HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-09-05, Page 5ZWICH ONTAnto ZURICH HERALD ThuredaY, September 5th, 1946 ZURICH liERALID, Mthoriaed as second class mail, Poet Office Deparinnent, 'Ottawa. BUSINESS CARDS LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - tact *my Auction Sale, regardless or to etas or article to sell. I solicit war business, and if not satisfied will sieske no charges for Services Ren- Isired. ARTHUR WEBER--lkishwood Plume 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'with Residence, Main Skreet, Opposite Drug Store • •••••-- Zurich BUTCHERS Zurich' Popular MEAT MARKET La Ills supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Bat., always on hand. Kept fresh in 'Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins a.Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry slave your Eggs Graded ori .011T AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy 'O'Brien, Manager Phone 10 1 ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. 'Highest Cash Prices paid plus Ili premium for delivered crean- We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor )ut Your Want, For Sale ost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this COlurnn. LOST At the Zurich Lions Frolic, in Zur- ch, a gents wrist watch. Finder aridly leave at Herald Office, Zurich. FOR SALE John Deer tractor Model D, in A-1 condition, newly overhauled, Ap- ply to Earl Dignan, R.R. 2, Hensall FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 75 acres, being Lot 9, Con. 8, Hay Township; 25 acres billable, balance pasture land. Farm is suitable for pasture farm. Phone 84 r 3, Zurich 'Central FOR, QUICK SALE PEACHES -From Labour Day through September. Bring your con- tainers. -Vance Bros., Lake Road, Forest. Phone 611-14. p -3t PIGS FOR SALE A number of pigs 6 weeks old, apply to Elton Bender, Phone 97 r 112, Hensel', Central. FOR SALE 100 cords of stove hardwood foe sale. Apply to Alex. Sparks, R. R. 1, Bayfield, FOR SALE Cows for sale with calf at foot. - John W. Brown, R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone Zurich 84r8. FOR SALE Pure bred Berkshire hogs 8 weeks old. Also 2 pure bred Hereford bulle, Domino breed. A man's ibicycle,nearly new has ibaloon tires and is in good condition. - Apply to Clarence Parke, Zurich, Phone 96r9, Zurich. FOR. SALE Roasting .Chickens, Dressed and cleaned ready for the oven, '4 to 7 pounds. -J. M. Cowan, Dashwood Phone 40 r 13. c NOTICE PAINTING -Barns, Roofs, Houses done by E. J. Beckman, a Veteran Call L. Merner, Zurich phone 85r1l For free Estimates. : FOR QUICK SALE Kitchen Stove, Good Cheer,whit enameled with red trim, goed 'cor dition-Lennie O'Beien.. FOR SALE A White bean thresher in goc /IA OW, }al 1: . ©n rubbe INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance to. Earl Gingerich, Phone 90 r 1. LOCAL i'ENV:b Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and children of the Blue Water south, spent a day at London last week. Messrs, Wm. IL Edighorfer and Leonard Becker epent the week -end in the State of Michigan. Mr. Wm, H, Edighofier aria' Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch made a busyness trip to Stratford one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess have re- turned after enjoying a, few weeks in their cottage at the Duper= Grove. Miss Clara Weber of London is spending a few weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Welber. Mr. John Hartman Sr., of Hamil- ton visited with Mr. and hers. Kuno Hartman, Goshen line south, over the week -end. Master Robin Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Meyers has fully re- covered from the effects of the hoop- inace cough. Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter, vis- ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hay over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Max. Forsythe of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of the former's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gellman. Mr. and Mrs. Holden of London were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's another, Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14th con. Miss Alpha Meyers, Reg. N., of Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying at the home of her par- ents, •Mr. and Mrs. Toni Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell sPent a few days at Toronto and Kitchener. They were accompanied home with their daughter, Helena, who visited in Toronto for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook..and da- ughter Patricia, Mrs. Wahl and da- ughter Helen, Mrs. Lloyd Cook, of Kitchener visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charrette and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duch- arme of Detroit, were week -end vis- itors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Miss Joan Paisley of the State of Mass., has returned to take up her studies and is in residence with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs Morley Witmer, Betty and Kenneth visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Clara Decker and other relatives ror sever- al days over the week -end. r. NOTICE Taking orders now for fall white- washing jobs, with new Power Mach- ine. -Win. Watson, Phone 35 r 19 Dashwood. pt 9-3. OF WOODSTOCK •OLE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Ankount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. E. F. KLOPP-ZURICH *gent, also Dealer in Lightn- ng Rode and all kinds of Fire Insurano. Job Printing HELP WANTED Summer Time SHOES LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM FOR BEACH AND CAMP WEAR ALSO RELIABLE WORK AND DRESS BOOTS ALWAYS IN STOCK FOR ECONOMY AND QUALITY BUY YOUR SHOES FROM ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS AND SUITCASES AtorYLOSISIN......Own•MaleSsMalmaiMMONOMINMMMOOmmiwb "WHERE CAN I RAISE THE MONEY?" • That question, at one time or an- other has been asked by nearly ev- ery woman in this country. The Bank of Montreal is the answer that is occurring to more and more people every day. They are realizing that the B.ank of Montree.al is as much interested in making small personal loans as in making large business loans, and when they look into the interest charges, it is brought home to them very definitely that the Bank of Motreal is the place to go for a loan. Oneshalf of 1% per month, or 27c. a month for $100 loan, repayable in twelve monthly instalments, is the only charge and the total charge the Bank makes, It is so low that it is neither here nor there when set a- gainst the convenience of ready money and the cash discounts which the wise use of ready money can earn. Me. Sewell, the Bank's manager, will tell you that many borrowers can actually show where they have made money by using a Bank of Montreal loan to buy for cash. H you need money for any useful purpose, you should talk over your requirements with Mr. Sewell. BORN On Saturday, August 31st, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson, Hay Sunday afternoon visitors with the Township, a daughter. former's father at Clinton, who is At the Farwell Nursing Home, in in his 95th year, and keeping cone- Zurich„ on September 1st, to Mr. paratively well. and Mrs. Jack MeClinchey (nee Romayne Geiger) a son, (Larny John.) BORN -At Zurich on !" -.ember 4th, at the Farwell Nursing eee to, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, ghter. Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kalbileisch & Son, Ttd. FARM FOR SALE Mr. Allan Gascho had a loveey trip to Manitoulin Island, while there he visited with his pal Dr. Archie Mac- Kinnon who is in charge of veten- ary service in that district. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Belles and sons Robert and Gilbert of Holy Cummunion Lutheran Church, De- troit, visited with Mrs. Clara Decker and friendsfor a few days east -week Mr. and Mrs. Christ Heist, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess and daughter, Pauline motored to Goderich on Mon day evening where the latter remain- ed at residence with her aunt and uncle while attending Commercial School of Commerce. Being Lot 8, Con. 12, 100 acre farm, 1% miles north of Dashwood, or about 5 miles straight east of Blue Water Highway. There is a brick house with brick kitchen, wood- shed, garage, smoke house, large bank barn, driving shed, half mile from school, well drained, plenty of water, Hydro line going by, 8 acres of bush, good clay loam. Will sell at a reasonable price. Possession will be given as soon as possible. Apply to: Arthur Weber, Proprietor, R. R. 1, Dahwoad. Tel. 57-112. IF :YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R 'OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ARg: AtAvAys LOW ANP W1r1K. Income Tax Returns, BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others ARTHUR FRASER Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box 11.8 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Huron Street, Exeter ADVANCE NOTICE. Ontario Royal Conunission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS • WHEREAS pursuant to the Public Inquiries Act, Chapter 19 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937, Major General Howard Kennedy was appointed a Commissioner to investigate, inquire into and report upon the forest resources of Ontario and their conserv- ation, management and beneficial utilization for all purposes, includ- ing their relation to other basic industries, particularly farming, and their relation to recreation, soil conservation, and waterways and water powers - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, after having completed field investigations with his etaff, the Commissioner piopuse,s to hold public hearings in accordance with the following tentative schedule : - Sault Ste Marie Port Arthur Kenora Fort Frances Geraldton , London Cochrane North Bay Pembroke Ottawa Toronto 28-29 Oct. 1- 2 Nov. 5- 6 " 8- 9 12-13 " 18-19 " 25-26 28-29 " 2- 3 Dec. 5- 6- 7 9-10-11 " NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT all persons, associations, or groups desiring to make representations of present evidence to the Commission will have an opportunity of doing so at any one of the albove hearings. While the presentation of oral evidence under oath is permissible, it is strongly urged that subimssions take the form of written briefs, as to the form of which the Commission's counsel will give any assistance that may be required. All briefs or oral evidence presented at the public hearings will be given proper consideration by the Commission in the preparation of its eport and recommendations. In ceder to facilitate the work of the Commission, it is requested that briefs be forwarded to The Secretary, Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry, Administration Building, Long Branch Small Arms Plant Toronto 14, to reach the office of the Commission at least one month before the hearing at which their consideration is desired. W. H. HEWSON, Secretary IIIIIEIMIiagnMEOEMMM5S352EMZ2EEaE210Mifme.,,,,wi,w . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hope and dau- ghter Faith of Streetsedlle, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and daughter Patsy of Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryant and infant daughter of Strat- ford were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess have returned home after spending some time in their cottage in Grand Bend. Their three sons, who enjoyed the vacation weeks with them, have also returned to their duties: Quimby and his wife, (bridal ,couple) left for Kap- uskasing, Paul and Dr. Fred for Tor- onto. came to, with many of his clothee and a wallet containing $200 missing He said he believed he had been slugged and strangled. Provincial Police are investigating. Mr. T. W. Merner motored to Kit- chener and Elmira over the week -end and was accompanied home by Mrs. Merner and daughter Joan, wno had been staying at the former places or. some time. The friends of Mrs. Mer- ner wish to extend sympathy in the death of her mother who was m her 81st year. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Welecr and niece of Rochester pent a few days at the home of N.Y.,dr. and Mrs. Louis Weber last week. The two gents, are cousins and have not seen each other for fifty years. Incidently the Mr. Weber of N. Y., is engaged in the same trade as vXr. L. Weber, f town, namely, masons. 1++++4.4.44 -4 - -lee ea+++44.4.44-e++++++.1.44-14:11.... 4 4. 4. 4. 9 .1 4 •i•• Don't Wait for Cold Weather DROP INTO THE STORE ON SATURDAY AND DISCUSS YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS. A NUMBER OF VARIOUS TYPES OF OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT IS AVAILABLE IN LIMITED QUANTITIES. "ACT NOW" BE SURE OF A COZY ATMOSPHERE IN YOUR HOME THIS WINTER. FRANK H. YOUNG SALES AND SERVICE - ZURICH, ONT. TEL. 197. IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING 4•I 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • BELGIAN GIRL TO VISIT CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless of Clinton, and parents of Mrs. Kenneth Brakey of Zurich recently received word from Miss Raymond Rock, of Belgium, announcing her arrival in New York. During the past several months, Miss Rock has been in com- munication with Mrs. Corless respect- ing Alvin Corless and his crew who are buried in Meeuwen, Belgium. Miss Rock has attended Memorial services for the crew, visited the graves and has sent pictures of same and the man who is also caring for the graves. Needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. Corless are eagerly waiting an expected visit with Miss Rock in Clin- ton in September, after her attend- ance at the Internantional Education- al Convention where she has been sent by the Belgian Ministry. Miss Rock, as a teacher, also is to visit schools in Canada. ,06669011266,22,066196161166:;6661161:635,642E1=,MLSTAC11161=112EZ6i66636660291611116616069 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY none: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 NRLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL W AR INDUSTRY) IMILV666666616 teurmeeiinn16013aSKII, OBITUARY Henry Restemeyer Passes Henry Restemayer, a highly es- teemed resident of Dashwood, passed away at his late residence on Wed- nesday, August 28th in his 69th yr. He was born on the 14th concession of Hay Township where he farmed for 33 years, retiring six years ago to the village of Dashwood. He was a quiet and endearing friend to all who knew him and will be greatly missed. He was stricken with an ail rent nine months ago which proved fatal. Was an active mentber of Zion Lutheran Church and also .served for many years on the church board. SLUGGED AND ROBBED Surviving besides his loving Wife, the Clad only in his underwear, Thos. former Clara "Walper, are two sons, Bess of Hamilton and Toronto, walk- Aaron ef Dashwood and Leonard of ed into the farm home of Harry Fab- the 14th concession on the home- er one mile south of Hensall, late in stead; two grandchildren, Leland and the night, to tell a story of meeting; Ruth, two brothers, Louis, of the 14, two men in a Kitchener beverage concession of Hay ToVenehm, and room, and then of waking up not far Otto of Dashwood, and a host of fri- from Mr. Faber's farm wren a "sore lids and relatives mourn his loss.One head'. Ress, who is a navy veteran son, Earnest, died in infancy. The and about 40 years of age, told pro- funeral was held on Saturday af- vincial police he was going froM ternoon from the late residence, a Toronto to Owen Sound, when he public service in Zion Lutheran stopped at the Kitchener beverage clurch•was followed by interment in room. He met the tivo men there, and the Lutheran cemetery. Rev. L. Hig- reinemered nothing more until he ne1,1 officiated. • • • • • • • • • 4.• 4. 4. 0 A 4. 4.• • 4.• 4. 4. 4.• IMPORTANT NOTICE HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED For the convenience of our Members and Patrons of the Zurich District, Co -Op. Feeds, Binder Twine, Etc., are now available at Mr. M. G. Dietz's Feed Mill, at Zurich. R. J. COOPER, Manager PHONES: Hensel' 115. Zurich 154 s,,:r000ese.,.o...4).04,4orponeoe • 4.4 4. 4. 4. 0$'4.44.4 ppdepin* mrnarimasyrourelna4.141 SIN -0: 0 ER GOD LOVES YOU and is not willing that any Should Perish BUT, It Is Up to You ---- Will You Accept God's Plan of Salvation or reject it and be Lost for Eternity? Read John 3: 1 6 TUNE IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Mutual Networlc, Sundays, Local Station, CKLW, Windsor "TRIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST"