HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-27, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CLUCKS THE 1,lCISS YOU LEA. -Jit TO chance Lite better. profit you'll get ot't of t'Itickelle. 11i'any t u(c ssful chicken raisers depend exclusively .on Top Notch ehlcks, They know they are bred right for heavy egg .and (neat production turd for livabi- lity. We offer all the best breeds from Government Approved pullor- um tested breeders in non -sexed, bullets or cockerels, Day old and two week old started. chicles Also older .pullets eight weeks to laying, No waiting, prompt delivery. Prices greatly reduced fur June, Free ca- talogue. Tbp Notrii Chiciceries, Guelph, Ontario, OIU) It CHICK 4'RO01 A RNLI - able breeder of barred rocks. Blood tested by tube method, Excellent ]oa ing strain, Mixed 12c., Pullets .22t,, Hatching all through June, 51,00 books order. Icing's Corner Poultry e'en)), Northwood, Ont. ,JUNE CHICKS, PROM I J' D11:J1V- ery end of June and early July. After that ]catching to or'der. Many varieties available, Started chicks to maim, Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario. Y"O11 t'1'IL1. BE GLAD IB' 'YOU Oil - der extra. chicks new front Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. At this season fresh grass cuts the amount •of "bought" feeds necessary. Less Peed la, needed and you will be ready with fine duality egg's and rhlrken meat to profit from a strong home and ex- port market. It is good ,}ense to take all the Tweddle chicks you .can handle while present- profitable prices prevail, We have all the po- pular pure breeds and hybrid cross- es, pullets, non -sexed and cockerels, They come from Government Ap- proved pullorum tested stock, June prices greatly reduced. Prompt de- livery. No waiting. free catalogue, .also spirted chicks two and three week old, and older pullets eight weeks to laying. Tweddle. Chick Hatcheries Limited, J"orgus, Ont. RELIABLE CHICKS tit:u ted chicks for June delivers', Uarred Rock, Leghorn and 1•Hy- brids. Leghorn x Barred Rock, Hump. x L'urred Rock, Light Sus- sex all three and four weeks, it pays dit'idends to have a good flock of started chicks, don't put off write now for prices and When available for shipping. Also baby chicks of stone breed still available. Miller's. Chick Hatch - 14,114, (int. Phone 263-W. LAKEVIEW CHICKS .Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders 1:uok our order lar June and Duty. With I scarcity of meat, turn, will he a big demand for I , uttr} and Eggs this Pall and Winter at attractive prices. It will ply you to put in an extra hi nod nt ehicks this year .d'rat tot Delivery - With a capacity nt 00,0111' Lakeview chicks week- ly. we expect we cern give prompt dell very, but to he sore, hook your order at once for ,lune or July Grade A - Large 'Type While Leg• horns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn, Leghorn x New Hamp, mixed 111,,4e., pullets :rc., cox 5c. 13 Rocks, (tock x Harnps„ New Hdmps„ Sussex, Sussex x ['lamps. .mixed $12,75, pullets 517.00, cox $14.75, Send deposit of 51.00 per 1110. We guarantee 100% live de- livery. Order from and enclose this ad. !Large While Leghorns - Day old turd started up to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns are the large type mated with cockerels from I'd, slack - "Real Egg Machines." .Send for V1'eekly hist - of special prices on day old chicks, pullets, rid cockerels and started chicks. .June, ,1a1y and Pall Batched - Book your order for June, ,Tuly or Fall Hatched chicks now, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Exeter. Ontario. • LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. Leghorn pullets 21c. Ail Breeders double bloodtested and backed by high pedigreed foundation stock. Mau, 1-turondale customers report .best chicks I ever had. Walter Morton, Dryden, - We were well pleased with the pullets we re- a'eived last year. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed - Pullets '17c. eussex x N, Hamp., Rock x New Hump„ Barred Rocks, Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 17c. Pure Sussex mixed 13c., Sussex x N, Hamp„ Rock x damp., Rocks and New Ramps, mixed 12e, Sus- sex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn and Leghorn x New Hemp. mixed 11c., pullets 20c. Assorted pullets 15e., assorted mixed 9e. Cockerel and started prices on request. 'Order from and enclose this Ad. 51 (1(i per 101) deposit, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont. CRICK. BARGAINS NOlt IMMTE- ,diate delivery: Barred Rocks, heavy hybrids non -sexed 9.95, pullets 11.95, .cockerels 9,75. Assorted Heavy 'breeds non -sexed 8.95, pullets 7.0.95, ,cockerels 9.50 pet' hundred. This ad- vertisement must accompany your .order to receive these special pri- ces. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Top 'Notch C'hickeries, Guelph, Ontario. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c. Sussex, Sussex x [-lamp„ hock x Hantp., New Hemp. and Barred Rock pullets 17c, Boole your order NOW. $1.00 per 100 deposit, Order from this Ad, Hurondale Chien fdntehery, London, Ontario, TOP (l,t'A.II'I't', HYBRID PULLETS, starting to lay. Light Sussex X New Hamps, 51.75 earn. Delivery first ,of Jul)', 5 months old. Cal. Sturgess, Smith lea11s, Ontario. IIIISINY:SS (►i'I'I It'l'UNPPII9S WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS ? We have hundreds or buyers in' Detroit and Windsor. (live all de- tails and price. Write or see V. W. Dowie, Maidstone, Ontario. DYEING AND CI.1.AN111G HAVE YOU ANrill 13U1 NI0151)S dyeing or cleaning: Write to us for information. We are glad to answer Your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong Street, Toronto, Ontario. 1'0I1 SALE ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Tractor Tires, tnade of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each, When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co, Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ontario. 1"OIR Si1,LIM 0AIl.J'L'N'1'lt9 - NEW 0001. Complete data on framing walls, stairs, roofs, trusses, interior and exterior finish. A thine of inform- ation for those interested in con- struction. Sent ptOstpard,' Three dol- lars, Masterpr•!nt Company, Toron- to 19, Ctutada, I]LLIC'J'Jtu i MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, uren1ntopnt., brushes.9 Dfri8, Tor O FILES Completes sots of 50 reconditioned files now available; front 5'' - 14"; including fiat, half round, square. round, etc,; rough and smooth, 58.00 per set P.O.B. Montreal. RECU1'JiP000f S & METALS LTD., 1212 Aldred ituilding; Montreal. FOR THIS P'ALL'S HUNTING. RE- g•istered pointer -puppies. Perfection Pointer Kennel, 1579 York St„ Windsor, Ont, (;TREAT I)ANOI FUPS Fut( SALE; very well bred; fawn with black mask; all males; Dam; Jaco-Lyn of Lyn -Dee; Sire: Tarr of Tyedes- ley; Phone 2411 Barrie or write Wm, Stewart, 13rookdale Kennels. 158 Elizabeth Street. Barrie, Ont, GOODISON ALL STEEL RJAI.J, bearing 32 x 50 inch Grain Separ- ator with .7. R. Ebersol special self feeder including all belts. To new condition. E. 5'. Spinks, It. R, No. 2, Essex, Ont.. HART PJ'9EDEIl, NEW, 32" ONE only, special price to clear. fits any make of thresher. George White & Sons Co, Ltd., London, Ont. MODEL 35 C.LT'TRAC '7RAC"J'OR, power take off and starter, 45 horse power, 12-1n0h tread, ex- cellent (rondition, 51,800. W. C. Coles, 25 Ontario St., St. Catharines, Ontario. PER Ie'17C'J'(ON "aliLIC - MASTER" Milker will operate on any line pipe installation. Single unit with 50 lb. capacity, stainless steel pail, 5116,25. Immediate delivery units and vacuum pumps. Box 113, Ter- minal Station "A", Toronto, PI REMIND YORKSHIRE BOARS, seriir•eilge prize winner's, good feeders, also Weiners. Woodrow Valley Farm Hugh Filson. Denfield, Ontario. "Il PUREBRED, PUMA' ACCRED - fled. ,young vaccinated, Guernsey cows, (i fresh, rest freshening- from July to December, and a few brei) purebred heifers, yearlings and calves also vueel nnled. Adam t'•tld- cr. Ir. 2, trhutford. SILVER. l'I,a'J'INil FIXED. EASILY made and sold. Vast market. For- mnitc and sales plan One Dollar. De- tails flee, Krysto Products Co. . SANTA. ('Il1'Z, Cal. PARMS VVOIt SA.I,I'I RANCH -FARM - 200 ACRES 55,5),0, 100 aces cleared, 30 in grain. Baia nee timber. (food huildings, stock, implements. 1. McCauley, loescau, Ont, 174 ACHES, IIIELANC'T1ION TOWN - ship, close to school, store, high- way, 31/4 miles Shelburne, solid brick house, furnace, bathroom complete, barn 50 et 80, cement stabling, hen house, driving shed, garage. hydro available. Mrs. Mar- garet E. Watson, Corbetton, R. R. No. 4, Ontario, ONE HUNDRED ACRES, l'UrTEEN acres wooded, balance grass, imme- diate possession. Write Elizabeth Weir, Wingham, Ont. - 450 AC'1117 FARM LOCATED IN the vicinity of Brockville. 250 acres cleared, 200 bush and pasture. Brick dwelling in good condition, frame barn will stable 40 head of cattle and 10 horses, machine shed, hogpen, heti house and garage. Convenient t public and high. schools and churches. Roads plowed all winter. No hydro but is avail- able. 5,000 cedar posts and 10,000 cords of good mixed wood. Price 55,500. For particulars write: T. L. Sunderland, 62 Pearl St. W., Brock-' ville, Ontario. A NUMIIER OF GOOD 100 -ACRD farms with hydro, good buildings and also hush on these farms; a number of 50 -acre farms 52,000 and up, a number of 100 -acre farms 53,000 and up, a number of 160 and 200acre farms 54,000 and up; these farms have all got good buildings and also some with bush and hydro. These are all good value that should be picked up at once. J. C. Long, Real -Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. YOU CAN NOW GIVE' YOURSELF a genuine creme cold wave perman- ent at home. Results guaranteed for lovely soft natural waves in 2 to 3 hours, A Chic Deluxe Creme Cold Wave kit contains identical ingre- dients used by many beauty salons for costly creme cold waves. It gives the results you want, deep long-lasting waves and curls, so lustrous, soft and natural -looking. Easy as putting your hair in curl- ers. Complete kit with full instruc- tions, $1.35. If not obtainable at. your local drug or cosmetic counter, send postn1 note to Canadian Beauty Craft Co., 634 Dundas St. L„ Toronto, and the complete kit will he mailed In you, 11101.1' WANTED WANTED: 1+1X I'ERIENCOD SINGLE dairy barn assistant. Good wages, board & working conditions. Apply Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill, Ontario (phone Maple 65W). GRADUATE NURSES and WARD AIDS for the ONTARIO HOSPITAL, ST. THOMAS. (food salary, Eight hour duty. Six day week. Three weeks' annual vacation with pay as well as all public holidays. Opportunities for advancement. Living areommod- ation available in modern Nurses, Residence. Apply: SUPERINTENDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL, ST. THOMAS, ONT. 1►1i6DICAL DIXON'S It14911l0)9 - TOIL Nri1- ritis attd Rheumatic Pains, Thou- sands satisfied, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACII AND TIME A0 W0ICMS often are the cause of i11 health in humans, all ages. Na one immune! Why not find out if this is your trouble, interesting particulars - Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies Socialists, Toronto g. 9 '11)ICAJ. A►tT1111Il'S ECZEMA OINTMENT,. Try it. it works, Arthur's Eczema Ointment, ane of the most effective ointments known for the relief of enema: 50c., 1111e. and 51,76. For in- formatiorl write Charles Arthur, 824 Spruce Hill Rd., Toronto, Ont. Ib' 1.01T S6il1'F'ltft I,'ItOM MIT IIR7- Cic, Neuritic or Rheumatic pain, write us regarding Colehina the re- medy that is helping hundreds. 51,00 pays for seven weeks supply. International Agency, 22 C'o'llege Street. Toronto, Ontario, READ '4115 EVERY SU1+'I,`ER- er oi' Rheumntle Pains or Neuritis should try Ulxon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.90, ' FOR. ECZEMA ANI) Al.t, J''OItMS of skin trouble use Torula, the re- medy that heals all sores quickly, 51.25 per jar. Write us for full in- formation. International Agency, 22 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. nIrsJCAL INSTRUMENTS IIII SIC'Al, INSTRUMENTS RE - paired and refinished, Violins, Uke- lele expertly repaired. Minor re- pairs on Banjos, Mandolins and Guitars. For particulars write A. C'. McGarvey, Orrville, Ontario. M('SIC'AI, INSTItUMENTS FUMY) A IIODDINGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES 1rOIt WOliMI:N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN ('AN AT)A'S LEADING SCHOOL treat Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant 'dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel g'r'aduates, America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call • MARVLb HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 353 Moor St. W., Toronto. Branches; 44 King' St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS 1''I '.I'H@;RS't'ONIlAUGH aft: COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. I'li0J'OGItAPII9'. 1111,91.8 DEVELOPED 25 (.'I'S. CHIA- ranteerl one day service. NO WAIT- ING. Buy Photo Service, North Bay, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 11 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c. REPRINTS 8 for 26c, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. You may not get all the Pilins you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERiAL PHOTO SER VICE Station I, Toronto. - DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" APS" TH11 CAN'T BE TAICJr1N AGAIN Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. Tf enlarge. ment coloured, 79c each. Reprints ltfade From Your Negatives 3c. Each DEPT. D1 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Post Office A, Toronto. Print Name and Address Plainly. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with deckle edge, 6 or 8 exposure rolls 25c. Reprints 3c. each. Box 2, Station J, Toronto. SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be attained by having your flints processed by highly skilled technicians using the very best materials and modern mach- inery. All is obtainable at lowest prices. Roll developed and 8 prints 25c., reprints 3c. each. All work 8(01 tTRANS-CANADA FILM SERVICE Toronto 13, Ont. TEACHERS 'WANTED 'J.'WO QUALIFII"ul) TEACHERS wanted for S. S. No. 6 village of Quadeville and Extension Bruce- ton. County of Renfrew. Duties to commence Sept. 3, 1946. Salary 51,200, Apply to Mack Kennelly, Quadeviile, Ontario. (:LLNVALE, ONT., TEM, CO. 11E - quires lst class teacher for public school, Protestant, duties commence Sept. 1. State qualifications and salary expected to S. 1'. Peterson, Glenvale, Ont. WANTiOD WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS Barred Rocks, New Hampshire$, White Leghorns any age from 8 Weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box No. 95, 75 Adelaide W., Toronto, CASH FOR YOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS ICaustine and other makes urgently required. Highest prices Paid. Write 194 Galley Avenue, Toronto. WANTED TO itUY ONE HIGH powered Deer Rifle. E. F, Spinks, Essex, R. 1't. No, 2, Ont. tic CHECKED in a Jiffy -or Money Back Por quid: relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot. scabies, pimples and other i telling conditions, use pure, cool[n'gg, medicated, ((quiet 0, D. D, PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and stainless, Soothes, comforts and quickly calms ntense itching. Don't stiffer. Ask your druggist l.ndav for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. When your BACK ACHE�!`� •491 � Backache is often caused by laze' kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that `tired out' feeling may soon follow To help keep your kidneys, working properly -use Dodds Kidney Pills. Time -tested popular, safe, non -habil -longs ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pips, in the blue bort with the red band. Sold everywhere. OS U.S. Proposes World Control Atoms Energy Would Destroy Present Store of Bon3bs if Suitable Control Sot Up The United States last week pro- posed to .the world the Creation of an International Atomic Develop- ment Authority to handle atomic energy and agreed to destroy its 'own store of atom bombs and cease manufacturing them if an adequate control. system is set up, The 'United States made it crystal clear that there must be no veto powers in any part of the frame- work it was proposing for the de- -velopntent and peaceful use of atomic energy, It caped for renunciation of the atom hemi, as an instrument of warfare and for a world security program "not composed merely of pious thought but of enforceable sanctions -and international law with teeth in it'. Bernard" M. Baruch, 75 -year-old financier who played a leading role in the 'United State's victories in both Great Wars, '. id that Coun- trj's • atomic cards on the table at the first , :.teeting of the United Nations Atonic Energy Commis - ion,. on which he is the United States representative. Britain's Suppor. Expected This world control of the atom can be effective only if all countries are willirt to abide by rules and regulations which, not only open factories within their borders to international inspectioci, but also v- the ultimate control of these plants in the hands of a world-wide atomic development commission. Admittin{; that this is a step of unprecedented boldness, Mr. Bar- uch warned.. that only by the sacri- fice of tinpry pride and 1: osition can peace be aux. uttecd. Great Britain has accepted as a "basis for consideration" by the United Nations the American plan for setting up penalty -backed inter- national safeguards against atomic aggression. Canada last week was the first United Nations' member to give its formal support to the united States proposal to outlaw atomic warfare, and place all dangerous atomic activities under rigid global controls. Million Tons Of Western Coal To Ease Shortage E. J. Brunning, Canada's Coat Controller, said the Government hopes to have;a'rec t, of 1,000,000 tons of Western coal shipped to Central Canada tp :ase the critical fuel shortage facing Ontario and Quebec in the coining winter. Supplies from Alli:ta and Brit- ish Columbia mins will be relied upon, Mr. Brunning said, but warned that even the unpreceden- ted shipment could only relieve and not cure a situation now beim; further complicated by the inland shipping strike. The 1,000,000 tons will not affect the recent order restricting deliv- eries of coal to homes because "ave were banking on this amount when the order was prepared." . There was not sufficient coal available in Nova Scotia to make. it a two-way shipment, Mr. ,lrun- ning said. The shortage in the Central Pro- vinces this winter is estimated at somewhere near 5,500,000 tons. The influx from the western mines last year was some 500,000 tons, many tinges the normal aver- age, but this year 't will be limit- ed only by rail facilities. The job is expected to be one of t'•c great- est Canadian railways have faced inasmuch as their space will be taxed with the yearly grain ship- ments east, DISGRACED Once a leading French cinema star, hailed as a "second Garbo," Corinne Luchaire is pictured above after a Paris court sfntenced het to 10 years of "nation ' indignity' for her part in entertaining Nazi:' during the German occupation, Het father was recently executed as r:• collaborationist. ISSUE 26 1945( SACK TIME ON THE MALL Farsighted sailors brought their hammocks with them during vic- tory celebration in London. Here the men sling them between a tree and a lamp post in anticipation of a good night's rest, while others sleep on the ground. Visitors from all parts of the world flooded the city, causing room shortage. Ey FRANK MANN HARk1S ("A Six fait Critic") One feature we mildly enjoy in connection with these champion- ship fight broadcasts is listening to the singing of the United State; National Anthem just before tate brawl begins. \Ve always remake a little mental wager with outse'.1 as to whether or not the soloist will manage to react. "tire Land of the Free' in the concluding line safely, or come to grief on that high note :Melt has wrecked so marry, * It is also rather interesting to note how the chaste presence of the microphone has slowed dowo -or perhaps we should say, added refinement to -the last-minute in- structions to the gladiators. Old- time referees used to Mart off with something like, "Listen, you two bunts, I want you to make dis a real fight or else I'll turn you out on your ears" and work up from that to real eloquence; and, the boys at the Press Table often got quite a kick out of what they oven" - heard along this ''ne. But nots', realizing that all t',e world is listening, referees sound almost as important and dignified as a Sym- phony announcer as they solemnly instruct the boxers t.) "go to your corners and come out fighting." * Well, the lads alt. ays obey at least half that admonition; they do go to their corner.. And pos- sibly some of you ma, not recall why that instruction to "come out fighting" i always given. It date: back to a time when boxers, aftee the opening gong, were • in tete habit of prancing to the center of the ring and touching gloves in a formal handshake. But one crafty operator discovered that nothing in the rules demanded any such pro cedure; and so, when his opponent advanced toward hint with mitts extended in a gesture of politeness, said operator would promptly plant an overhand right on, the polite one's unprotected jaw, often end- ing the fight befor, it was well started. And so cause the warning to "protect yourself at all times" and do your handshaking before the gong, not after. (, >K * The rule that, following a knock- down, the man still on his feet must retire to a neutr11 corner is also a comparative newcomer to the boxing code. Before its adop• Hon, all a boxer had to do. was step back and give the recent- room ecentroom to -take his count. So shrewd lads of the Jack Dempsey typo would maneuver aroue:d so that, when the •fatten warrior tottered TO his feet, they would :, behind Trim and in a Night- eligible position to shack hits down again before the cobwebs had cleared front his noggin. '1' 4: * But somebody is always taking the joy out of life; and so came the ruling that the knocker -downer must, ere the count began, retire to a corner --but no particular one of the four being' specified, So what was more natural for a smart fighter than that he should prompt. ly duck to his own corner where, during tate count, c: good hard- working crew could easily give him a shower, a pep -talk, a slug of brandy and, if really necessary, a shot in the arm, thus allowing lint to go forth greatly refreshed and ready to carry on the good work to a successful finish. But some folks are never satisfied, so there carne the ..rneudinent that it must he a "neutral" corner, where ilia poor fellow has nothin,- to clo hut stand and mentally count the. house, and speculate as to whether or not lie, pers• •tally, will have haat-and-egg money left after all his faithful frie Ads and advisers get finished with their trusty chis els. Knock -down timers - officials who assist referees in malting the count --are also fairly •ecent addi• tions to the fight picture. Their inclusion was Made necessary by the fact that old -tinge referees -al- though most of them could count up to Ten - had widely -varying views as to just how long a stretch. of time ten seconds actually is. fu fact it was even hinted that some of them allowed their sympathies to interfere with their judgment -- in other words, that they would take considerably longer to count Ten over :t friend than over an. enemy. * * t: Like the tune -hallowed tale of Referee Grogan officiating at a bout between Crusher Clancy and The Terrible Swede. In the second. round Clancy hit the deck and the ensuing count went something lik'l this: "ONE( (Clancy, will ye be getting up off that floor and stand- ing on yer two feet?) 'I'WOl (Crusher, .", ye hear me now? The idea of a fine Irish lad like you laying there so lout) THREE' (Clancy, think of the disgrace to old Ireland and rise to yer feet like a man.) FOUR! ('Listen to me Crusher. Will you have it said that an Irislunan let a Squarehca9 get the beat of him ) .Five!" (: 1: 4' At the count of Five Clancy Struggled to his feet, cut loose a wild swing which felled his capnon- ent. Promptly front the lips of Referee Grogan came -"One -two - three - seven - eight - trine - telt - SWEDE-YE'RE OUTt" d+ d, So now we have the knock -down timer -anti perhaps, all things con- sidered, it's just as well. For with some of thos, 'long -count' artists like the aforesaid Grogan still in action, we fear that .modern radio advertising acme' would have seen an opportunity 1110011 too good to be overlooked. They'd be pun- ting in "commercial announce- ments" between each numeral of the referee's leisurely count. Per- haps, perish the thought, they'd have even managed to interpolate some of those singing commer- cials"! 30 -Mile Torso Race Not Sportsmanlike Few Canadians will see anything sportsmanlike In the thirty -mule horse race staged at Midnaporc, Alberta, on Victoria Day. Only fourteen of forty-six horses were able to finish the course and one died of exhaust:on. The winning rider VMS able to push his horse so welt that it ran the thirty mil sin one hour, 41 minutes, IS 2/5 seconds. Trained athletes contest mara- thon rice~, bttt a human being let lows when lie• has• reached the. 1111111 of physical endurance. The horse, pre sed by his rider, will go On until exhatction forces it to drop out.