HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-23, Page 3ZURICH, UNTAKIO • BUSINESS CARDS W A,ITED CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-'41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON! - duct tiny Auction Sale, regardless ;s4 to Size or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren - tared. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIAN Or. W. B. COXON, B.o . Sc. VETERINARY SUR N Mee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zl> pboze-96. i gh 13I.1TC1-IERS ZurichS' popular HEAT VLA -IRE' tat U lP 'You with the i,btce of Fresh and Cur - 'til Meats, Eolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh inQEle�ash I'ricestric ertoron Highest Wool, Hides and Skins R. yun hlut & Sou PRODUCE SilverwO�d DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs 5 and Poultry raded Have your Egg our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH on WO h Creamery Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in 'this Column.. PIGS FOR SALE A bunch of young pigs for quick sale. ---Aaron Oeetreicker, Aronson line. FOR SALE A quantity of seed beans for: 'im- mediate sale, --.Russell Manson, FOR SALE A munber of small pigs, also a 2 -furrow narrow bottom Fleury Trac- tor plow.—Alfred Ropp, Ph. 96r4 NOTICE The Directors of the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company have another supply of Stirrup pumps on hand. These can be obtained from the undersigned or any Director of the Company.,, Price $.5.00 --IL K, 13 ibex, Crediton, `O.nL ? QTIC . Commencing • May lst, Zurich Variety Store will be closed until further notice. Alterations are be- ing made for the addition of a res- tuarant along with the usual line of business,—C. H. Thiel. FOR SALE Allis Chalmers Model B. Tractor, on rubber and belt pulley, ih A. 1. condition. Apply_ to Earl, il)ig'nan, p one 91r8, Zurith; . WANTED Man to attend to lawn, etc. for the surnrner months.—Mrs. W. L. Siebert For Sale A quantity of 16 -inch soft wood for sale --Chas. S. Bedard, ph. 15-98 VOR SALE Massey -Harris No. 8, 2 -row Bean Stuffier for sale, is in good condit- ion, recenbly overhauled. --- Peter Masse, Phone 93r10. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus e premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- :eient accurate service. Egg end Poultry department in Charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE WANTED MONEY FOR YOU—Colored and antique glassware dishes, oil parlor lamps, vases and ornaments wanted. Good cash prices paid. Write and a buyer will caul. S. Shantz, 380 St. James St., London, Ont. NOTICE The dumping of any waste mater- ial on the roads in the Township of Stanley is steely forbidden. Anyone doing so will be prosecuted. BY ORDER, Township Council of Stanley, Fred Watson, Clerk, ' ?'IEs ZURICH HERALD ,. Rev,, J. Burn of .Dashwood called in town on Wednesday,, Mrs. Ware Bassow. of the Bronson line is on the sick list at present. Mrs, .Julius -Thiel- of town spent the week past with .friends xn Kin- oardine. Mr Ward Fritz is on a business trip to Windsor for a few ";-ayw. Miss Pearl Wurtz is enjoying few days at the home of her sister,. Dr. and Mrs. I•I. H. Cowen at Exeter 'Messrs. Wen. Hay and son Charles motored to Toronto on Saturday. Friday of this week is a public. holiday, namely Victoria Day, May 24th. It has been recognised thus for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Eil'ber of Crediton and Mr. David Anderson or Toronto visited on. Tuesday at the home of the former's daugeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Misses Margaret Danbrook and Norma Steinback of Exeter were week -end visitors at the home- of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Steinbacie. The Zurich Dairy wishes to anno- unce that beginning the cornir;•a Sun day, May 26th they will resume the Sunday morning delivery for the sumrner months, Visitors at Roselawn Cottage, Rrykman's Corners near Hamilton on May 9th in the evening were Miss Pearl Gellman and Miss Alice Beaver of Zurich visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alvin Bradford. A nuniiber of citizens were at the Dashwood Evangelical church last Wednesday evening when Milverton church choir put on their Easter program in the Dashwood Evangelic- al church. • We are late in publishing this week. Wednesday afternoon, just when we are the busiest, owing to the house from Hillsgreen being moved in, the Hydro service was off for a consid- erable time. And then our supply of readyprint from Toronto which us- ually, arrives on Tuesday is not here at seven p.m., Wednesday. Mr. , and Mrs. Ted Foster and son Rex. of Detroit were week -end vis- itors with Mrs. Foster's parents, Sera. and Mrs. Louis Weber. Rex is one of the .boys just recently returned from the Philipine Islands where he was engaged with the medieal chore in fighting the Japs, and is very for- tunate in being spared to return home to carry out his ordinary living. Mothers Day visitors .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Tetreau near Grand Bend were: Mrs. Wm. Bassow and daughter En nzie; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassow, Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams and son Deward, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McAdams of the Bronson line; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAdams and sons Marvin and Murray of Zur- ich, Miss Lillian Ditmei- of Monk - ton.. I have taken over the agency of the Viking Cream Separators, any- one needing repairs or service on same, please get in touch with me at once.—Alvin Rau; Phone 83r2 Zur. Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF fOODSTOCK tBE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $45,4.65,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. V-75,133. E. F.. KLOPP---ZURICH agent, also Dealer in Lighten- ,,g Rods and all kinds of Fire lvaettranc e Job Print'ing NOTICE PAINTING—Spray or brus:t pain- ting, indoor or outdoor. Barns and drive sheds a specialtyn G. Gratton, Grand Bend, Phone 42r3, HELP WANTED - Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kal.bfleisch & .Son, Ttd. WANTED Cucumber Growers Mr. Leo Corriveau Has been Appointed Representative to Accept Contracts :for A.creagc 13ehalf of Lealand Co. ' Ltd., OF SIIVICOE • ANY GROWERS INTERESTED May Get in Touch with Mr. Corrivea by mail at R. R. 2, Zurich, or by Phone 83-11, Zurich. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 it OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE - Em SE E -E t'(13E . TO CALL AT THE On COURT OF REVISION Township of Hay HYMENEAL Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and Mrs Ward Fritz are appointed delegates to the Evangelical W.M.S. convention to ibe held at Bridgeport next week. Mr. Bari Thiel has secured a moot splendid pick-up red delivery express wagon, along with a good condition- ed large white horse and is now in a position to make his deliveries a- round the Allege with much ease, Mr, and Mrs. .> d. Gasebo have moved their household effects into. their •home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard, while Mr. and Mrs, Charles Thiel are moving their effects into their home formerly occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Gascho. Mr. and ,Mrs, Milfred Schilbe, Mr. and Mrs, Fred II berer, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Decker of town and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gaiser of Shipka and Mr. John Gaiser, attended the gold- en wedding anniversary at Christ's Lutheran Church, Buffalo and of their friends Mr. and Mas. H. S:chwertz . The reception was held at the Lafayette Hotel with 195 guests. The meal was served in the very latest fashion and all goodies that accompanied the same. .A, lovely time was enjoyed by all. DO YOU NEED MONEY wood Hotel prepared by the wives of the Business Mena Club, serving over fifty. The dining room was hearth. fully decorated in red, white and'blue color ;scheme with the 'banquet tables being centred with red white and bine candles and flowers of the same color. During the banquet a sing song was much enjoyed after which S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS a program was given. Mr. V, L. Bec- ker welcomed the boys on behalf of Healthy, Husky R. 0. P. the town and business men's club af- ter which the chairman, Mr. Reuben Goetz introduced the guest speakers which included Rev, T. Luft, Rev. J. Burn, Dr. R. H. Taylor, MLA., Reeve Irseeday, rtlr r 23rd, l046 boeh, Leo. Kveland, Ross and Lloyd Guenther, Howard Kluinpp, Donald Restemeyer, Kenneth McCrae, Leo Gibson, all of ";Dashwood. Wrn, Haugh of Hay. Twp; and Reeve Roy Ratz of Stephen Twp, Pupils from the public school added 'much to the enjoyment of the program with various slumbers. After the: program the presentation was :Wade to the service personal by E. Nad- iger and M. Merner, each receiving . a fountain pen and pencil set. Their were 19 present and the remaining fourteen who were unable to attend will be forwarded to then, On be- SPRING OUTFIT WITH half of the service personal Col. E. Tiernan of London thanked the bus- 1 ‘jr "NIFTY iness Men's Club and the Village WE HAVE Trustees as well as the residents for i the fine manner in which they were WANT remembered all during th war years. Those present included: Col. E. E.. FOR INCOME TAX? Tiernan of London; Mrs. Sigrid Gunn of London; Norman Eveiand of Lon - If you are short of cash to pay your don; Lorne Kleinstiver of Bowman - income or other taxes, a 13. of M. ville; Robert Hoperoft of Port Col - personal loan may be the answer to bourne; Cpl. George Wilfe of Camp your need. Borden; Ervin Rader; Russell. Tie - For every useful purpose, Mr. Sewell, man, Murray Wolfe, George Scheff- manager of the Bank of Montreal, is lending money to people in every , walk of life at the low cost of 27 Zents a month for a $100 loan, re- .4 payable in twelve monthly Instal- 5 ments, which is equal .to 6% inter- est per annum. You can borrow more or leuz, for, longer . or shorter periods. .the cost ; is .proportionally the same. as usual CHICKS BRUCE J, KLOIPP - Zurich T [F, Spring Fo tt°lee r LET US COMPLETE YOUR NO COAL TO ONTARIO I4' Lethibridge, Alta.—Growing short- , ages of coal in Eastern Canada as a result of the American coal miners strike have sharply increased Ontar- io requests for coal but a survey shows no coal from Lethbridge ea- large slarge Crows Nest Pass fields is being shipped past the lakeheads. They sim- ply have not got the coal to spare for 'shipments to Ontario, was the unanimous report. Daily production of these -mines including those in the B. C. section of the Pass, is estimat- ed at about 13,000 tons but all is be- ing redily absorbed by Western eon - ENTERTAINED RETURNED MEN The Dashwood Business Mens' Club and Village Trustees entertain- ed the returried service person<i c.. Dashwood on Friday evening last. A banquet was held in the Dash- • Wed. in Hensall In a setting of spring flowers a wedding took place in Hensall United church when Mary Isobel Hemphill„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hem- phill, became the bride of Eugene Westendorp, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. We,.stendorp, Toronto. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the ceremony, for which soft music was played by Miss Greta Laramie. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, W. How- ard Hemphill, of Stratford; Mrs. S. Jones of London, was matron of hon- or and Miss Jean Dempsey of Strat- ford, was bridesmaid. J. se. Kimber rf Toronto was best man and Peter Ambrey, J. D. Wilson, A. Donnan of Toronto and Paul Dixon of London, were ushers. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where Mrs. Hem- phill received assister by Mrs. West- endorp. Later the bridle and groom left on a. motor trip. On their return they will live on Pine Crescent, Tor- onto. 1946 ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1946 will be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, on the 3rd ,day of June, 1946, at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of hearing any appeals against the roll. If you deem yourself overcharged or otherwise improperly assessed, you or your agent may nobify the clerk of the Municipality in writing of such overcharge or improper asse;5sment, within 14 clays after the 1st of Mav 1946. HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES H W Brokenahire, ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK.' Clei'T., Rnt Township. A e 0 0 A PAIR DATARS SHOES". .. JUST IN ALL AND COLOURS. WHAT YOU SIZES, STYLES GIVE—US—A—CALL! ED. J. DATARS ARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES Hensall District; CoOp ° ative Incorporated FERTILIZER FERTILIZER WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTI'LIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING, 'FEEDS, SEEDS AND OTHER FARM SUPPLIES. J. Ingrain, Hensall, Phone 83-43 . Co -Operative Shipper of rts Cattle, Calves and Sheep. We will call for thein. 4 HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER +tsessress•ets.00 •ssrsssms.s•3 • ,,. 4, • e• s 4, • a• •s e Op 4}, 2 4, • 0 ,a e, Male. -.9333520M1: r,mnx. ;v,.,•...� ...0 •Mea-w,wr.. ...r __ 14 MCOMMTIMSEMIIMEEMUZIOEMPMERMINZMIGI need end qtNahl8d StEihnalzo. REMOVED PROMPTLY LY Pone: Collect: Exeter 2.3c1 Seaforth 15 DARLING rti,d CO. Of CANADA LTD. <ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) OBITUARY The Late .James Swan Tames Swan, in his day and gen- eration, one of the most widely known and successful business men of Huron county, died at his home iu Brucefielcl on Saturday, May llth Four weeks previous Mr. Swan had the misfortune to fall in his garden and fracture his hip, and although he rallied for a time the .shock was too much for his advanced which is 89 years. In 1895 Mr. Swan was eng- aged as travelling agent by the Cock- shutt Plow Co. and later connected with Massey -Harris, -Gould Shapley & Muir, and Maxwell .Bros, and was one of the most successful agents in the farm hnp.leruent business in the Province. Although still active and rugged, lie retired from active busin- ess 15 years ago, and until his accid- ent, was Able to be about at all times. He was a member of the Brucefield church,' . Liberal of the old school. In 18.87 he was united in marriage to Janet Beattie who predeceased him 3.9 years ago, and is survrs'ecl by two daughter, Mrs. Aline Ham and Miss Mary Ellen Swan at home, one sister, three grandchildren. The fun- eral was held from Thercefield church with interment in. Baird' Cemetery. They're 'looking at Sherwin-Williams' exciting new portfolio "A Guide to More Color -Full Homes". It's packed with wonderful ideas for making your home more beautiful, more satis- fying to live in. This beautiful collection of the biggest color photographs you've ever seen will help you trans- form your home; it includes illustrations of expertly -decorated living -roomers, dining -rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, playrooms, bathrooms, sun - rooms, lens, as well as attractive home exteriors, with complete color and paint specifications and paint ,color chips. mitt ae ADVERTISING DEPT. , $ERIN.'. -W` !LLIAMS Cu. of Canada Limited, P.O. BOX Na. 6084, G.P.O. MONTREAL NAME._- ADDRESS 84. .si e�•:,. 1,