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Zurich Herald, 1946-10-03, Page 3
Classifiedvert sing BABY (; 11('1{S 1'ITLLI•YI:'i BARBED ItID('.Is5, N1 -2w lilnmpshir$, White l.eghorns, 12 wcnks to laying. Also :My old (-hicks. Free catalogue. rl'np' Notch (.•hi,,kc•r- ie', Guelph, Ontario, A FEW STARTED (:IIId:I*S ON hand for immediate delivery, for quick ordering. Order later season (Nov, -Dec,) chicks now, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ontario.. PULLETS; ALL AGES; 12 WEEKS • to laying. Also Fall .hatched chicks, Prompt delivery. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASH. 1I1/' RETURN MAIL FOR your -old Gold Jewellery, Gold teeth, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, etc. 100 per cent premium on gold coins. Satisfaction guaranteed or parcel returned prepair. Kirby Company rewelers, 13 Queen East, Toronto, On t. ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO SMALL RETAILERS ANI) LfUSI- nese men who cannot afford to hire a regular bookkeeper we offer the perfect bookkeeping and tax serv- ice. Write for details MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING Room 300, 21 King St. L2., Toronto. AN ' Ii XCICL'TIONALLY ATTRAC- tive commission sales proposition 1s aailablo to all bread, milk and other delivery salesmen, students,vacation- ists and others desiring part or full time employment. Please forward name, 'address and telephone num- ber to Box 101, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to an- swer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Wprks Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. ELECTRICAL EQUIP'MENT NEW r"CYCLOIIAT" LIGUTING plantspowered by Briggs & Strat- ton .gas engines. A. C. or D. C. 360 to 2500 watt. British gas and Diesel engines from 1,N, to 200 h. p. sta- tionary or marine type. Air, tank, radiator or hopper cooled, Large -stock of throe phase motor. From stock A.C. or D.C. Welding mach- ines, electrodes and accessories. New gas engine driven portable self -priming centrifugal pumps 7000 gale. per hour. Total weight 90 lbs. Operates 5 hours one gallon $165.00. Farmers, lumber and fish- ing, industry — in most cases — tax and .duty exempt. Write for prices to Alliance Electric Works Limited, Montreal — Toronto — Halifax — Rouyn — Winnipeg. ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY Write for our catalogue on rloures- .cent fixtures, desk lamps, bed lamps, 00 cycles only. Also toasters, irons. Give W.P.T.B, license num- ber. Gordon -Harris Supply Co., Reg'd.. 5354 Waverley St., Montreal 1140R SALE' ATTENTION NOVELTY 8-4-5 DIFFERENT VARIETIES IN ono apple tree. A1ao McIntosh on hardy rootstocks. Black and Red •Currant Plants for commercial and private planting in the newest va- rieties. PHILLPS FARMS, CHA- 'TEAUGUAY VILLAGE, QUE. AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES for all cars, Price List on request. Piston rings for all motors at pre- war prices. Dept. W., Canadian Auto Parts, 339 Queen St. W., Toronto. , •GALVANIZ.ED HIP ROOF BARN, 45 x 21, nearly new. Mrs, H. Hage- dorn, Durgessville, Ont. NEPTUNE OUTBOARD MOTORS — Authorized parts service;hip any- where. Neptune Outboard Motors •overhauled: workmanship Guaran- teed. Scope • Sales Co., Box 852, Ot- tawa, Ontario. ONE GOOD IRISIt TERRIEit, PE - male puppy, Sire imported from Ire- land. 835.00. Write Blackthorn Ken- nels,' Reg'cl., PO Box 282, Kingston, :Ont, — 6,000 PULLETS — 6000 Ready -to -Lay Pullets, also -several thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most ideal conditions. Send for Price List and full particulars. — OIL BURNERS — New pot type oil brooders, new pot type range burners and heaters. Prompt delivery or book for later. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM. 'WEIN BROS.. Exeter, Ontario. PEDIGREED N E W ZEALAND 'White Rabbits Junior trios 57.00. Senior bred Does $5.00 each. Keith Ferrier, Route 3, Perth, Ont. 'REGIS'i'ERED BROWN SWISS Herd for sale. 51 head, one bull two years, 21 milk cows, 8 two year old heifers, bred, 11 yearling, 6 heifer -calves. 5 bull calves. Sun -O -Val Farm, 20578 LalteShore Road. Bate ,d'Urfe. Quebec. Eighteen miles from Montreal. • I.941 WHOLESALE CAT4LOGUE!, Merchants and storekeepers only. -Send W.P.T.B. License number for -our Free Wholesale Catalogue. Penny -up Merchandise Co., Balfour Bldg., Montreal 13, Que. 'WELT , BRED. WALKER .11' 0 X - 'hounds, 8 months, Have proved ex- .cellent on Fox. Hartman's Kennels, St. Clements, Ontario, FARMS FOR SALE ONE HUNDRED ACRES, MEDIUM clay loans, fifteen acres, wooded, 'balance grass. Immediate posses- sion, Elizabeth Weir, Wingham,, -Ontario. FARM 230 ACRES, 230 TILLABLE, solid brick house, gond out build- ings, good wells, School van to Public and Continuation School, -Co-operative Hydro cheese lnvn labletor25 in dmiles south of Ottawa, Apply N. Crowder 2tountain, not, 100 ACIMS, CUL'TIVABLE. GOOD 'buildings, well drained, Hydro in- stalled, gond wells, 1 mile from town, schools. churches. creathery; with or without stock and imple- ments. Apply to Eugene Ouellette, R,Tt. 1, Alexandria, Ont. CHOICE F4Kitt, ,('QN11 AJW1NG 19S aeras Incafe(I'lti the County of Ox- ford 3 1-94it iles' rlortlr of'thleViilnt;•e -of Ilrumho. Penn nt1•rtuncier cultiva- tion and ,in good cnnditrnn The buildings consist of a large L drape 'Steel hunk barn with cement stalls and steel, staunchinns cement silo and hen grouse with southern ex- posltre on second floor, Two storey Stone house in good state of repair. 'T'arrn equipned with hydra Early possession. rnr further pat ticl,lars nnply. The Canada Permanent 'Trust 11o., I't'oodvlorlc, 1111ttu i , II A 1111)III:SSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ltobottson method, Information on request regarding classes, Robert- son's hairdressing Academy. 187 Avenue Mond, Toronto. II[1L1' WANTED HOUSE TO IEOUSE SALESMAN 11'Olt paste soap, hand cleaner, household cleansing and purifying products. Write l.ichty Products, Kitchener, Ont. CAPABLE COUNTRY GIRL. GOOD wa.gos, gond hours, 'References. AD - ply Ml's. R. A, Crain, 525 Piccadilly, Ave., Ottawa, DISTI'tIBUTORS WANTED 1r OR quality line of cosmetics and other household articles . Sunray Prod- ucts, 4035 Glanranali. Avenue, Mon- treal, Quebec. MEDICAL ITS EXCELLENT. REAL RIOSULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00, RHEUMATISM INTRODUCING A NEW AMAZING JItheurnatic-pain Salve to sufferers of Rheumatism - Arthritis - Sciatica -Neuritis. This "American Rheuma- tic Pain Salve" developed especial- ly and after consistent research is available to you now. This special introductory trial offer is Inex- pensive but the relief obtained le priceless. Take advantage of this special trial offer at a saving to you. Available now in Canada. One ounce container for only 31.00, If you suffer from: Rheumatism -Arth- ritis -Sciatica -Neuritis - Cold Com- plaints and really want effective relief—"American Rheumatic Pain Salve" is what you need. Prove It to Yourself as chemist's tests's have proved. Write direct to American Drug & Chemical Co.. 232313 Bloor St., West, Toronto, Ontario. Can- ada. Send money order or postal not. No C.O.D.'s or stamps please. A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERER 01r Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A HOD DING'1'ON OUT'S sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments 111 Church. Toronto 2. •OPI'ORTUNITIIIS FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys-' tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS I+ETHERS'rONHAUGIB & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of informntlnn on request PERSONAL PLAY THE PIANO BY 10Alt, WITH new method. you can play in one week. Easy to learn, Write Box 362-S, Sacramento, California. PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAR ROUND FAST SEI1V- ice and fine quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial. 6 or 8 exposure films. de- veloped and printed, 30'. IMI'irRIAL PHOTO SECRVICE Station 1. Toronto XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Your negatives make the most original and pleasing Christmas Cards you can get — cards that friends treasure—and the cost is small. Select your favorite nega- tives and send them to us. We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures printed on— and envelopes for mailing—all for 79c, Order early. (2•Photos 011 Calendars 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1211, Post Office A. Toronto (Print Name and Address Plainly) SPECIAL OFFER FREE ENLARGEMENTS WiTB each 6-8 exposure roll for 25c. Re- printst guaranteed workCt o n Crystal PhotService. 1500 Dundas West, Toronto. STAMPS CANADIAN AND F 0RE 1 G N stamps, mint and used, on approval. We buy stamps. Claude Langlois, LA Albert, Victoriaville, Que. COLLECTORS! SEND $1.00 lrOlt selection fine approvals. Refunded if not fully satisfied. No trash. A. 191oom, 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Can- ada. PREWAR STAMPS AT LOW PRICES to responsible approval applicants, , also assorted packets, 5e. up. Mr. Powell, Box 144, Hamilton, Ontario. TRAPPING WOLF - FOX MINB TRAl'l'ERS use the best trapping system and gland scents money can buy. Write for particulars to A. E. Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. WANTED (ZUANT.ITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company, 86 Icing Street West, Toronto, Ont. WRITE SHOUT STORIES, POETRY. limner for pleasure and profit. De- tails Literary Mosaic, Guelph, Ont. WANTED YOUNG SINGING CANA- ries, young Love Birds (Budgies), small breed puppies. Top prices paid. Write full particulars. Doug- las Pet Shop. 273 hanfnrlh Avenue, Toronto, No Nation Wants Third World War Lord Strabolgi, one of the Labor members in the House of Lords, has been offering wagers in New York that "there will be no third world war." His reasons are that no nation wants it, that` no nation is now ready to fight it, that there is no food in Europe for artnies, and that the future terribleness of war is acting as a deterrent. —Ottawa Citizen, ISSUE 40-1946 COLLAPSE CARVES NEW PROFILE IN AMERICAN FALLS Before a huge section of rock collapsed into the mist of the deep lower Niagara gorge Sept. 20, the American Falls had the profile shown in air view at left. How it looked afterwards is shown at right in photo made after 120 -foot wide section, four feet thick, broke away with a crash that rocked the area for miles around Niagara Falls. Radar Plowing Solves Problem �a Il Manpower If you are a farmer, how would you like to do your plowing by sit- ting in one corner of a big field, and by just turning a few knobs, operate one to six tractors at the same time? asks the St. Thomas Times -Journal. That is not an H. G. Wells vision of things to come, but is actually here. It has been done in England, where, generally speaking, the farms are smaller than in Canada.' The tractor used in this case was the ordinary type fitted with what is known as the Queen Bee appa- ratus for controlling - pilotless planes. In a recent public demon- stration the control van was in one corner of a 14 acre field, and the tractor was all set to go when the controls were operated. it then began to move by itself, and made right or left turns perfectly. It plowed 660 feet of furrows In 10 minutes. Although only one tractor was used, other experiments by the, .. Royal Aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough, Kent, showed that one pian could just as easily handle half a dozen. Radar plow- ing can go a long way toward sol- ving the manpower problem on the farms. Canadians Win Five First Awards Canadian companies carried oft no less than five firsts in the New York Financial World contest for best financial reports, relates The Financial Post. Ovet 3,000 indivi- dual reports, reprr i tinting 80 in- dustries, were examined. Heading their respective indus- tries were the following: Brewing—Canadian Breweries. Distilling — Hiram Walker- Gooderam , Worts Food Chains—Dominion Stores. Life Insurance—Sun Life. Railways—Canadian: Pacific. That is an excellent showing indeed, :n a field where competi- tion is unusually hervy. There are fat more companies in the United States than in Canada. and many of them are far larger, too, but in the compiling under- standable and interesting annual reports, as in a lot of other activi- ties, mere volume is not a factor. Let's get more reports of the kind that win awards. 6,000 -Degree Heat The hottest torch ever made was on exhibit at the final sessions of the American Chemical Society's meeting at Chicago. The torch is a flame made by two gases, fluorine and hydrogen. The heat is more than 6,000 de- grees Fahrenheit, which is the surface temperature of some cool stars. By FRANK MANN HARRIS ' ("A Six Bit Critic") One of the great charms of what we alight call take -a -chance or haphazard radio listening is its un-' expcctedness. If you listen Sys• tematicaily and follow the form chart — we mean the published program listings — you know that at a certain time, and on a ccrtan station, you will get. for example, Mister Sinatra — and you can have him. But just take a stab at random and you never know what you are liable to bump into com- ing across the air -waves. * * * Just the other day. for instance. we got quite a surprise. Idly twisting the dials of our T.B. set — its tubes have seen better days' — we happened to cut in on the middle of a speech. And, from the earnest seriousness of the speak- er's tone, and the solemn manner in which he was adjuring his hear- ers to good habits, self-discipline and general moral conduct worthy of their high calling in life, we would have bet money that here was some reverend gentleman ad- dressing a group of theological students bound for foreign mission fields. * * * So, imagine the shock when we discovered, a moment or so later, that it was an official of the Maple Leaf Hockey Club giving a bunch of the hired help a public pep talk at the start' of a new season. We regret to report that we didn't stay tuned in long enough to learn who the speaker was, but can as- sure hint that his talk — what we caught of it — was highly impres- sive and well calculated to inspire the lads into giving their all for the dear old shareholders. Likewise we chanced — in a somewhat similar planner — to bust in on an unidentified sports commentator who was talking about Joe Louis in a style which was, to put it mildly, a trifle flow- ery. One of his comments, in par- ticular, struck us. It was to the effect that Louis, by coming in at 211 pounds against Mauricllo, was "demonstrating to the world just how big and powerful he could be if he really wanted to." Now we, in our innocence, would have thought that Joe, ap- pearing at such a weight, was merely showing the world that he held Tami so cheaply that he hadn't even bothered to train down to proper fighting poundage. But then, no doubt there are lots and lots of the finer and more subtle things in sport that go 'way over our obtuse head, * * The case of that sante Joe Louis, and the seeming 1lnpossi- bility of finding an opponent that can even make hint break into a mild sweat, somehow or other re. minds us of an aged couple named Mulhern, of Hibernian extraction. who lived in Toronto's Cabbage - town many years ago. Over a lengthy period this couple had been engaged in a series of law- suits regarding a certain piece of property, with a man by the name of Cameron, who was one of the Queen City's wealthiest inhabi- tants. * * Matters had steadily and con- sistently gone against them. Time after time the various Courts of Law had decided in favor of their adversary, but still they kept on trying. At last one afternoon Mul- hern carne home and broke the news to his spouse that the latest of their long list of appeals had gone the way of all others. "But we're not t'rough wid him yet." he added defiantly. "If it takes the last dollar we have in the sock, we'll carry it right up to the Shu- prenle Court in 0ttywah." * * * "pinny, we'll do nothing of the kind at all," replied Mrs. Mulhern, quietly but most decisively. "That old —ll of a Cameron is too powerful for the likes of us ordi- nary mortals, so from now on we'll lave him to Heaven Above to deal with." * * * And right now it looks as though the Brown Bomber is sev- eral lengths too good for ordinary mortals. Of course Billy Conn, who must be a real glutton for punishment, is offering to stick his neck out for yet a third time, and already they are starting to smoke up a next years match with Bruce Woodcock, which sounds like a natural, Bruce having been knock- ed out by Mauricllo, who lasted a whole 129 seconds against Joe. But viewing the situation with an unprejudiced eye, it would appear that the best chance of ever catch- ing up with Mr. Louis would be to leave the whole platter to some higher power—possibly that of old Father Time. Maybe, if we wait long enough. some night Joe will trip himself over his own long white whiskers. and be too rheu- matic to arise before the count L f Ten. Green Lumber The new vapor -drying method of seasoning lumber removes as much moisture froin green oak crossties overnight as will evapor- ate in 15 months by air seasoning. Soviet Evangelists Active In Cam, da "Cultural" Delegation of Visit, ing Russians to Appear in Every City in Canada Recent articles in The Financial Post have pointed out that Canada is inevitably going to be the target of a vigorous Russian effort to soften us up ideologically as part of the Kremlin's offensive against the demoncracies. Interesting additional confirma- tion comes in the current "evangel- istic campaign" being staged by a "cultural" delegation of visiting Russian editors and stage artists, under the sponsorship of the Uk- raiah rl Society for Cultural Ties Abroad, an official Soviet organi- zation. M ass meetings diligently man- aged by local Russophiles, greet the delegation wherever it goes. A festival in their honor at Edmonton drew 15,000. Urkainians and Russians corn - prise Canada's third largest racial group, after British and French. Most of them live in tightly knit community clusters. The cultural delegation is understood to he ap- pearing in every city and town across Canada where a Slavic cluster exists. We saw this delegation arrive at Toronto's Union Station, watched the fervent crowd of several hun- dred who had gone there early in the morning to bid the visitors welcome, listened to impassioned speeches in the station waiting room, saw the clenched fist Com- munist salutes that were popping all over the place. We wondered what would have happened if Can- ada tried sending a "cultural" rie'e- gation to Russia. Non -Stop Record Set By North Star Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe. recon- struction minister, and H. J. Sym- ington, president of Trans -Canada Air Lines, returned to Vancouver last week from Santa Monica. Calif., i'lying from the United States aboard the North Star. The fight was completed four hours and 20 minutes after the take- off from Santa Monica, :t distance of 1,500 miles. Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores heals quickly, no scar, 25c, 35c, 50c, 51.00. tom Ruptured Try This at 13(01.7.7 1'(-01 ',' ;0n Pro,, Mrs Great Comfort anal Holding Security WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "eye-opening" revelation in sensible and comfortable reducible rupture protction may be yours for the asking, without cost or obliga- tion. Simply send name and address to William S. Rice Appliance Co. Ltd., 5 West Adelaide St., Dept. 121-B Toronto, Ont., and full details of the new and different Rice Me- thod will be sent you Free. Without hard flesh -gouging pads or torment- ing pressure, here's a Support that has brought joy and comfort to thousands—by releasing then from Trusses with springs and straps, that bind and cut. Designed to se- curely hold a rupture up and in where it belongs and yet give free- dom of body and genuine comfort. For full infortnation—write today! NEW LOW PRICE. 12 Tablets Sac 74 tablets 29c 100 tablets 79c GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY sommimosimermimeonconsconarcnemompos MUTT AND JEFF— Well, Anyway Jeff's Speech at the Peace Conference Kept Things Peaceful By BUD FISHER SAND S4, GENTLEM N, 1 REPEAT/ AA EKTUATE tHE NEGATIVE AND c FL/MIt�`AY„ TIE ONE MEF;T BAIL! 1' , �,r,s .b ./«,,. �'. 114 ti",? r �R Ap JEFF, DOME` DON'T A `rAVC1R-' YOU LtICE HU (IP6 J MY :. , SPEECH? ' •►A��. : A alb .. �y .. C� ..a , Vf �• •... ' . I,,e ?' 7" (. 0d. ©od WRYEIT'S NoN5EN51CALI ITS INSANE! I'C'S INSULTING; 1 ['S AWFUL9 `MUTT, a'4t_ NAVE IoW UNDERSTAND MADE TNAT VE12Y.• SAME SPEECH AT Ti1E UNITED NATIONS CONFEt2ENCE, YoU MADE '1°FII� 1.1N1T C A TNNAi"1UNS \ SECURITY. ,'Z' a ' CONFERENCE? t pip! 1,�` AND T, HAPPENED?, ► D/� ° ° '' ( °' ", A .. • sl -A6 a�IUIIL►N'a! THEY ALL WENT I - - ll Jyt , v r i' jas/76f r !�•.- qty T �" I! • - I, • „,� ;+� "..p;/ c',=•av''Iv. �%�;/ l A-. °`.'i I i '''- H ®®or who If '°re " / , '... :.: is ' a � pa 4 y�. °a ,:. ". s - n �It'l\ , gg l �I . .. Ipil , o .a.'o'1*,.•„-yea*' 6 illllll �. �� •• . ,.,. ...... ,I�l ... •r � - IS . —` Is.r