HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-13, Page 1ZUR1C etablished Jaws! ERAL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13 [ 9 46 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHE& $L50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. Advertising is the greatest Selling Force. Try an Ad! COMFORTABLE GLASSES .At',. REASONABLE PRICES E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of r}Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODIIRICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices i.+++++++++++i+++++-i• ++++++++ f +++++4 +++++++++++++++++++ + + Cs. ,Q�_ arr offnxan*mat 'once + + -4 3 •3 3 + 44+44+++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++,+++++++++++ Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood -- Ontario + + + + + + 'I;i�id;glil(IIINuily,la,,.+,'„h 1"�� ��+ ii,ha'liiln�li4111;IN11lllllllfNUllUlillllllll_II[Illlllllllllltl(IIIIIIIIidi11111kIlUlfl#Ill€III;I�IE 4t1 '�"1w;i`i� } �tl{I�il ZURICI4'S Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at tunes hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store ,and 'Be ,Convinced Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. Zurich Phone i65 11101111 11111111IIlllillhiiii libigi<Jimiiifril$IU 101111011111111111 l 1111lillllilii1,1110i111111111i 111I01 C,14111 i110j6111111111 j11Ii1i010111116,.' T IEL'S Su Briar Store Lace Curtain. Matelrial Per Yard 85c. House Dresses Each $11.50 Chenille Bedspreads Large Size 12.50 Each Full Line of Men's Work Shirts and Panis FOR YOUR SPRING 'CLEANING Fun Assortment 'of Wall Papers and Window Shades Also a few Feltol Rugs, *Hooked and Braided Mats ' at various Prices GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .2 'TINS 19c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN, 'LARGE PKG. 19c STOKELYS TOMATO .SOUP, 3 TINS 25c LAING'S C C. SAUCE, 8 -OZ. BOTTLE 19c PALMOLIVE, BEAUTY SOAP, 2 REG. BARS ..11c '3 GIANT BARS 25c JUST ARRIVED Ladies and Childrens Dresses Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich ................. Picture Show AT Town Hall, Zurich ON • WED: JUNE I9th. At 8.45 pan. Daylight Time. MARSHALL PICTURE . SHOW TEX WRIGHT. WITH BODY .SCOUTS AND 'COW BOY ADVENTUREIS ADDED ATTRACTION BING CROSBY IN Blues of the Night Including Comedy News Cartoon Admission ---.35c. Children 25c. COME AND SEE THIS SPLENDID SHOW HEADS PROG.-CONS. PARTY Elmer D Bell, of Exeter, was el- ected president of the Progressive - Conservative Association of Huron,. and Huron -Perth, at the annual meet ing held last Wednesday night at Hensall. Mr. Bell succeeds J. W. Morley, of Exeter, who has resigned. Other offices,;, elected by the associat- ion to act for the two constituency or- ganization were. lst Vice, Carl Dra- per, Clinton ;-`2nd vice, Alvin W. Sil- lery; Seaforth; 3rd vice,. N. W. Tre- wartha, 'Clinton; 4th vice, .George Armstrong, Hay Twp; 5th vice, Fred Carbot, Staffa. Clark Fisher, of Ex- eter, was re-elected secretary, an office which he has held for ten years Harold Blackstone, of Goderich, was elected treasurer, succeeding Richard Welsh of Exeter. Auditors are J. R. Bolton, of Seaforth, and Peter Eisen- bach of Grand Bend. The principal speaker was A. R. Douglas, K.C.• of London, a past president of the Wes- tern Ont. Progressive -Conservative Association, whose subject was the recent Dominion !Provincial confer- ence. Other speakers were Mr. Bell, Thos. Pryde of Exeter, and Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, ,M.P.P. for Huron. ----a-- FOOD CONSERVATION URGED Women in all parts of Canada are fully alive to the urgency of the Dominion's "Save Food" campaign. This is apparent from the many and varied queries received in the daily mail of the Food Information Cam- mittee at Ottawa. Among recent let- ters addressed to the Committee was one from a member of a women's church association, who wrote in part "Our group of women still insist on serving sandwiches, cookies and iced cakes at bi-monthly meetings. The monthly fee of fifty cents, I am sure, 'would just as willingly be paid and the social spirit be preserved if one piece of bread, a .cookie or one piece of cake were served. Our women say. `Well, all the other churches do it. If the rest stopped, so would we. Perhaps you can do something to ap- peal to these women -reaching across the Dominion it would he well worth while. This is only one of numer- o'is letters from women who feel that there should be greater food conservation at teas and club meet, inns—women. who, whenever they eat and wherever they eat, wish to' share with the hungry "Many women have probably never thought of the refreshments 'served 'art their Meet- ings in terms of the wheat which is so desperately needed to feed the famine areas, or they would willing- ly reduce those refreshments," says the Food Information Comhnittee. 'Those two or three sandwiches end those two pieces of cake usually eaten by each of a group of fifty people represents approximate) four - and -a- half pounds of flour, ant those four -and -a -half pounds of flour could provide the daily bread ration of twelve hungry Greeks. Women's Decoration Day . Memorial Services and Decorat?on of graves will be observed •in the Bronson lineCemetery on Sunday :afternoon, June 16th at 2.30 p.m. when a suitable program will be ren- dered, and decoration of graves will be ovserved. On The Job Again The large Ruston fuel oil engine of the Zurich Flour Mill which has been overhauled by Mr. C. Cornish of Brucefield, is back on the job a- gain and is daily turning tee wheels of that enterprising concern. A new piston, cylinder and main bear- ing was installed, and if these new parts will last as long as the former ones did, most of us will have a few more Years on our span of life. To Speak at Clinton Hon. George A. Drew, Premier of Ontario will officially open Huron County's big Feld Day in Clinton's new Community Park at 1.15 p.m., Wednesday, June 19th. The Direct- ors of Huron County Federation of Agriculture trust this big event will develop into a truly County affair, Lovering both rural and urban popu- lations alike. All events of the pro- gram, with the exception of a few township competitions are open to the county. If this annual Field Day can be the means of ,cementing fri- endly relations in our communities, a great deal will have been accomplish- ed, so states a 'boulletin just releas- ed from the County Seey's Office. HYMENEAL A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Trinity Lutheran Church, London, on Monday, June the 10th, when Rev. C. Killinger un- ited in marriage Ellen Martha, Reg. N., daughter of Mrs. Anne Turkheim and the late Rev. E. Turkheim and Fred Ronald, youngest son of Mrs. Nellie Ha -Wane .acrd the late Captain T. iBatstone of Newfoundland. The bride's onI'y attendant was her sis- ter, Mrs. E. Gaselier of Zurich, and Mr. Winston' Burgess. ` of Toronto, brother-in-law of the groom was best man. Mrs. J.. Terltineim .pre- sided at the organ.. A reception for the immediate members of both fam- ilies was held' at UG'•Tesr Allfen, London. The Herald joins their. lawny Zurich friends in extending congraru ations. St. Peter's R.. C.. Church., French Settlement was the scene of a beau- tiful wedding: on. Saturday, June 1st, when Lucille, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Regier became the -bride of Mr.. Clare Masse, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Philip: Masse, of Zurich The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a floor - length gown. of white sheer which hung from a shirred bodice: She wore a fingertip, veil and carried a white prayer book adorned with white streamers. Miss Jean Masse, sister of the groom, a.cted as 'brides- maid •wearing a: floor --length gown of pink taffeta. Her headdress was a pink veil which hung free, a cornet of roses. She carried .a bouquet of snapdragon, lily of the valley and carnations and maiden hair fern. Mr. Clument .Regiler, brother of the bride acted' as gra/an� an. Mr. Sovereign Ducharme was usher. During the marriage ceremony Mr. Larne Den- omme and Mr. John Denomme sang. 1 "Ave Maria" accompanied by the;• organist, Mw. John Denomme. Due- ing the signing of the register Mrs. Maurice Durand sang "On this Dray, 0 'Beautiful Mother." Afterwards the bridal party accompanreq by a large host of guests, 75 in number, motored to the home of the bride's parents to partake of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The table was dec- orated with a three-story wedding cake. The bride's mother received in a silk jersey dress with a ,•orsage of Lily of the Valley and sweet peas. The groom's mother chose a nevy blue suit and corsage of Lily of the Valley and sweet peas. A large re- ception was held at night when many beautiful gifts were received. Guests were from Detroit, Windsor, London,elt2tfc1Cth, dale,. 1 , OWN A GOOD POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL, IN NICKLE CHROME CASES $15.00 IN SMART GOLD_CASES $18.00 ONLY A ,FEW TO OFFER ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. coa or Positive Identification of • the World's Finest Anthracite ask for "LUE COAL Miller,Creek Coal., Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hen 11141.8001110111**61066000011100111.00 00010910004410,066000.0041041. ANNOUNCING KITH 3• WIITLIME as 1 1 t t' across Canada eau mike a worthwhile contrthution to ill+i e0atntr\•'•i "Save F00(1" eamme int+, the venunittee 1)g3rlt,$ outs oigarnza ions Zurich and Drys - FUN AL HOME ie• 111 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR "RENT Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich ‘11911101113115111.1111111111=1X% 1111111111E111312,111111MMENS15111C Ward Fritz Wm. McAdams SALES SERVICE TIRES - 'IBES GOODYEAR DOMINION IN STOCK 600-16 19 -in. 18 -in 20 -in 21 -in. No Waiting IF YOU HURRY! NO INCREASE IN PRICE TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRES DUNLOP MUCH RS I7�-i1x. Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service USE Pioneer Feeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat- ion, fig Starters and Grower. FOR YOUR CHICKS Chick Starter, Grower, Scratch Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. Also have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for Your Convenience at all times A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always THE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzrentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 1 t i