HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-07-18, Page 11 H Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 18 09 46 Let the Herald CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBL.ISHNI $1.5.0 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. ,cnow of your Summer Visits and Visitors COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES ,,C. E. Z i rb ri g g, R.O. OPTOMETRIST et EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. re You Suffering Froin Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODEIUCH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 4.4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.4.++++++4.4.+++++++++++ + + + + + aff n a lunerat !sine 4. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance .t. + 4. of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. + • MEMBER OFT J ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. {. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 7 4. Dashwood _ Ontario 4. + 4s .64+++++++++++4-i44.14+++444+++*h+++++++++++•t°'sF ++++++++$i1 1I11411111161111111MillIII11111iIIIIIIIfIIlllllll?Ilal1 lilk,ll, ill ;, }rii;.•,.UAW '° zuRteJ4'S Grocer Store When you are looking for ,good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer :t very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Monne; Oesch ® Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 �l r� ll•;xzYYwel.C1 1111) I1j11111dI1It111111IN11!1!II II Illlllll11111l1 III1I1111 II 11 i.. l ._ . . 1111 AfTWORMIWPMA IIEL'S eri r Store We hae a Full Line of Children's Play Suits, 5un Suits and. Slacks. Also Children's Corduroy Overalls. Men's, Wor.ems' and Children's Straw Hats. Chenile dspreads in all Shades. $12.50 to $2.1..50 Each. NEW LINE OF DISHES AND NOVELTIES GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, ,2 TINS 19c GRAPE NUT FLAKES, 2 SMALL PKGS. ► 17c NOBOB COFFEE„ 1 LB. , . _ 43.c CATTELLE MVIACROiNIU 16 -OZ, PKG. 10c PLAIN OR IODIZED SALT, `2 ,PKGS. 15c KELLOGG'S ALL WHEAT, '2 PKGS. 25c JUST ARRIVED Ladies and Childrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Summer Bible School PUPILS WILL GIVE A PROGRAM ON FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19th, At ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH At 8 o'clock A. display of Hand Craft and, Work done by each Class represented will be given. An offering will be lifted to the expense of the school. The public is cordially invited. Pay CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to those who visited me, and for the many lovely cards, flowers, boxes and all other gifts ;sent to me while in the Hospital. ---Gladys Baechler. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Leonard Wagner made a bus- iness trip to London last week. Mrs. IL Weserah silent a few weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder at Dashwood. Mrs. Mink of Deslb,oro is spending some time at the home of her daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch. Mr. Kenneth Witmer of Detroit is holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. .Steinback. Miss Margaret Vickers of Drum- heller, Alb., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, Dashwood Miss Martha Heideman and girl friend of Hensa4l are enjoying a trip to the North Western parts for a few weeks. Mr. Joseph Gellman- of Chicago, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Isiah Witmer and renewing other friends .and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Senvell and family, and Miss Anita Deters mot- ored to Guelph on Sunday where the former's .son Collis is ,attending the boys Camp for a few weeks. We are pleased to 'hear that Miss Gladys Baechler of the Bronson line has returned home from Clinton Hospital after her recent operation, and is progressing very favourably. Injures Leg Mrs. Delbert Geiger 'of the Bron - Son line had the misfortune to slip and fail down two steps of stairs while !hurrying downstairs to answer the telephone. An X-ray picture re- vealed -,%a double fracture of the an- kle nkle which will be in a cast for .six weeks. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer of Zur- ich was the attending physician. Special Instructions for Children IOhildren of the community are receiving very beneficial spiritual helps; two of the Urseline Sisters of Chatli►am ',re giving instructions to the -Oatheec Children in one of the public scnG;,1 rooms in town. And then theme are the annual r nstruct- ion 'periods of the Mennonite Bible School 'which convenes in the Zurich Mennonite Church. All this helps to lay the foundation for a generation that is uplifting and will greatly help to make this old world even a better place to live in. Farm Sold Mr. William. Leonard Geromette of Detroit has purchased the fine 100 - acre farm, live stack and implements of Mr: and Mrs August Koehler, a half mile north of Zurich. Possession to be given at some conven.-enc date to be decided on by the owners. Mr. Gerom thte is to be congraturated on the piirohase of so fine a farm in the very bust of condition, and producing such siplendid crops. The Geromette familyVw. Lich consists of the parents, •six sones and four daughters will be Very welcome in the Zurich vicinity. The p rents were both born in this diatinirc and went to Detroit many years ago, where they atedIcifie well, as Mr. Geromette, the past few years besides doing his milk route he also served in the Detroit Police Force. The familiy will be a 'big asset to any community they decide to locate. While Mr. and Mrs. Koehler will re- tire to their residence in Zurich they have recently purchased from Mr. E. E. Weido and now occupied by Mrs. A. Turkheun. HAD REUNION An Oesch family reunion was held Sunday afterznoon last at the lovely home of Mr. and M.rs. Alvin Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heideman of the Goshen Line, south in 'honor of and son of Orangeville are spending Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Sask- a few weeks at the home of the form- atclnewan, who have been visiting in ex's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egb. Heil this vicinity. About 135 relatives demon. land friends were present for the oc- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemmin.g and i visiting The afternoonerwas spent i Sr.,n family, Mr. E. Gemming, i fter daughter, of Rochester, N.Y., have � which a very delicious lunch was ser - returned to their home after visiting' ved on the lawn. This was followed OWN A GOOD (POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL, NICKLE CHROME CASES $15,00 IN SMART GOLD CASES $18.00 ONLY A FEW TO OFFER ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. IN or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE CO:., L Midler Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. . DAVIDS,r N Pone 10 - Hen1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Prager and two daughters and Miss Merle Pree- ter all of Toronto, are enjoying the Lake Huron breezes at Grand Bend for a few weeks, They called in town on their old friends on Monday even- ing. Rev. E. Heinrich, accompanied by his son Ronald, Jack Haberer, Bully Yungblut, Colis Sewell, are attending the Lutheran Boys' Camp near Guelph for two weeks. Their many friends wish them a profitable outing Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer of Dauhwaod, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Louis Boshart and family of Seaforth, were in town on Wednesday. The latter taking instru- ctions at the Mennonite Bible School. During the past week, Mr, and Mrs Wm. L. Geromette and family of De- troit visited with Mrs. tteromette s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte of Drysdale and also with Mr. Gero- mette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Day. Geromette of Mt. ,Carmel. neest06041410066.00 1 •1 by a slhort speech by Mr. Smith, thanking them all very much for their kindness and hoping to meet them all again some time. A silver collection was held and the money presented to Mrs. Alvin Rader, who accepted the same with many thanks and purchased a beautiful vase and presented it to Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith for a remembrance of their pleasant visit in this vicinity. 1 Asessmiessomennessesseiseseinessienneriseinemennesieseemensweseensemenswermsmettmotregskei Presentation A miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Miss Ortho ISc'hilbe, bride elect, when her friends gathered to present her with many useful gifts. Ortha was asked to sit in as decorated chair and after the opening of the presents a nice hunch was served consisting of cake and ice cream. The address. Mrs. Caroline Oesch of Blake; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gesch and family, Mr. and Chris Erb of the Bronson line, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rader of Dashwwod were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sehrag in honor of the latter's parents, Mn and Mrs. NHeny eigh- left rfor�thei;C home on Monday, winbaur9nnn a:ndh'rie�nds£ alof Y��r Neigh - Dear Ortha: We, your neighbours and friends, who have gathered here this evening could not let this op- portunity go by withoutshowing our esteem which we cherish for you, be- fore you will be leaving cur midst to join ,your mate in a home of all your own. May God grant that your life's pathway be ever strewn with joys rather than sorrows. So may we ask you to accept these gifts as small tokens of remembrance with our best wishes of hearth, happiness and pros - verity in your future home. *es a®11111 sesees'sosee Bs ANNOUNCING ERT IAA dot 11C Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR RENT Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich Ward Fritz SALES RAS GOODYEAR GOO11x771WeetS teeetete 04Setl3ssa• YAM 11 419=1',ra. Wm. McAdams SERVICE I DOMINION DUNLOP IN STOCK 600-16 19 -in. 18 -in 20 -in 21 -in 17 -in. No Waiting IF YOU HURRY! NO INCREASE IN PRICE TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRES Cli Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service of Staple Merchandise Bug K Weis, Green's Cross Insect Sprays and Powders MOTOR OILS, GARDEN HOES AND HAY FORKS SPECIAL ---One Only Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope. About 160 -ft. We sell the Best in Electrical Farm Equipment. A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always Staple Meroianthse We arealways at your Service with a good supply THE :TORE E Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97