HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-06, Page 5Anticu, orcro 'll ZURICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS WANTED CASH FOR 1'OX HORSES --Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser• vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Jack Wil- liam. P.T. 4-V41 Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column. HELP WANTED • Female Help Wanted for Hotel, General Cook and +Laundress, - resses, General Help, write Box 50, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Grand Bend. FOR SALE Fur Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- tact shy Auction Sale, regardleeS ea to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will sake no charges for Serviees Ren - tared. ARTHUR WERER--Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINAR1A.N Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Mee with Residence, Main Skreet, Opposite Drug Store lisone-96 Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET 'Let Us supply youwith the ire!ry Choice of Fresh and Cur- Sau�,age!�; ed Meats, Eolognas, Kept Ext., always on band. ;fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices r Woot Hides- and Skins . Yungblut & Son PRODUCE. Wait A small sized cook stove, burns either wood or coal. Good condition. Apply to, Henry Krueger, Dashwood. LOST ~Between Zurich and '7 miles n•rth on Goshen Line, a trailer license No. 28945-T. Findea:' return to Earl Flaxbard, Zurich. FOR SALE Tractor Lugs and Rims, good as new—Peter Masse, Phone 93 r 10, Zurich, p P OR SALE House for sale or rent, on Babylon Line, 3144, miles south ,of the Zurich Road. Lot 5, Con. 9, Hay Twp. Ap- ply to Lorne Gingerich, Phone 3-84, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 1 rubber tired wagon in good con- dition; 1 wagon on steel. —Kenneth Etue, Phone 98r13, Zurich. T1 FEMALE HELP .WANTED ANTED Girls to work in Restuarant, good living conditions, and good wages. Apply to Venus Restuarant, Gader- ich. NOTICE FLOOR SANDING HighSpeed Dustless Machin J. C..00.OIK — Clinton, Box 10 D NEWS 'Mr. Ed, Geiger of llaccoo, N. Dak, is 'visiting with relatives and friends in these parts at present. Mr: and Mrs. R. YI, Kal'bfieisch and Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Detroit, vis- ited relatives in Zurich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rau and family of Detroit, spent the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs. J.P. Rau: Mr. and Mrs, Frank •Siebert and sons of Detroit were week -end visit- ors with the .former's mother, Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Krueger of Dashwood; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schatz of Detroit, were visitors in Zurich on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars made 'a business trip to Kitchener last week also visited at the home of the form- er's brother, Rev, and Mrs. Albert Datars of that city. Fine weather is prevailing in these parts at present, quite cool, but it is warming up again and summer is gradually being ushered in. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swartz of De- troit are spending some time at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Emily Fuss, last The US.A. Decoration Day Thursday brought over a lot of our American •cousins, .and many of them made a long holiday by staying over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Hess of Pon- tiac, Mich., are spending a rc; w days in Zurich with relatives. On Mon- day they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess on a motor trip to London. es. 3. — ---- ____ — HELP WANTED i �11 S -VeTWa0d, - Help in the Planing Mill. Alli to F. C. Kalbfieisch & Son, Ttd. D MRIBS Cash Market fat Cream, Eggs and Poultryraded on Clave your Egg our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager ?hone 101 ZURICH lunch Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- - r LOST )1y Misses Mildred and.Marjorie Bosh - art, Messrs. Wesley .Steckly and Ivan Ropp of Milverton; Mr and Mrs. Alf- red Rapp of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs Elam Shantz and family of Hensall, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ropp. Mrs. C. Ayotte who spent a few weeks with her children in Detroit, returned to her home here over the week -end end, she was accompanied by her two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and Mr Scott of Platsville were Sunday vas - hors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylv. Witmer of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, Goshen line south The former also called on his cous- in Mr, C. L. Smith. 'Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. Schnell of Detroit were week -end visitors with relatives in the Bayfield district, and called in town on Friday. Eldon, who is a Zurich old boy, is very much interested in choir work, being a basso soloist in Gloria D.A.E. Luth- eran church, located at State Fair and Kelly streets Detroit. Is Conference U President Ont. Rev. Roy M. Geiger, of Paris, was elected president of the Hamil- ton of Canada at the session thece of United hel Church nnhe Ontario Agriculture College, Guelph. The president elect has accepted a call to Central Avenue United church at Fort Erie. Rev. Geiger who is a Zurich old boy, has been. chairman of the settlement committee of con- ference for four years. STREAMLINING IN PERSONAL FINANCES Low-cost Personal Loans Payable in Instalments For . every useful purpose - emerg- ency or opportunity - low-cost money is available at the Bank of Montreal to people with steady incomes. Mr, G. Sewell, the Bank's Manager, is daily helping people to streamline their personal ,finances by making personal loans at the unusually low rate of 21 cents a month for a $100 loan, repayable in twelve monthly instalments, which is squal to 0'0 interest per annum. You can borrow less or' more,' for shorter or longer periods...the cost is proportionately the same. . There are no handling charges, no deduct- ions, no extras. A pair of Rocking Horses between W. Ducharme's Grove and Zurich, last Wednesday night. Finder call Tel. 31 r 20, Zurich and receive a reward. PIGS FOR SALE 60 Young pigs, (to 8 weeks old. —Aaron Oestreicker, Bronson line. FOR SALE A good' young roan Shorthorn Bull; Registered. Also some small pigs, all sizes — Phone 97 r 8. Del- bert Geiger. FOR SALE A M Sprine . o s'w'ear LET US 'COMPLETE YOUR SPRING OUTFIT WITH A PAIR OF "NIFTY DATARS SHOES". .. WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN ALL SIZES, STYLES AND COLOURS. A limited quantity of ..seed buck- wheat for- sale,—Bilton Truenlner; Phone 85-11. :tient accurate service- Egg and Poultry department in t',harge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. , Minshall, Proprietor - INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. LOST Will the party who picked up an iron post on Saturday, May iitti, %- mile east of Mousseau's corner on the Zurich road, kindly return or notify the Zalbfieisch Mills, Zurich of its whereabouts. GIVE—US—A—CALL! ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES WANTED Teacher for S.S. No. 9, Stanley and Hay (Blake school) protestant, with experience preferred. Duties to conunen.ce Sept. 3, 1946. State sal- ary and experience if any to Ervin Gingerich, Secy., R. R. 2; Zurich. OF WOODSTOCK CBE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance 1944: tRisk on December 31st, $45,465,635. Total Cash in nand Bonds $275,133. E. F. KLOPP_ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire lnrurafcP Job Printing NOTICE ELEVATOR FINANCE S Goderich — Net profit of Goderieh Elevator Co. for the year ending March 31 was ;96,053. Two divid- ends of 75 cents a share were paid to shareholders during the year. Sur- plus balance at the end of the year was 5279,910. Net working capital was 451 laas08yeas year. Totalilasse dpareiellshown at $1,540,549. The Directors of the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire insurance Company have «another supply of Stirrup pumps on hand. 'These can be obtained from the undersigned or any Director of the Company. Price $5.00 ---H. K. Eilber, Crediton, Oni: NAMED COUNTY NURSE The health and hospital committee of Huron County Council has engag- ed Miss Mary Love, - Atwood, as nurse on the County Health Nursing Service. She is at present with the Public Health Department at Hamil- ton, and will assume her duties • in Huron on August 1st. The county scheme will then have a staf of four of which Miss MVlildred Haberer of Zurich is one. Miss Love comes from Atwood and was a member of the 1943 graduating class of the Strat- ford General Hospital and received certificate of public. health nurse at the spring convocation at )nrversity of Western Ontario in J WANTED MONEY FOR YOU ---Colored and antique glassware dishes, oil parlor laanps, vases and ornaments wanted. Good cash prices paid. Write and a buyer will call. S. Shantz, 380 St. James St., London, Ont. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Court House, God - REQUIRE ANY PRINTED erieh, commencing Tuesday, Junco IF YOU ORI 18th at :2i pan, STATIONERY A(1 actio an, nobiees of <leputat- MATTER, I ORDINARY 'axtd other business requirt,ig the OTHER 1 attention of ;Couns it should be in the Bo on, MEMBER TO CALL AT THE hands of the County 15th.iior Tater I The ngland,s ele IraohiGeiger, ` Walter than Saturdaryi,I F+aizbttiirn, Duncan Stewart and Geo 'HERALD OFFICE'WHERE PRICES.N, W, MILLER, County Clerk, 1 ARE ALWAYS LOW Al D WORK.I (r�c'r,c,1 rr OBITUARY Death of Mrs. Win. Dabus Mrs. William. Dabus, well-known Hensall resident for 30 years, died Thursday evening, May 23, In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, in her 80th year, following an illness attri- buted to a heart condition. She was born at Dashwood and was formerly Annie Staubus. Surviving are her husband and two sons, Garfield, De- troit, and Danny of London. Mrs. C. Huiser of Hensall, is a sister. Funer- al services were held from Bonth- ron's funeral home on Saturday last conducted by Rev. E. W. Heim.rich, minister of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich, who chose for his text, 1st Corinthians, 15th chapter, verse 211: "For since by man came death, by pian came also the resur- rection of the dead." Burial was ni.ade in the Lutheran cemetery, Zurich. en at• WORK,RE-. lon5 < !'1O a 4C. I have taken over the agency of the Viking Cream Separators, any- one needing repairs or service on same, please get in touch with me at once,—Alvin Rau, Phone 83r2 Zur. ATOMIC MEDICINE What It May Do 1 -Tow new medicine -making use of atomic energy, such as radio -active iodine, may wipe out three terrible diseases -cancer, goitre, and leuk- emia—is told in a double page feat- ure In The American Weekly with this Sunday's (June 2) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Get The -De- troit Sunday Times every week. urs • cly, u INCOME TAX RETURNS BOOKKEEPING Financial Statements for Fanners Business Men Professional Men Garage 'Operators and Others A. FRASER Telephone Exeter 17 P. 0. Box 1018 Temporally,. Ofie at the house of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman Huron Street - Exeter s e a 9 5 . * ""u• .4o.04J,4,440..0 4..4,4.044.4 A40aG.d>te•C rrw.ce el.m rw4.4.0 .r Hemiall District Co Operative Incorporated FERTILIZER FERTILIZER - WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE REGISTERLI) BRANDS OF FERTILIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING, FEEDS, SEEDS AND OTHER FARM SUPPLIES. J. Ingram, Hensall, Phone 83-43 Co -Operative Shipper of Cattle, Calves and Sheep. We will call for them. HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER �v�Y��4Y�46it®00`49®fie ®��ea�i�da Lq y�� tp ,.,. . . . . . Dead aril OkableAnimals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) 4 11 410 amines During the war years when it was vitally important to keep the cost of living index down, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board subsidized the price of milk in December, 1942. Through the consum er subsidy, milk was delivered by the dairies to you at two cents a quart less than you paid previous to that date. Everyone is grateful to the Prices Board for this arrangement, which over the past three and a half years, has proved so helpful in keeping available to you a plentiful supply of the most essential food. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has now decided, as part of its policy to relax many of the wartime controls, that it is advisable to discontinue payment of this consumer subsidy which is costing the taxpayers of Canada over $20,000,- 000 a year. You are now being called upon to pay the two cents instead of the Government paying it out of your taxes. This means that on June 1st your quart of Milk will revert to the old price in effect before the subsidy was established. It is noteworthy that in the face of rising prices all along the line, milk will cost no more after June 1 st than it did three and one-half years ago. In contrast, according to a recent statement made by Donald Gordon, Chairman, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, the comparable price in the United States is now equal. to seven cents per Canadian quart higher than the Canadian price. Ontario Milk Distributors Association In co-operation with your Dairy 4 a 4 4 4 a 4 e