HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-06-06, Page 1IEatablished 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 6 19 46 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHES/ $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. civertising is the greatest �elli� 'COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REA.SONABI F PRICES . E. Zurbriggn r' .0. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOODRICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices +-1-÷-:-I-^1-1-4-++++++:-++++++-1-÷+++ 1.-1-4•§••€°k•+++.•h-3--F•+++^t°+m++•h+•i +++ L nal a ' y affirm i nncra. 1hne • -, o •� Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Immured. Licensed Embalmer and + Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. .*p. + DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood - Ontario a �>F 3 4. + + ++++++++++++++-r +4+++++++++,•E• 4 •roo++++++fi.1..++++++ ,+.+ii ifi TlI11I iA1l31 . Ill _ 1111HHHIINIIIIH111 mw eIo11111fi111111111fiit I' iCa; k t Nliiil Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a gor.1-d stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices..:. Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno esch - Zurich PRODUCE. W\NTED. Phone 165 tri Rung NCI trio kommoroluvimot lnliotoll1Ust Su LEL'S erior Store Lace Curtain Material - Per Yard 85c. House Dresses Each $1.50 Chenille Bedspreads Large Size 12.50 Each Full Line of Men's Work Shirts and Pants FOR YOUR. SPRING CLEANING Full Assortment of Wall Papers and Window Shades Also -a few Feltol Rugs, Hooked and Braided' Mats at various Prices GROCERY SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday KELLOG'S. BRAN FLAKES, SMALL PKG. 10c 17c ROBINHOOD OATS, 3 -LB. BOX ...... FILBERT MUFFIN MIX, 2 PKGS RIVERBANK PEARS, 20.0Z. TIN....... .. AYMER• DicED BEETS OR CARROTS 20 -Ox. TIN .......».......25c 20c 11c. JUST ARRIVED Ladies and Chih'rens Dresses Phone 140 CAI. 'MEL Zurich DELAYED THREE MONTHS Washington - New cars and re- frigerators are three months farther away from the average .American family today, the Govt. estiinates, be- cause of the soft•coal tie-up and oth- er strikes. This report on the outlook was issued by John D. Small, civil, ian production administrator, who recently urged Congress prohibit strikes for six months to let recon- version econ- version sprint instead of hobble. HAY COUNCIL Hay Township Council met on Mon day, June 3rd at 1.30 pan. in the Township Hall, Zurich, as a Court of Revision to consider appeals against the 1946 Assessment Roll of the Twp of Hay. The following appeals were heard and disposed of as follows: That the appeal as received from Mrs. Elizabeth McFalls that her as- sessment was too high be dismissed; Appeal by Ray Fisher that his assess- ment was too high be dismissed; ap- peal by J. N. Cantin that he was in- correctly assessed, to :be assessed ac- cording to the search at the Registry Office. Court of Revision to be clos- ed, subject to the County Judge, The Council then resumed the regular sitting when the following communi- cations were presented: Western ectors for two years, H. G. Hess and Counties Association, J. H. Kinkead,' Victor DimnirnDirectors for one year R. 0. Staples. 1 George Deich.e;rt and Jacob Haberer; That Hay Township be formed in-' Tail Twister, Orville Witmer; Lion to a Township Public School Area, +Tame: , Milt Oe_ ch; President Lion to consist of the following school sec- tions. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, X12, 14 and the Union School Sections 13 and 15, provided that the Munnc Po Ju anAbi! Another House Moved to Town What caused considerable attract- ion. to a lot of on -lookers was when A.. SII. Foell & Co., ofWaterloo Trans port moved a frame house 22x28 -ft. in size a distance of over twelve mil- es; in perfect condition for Mr. Al- bert- Cla.usius on Louisa St., where a cement foundation was in readiness. This ;being constructed by Mr. Mar- shall: Corriveau & Sons, When com- pleted this will make a very desira- ble home for the young family and is a worthy credit to Zurich. • Lions Club News At the regular Lions' supper meet- ing held at the Dominion Hotel on Monday evening, the final election of officers took place, with the result that the following will be the setup of officers for the ensuing year: President, Ivan Ytuigblut; 1-st Vice, Theo, Haberer; 2nd Vice, Dr. W. B. Coxon; 3rd Vice, J. W. Merner; Dir - Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer presided and Mrs. J.- Turkheim acted as pianist. The Club was pleasantly surprised ipality of Stephen grants permission i during the meeting with the attend for their entry into the Hay Town- once of a Detroit Lion, namely Lion ship Public School Area By-law con firming this resolution to be drawn up and passed That .? rk Augras!" atli, T9 "ne' declared a Civic Holiday by virtue of a resolution passed by the Council of the Township of Hay. That permission be secured from the Ontario Municipal Board to sell debentures on the Alexander Drain by-law No. 14, 1945; the Tuckey Drain By-law No. 9, 1945; and the Forrest Drain ..By -Law No. 8, 1946. That the Engineer's Report on the Becker Drain as received from T. R. Patterson, be provisionally adopted and that Court of Revision be held at the township Hall, Zurich, on Fri- day, June 28th at 9.00 p.m. Clerk to have a sufficient number of by- laws printed and served on all asses- sed persons. That the Engineer's ,report on the Wurm Drain as received from the Township of Usborne be provis- ionally adopted and that Court of Revision be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, on Friday, June 28th, at 8.30 o'clock, p.m. Clerk to have a sufficient number of by-laws prin- ted and served on all assessed per- sons, That the following payments be made as per voucher: Twp. Roads ---Dom. Road Machin- ery Co. '$37.94; Jas. Masse, salary and gas 147.20; A. F. Hess, Comp. Premium 21.15; Johnston & Kalb- iieisch 4.81;. A. Meidinger 2.3.27; Zurich Motors 17.26; Lloyd Camp- bell 16.90; Chas. Aldwortn z4.42 Elmer Rowe 3.60; Bev. Gould 5.90; H. Ford 7.20; H. Pfaff14.40; El. Datars $9; Alph Masse 55.80; Ed. Turnbull $7; Leo Meidinger 21.50; Eldon Ortwein 20.30; Harry McAd- ams $2; Twitchell's Garage 5,95; W. Statton 1.80; C. L. Smith 4.75; Thiel's Transport 40.25; M. Masse $19; L. Masse 3.80; H. Campbell 13.40; Ellis Northcott 5.60; Wm. 3, Gould 3.80; Jack Ford 25.20; Ed. Penhale 34.40; Horace Pfaff 28.35; farcy Campbell 10.80; F. Denomme 23.30; D. Oswald 16.20; C. Regier' 5.20; P. Masse $2; H. W. Broken - shire $75. Relief --John Supl.at $25; Mrs. Ed- ith Mason $10; Emma Bassow 8..9:0; Albert Heideman (rent) $3. General Accounts -C. L. Smith 130.20; A. G. 'Hess 605.00; Johnston & Kal'bfleisch 11.42; Prov. Treas. in- snlin 6.59; A. F. Hess $125; W. H. Ilrokenshire 141.65; Exeter Times Advocate 2.95; Municipal World 8.53; Co. Treas. 47.25; Gestetner 25.15, Hay Munic. Tel. loan $1200. Telephone System --T. H. Hoffman 460.26; Stromberg Carlson 8,2•.50; H. W. Brokenshire :128,70; H. G. Hess 235,65; Northern Elec. Co. 305.31; A. F. Hess Compensation 19.28; null Co. 396.74; Automatic. Elec. 8.32. That the meeting be adjourned to meet again on 'Tuesday July Knelt at 8 p.m. 11. W, 13rekonshire, Clerk, rt'itlisttn 'thaw.gh, Reeve. Ernest Bender, a former Zurich boy who spoke briefly, stating he never dreamt that a ,Lions Club would be -0xaanized in Zurich. L'oitio..: sr5...- ym..ar.y,t: :.� I:117. Club with an enlarged snap of the Zurich Lions _Minstrels. Also smaller ones which were sold to the Lions with the proceeds going in the administr- ative fund. Five new members were admitted into theClub, namely, L. Willett, Charles Thiel, Harold Stade, G. G. Sewell and E. E. Weido, which now brings the total membership to 37. To Have Carnival . Outstanding attractions are being planned for the 12th annual summer carnival of the Seaforth Lions Club being held this year on the nights of July 17 and 19th, according to the president, Ross Scott. In view of the recent ruling respecting carnival games, certain changes in the pro- gram are necessitated this year with I emphasis being placed on entertain- ment. 1 Fiftieth Anniversary Couple Honoured by Family on Golden Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien of Zurich on their golden wedding an- niversary on Saturday were honour- ed by some 45 relatives at their hone in town, at a family dinner. Mrs. O'Brien, formerly Alice 'Smith, was born on the Goshen Line, Hay Town- ship, and Mr. O'Brien on the Blue Water Highway near Grand Fend. Their marriage was solemnized at the bride's home by the Presbyterian Minister of Grand Bend. Mr. O'Brien's brbther, Jack, of Manitoba was best man at the wedding fifty years ago and was present for the occasion. At the family dinner a 3- 1 story wedding cake centred the table which was attractively decorated with white and gold crepe paper and gold candles in silver holders. Those pres- ent included their daughter Miss Olive, and their three sons, Lloyd, LeRoy and Lennis, accompanied by their wives and ten grandchildren, all of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'13rien of Mani- toba; Mr. and Mrs. Roswell O'Brien of Vancouver, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo :llelick of Flint, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs John Vanatte.r of !Port Huron; Mr. and Mrs. George .Smith of London; Mr, and Mrs. Tom Diller of Toronto; Mrs. Jas. Hayman of Idensall; Rev. and Mrs. Heckendorn and children, and Mr. 0. Fritz of Zurich. Neigh- bours and friends called on them during the day to offer congratulati- ons. They were presented with a bas- ket of gold rose:~ fron the grand -chil- dren, also a refrigerator and a purse of money, and numerous other gifts fitting for the occasion, also many congratulation cards were received. The Herald joins their many friends in extending best wishes for many more years of health and happiness together to, this journey of life, nrav 'TJP.r : ti' OWN A GOOD POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL, IN NICKLE CHROME CASES $15.00 IN SMART GOLD CASES $18.00 ONLY A FEW TO OFFER ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Heneall 3 990900090009 0000 ease 009090090000000 ANNOUNCING runt EBTLIKE.'; f j.' rlLn fit, .{;` R ^cls L1 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR RENT Day and Night Service. • 90 Wm. McAdams re SERVICE '9 'oar. 3 p� i a Telephone 89 Zurich tprlge,soCGaesea eoee Washing Repairing Accessories a Ward Fritz SALES 9 0 Good Year Tires Batteries Greasing SUPER -TEST -GAS -OIL S E Pioneer Feeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat- ion, Pig Starters and Grower. FOR YOUR CHICKS Chick Starter, Grower, Scratch Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. Also have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for Your Convenience at all times A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always ..� MAKE STORE Edmund and Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone:. 11-97 3 t