HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-09-05, Page 1'Established t ZURICH, ONTARIO,THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5 19 46 %RESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance, Let the Herald know of your Summer Visits and Visitors 'COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES E. Zurbrigs9 .O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method? of Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering Froin Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ++++++++++++++++++++++++++,..+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ar 1., arni Aaffinati i aural. 1.„,fjoilic + 1 Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance4.4. of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and t Funeral Director. 4, MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO YU. NERAL ASSOCIATION. ..I.• DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 + 1" i• Daishwood - Ontario 4- 4.•a.+a•.F +•i +++++ ••I•++ E^+++++++•$+g ++47 4 i• •++++ H -b r•F.E•I•+•i•++++44 : iltlg i l it >1li -1111 iaammiil > ift thigh WOOttii*dith .1 R' Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good 'stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... ranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno : ? esc1 PRODUCE WANTED. (III 10114010Plif la 1.' A"111:04 tiilll611111( tr1111 Zurich Phone 165 i; dig l,N( ujli Iii f,a l� i(ki� l llll�l�l� ,H�lllulIIJ 1 U.t TanDIESIESIIIM L'S r St.re We have a Full Line of Children's Play Suits, 5un Suits and Slacks. Also Children's Corduroy Overalls. Men's, Womems' and Children's Straw Hats. Chenile Bedspreads in all Shades. $12.50 to $21.50 Each.. NEW LINE OF DISHES AND NOVELTIES GROCERY SPECIALS ' SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Robin Hood Oats, -lb, box 18c Campbelrs Chicken Noodle Soap, 2 tins ...25c Libby's Prepared Mustard 6 -oz jar ,- 8c Royal York Orange pekoe tea, half lb. pkg.-....:8c Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins ...,...:.., 17c Pretzel Sticks Pkg. ,. .22c Ladies and Childrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich • FOUR BUS ROUTES Four High. School bus routes for the Exeter High School have recent ly been awarded to the Guenther Transport and have commenced their duties on Tuesday morning of this week as follows: No. 1 goes through Hills:green, Kippen and Hensall; No. e throughZurich; No. 8 through Grand 13end and Dashwood; No. 4 through Greenway, Shipka and Cred- iton. Two more busses go in the ,easterly and southern districts for the same High School. A bus also goes from Kippen, to Drysdale, and by way of Varna to Clinton Coll- egiate. All these larger schools are receiving increased enrollment of scholars, and will have to increase their school room to accomodate the large volume these busses will bring in. BLAME FUELS—NOT FURNACE Many a householder whose furnace is almost worn ont and who plans to buy a different system next time would do well to consider whether the furnace or the fuel is to blame, warns a bulletin of the Canadian In- stitute of Plumbing and Heating. During the past few years when the extra demands of wartime have cut down the fuel allotment to Canad- ian households, many substitute fu- els have been used. Naturally, these have not given as satisfactory service as when the best fuels were in free supply. Consequently, many a house- holder who is .blaming his furnace should lay the blame on the fuel. Irregular heating, clinkering, burned out grates, poor combustion and an unreasonable amount of ashes may be laid to these fuels rather than to the furnace. So, counsel the Instit-, ute, consider carefully before you changeyour make of furnace. Re- member that soon the good fuels will be back again. Ask your heating contractor about it. He is best able. to advise you as to types of heating equipment for use with different fuels and he can save you money by recommending from his rntimate knowledge what is best for your in- dividual requirements. DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY - GENERAL Memorandum to—Crown Attorneys, Law 'Enforcement Officers, Municipal Officials, The Press. As there appears to be a lack of understanding on the part or some law enfocement officials and munic- ipal authorities concerning lotteries, bingos and raffles, the folrowing is set out for guidance: 1. Lotteries --Lotteries are entire- ly prohibited under section 236 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Ganges of chance for prizes, such as bung - al ows, automobiles and free trips, etc., are contrary .to the criminal law of Canada and no person can give authority to conduct a lottery for any purpose. 2. Bingos — A person or organ- ization conducting a bingo is liable to prosecution for keeping a com- mon gaming house under section 226 and 229 of the Criminal Code. The exception is that a bingo• may be oc- casionally run by a charitable or re- ligious organization if the proceeds are to be used for the benefit of any charitable or religious object. A per- son or organization which ruee bingo does so solely on his or its responsibility, A municipal council' or • a municipal official is entirely without authority to grant permiss- ion to any person or ogranssation to conduct a bingo. be held 3. Reif' es--eRaffles may for prizes of small value at any baz- aar helot for any charitable or re- ligious object, if permission do hold the same has been obtained fro.in the city or other municipal council, oe from the mayor, reeve or other chief officer of the city, town or other municipality, wherein, such bazaar is held, and the articles raffled for thereat have first been offered for sale and none of them are of a value exceeding $50.00. The law respect- ing. raffles is set out in section 236, subsection 6 (b) of the Criminal Code of Canada. The law dealing with lotterios, limo; and raffles is Dominion law and can be repealed or amended only by the P u'liament of Canada. y with black accessories and an orchid L. Blackwell, Attorney-QeUeral corsage. On their return they Will Tovorrto, March 14, '1946. reside on Marley Place, London., Attending Normal • Miss; Nola Krueger has Left for Londact Normal, while Miss Audrey Heirnr'h and Miss Phylis McBride are attending Normal School at Strat- ford.,Best wishes go with these stu- dents f;pr a successful year. Double' Shower A :very happy event took place last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bierling just north of town, when neighbours and friends of the Blue Water Highway and of the Goshen line met at their hoane to do honor to them by pres- enting resenting •them with a valuable clock, mirror, end table and an envelope with money. This youny couple have recently' been married and have mov- ed on :the fine farm formerly owned by Mr.' Will Schrag. A very enjoy- able time was spent. Dancing was enjoyed among other social interests. Luncheon was partaken, and all wish- ing the high esteemed couple a long and happy wedded life. :STRUCK IN EYE BY BALL Laird Mickle, prominent Hensall busine0 man and owner of Mickle's Mill was taken to London Hospital, •stiflfering with facial and eye lacer- ations the result of an unusual base- ball accident. His son, Mill Mickle, Bill Elliott and Charles Fee were pra- ctising'catching hard ball near the back of Mickle's residence as Mr. Mickle who was returning home and walkiree on the sidewalk, spoke to his soli, who turned to arrsiVer `" his father. At the same time one of the. boys threw the ball and Mr. Mickle received the full impact over the left eye, rendering him uncon- scious. The full extent of lire injur- ies. An eye specialist was secured and it will be under observation for 10 days at least. Mr. Mickle is the man- ager of the Hensall team who re- cently, won the Huron and Perth 0. B. A., trophy. HYMENEAL MacLean—O'Brien Gladioli and fern formed a pretty setting at the. Evangelical Church, Zurich, for the marriage of Helen Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .O'Brien, of Zurich, to Arthur MacLean, eldest son. of Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacLean, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Rev. C. B. Heckendorn officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Jack Turkheim was organist and Miss Marion Smith sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You." The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attractive in a gown of heavy Ivory satin fashioned with a fitted bodice. The yoke was edged with a net frill and the full skirt ex- .tened into a long train. Her long flowing veil of eanbroidered white net was held in place by a halo of orange. blossom. She carried a full shower bouquet of Better Time red: roses and stephanotis. OWN A GOOD 1POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL I5 JEWEL, IN NIU I1 CHROME CASES $15.00 IN SMART GOLD CASES $18:06 ONLY A FEW TO OFFER ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK .AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatiop of the World's Finesi Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal, Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimized Feeds W. R. >a AVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall ••••641•••••••••®seir,e.20600•0o, 60402, CR6060108,0 ANNOUNCING i KEITH • • r•f � c ', ti��w {{ f, FUNERAL NEI Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED •Day and Night Service. FOR RENT Telephone 89 Zurich esseeteasa00egeareeseae00•0•0000•00ealeee IMEINLEMESUNNIMIENINAMME- • ce • g • • • • Miss Doris Lambe, of London, as maid of honor, wore a colonial ,gown of turquoise taffeta and carried a colonial bouquet of Jahanna Hill roses. Mise Betty O'Brien as brides- maid and Miss Catharine O'Brien as junior bridesmaid chose, matching: colonial dresses of orchid and yellow. They carried rilbbon colonial bouqu- ets of butterfly roses and Talisman roses. Their headdresses were shouI- der-length veils held in place by a halo of orange 'blossoms, Little Mar- ion Turkheim was flower girl re a pink silk net gown and she carried a nosegay of pink sweetpeas and 'baby's breath.,- Kenneth Richardson, cousin of the bride, as ring bearer, wore a white suit. Bill Jones, of London, was groomsman. The usher; were 13111 O'Brien and Douglas Ashman. Following the ceremony a recept- ion was held at the hone of the bride's parents. The bride's mother was in Saxe blue with black accessor- ies and corsage of red roses. Mr. and ths. MacLean left for .:,Iuskoka the bride travelling in a fuchsia suit 0 • 1 II 1 Ward Fritz SALES o� x 6000000006 00606• Wm. McAdams SERVICE Mr. Earl Zimmer, formerly of Dashwood, is now Employed by us Mr. Zimmer comes to us direct from the Chrysler Corporation of Windsor and has had -four years' Factory experience on Chrysler Cars. He also can take care of any welding jobs you have. Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service Stable ere ; an i We are always at your Service with .a good supply of Staple Merchandise Bug Killers, Green's Cross Insect Sprays and Powders . MOTOR OILS, GARDEN HOES AND HAY FORKS SPECIAL—One Only Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope. About 160 -ft. 'We sell the Best in Electrical Farm Equipment. A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always T `IE BLAKE ST SORE Edmund Swairtzentruber, Prop, Phone: 11-97 re - 5