victoria Hospital, London, had a very pleasant week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geiger and their daughter and her husband of Pigeon Mich., Mrs. Morris Neil of Detroit, visited relatives in town, also attend- ed the Gretzinger - Callfas wedding held in Kitchener on Saturday. Messrs. Chas. Fritz and son Ward, Wm. O'Brien, Gordon Turnlbull, Gor- don and Stanley Smith and Albert Hess are enjoying the northern bre- ezes by hunting and fishing in the beautiful waters near Parry Sound. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer and, son Michael motored to Chatham on Sunday anis were accompanied home with their eldest daughter (Daureen) Mrs. Stuart Stover and infant son, David, who will visit with her par- ents for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Zinkhann of Kitch- ener, Mr. and NIrs. J. Dretsknger of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kru- eger of Dashwood, were ,Naturday visitors at the home of the tatter's son, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger, of town. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston, Varna, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Agnes, to Wm. Geo. Burdge, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Burdge, of Brucefield, the marriage to take place the middle of October. Have Moved Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAdams have moved into their new home last week. Mrs. Josiah Sararas of the Blue Water Highway intends moving into her hone vacated by the former as soon as possible. Eledt Officers The Junior Society of the Evangel- ical Church met last Friday for ,their weekly meeting. After the worship period the election of officers was held. The new officers are as follows: President, Catherine O'Brien; vice- president, Joyce Witmer, et.cy. Gloria Dietz; treasurer, Lois Tdeckendorn. Mrs. Lennis O'Brien is superintend- ent of the Mission Band and Mrs. Heckendorn is assisting in the Jun- ior Society. Bowling Notes The following clipping was recei- ved at our office which emphasizes the fine bowling ability of one of Zurich's old boys, Mr. Ed. Wurm of Markham.—'Mr, Ed. Wurm's rink composed of Fred Reosor and Ralph Miller won the Whitby's Club trelb- bles trophy on Sept. 14. He informs the press that the 8 pourtct drawn were the tastiest he has ever had. In chickens, which were the prizes.i the Loblaw dotvbles, the teams of R. Macdonald and Ed, Warm were aur. cessful in winning a substantial Fall and Winter Footwar ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION Of MENS, BOYS, WOMEN'S, GROW- ING GIRLS, MISSES AND CHILD- REN'+S. Fine and Sturdy Footwear in Stock BUY YOUR SHOES FROM ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS AND SUITCASES FOR SALE Wood and coal range fully enam- eled; drop leaf hardwood table, 6 hardwood diningroom chairs. Apply at the house Saturday afternoon.— Henry Lawrence, Zurich. body an Thursday, October 3rd, 1946 Feder REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ALSO CARS COMPLETELY REFINISHED BRODERICK BROTHERS At Newton Motor Sales Telephone 277 - Exeter 4, • • • • • • • • • • • 6 6 0 • •• •• 4 • • • i• • • t • 4 4 ••••••••••••••••o•• .•6'0.7 •4i.'.4 i.' . IMIPORTA. NT NOTICE HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERAT;VE INCORPORATED For the convenience of our Mem'sers and Patrons of the Zurich District, Co -Op. Feeds, Binder Twine, I"tc., are now available at Mr. M, G. Dietz's Feed Mill, at Zurich. R. J. COOPER, Manager PHONES: Hensall 115. Zurich 154 • • as a • • • 4. • • • • 6 • • • • • • b • • 4 •••••• ••4•+s••• OF A No.1 CITIZEN... any week -day after Thanksgiving - You can buy your Canada Savings Bonds at your local B of M branch for • • • cash, on the Monthly Savings Plan, or on the Deferred Payment Plan. Any member of our staff will be glad to ,give you full particulars. Dazs