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Zurich Herald, 1946-09-26, Page 8
fiaassiecits, Or'iT.+ ,1 y ZUi1 iCH 1" P:BALI) ti ivais IN MEN'S WEAR • We are receiving new Fall and Winter .goods in limited quantities alrnost daily. �A fine lot of Men's and Boys' Parkas just arrived. These are fitted with hoods, well made, dalso woollined. dozen only outfit for cold winter days, Men's Leather Windbreakers. These are in very short supply, this will be OW quota for the season, so if interested do not delay. Priced from 14.50 to 20.50 Each. MEN'S AND :OYS' FELT HATS See our supply of new Fall Hats: We carry the well known Biltmore Hats in newest styles. Also a lot of boys' Hats, and Mens and Boys' Fall Caps of every description. We are doing our best to secUnderwear, Sox, Shirts, Overre all the various lines of s Men's Work Trousers. Un WOOL BLANKETS Only Satin Bound irs to offer. pure woolces s 10.75 to 12.75 m 7.50 to 17.50 a pair. Each. aSC S o ZURICH TELEPHONE 59 Vp:i` ok L C L I TE ,, Rev. C. B. Hecken rn, of town, supplied the pulpit at the Resisa11 m v United Churen on Sunday. elMr, and Mrs. Harold Stade atten- ded the wedding o. then l�:tter's uncle at London last week. Mr. Clayton Ellie of Dashwood, ' e visited relatives in our village the Q Q beginning of the week. 4p (sir. and Mrs. Wilfred. Jervis of 04 Clinton and family spent - Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Q G Mrs. Sylv. Witmer. 4 Misses Patricia Mittleholtz and 4 P Ilene Miller of London visited with 4 o their parents, also enjoying our fall Fair, Q Q .''Ir. and Mrs. Herbert; K. Eilber, ©�� of Crediton, spent Tuesday at the 4QG home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs �Un Ward Fritz. U �1r, and :Mrs, Win. Thiel and Mr. c Q Ray Fisher attended the funeral of Mrs. John We.seloh, Sr., at Kitchener * on Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Gellman returned of- ��ter a pleasant holiday with relatives o and friends in Toledo Ohio, and De - 4Q6 troit. nn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson. \•VI' and daughter Jean of near Auburn, V were Tuesday visitors at the home DOp of Mrs. Frank Kockems. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and :c chidren of Teeswater, were Sunday visitors in our vicinity, also attend V ed the anniversary at the Evangel: - 400 ical church. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURC�tY. 41 5 t REV. C. B. HECKEI`IDORN, Minister' 4 M'rs,. �L Pesch—Organist .' 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon.: Our Home Missionaries 11 a.m,---Sunday School 7.30 p.m. ----Worship. Sermois: When Two Men Prayed NOE Have you. adequate protection against loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with ane! Insurance License No. A 714 state Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with ane. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, Insurance and Real Estate Zurich Zurich TL, .A,'a'ti 5T`F1Lb ;, •tr. `):F 5h "F'; ,.;vV I.e.. T.^. ,1e.0 00611'T six;-tib4y� Mrs. Oscar Koehler and son Har- old, have left for Toronto, where the:• latter will enter his third yeah at the. University. His many friends wish Harold every success., Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. were: lass ween visiting with tsterr aaugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scotchmer• at Bayfield and with Mr.. and' Mrs. Hly. Volland and other filends at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader of town: and Mr. and Mrs. Ted.. Bader, and daughter Margaret of the Goshen line, south, were visitoxs with relati- ves and friends in, Michigan. last, week. Mrs. Wagner and: daughter ZTe:ezn,. of Waterloo visited. at the home of the former's brother, Lr.. and 141rs.. Elmore Klopp. They were, cccornp.an- ied by, Miss Ethel Hess who will vis- it in that city and. Kitchener, also with her sister, Rev. and lhlrs. Lloyd. I Kalbfleiscih, its Elmira. . ST: PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV._ E'., VC. H,EIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services Zwich Beauty Shop THE'. HOME, OF THE BETTER OIL PERCENTS The Better Oil. Permanents Applied with the vers' 1'a'teat of methods and Eslui:psnent. GIVE; US A CALL! Mona 153 ffinr your Appointments. DOB 1 MT-MBE—Zurich . Receives Recognition Master Billie Hess, son of Mr; and yMrs. Albert G. Hess of town has re- ceived word from the Banting Clinic l of Toronto for the walking stick bug he forwarded to them, and which he secured while at their cottage at Du- charme's Grove this summer. Science is finding this bug to 'be of some value and stated that Billie will hear from thein in the near future. HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Pr AL ERT Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER. SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinamlth- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. !STADE ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY P RICE— SERVICE sea 7'.ore Girls TED TO COMPLETE OUR PRE'S'EN<li PRO GRAM .APPLY.-- PIENS.ALL HOSIERY MILL Attended . Wedding Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sewell were guests at the wedding of Miss Laureen Hern, R. N. of Winchelsea to 111r. Orville W. Snell of Exeter, on Saturday, September 21st at Zion. United Church. Mrs. Sewell attend - Ied the trousseau tea in honor of Miss Hern on Tuesday. During the ev- NOTICE We are taking orders now for fall 'whitewashing jobs, with new Power Machine. --Wm. Watson, Picone 35 r 19 Dashwood. 9-4. 10tc 4.4 a 4' 4 4? hurscralc, ge0er• C t'r 26th, 194U 41- -44.+444,444 s 'M4W44&4k4431W1,444.44�r PY' re NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment' .of New 1` Enamelware;. such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some atSractive color. designs. To appreciate these articles one must see them. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES .n 4. Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you: have a fife range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled' Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably. 4. . BED= ROOM FURNITURE' Wb.. have• some: very attractive and newly' designedi Bed Room Suites> just in, which are of the::.newestpatterns .i, and. finishes°. Be sure and see thea, if- interested in 4. th.;re line of furniture:. 4. A Full' Line of all the Home Requirements * Everything in Shelf and Heavy:. Hitrxlware • Johnton 6)6 Kalbfieisc }lardy? . re Furniture,„ �•M+l'��'r•A+l+4�*r�F��h.t.<g.�,�,as�:.;�y�*•.�3��.,,�•r 4.444.+++.0•444.444.+4.440144+411 1. 011 6$ ii.$d 44*++4 +4.++++++++•.4.4• s9+' 4444.4•444. •@ail 4-4.4 ' i RATION BOOK. DISTLIBUTION Mr. C. V. Pickard, Secy. of the Local Ration Board, wishes on behalf of the committee to thank ail those who helped in any way in the Distri- bution of Ration Book No. 6. The total number of books distri- buted in the District was 10,140.This was an increase of several hundred over the previous distribution. This fact is probably explained by the number of active service personell who have returned to their homes. The following statement shows the number of books distributed at the eight different centres, also the nam- es of the persons in charge of the dis Mrs.Victor Snell of London I tribution: ening is or na Exeter, R. N. Creech 3034 and Mrs. G. G. Sewell of Zurich, Hensall J. L. Scot If 00 aunts of the groom, presided at the S 1 'lb 1848 Tea Table. W H It 89h Anniversary Held Rev, R. A. Brook of the United Church, Hensall, was the guest spea- ker in the Evangelical church on Sun- day and delivered two very impress SISTER KENNY'S LOVE STORY sive sermons. In the morning his theme was "The Adventerous Chris- I For more than 30 !years her be- tianity." In the evening, "Holy; loved Dan waited for Sister Benny Grounds" these inspiring messages to to come bads again, but the coura- the large audiences proved to be, r.,eous nurse, who had to fight doc- very helpful. Special music with Mrs i tors as well as infantile paralyses, felt Hilton 0esch at the organ and Mrs. � serving mankind was mor important H. G. Hess at the piano, added to the ( than her own happiness, Redd Sis- Sunday's program, 1 ter Kenny's Love Story in The Amer - Attended Tea icon Weekly with this Sunray s issue ' of The Detroit Sunday Tunes. Amer - Mrs, Thos. Meyers being hostess tot, ._ a tea held last Friday afternoon in: BANK SHORTENS FARMERS' honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. .David': Meyers British War Bride. Ladies; HOURS attending. were welcomed by the hos- Low -Cost Loans Make Farming teas and ushered into the living Easier room. A very attractive and tasty ; lunch was served. Mrs. Elroy Des -1 New labor-saving devices, new sardine pouted the tea, while Mrs.' farm machinery and new appliances, H. Rose, Mrs. Wm. Hay, Mrs. Mel- designed to shorten working hours vin Brown assisted with the luneh. and lighten farm chores, are now Many lovely and useful gifts were appearing on the Canadian market. received by the Bride who has come With them are coining such modern to make her home in our midst, and comforts and conveniences as inside thus far enjoys Canada very much, plumbing, hot running water, wash- The ladies wishing them every suce- Ing Machines and other devices to eas, returned to their homes. I lighten the housewife's burden. A BAD FLU Many of these improvements have already found their way to Canad- A great many people of this dis- fan farms and homes. The Bank of tric•t are or have been afflicted with Montreal has played an important a bad flu epidemic that is making its part through its farm improvements r: rnd.s. A bad cold usually accomp- loans in making this post-war equip- anics with it, and there is sickness of ment•immediately available. If the the stomach, and much weakness in pro'.blem of financing is preventing the lower part of the body and legs you from getting your share, a 13 of experienced. Happy are you if you M loan at low interest rates may be escape it. But not so with ,our pub- the answer. lisher who is seemingly a vietim of Mr. Gordon Sewell, manager of this epidemic, and we are getting the Bank of Montreal, will he glad our paper out with great uifiienity, to review your plans with you. He 811(1 have to hang a number of attic- will show you in a practical way les over for next week, including the what is meant when he says, "When prize winners of the Zurich Fall Fair you ask for a loan at the .l of M, but we hope to get there some time, you do not ask a favour." Q 0 Scott Zurich, Milford c i e Grand Bend, J. ° 896 1 Dashwood, Edward Nadiger 66 Crediton, Edwin Beaver 466 Centralia, Bruce Field 524 Elimville, Wm. Johns 4. F Quiek Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a. Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. I .ALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 ZURICH IN D gives a lifetime of SERVICE URO PUMPS are pumping water through thousands of Canadian Farm Homes and ]3arn.s. Modern Parmers realize that the amount of labour and time saved by rroming water pays for a pump in a few months. ]Cliff CO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS ], us for the latest Kitchen Bathroom and Laundry Fixtures and Fittings. We will gladly give you full information. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. 4460