HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-27, Page 5UNTAIRIO BUSINESS CARDS ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 27th, 1946 ••••••••••—•• WANTED DA,ga FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- viee day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. jack Wil- P.T. 4-6-'41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION To CON - tact sny',Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit /our business, and if not satisfied will wake no chargee for Services Ren - ARTHUR WEI3ER--DashWood Phone 57 x 12 VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, .V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON face with Residence, Main. Sereet, Opposite Drug Store Phone ---96. Zurich P1ITCHFT-2,S Popular MEAT MAKE Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, IL,olo.cma.s, Sausages; Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in 'Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungbiut & Son PRODUCE Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column BilverWOod DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry clave your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 1 0 1 ZURICH Zufich Creamsy NOTICE TOWNSHIP PICNIC The Councl .of Stanley are sponsor- ing a picnic in honour of the Girls and Boys of the armed forces, in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on July•lst. All ratepayers are cordially invited Everybody come and bring your bas- ket and enjoy an afternoon at the Lake. FOR SALE A White bean thresher in good condition with drive belt, on rubber. Earl Gingerich, Phone 90 r 7. FOR QUICK SALE 100 or 150 Ohoice Suss% Pullets, ready to lay. February hatch. Apply Ferd Haberer, Phone 1.112, Zurich. c FOR QUICK SALE 275 White Leghorn Pullets, 5 months old.—Chas. S. Bedard, Phone 15 r 98. NOTICE Taking orders now for fall white- washing jobs, with new Power Mach- ine. —Wm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19 Dashwood. pt 9-3. WANTED A young calf wanted. Also for sale a hay track and car.—Robert Robinson, Phone 97 r 24. 111613111111114.111111511, - FOR SAT. E. Twoepure bred Shorthorn Bulls 13 and 11 months old, red in cOlor, by a son of R. M. Peck's good Bull Klaymor Electro. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna, Ont. FOR QUICK SALE A 6 -ft. M. -H. Tractor Cultivator, has roller bearings and steel wheels, is in good condition. International steel truck wagon like new. M. -H. 5 -ft. cut mower in good condition. Elmer McBride, !Phone 17 r 96, Zurich. Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- tienteaccurate service. Egg and Poultry department in tbarge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. • Minshall, Pmprietd INSURANCE Wester n Farmers' 1W1 Weather Insurance Co. HELP WANTED. Female Help..7Wanted for Hotel, General Cook and Laundress, Wait- resses, General Help, write Box 50, Grand Bend. NOTICE. FLOOR SANDING High Speed Dustless Maphines. J. C. COOK — Clinton, Box 103. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess ere spen- ding some time at their cottage at Grabei Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ducharme and family were week -end visitors at the home of their parents here. Miss Elia Link of Sarnia had a very pleasant week -end at the home of her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Miss Margaret Vickers of Drum- heller, Alb; Mr. Cornish of Exeter, were visiting with their grandmother Mrs. Mary Hey and other relatives. Dr. and Mrse P. J. O'Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut and Post- master Bill Siebert left Sunday to attend the three day convention of the Lions Clubs at Niagara Falls. •Mr. Hugh Johnston of Thornlo, N. Ont., visited with Mende here, and was accompanied home by his aunt, Mary Ann Johnston why will make her future home with her bro- thers in Thornlo. Mr. Harry G. Hess ha' worRmen engaged in taking -down what was the former Khiva Hotel, an old landmark well known to mariy. The material will be brought to Zurich and used in erecting, new buildings. HELP WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ttd. OF WOODSTOCK. THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk an December 81st, 1944: $45,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $275,133. IE. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Job Printing IF YOU REQUIRE ANY MATTER, OTHER NCOME TAX RETURNS • BOOKKEEPING .Financial Statements for Farmers Business Men Professional Men Garage Operators and Others Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box 1i18 Temporary Offie at the house of • late Dr. H. K. Hyndman ARTHUR FRASER Huron Street - Exeter ATTENTION Spring Footwear LET US ;COMPLETE YOUR SPRING OUTFIT WITH A PAIR OF "NIFTY DATARS SHOES". WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN ALL SIZES, STYLES AND COLOURS. GIVE—US—A—CALL! Township Clerk Mr. Fred Watson of Stanley, was in town Tuesday. The Township of Stanley are holding a picnic on July 1st at Bayfieta in hon- or of those who were in the armed forces. Pte. Lloyd Klopp has returned from overseas after spending several years in different European countries His many friends are very much ple- ased to see "Teddy" back home a- gain and looking so well. 'Last week was a wet and cold week, with fires in thehomes, and now this week it is so hot one can, hardly work. Monday • was record for heat in London, it being up to 86 and surely was hot for June. . Mrs. Clarence 'Hoffinan of Galt is spending the week with her mother Mrs. W. L. Siebert, and is looking after the work at the local post office owing to the absence of her nether, Bill who is attending the Lions con- vention at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand, of Lon- don and .Mrs. Enkerman of Listowell who are holidaying in the former's cottage at Grand Bend cane ct on Miss Anna Hess on Wednesday, also were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland ,Geiger. The Ladies' • Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held a very merry picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido's. The weather was ideal for the occasion, and the lovely lawn was well filled With happy me- mbers. The food was the best one could wish for. the COMMUNITY SALE COMMUNITY SALE at c:REDITON On SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, 1946 In the Churdh Shed at Crediton at 1.30 p.m., the following: Hall rack, heater .stove, white chest of drawers, dark dresser walnut, quilt box with lid, large cupboard, dresser- with 2 drawers, 2 wash stands, white iron bed (single), wooden bed, both beds have springs, Axminister rug 10x12 -ft; 'Coal oil stove with oven, extension table; sideboard, bed springs, stand, 4 rocking chairs, commode chair, toilet set, day bed and mattress, Belle Oak heater, small box stove, dining - room table, 2 beds and spring, 3 mattresses, kitchen cupboard, wash stands, fruit carpet, bed semen, el- ectric washing Machine, screen doors, garden tools, shovels, hoes, rake, 6 pigs 6 weeks old, 1 -3 -host M.H. fertilizer drill, mower, • I oil walking plow, Mr. and MI's. Kenneth Miller of Los Angles, Cal., were visitors last week for a few days with the form- er's aunt, Mrs. Josiah Sararas, of the a son of the late Daniel Miller who Dine Water HighwaY; Mr. Miller is I Mrs. Joseph Swartz of Detroit sNas a Sunday visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. 'Emily s. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Deejardine have returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives. near Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray and family of London called at the home of .Ur. and -Mrs..- C. L. Smith an Sunday. Mrs. Ezra Heist has returned to her cottage Camlache after enjoy- ing a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ •Haist. Mr. Samson Colosky is confined to ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING rauNKS AND SUITCASES AW.IMMeeiTN1219 IMMQUE116.1. HOME - IMPROVEMENTS BY • THE PERSONAL LOAN WAY Buying for Cash Made Simple with. Instalment Repayment Plan Just because you may not nave the ready Money need not prevent you from. undertaking those improvem- ents ybu would like to carry out a- round your home, If your income is sufficient to enable you to repay - the cost- of those home improvements by instalments over a period of months, you can borrow the money you need at the Bank of Montreal. You find the cost surprisingly low. Suppoee you want $300 to do the job • and plan to make repayment over twelve months, the use of the money costs • you just 81 cents a Month; that is, you repay your loan in instalments, including interest, at $125.8i1 each month. You can borrow more or less than this, for longer or shorter periods. the cost is proportionately the same. If you. have a steady income, don't let the shortage of cash hold back your home improvement vans. Dis- cuss your needs with Mr. G. Sewell, manager of the Bank of Montreal. For this and a score of other useful putposesehe is making persona t loans to people in every walk of life at the lowest cost. LOCAL NEWS • ' • 1 1 e1 001 6 Body and F Cr REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. ALSO COMPLETELY REFINISHED BRODERICK BROTHERS Sales Exeter At Newton Motor Telephone 277 CARS fZEIV=MCIIILTZFATI111111211161T3MEEIVIMS1,7,741Z141,11117/14DIMPARI111441M441111k7"%'',.."' i111' ''''.'VP,A77-5*71171K*7,r,!'-re11111 TEEPSIEa WHAT A.B@PST IFIRESIAMCE. Avaizr--A-17r. • 11 i.::,e,•.....4 --",-,411.1'•,11]..:1•X,:1:, . ''''''''...'1.1.' *''''..T' S'....1*4-''''' . ' '.......i) r''' .. ' .1 .II - '47. ! ---''''"'"',‘ ... ,...:,.. Don't gamble against the heavens. Are you fully covered against dam. age by hail and other risks such as fire, burglary and a.ccident? Would a loan be helpful? Remember you do not ask a favour when you ask for a loan at the B of M. Loans are our business. See the vitry ii lirz nearest manager. Ask or write for the folder "Quiz Vi i ri 0 A P1110118.1aCh, V5 ,t1S11,71:,' for a Go -Ahead Farmer." 'BANK Or MONTREAL working with Canadians in eve," walk of life since 1817 AD -55 essansommonvaultaiannamacciefolnallezmaagaimumaaaarnalmitteritarzerlamossomenaMe.11.1.116/31.31.2111imarnitsnamemmemsomematax.. immassormagusszeurrAmmemeistametsm=amenamanemaarramassarzacremosaassemsttelmoatu=set,ems,_c. 6 WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL TIIE REGISTERE1 • BRANDS OF FERTILIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARL7 AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING, FEEDS, SEEDS AND OTHY2R FARM SUPPLIES. J. Ingram, Hensall, Phone 83-43 Co -Operative Shippeeef Cattle, Calves and Sheep. We will call for them. HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER 44.40444a4eaaseeeeess,..see *eass4,..-40,1r4 , Hensaii District Op( Da' Itleorporbi FERTILIZER FERTILIZER 4 * • * • 4 4 A Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith were at ..... ____ London on Thursday. . . • . _._._ ........_ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil and fam- ily of Detroit were Sunday maple Mr. Charles Fritz and sou Ward, in this vicinity. Wrn. . O'Brien, .Lome Klopp, Gordon and Stanley Smith enjoyea a -fishing; trip near Parry Sound last week. Mr. Donald Weber of London, i, holidaying at the home of his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. lived in Los Angles and was n form- er native of Hay Township. They made the long journey by motor ear. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartman and daughter Rose Marie; Mr. and Mrs. .A.u.stin Hartman; Mrs. Anthony Hart- man and son; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Donnelly and son of Goderich; Mr. Ambrose Hartman were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hart- man and family, of the Goshen line south. low stee wag , . double set harness, single harness. PRINTED I will also sell a Chrysler sport tirR coupe, , 1930 model, overhauled, good STATIONE0 RY, ) es, freshly painted, plenty of other ORDINARY WORK, RE.. merchandise. Come and buy and sell, TerlIV, reasonable, MV,MBEP. TO CALL AT THE TERMS—CASH William H. Smith, Auctioneer, Phone HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES 434', Crediton. AIM ALWAY1 L(W ArZ. W:'4: ' .1. " • • * ." . ,...........e, %......... Alia 41 Mers. Jack O'Brien and Ross Gascho left last Thursday for the Western Coast, Vancouver, B.C., where their services are requested in the Canadian Navy. They have en- listed on a fie year contract, and by the end of that time will likely see many parts of the world. We wish the boys every success in their adventurous undertaking. Mr. Howard Klopp has had a busy week last week when he removed the two large trees along the roadside in front of where he is erecting his new garage and service station just opposit the skating rink. The gas tanks have been dug in and the pumps erected, but it will take a lot of filling in to raise up to the level of the pumps. However, this will be thine in time. 64.17,321SM:a JViLVi.D pTi—Y Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seat rth DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) ...1M2=7,41M/RMS".17,1=21I.., their 10th wedditer auniversare.They were married in St. Peter s on Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme'e golden wedding anniversary, the ehurcsa in Oliva slary Geoffrey beemne tne bride of Joseph Ducharme. On Sat - i'11111 i1111,11S when tee couples renewed their marriege vows, 3'117. Ducharme placed another ring en his wife's finger, the third gold band which he ha given her. Aire.. etegis- Children's Aid Society report- ed 76 children in care, 15 adoptions, 1 in free homes, nine in wage hom- es, 7 in boording care, 2 on active service. 'The society has 1S orders for legal adootion, 13 chili protection cases, 3 girls in training sellout In- vestigations of dependents families numliered 130 and 40 requests for eo,epassionate leave and diticharge. Ilan, for tile proposed mw court hoe. e presented by L. G. Drigman, architect of London, which have also been approved by H. Donald, in - Commission planted 10,000 trees on teepeite it had purchased. ConstruLtion proposed includes Lituininous surface from Crediton eiglit and a half miles $38,000; Centralia airport 212 miles $10,000; Dashwood south, half mile $:2,200; north 5 miles $48.000; call - $5,000, grading $10,0en. ":enomy. sister of Mrs. Ducharme, his room at. the home of his niece Mr. and • Mrs. John Albrecht. Ins. who was bridesmaid at the wedding, friends wish him a speedy recovery.. attend, 1 1. oth the diamoed and gold - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farwell en wedding anniversary. "and infant _son have returned to then: home in Toronto after spending some Rev. W. Bourdeau, pastor of St. weeks at the home of their parents, peter's church, celebrated high moss and later attended the dinner for Mr. and. Mrs. George Farwell, tahles were set on the lawn in the bright sunlight. He haft also 1,ssei present at the 0;old,ei wedding. Mrs. Ducharme who 70, does her CetYll cooking and work about the Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme have returned after visiting in Detroit and Windsor. The severe storm which swept over part of Windsor made its way within a three-quarter mile from their son Wilfred's home., The gale was so terrific, they were ready to leave the house by order and lay flat in a field near. bv. Mr. Ducharme went to see the pitiful sight rn that part .of the city which human eyes could hardy realise. Sorry to report that Mr. George Oeichert is confined to his bed as a result of injuries received when he was in the act of taking emirs from the town hall to St. Peter's cemetery for the Decoration services, in some way Mr. Deichert lo,t his balance while on the back of his truck and fell hitting the hard concrete steps below. He was taken for X-rasr pie- tnres, but fortnnately no bones were DRYSDALE Had 60th Anniversary Eighty -one -Year-old Joseph DUCh- Ltrille on his 60th wedding anniver- sary on Saturday put on his apron and took a wing at the anvil in his corner blacksmith shop where he has served the community for 52 years. The shop is almost as much a part of his life story as the frame house in which he was born and at which he and Mrs. Ducharme were enter - t• ed by their family of 14 chintron houso. The large wed(11°''' cake i( to of logal offiees. Based on pre- Iniked by Mrs, Leo Bedard, decorated estimited "A will hy Mrs. Edward Corriveatt, (laugh- " be :;,.:1,25,000. Co. Treaeurer A. 11. ters of the couple, All the children' Erskine suggested that the financing were present for this outstanding ev- of the new court house, could be 4.111: and it is the wishes of their many covered by bonds now in the general friends that this grand old couple fund of $100.000, and by the sale may enjoy many more years of happy of a debenture issue of $250.000 for together. le five-year term with annual instal- - ment of $50,000 at One mill for five years on the tax rate sseuld pay for the building furnished c.csriplete. A recommendation of the eounty t a diamond wedding anniversars; One of the busiest st‘ssions in the home committee was endorenl abol- aitd ------ grandchlldrell .2e3 Tglree.ia•et agi,,ean8aebildrofl, the 1 history of Huron Comity Council majdrity of whom 'were present for seas coneluded at Goderich on Satur- the cele-bration. Ducharme 1111 y artelltoon. It rem:tired the ext does repair work but has not etiod day to complete all the business, and horses for about five years.' Once the (Vag hours snw Dutch irmor. anl he did a lively business, as much as le lotion completed., The follow.iee 50 shoes in one day, that was 40' grants recommended by the warden's Vears .ago and his charges were 10c committee $500 to etch branch ef the Canadian Legion at Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, Sen forth, 'Myth. Brnssels, Exeter and Howick st:10n to the F. of A. and $100 to the Exe- ter Agricultural Society. A grant to the building fund of the 1.Trrivereity Ruron County Cotmcil 'for setting an old shoe, 25e for 0 new shoe.. Mr. Ducharme learned his trade in Zurich and I3lake and 011e winter he worked in a lum6er camp at Saginaw, 141ich. Mr. Ducharme',; .father, Eli Ducharme, came from ishing the position of county home inspector -effective Dec. 6, also that the county home committee meet ev- ery 2 months. The committee report- ed that no elevator will be installed in the home; floor covering costing $328 laid, and wiring installed at $1,400. Ona division of 6-21 Cour vot- ed against the establishment of a gen eiefl public health nursing plan in Huron. In the discussion proceeding the vote, the concensus opinion was that the school nursing plan as n iegsh- Quebec about 112'5 years ago. Mre.1of Western Ont. sset-: dcfereed to 111' tablished was satisfactory. Ducharme was the former Mary Geo-1November meeting. A grant of ik10.- recommendation was accorded the ffrey and lived a mile north of Theys-1000 was made to the Alexendra Hos- county school nurses.• Miss "s'ldred dale. On Saturday marked doubL., Goderich. The reforeetatior and Haberer, of Zurich, and Miss VnIcon- merevereary. Mr, lived Mrs. Duch-ir flAl serval ion ceenreittee rennet si." thst er for their work in 0,, heith and, fraceured, but he received bad brills- arme's youngest daughtr, s. , haaiett againt 101114 :irOnl urnily -ot markeurn actuition tnis the °aunty le.oaulbalal.W4 \vita elmt)lbukl. ' 'will n't lursnital committees. reese,. epee alt 1011,1, ws esse- stases Stfegse ard wIrn ' Veagent prto operty at a cost of $505. increase of $100 a year each. 10 their A a 1 4 1 a