HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-27, Page 6TO FLY A -BOMBER Maj. Woodrow Swancutt, 30, Wis- consin Rapids, Wis., has been se- lected to fly the Superfortress which will drop an atom bomb on Bikini Lagoon. He is stationed on Kwaja- lein Atoll. PREPPING TO FLASH BIKINI. PICTURES Aboard the USS Appalachian, official press ship for the Bikini Atoll atomic bomb tests, an Acme Telephoto Trans-ceiver is tested by Chief Radioman S. B. Hankins, of Colby, Kans. During the Bikini experiment, the machine, which transmits a photograph by radio in seven minutes, will flash pictures of "Operation Crossroads'' back to the U. S. for use in newspapers on the same day they are snapped at Bikini. ROCKET 'LAB RATOR°,I' TO PROBE IONOSPHERE Temperature gauge Cotees; counter tele_ Cosmic -toy Lead Shield Cosmic ray amplifiers Ionosphere transmitter 2500 -volt cosmic ray battery Alcohol pressure pipe Remote control power switch Commutator for sub - channeling telemetering Terminal board Pressure measurement amplifiers Skin temper- ature gouge 24 -volt Dotter), Three 250 -volt batteries To explore a region of the atmosphere never before successfully investigated, the Navy, in collaboration with Army Ordnance engineers, will send a miniat ure scientific laboratory shooting 100 miles up into the ionosphere at White Sands Proving Ground, near Las Cruces, N. M. Photos and diagrams above show the "lab," which will be contained in the warhead of a V-2 rocket. Scientists at many observation posts will operate a massive array of equipment to track the rocket on its six -minute flight and record the data that it automatically radios back to earth. Diagram at upper left shows recording and radio transmitting devices in the warhead. At left, Dr. E. H. Krause, head of the Rocket Sonde Section of the Naval Research Laboratory, makes a final check on the instruments. Bottom diagram shows complete rocket with figure of man for size comparison. Beacon ' antenn(ts Stn`tr amenia ,�:%lexp6ttnng: "Temperature, pressure; measuring; equipment', lei' ,Spectra: graph • Cut t+f eleta¢tcif tonosplid f1 Rntegi(tt2 Cosmic ray equipment Ekdrf s,ic equrp : meat a d batferieil tnorgenc!;Gpt off receiver? LONDON'S VICTORY PARADE British Military units march down a tree -lined ave .n;. in London's famous Mall as millions watch the colorful pageant that marked England's victory eel oration. More than 12 million people gathered in the British capital fox cele bration. Highlights of the News s New French President Foreign Minister Bidault was elected president of France by 384 votes out of 545 in the constituent assembly. The Communists re- frained from voting after their sec- retary, Jacques Duclos, announced he would not oppose Bidault. Peace In China—Perhaps The Chinese Communists an noenced that a new pact had been signed with the Cent al Govern- ment that odd check the strike in Manchuria and that was ''a step tower.. a permanent cease- fire" in no 'least China. Royal ' rur To Africa The King and Queen, accom- panied by the Princer—s, will visit every centre of importance in their 10 -week tour in South Africa next year, accorcil.g to the itinerary. The Royal Family will arrive in the Battleship Vang .ard Feb. 17, 1947, and will start home April 24. Jews Flee Ott -saws Thousands of Jews being re- patriated from Russia are fleeing westward and southw: to es- cape intermittent *waves of anti- Semitic terror at the •hands cif out:- law ut:law bands. Approximately 7,000 Jewish slayings have been verified in the past 10 nonthe a.no the toll is be - in boosted lay bandit attacks on repatriation convoy operating on railways and highways. The Government is, severely - unishing those perpetrating anti- Semitic acts, but the activity of the lawless bands is so widespread that it is di' icult to assure ade- quate protection for all. A total of 60,000 Jews is ex- pected to be repatriated from Lus- sie by Aug. 1, boosting Pole "s Semitic poprl tion to approximate- ly 250,000. Plan For Free India Acceptance by the Congress Party and Moslem League of Britain's plan for coalition in- terim government leading to In- dian independence was viewed as a virtual certainty. The prevailing sentr11ent within the Congress Party high command appeared to be that the party would not permit quibbling to en- danger its long -sought goal of in- dependence. Ivfosler league lead- ers previously had stet ^d that their organization's approve' could be taken for granted. Under the British plan, which was announced Sunday, the League and the party each would have five representatives on a 14 -man interim cabinet. The other four scats would go to miu, city groups. The All -India Congress Work- ing Committee raised the question of the withdrawal of British troops from India. 'n connection with the interim go-rument proposal of Viceroy Lo d Wavell. British officials said the ques- tion of troop Withdrawals would be a matter for the interim govern- ment to rte( otiate. Strike Threat Lifted The shadow of a crippling mari- time strike lifted from the coun- try's busy waterfronts—the big tie up cancelled exact!;- one minute before it was to bep;irr. A hectic settlement ended the prolonged end storm, labor dis- pute even as crew were quitting fheir •sh;ps and picket lines formed. Maritime workers in most United States ports returned to their ships as local unions ratified the. agree- ment reached with -the ship opera- tors. However, on the Pacific Coast, between 22,000 and 30,000 lengshorenten and associated work- ers were still away from their jobs, pending ratification of the contract. $750,000,000 Crop A record crop valued at $750,- 000,000 will be harvested from the fields, gardens and orchards of On- tario this year, according to Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister of Agriculture. "The only thing we. are a little Light on this year far is cheese". Mr. Kennedy said. "Production of butter is within five or seven per cent. of 1)45, but all the other farm factors are up. The fruit crop is most promising and we will have at Least as many hogs this year es last." No Trial For Hirohito A decision has been made on "high political levels" not to try Emperor- Hirohito as a war crim- inal, Joseph B. Keenan, chief prosecutor for the United States in the Japanese war crimes trial, de- clared. Ivlr. Keenan felt it would be n "distinct mistake" to .y the Em- peror. Hirohito, Mr. Keenan felt, was less ae war criminal than "a figurehead and a fraud perpetrated on the Jae -nese people." Woodworkers' Strike Ended The strike of 37,000 British Co- lumbia woodworkers has ended. The men had been ont since May 15. The workers will receive 15 cents an hour pay raise, an average 44 -hour work week and modified maintenance of membership. Origin- ally they demanded' 25 cents . an hour, a 40 -hour week and union shop and voluntary dues check -off. GRAND MUFTI BACK Haj Amir. e: Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalen., in exile for the past seven yours, recently landed in Damascus, Syria; in a British plane. Wartime pal a Hit- ler, broadcaster of ',FA propaganda ',to the Moslem work, sought by British and Yugoslays as a war criminal, Haj Amin eluded capture by the British in 1939, disappeared into Turkey, finally turning up in Germany. French captur, d hirn there and took him to Paris, where he remained until his reappearance in Damascus. SUPERSTITION GOLD MINES LIMITED WRITE FOR INFORMATION MITCHELL & MITCHELL STOCK BROKERS T. i1- )11TCHELL J. D. CULLINGHAM M. E. MITCHELL PHONE WA. 4643 60 FRONT STREET WEST -, TORONTO, ONT. ENDS OVERNIGHT BAKING! 4 packets to each carton. 4 targe loaves from c•r -h packet. Ihiwde in Camra! Dissolve New T'ast Rising Royal in water. MAKES BETTER BREAD `J ASY TO USE ... extra -fast �.•rr ...New Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast gives you bread with the old-fashioned home -baked flavor your menfolks love—in less than half your, normal baking time! No risky "overnight" baking 4•r,gsagni It's ready for action in 10 minutes. IN HALF THE TIME bot her --New Fast Rising Royal lets you do all your baking in the daytime when you can watch the dough .. knead it at the right point! Get New Fast Rising Royal from your grocer. It stays full-strength for weeks on your pantry shelf! 0