HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-30, Page 8illoiCtit, 0141 ArtJO BED SPREADS 12 only Fine Chenille Bedspreads, all large Sizes in various color combinations. Also plain white. Priced from 12.50 to 16.50. RUGS A lot of Felt Rugs to taks place of Tapestry Mats, which are very scarce. Also a shipinerrt of Hooked Mats in assorted sizes and patterns MEN'S WEAR A few Mens and Boys Ready-to-wear Suits still available. A. lot of new Ties, Sox. A. small lot of Ballantyne's Sweaters for Men, extra fine quality pure wool. GROCERIES Diced Carrots in tins, each Diced Beets in tins, each Macoroni, 2 lbs. for Vanilla Custard, per Pakg Bulk Black Tea per lb. Davis Gelantine, per pkg 1lc 1lc ►1c be 53c 19c Fresh Vegetables and Fruits twice Weekly Everything in Garden Seeds. Also Mangel and Turnip Seed. Gastro Bros. ZURICH TELEPHONE 59 INSTJi.n PO Have you adequate protection against Loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 state n Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, ® Zurich Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich ZURICH HERALD ITEMS P LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Edw. Gascho arid. Mrs. Har- old Stade spent Tuesday at London, Rev, C. P. Hec'kendorn spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. E. Hey has returned from a few weeks visit with lie, reins in De,- tfo it. Mr. Ted. Mittleholtz and daughter Patricia visited in London' on Tues- day, Miss Jemima Johnston is spending a few days at the home of Miss \Mary Johnston, weet of Blake. Mr and Mrs. Earl Weida and chil- dren were recent visitors at Kitch- ener. Owing to the rebuilding of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church in town, the public services are being held' in the local town hall. Mr. T. Harry Hoffman of Dash- wood is wearing a special smile these days. llis wife presented him with a baby boy. Mr. Swantz has returned' to hi's home in the West, after spending some time at the hone of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hoist of' town. Mrs. A. E. Hamilton and daughter Mary Lou of London, are. spending• this week at the home of Mr. Jelin Galster and other friends.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch and' daughter Donna have returned after vi-iting at the home of Mars: Oesch's mother, Mrs. Kink, in Desfboro Twp. The many friends of Mr. Andrew Thiel. are very glad. to 'hear that he is getting along nicely after lits re- cent fall and is able to be up and around again. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected. every Wednesday) Eggs, dozen 31,-22 22 Butter, creamery iChickens, dressed: 30-20 Wheat. bushel ............... 1.12 Oats, bushel 50c Barley, bush. ................. 73 Buckwheat, bush.. ..... . 70 Flourin cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton, .. .....30.00 Middlings, ton ..... ............ 33.00 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL. CHURCH HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist S1JNDi Y SERVICES 10' a:in.—Divine Worship. 1'1' a.m.—Chtirch School. 730 p.m.—Divine Services. Y'ou. are• Welcome at call Services ST:. PETER'S Evangelical: Lutheran Church ZIJ1?,I'CIT — ONTARIO REX. E.. W:. HEINIRICH, PASTOR 10, a.me Divine Services. 11.15• aan. —Sunday School. p.rn.—Divine Worship. Every,•hody,• Welcome to all Mr. Abram Eckel' has returned to Plattsville after spending 'the winter months at the honre of his son, Mr. and :Hee 7,7alter Eckel', Goshen tine n orth. !!dr. and Mrs. C. Russell have re- turned to London after spending sev- eral days at the hosn:e of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Du- charme. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner have moved into the home in with Mr. Daniel Gascho in, the easterly outskirts of town, where they will re- side. May the 24th, the old traditional holiday, passed off very quietly in the village as there was little stir, and many of the villagers 'wee:: away at other places. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heckendorn, Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and Mrs. Ward Fritz attended the W.M.S. Conven- tion Held in St. Jacobs on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and children and friends of Detroit are enjoying the cottage owned by Mr. Albert Hess on the lakefront at Du- charme's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard have moved their household effects from the home owned by.Mr. Herb Rousseau into the home of Mrs. Mary Miller, opposite St. Boniface Church. focaegowawese&1'ae®s HARDWARE •- SEEDS and FURNITURE Pr LBE:TA Oi Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, I• urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. 1 STADE WEIDO* ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY – PRICE SERVICE Services Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOMEOF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILBE—Zurich TThul..asiiive May' 30th,, .11 VOUR 1 end Furniture STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We. are' very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New. EnameFware,. such as' Cooking Utensils; Etc., which, t seem:. to- be of very, good quality, and some attractive, color designs. To appreciate these articles one musty see them. We invite your inspection. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and, youhave-- a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled.; Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably BEDROOM FURNITURE: We have some very attractive and :newly' designed: Bed- Room Suites just in, which are of the • newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them; if interested in this, lie of furniture:. Everything' in Shelf and Heavy, Hardware A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 •1� t• eepeP+ 4 r•t•r•r*+r*`,►mow .te 40,0•440.4 MR. FARMER! WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?' Only you can answer that question,. You have a farm—you know its pose sibilities and capacity for production;.. You also know that money spent. wisely on worthwhile projects and modern improvements can bring you bigger profits from your farm, great- er comfort for yourself and for your family. But perhaps you have not the ready cash on hand. There is an answer far that, too—the Bank of Montreal. See Mr. Sewell, manager of the Bank of Montreal. Tell him about your plans. He can help you to worst them out and he will show ,you. in a prac- tical way what he means when he says: "When you ask for a loan at the B. of M. you do not ask a favour.” Misses Ada Hay and friend: Peggy O'Neil, both nurses -in -training at St. Joseph's ,Hospital, London, enjoyed a visit at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hay, last Thursday . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk and children and Miss Verna Birk, all of Guelph, spent a very pleasant week- end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey were recent week -end visitors with their mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte of town, and who accompanied then along to Detroit, where Mrs. Ayotte will spend a few weeks. Miss Elda Reichert underwent an operation in Dr. O'Dwyer's office on Monday for the removal of- tonsils and adnoise. We hope Elda will soon recover and be able to resume her duties at the local switchboard. Mrs. Gertrude Fleischauer is helping out during Miss Reichert's absence. Rev. E. Heimrich; pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church and the var- ious Sunday School Teachers attend - the Sunday School Convention' held at Philipsburg on Sunday after- noon and evening. The sessions were well attended and the hospitality was very generous. ivIr. and Mrs. William O'Brien and daughter Miss Olive were .holiday visitors with relatives in Port Huron ,ver the week -end. We understand Mr, and Mrs, O'Brien will .celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this coming Saturday, and a lovely time is being looked for. The recent rains and followed. by the bright sunshine is developing a roast wonderful growth. By the feel of the lawn mower pushed ever the lawn twice a week, there should be an abundance of grass and hay this •.'ear. Other spring crops are coming along very nicely. While in many other places, including Now York and Pennsylvania States are exper cing 'rats floods which do a lot of damage, we here .are having just enough rains for good growing. CARD OF THANK I wish to greatly thank all the neighbours and friends for the kind- ness and sympathy shown during my recent illness, for all assistance and lovely cards sent. --Mrs. Henry -Law- rence, Zurich. 4 1 4 �h4•t••f•.1•q•i•,p.i•.p.4.3`i••¢•+4 + t ++ , i•.r q .! iP * i .g F 7 gr fi !. } { € E } t 0 4 ^� F•S•.! �. FOS Quick Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN. CHAIRS, We have recently received a Carload of Masonite, Let Us Supy Your Needs! F. C. KALBFLEISCI c'cL SON Phone 69 - ZURICH 114++•1 ++i••C•i••!•-!•++•E +4 -re --e •fir -e-4 ee-44.+•. +++++++++++4•++++++++++4 asseenwayamsmormarsarafferssr Miss Helen O'Brien of London and friend, Mr. Arthur McLean of Tor- onto, are holidaying a week at the home of the former's parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien. Rev. and Mrs. John Burn of Dash- wood called oh their 'friends, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hoist, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich and sons Gerald and Cleve, Mr. and Mrs David Gingerich, have returned after a very enjoyable motor trip to Mid- land, Bay City and - Pigeon, Mich. for several days over the past week- end. Sunday last visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter of near Kippen were: Mr. acrd Mrs. W. Horney of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp and family,. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Brokenshire and Allan, all of Zurich. • A Chapter Each Day You are living a Gospel. A chapter each day, ;By deeds that you do, I3y words that you say, Men read what you live, Whether faithless or true, Say! What is the gospel accorded to you? BORN Rohner — lir Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, May :12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rohner of Stanley Township, a son (Grant Clarence): Hoff`man—At Dr. Fletcher's Hosp- ital, Exeter, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood. a $on: Bedard—On May 2Srd, at the Far- well Nursing Home, Zurich, to Mr.. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard, a son, (Bernard.) N� assey- Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1946! 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE @ $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. • Read the Word of God And Know the- Truth 1—ALL ARE LOST AND NEED A SAVIOUR. Rom. 3:2:3 2—CHRIST IS THE ONLY SAVIOUR SENT BY GOD TO SAVE LOST MAN. I Tim. 2: 5, 6 3—IF THOU SHALT CONFESS 'WITH THY :1'IOUTF( THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE TN THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, TROD SHALT BE SAVED. Rom. 10: 9 CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD AND BE SAVED. Rom. 10: 13 TUNE IN: CHAS, E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING, Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor ,"THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST"