HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-23, Page 4S Y IC11, ONTARIO W "1 LOCAL MARKETS 0 New Arrivals BED SPREADS 12 only Fine Chenille Bedspreads, all Large Sizes in various color combinations. Also plain 'white. Priced from 12.50 to 16.50. RUGS A lot of Felt Rugs to taks place of Tapestry Mats, which are very scarce. Also a shipment o4 Hooked Mats in assorted sizes and patterns MEN'S WEAR A few Mens and Boys Ready-to-wear Suits still available. A lot of new Ties, Sox. A small lot of Ballantyne's Sweaters for Men, extra fine quality pure wool. GROCERIES Diced Carrots in tins, each t lc Diced Beets in tins, each I 1c Macoroni, 2 lbs. for i I c Vanilla Custard, per Pakg. (�c Bulk Black Tea per Ib, 53c Davis Gelantine, per pkg. 19c Fresh Vegetables and Fruits twice Everything in Garden Seeds. Also Turnip Seed. Weekly Mangel and TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH .111121. ZURICH HE ALLI ITEMS OF LOCAL T Mr, and Mrs. ,lames Young of Lon- don, were Friday guests at the home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. QCorreeted every Wednesday) Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader m present .spending some time in cattage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess, Kathleen Hess, Miss Elda :tele Mrs. Ted. Steinbach and Eggs, dozen .. 31,-22 .e at Butter, creamery 45 their Chickens, dressed 30-20 Wheat bushel 1.12 Mlss pats, bushel . 50e heft, Barley, bash. 73 'Iite2 Buekwhealy bush. s in Flour, cwt. Florence, were Thursday visitor London. Mr, Ivan Willert is making good progress in the erection of hie build- ing as the concrete walls are about up, and it will make a fine addiction to that part of the village. :Ir. and Mrs. C. L. Smith visited with their daughter Mae on Sunday at Petrolia, also took a chive in the afternoon sight seeing in the Sarnia district which was very interesting at this season of the year. Ronald Stephan, Air Mechanic, second class, RCN. stationed at Ayl- mer. son of Mrs, Pearl Stephan of Hen.all, received word from Ottawa that he had passed highest in a class of 50 in recent examination.. .liss Patricia Mittleholtz of• Lon- don ha^, returned home for a few week's convalescing after her oper- ation at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lond- oe. She is progressing very favor- ably. VV1 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heist motored to London last week and were ac- companied home with the ratter's Q0brother, Mr, Swantz who had been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl of Clin- e` ton, Mrs. Henry Diehl and son Carl 0 of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster of Strath Clare, :elan. Three Mis,. Fos- ters from Washington, D.C. and Mrs `1\ B. Styler from. Belville were visitors `''� with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scniibe. Had A. Large Catch Mr. Ted Rader and son Harold, Mr. Witmer and Mr. Swartzentruber of the Goshen line south, had a very successful catch of fish at Bayfield, the beginning of the week when over 250 good sized fish became their pro-, perty, and were quite liberal to treat I their friends and relatives, ana bein a neighbour to such the publishers of the Herald also fell heir to a good treat of these fish, which could not be beaten for good favour. Ant this is not "fish -yr" either. •Thanks! .,y.,. 44,4. , n•,•IlMte aM_urr, Ter Have you adequate protection against Loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 cute Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. ncirew F. ; ess, uri ; Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich ASEEMIRI AlablitiERWAIIIMEEMENRIC011 G&r&a ItFim6„ ve83onool0000w. BoozoC9e?1Q,z14.04**/,-: cA:;Y?ort it t•ovrh`+ i s, HARDWARE m SEEDS a ERT and FURNITURE 6, 11 -�.,�. Orders taken for., Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a rnuch better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full lin of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williarns Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE aa: 6 3 ' 0 • t The refreshing rains we ha been receiving the past week, h helped vegetation along immensel The trees are bringing forth the green leaves. Along with the lovel sunshine piercing through them. On can see the hand of Providence Ivo so wonderfully in nature. One sh uld avail themselves to be outdoo as much as possible to take advan age of these refreshing days. Th crops in the • country are coming• a long nicel;y', and truly it was a mil ion dollar rain. STRANGE CASE OF LIZZIE BORDEN—By Peter Levins Read,- in The American Weekl with Sunday's Detroit Times, Pete Levins' story of the Borden case generally considered America's gre atest murder mystery Read abou the enigmatic Lizzie Borden, who according to the celebrated song "took an axe and gave her mother 4 whacks; then she saw what she ha done, she gave her father 41- CO. HOME MATRON INJURED Huron County Horne Committee o the Co. Council meeting in Clinton passed a resolution of sympathy t the matron, Mrs. Martha Jacob, wh on Wednesday morning last suffere a broken arm. She was going 'fro the kitchen to the main hall when sh caught the tip of her foot in a piec of linoleum which was being laid. Sh was thrown heavily to the floor, an sustained a dislocated shoulder and a fractured arm above the elbow. An addition to the barn was discussed by the committee and it was melded to call for• tenders, also for a supply of coal for the home. It was agree not to install an elevator this year. 25th Wedding Anniversary Upon the return from a splendid motor trip through Niagara Falls dis- trict, in this beautiful blossom season Mr. and Mrs. Waren Schilbe and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Schilbe enjoyed the week -end very much, when they lan- ded at the Tatter's home, a group of relatives and neighbours hast gather- ed to help celebrate their 25th wed- ding' anniversary. The couple were taken by a complete surprize. A mock wedding was one of the main features, consitins; of Mr. Orville McClinchey as bride, Mrs. Harry Rose the groom. Best man was Mrs Herb Krueger; bridesmaid, Mr. How- ard i+ink�he•iner; flower gal Orville Schilbe. Minister, Mr, Joe Ducharme "For they are jolly good Pellows" was rousingly sung. They were pres- nted with a lovely gifts for Which Mr -and Mrs. Schilbe greatly thanked them for their kindness, for this spl- endid gathering. A very delicious luncheon was then partaken off. With the best oi' wishes for many more years of happy Wedded life, along with health to then and their child ren. The merry makers left nor their home feeling splendid -after the few boars enjoyed together, Lve as V. it 3' e rk D- rs t - e cl- 3' r t 0 d f 0 0 d m e e e d v cl 'huradaty, May 2tlyd, 1040 �..w,,�., ,v�.. o-srarkaw.Wd.M+.p • HardwareFurniture YOUR and ., 2.60, 2.750 •i Shorts and bran, ton ........30.00 Middlings, ton 35.00 i EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL ' CHURCH C. B. HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist " SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. You are Welcome at all Services ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services Y Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS '.Che Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US. A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SGHI.LBE=--Zurie'h The annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Un- ion will be held in Main St. United church, Exeter, Tuesday afternoon, May 28th. 'irs. Beth McKay, sravel- ling secretary for Ontario will speak. WHAT CAN READY MONEY MEAN TO THE GO-AiiEAD FARMER? It can mean the difference between just getting by and being really suc- cessful in his enterprise—it can en- able him to achieve his ambitions to make his farm more productive, more comfortable. For the goa);ead farmer, who may be short of ready money, many mod- ern farm is provements are now with- in easy reach with a 13. of M. loan. Here's a partial check list of impro- vements for which ready money is available: new iniproced agricultural imple- ments and equipment; new livestock for building up the herd; farm buildings, repairs -and extensions; new electric systems; fencing, drainage and land impro- vement; installation of lignhting, heating and water systems; electric aids, washing machines, cream separators, refrigeration pump, motors, milking machines, etc. Take adi'^ntage of the ready money available at the Bank of Montreal to help you pay for .,uch improvements. Call on Mr. Sewell, manager of rhe Hank of Montreal. You will find taut he knows and understands the farm- er's problems and that he is eager to help you go ahead and go: your share of the rewaads that lie in high agricultural production. DONALD DAME Donald Dame, popular tenor star of opera, concert and radio, will be the guest soloist at the Toronto Philhar- mon:ic Orchestra's next "Prom Con- cert", to be broadcast over CBC net- work, Tuesday, May 28, at 9 p.m. EDT. The young singer made his first appearance on the `Met'' stage years ago as a boy spear Barrier. is real debut came in 11)43 when he sang in "Mignon." He is also heard every Sunday evening on the Family Album Hour, 030 EDT, STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We are very fortunate in receiving a.'shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils Etc., which seem to be of very good quality, and some ,attractive , color designs. To appreciate these articles one must t see them. We invite your inspection. 1 MATTRESSES . MATTRESSES ,I„ Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring f Frilled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses 4 Priced Very Reasonably + BED ROOM FURNITURE 4. We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed. Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Horne Requirement* ento Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware .i. i.. • Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware Furniture. one dF ato For Quiek Sale 50 IRONING BOARS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. We have recently received a Carload of Masonite.• Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALB 'LEI CH c SON Phone 69 .,..,....r.c 4r•x„4• i•^a•+ •t•.1.'f••f•'3••t.•k••I• ;,.i.+.ff,.}, I•+•i,•§••P••i ^j1. - ZURICH Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1946! 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE cw $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ $82.75 (LIBERAL'ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.---EUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Osc MASSr Kropp Rea.. 67 E'1r - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian FarEn. 1 STOP ---- "An have sinned and come short of the Glory of Gad." Rom. 3r 23 LOOK -- "Unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth; foal am God and there is none else." Isa. 45.'212 LISTEN - "He that' heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent nae, 'hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John li : 24 ,`Poli, WHHOSOEVEREVErR SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF' THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED. Rom. 10 13 TUNE IN: CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAI.,. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D,S,T. SUNDAY EVENING. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CRLW, Windsor "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST"