HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-16, Page 5re ,ve its • eat rd- 83: ing ghe rose oad 'bee oad wiU re. mer wli ays aka, ZURICH, ONTARIO BUSINESS CARDS WANTED 0,ASH rou FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 470.5, co11ec Jaek Wil- P.T. 4-6-'41 11111.sliumsemworallsosposelloavorateamormegeoprealleramoursoormsmaera LICENSED AUCTIONEER Put Your Want, For :Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ada, in this Column. FOR. QUICK SALE A. good ,Johnston Iron Horse small gasoline motor.—L. A. Prang & Son FOR SALE for Huron and 1Vliddlesex ' A quantity of seed beans for mediate s•ale.—Russell Manson, 1 ABff IN A POSITION TO CON - tact any Auction Sale, regardleea N to size or article to sell, I solicit year business, and if not satisfied will caake no charges for Services! Ren- Sered. .ARTHUR WE13ER—Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 ............**Kromatertazurnremageuremoommamonssommarcorm VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Se. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Sereet, Opposite Drug Store Pleene-96. Zurich im- FOR SALE A number of small pigs, also 2 -furrow narrow bottom Fleury Trac tor plow.—Alfred Ropp, Ph. Mel a NOTICE The Directors of the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company have another supply of Stirrup pumps on hand. These can be obtained from the undersigned or any Director of the Company. Price $.5.00 —H. K. Either, Crediton, 'Ont. • 'RUTCHERS Zurichs' MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the - very Choice of Feesh and Cur ill. Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeratiot • Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Ski11 yungblut ns & Son PRODUCE • ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Those stopping at hotede or boarding lee 4 ,ae misses phyliis and Connie Thiel of houses would not require ration 4 Oxangeiellle visited at the home of eaTds, regdrcil(388 of the length of their grandma, Mrs Henry Thiel, their stay. Mr. and Mrs, Gid. Koehler were at Hayfield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Elmer F. Mope) mot- ored to Walkerton last week. Miss Alice Lawrence visaed her mother at Victoria Hospital, London, one day this week. Miss Ruth Brown of London spent Mothers' Day at the home of her par- ents, Mr and Mrs. John Brown, MT and Mrs. Earl Weido and chil- dren and Mr. and MTS. John Gall- xnan spent a day in London last week Misses Ruby and Ruth Church have returned home after .spending a few days with friends at London.' Mr. and iMrs. C. L, Smith were at Clinton on Sunday, where they cal- led on the former's father. Pleased to learn that rare Conrad Schilbe is recovering nicely from his recent illness and is able to be up and around again. . Misses Gertrude and Melvina Schade. of London spent several days over the week -end with their mother and brothers. Mr and Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber of Crediton visited at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz, one day last week. Mrs. Earl Heywood and daughter Patricia of Centralia, spent several days in Zurich visiting relatives and friends. Dr. Archie MacKinnon of Guelph visited at the home of his Mother, Mr,, M. MacKinnon last week for a few days. Mr. William Rarig was at Dash- wood on Saturday where he attended the Wedding of his niece, or better known .as the Kimpel-Becker nuptials Mr. and MTS. .Byron Ducharme and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell of Londan were week -end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dueharme. -,Mr. Percy Weido and son James of Waterloo were week -end visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. Miss Pearl Gellman and Miss Alice Beaver have returned after spending a week with friends in Hamilton and Niagara Falls. NOTICE Commencing May lst, Zurich Variety Store will be closed until funthee notice. Alterations are be- ing made for the addition of a res- tuarant along with the Waal line of business. --C. H. Thiel. FOR SALE . . Allis Chalmers Model B. on rubber and belt pulley, condition. Apply to Earl pone 91r8, Zurich. Tractor, in A. 1. Dignan, Mr; and Mrs. Austin Hey of De- troit were Sunday visitors at the Wee of the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Heist of town called on the hatters brother, Mr, Swartz, who is a patient iil Victoria j Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thier oi Tup- perville visited tit the home o: the former's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel of town on Sunday. Mr. Samuel Gascho and son Jack of Harriston are redecorating the home of the former's brother, Mr. and .Mrs, Ed. Gesell° in town this Week. Among those who were week -end visitors at the home of Ma's. Annie Kockems were: Meeers. Laurie and Jack Price of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs Franzy Kockems of Baden; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Thompson and little da- ughter, of Auburn; M,:. Wesley Sur - eras of Detroit; Mrs. Loireridge of Florida and Mrs. Irwin of London. • The many _ friends of Mr. Oscar Greb of the Babylon line are pleased to hear that he has returned home from Victoria Hospital where he un - WANTED Man to attend to lawn, etc. for the summer months.—Mrs. W. L. Siebert Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry t4ave your Eggs Graded on Our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH Zurich Creamety For Sale A quantity of 16 -inch soft wood for sale—Chas. S. Bedard, ph. 15-98 FOR SALE Massey -Harris No. 8, 2 -row Bean Stuffier for sale, is in good condit- ion, recently overhauled. — Peter Masse, Phone 93r10. WANTED MONEY FOR YOU—Colored and antique glassware dishes, oil parlor lamps, vases and ornanients wanted. Good cash prices paid. Write and a buyer will call. S! Shantz, 380 St, James St., London, Ont. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered crearr We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Thersday, May 15th, 1946 CHICKS S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS Healthy, HusIcY R. 0, P. CIIICKS as usual BRUCE J. KLOPP - Zurich E Spring Fad oar LET US COMPLETE YOUR ' SPRING OUTFIT WITH A PAIR OF."NIFTY DATARS SHOES". .. WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN ALL SIZES, STYLES AND COLOURS. GIVE—US—A—CALL! ED, J.- DATARS VIT.' :3 :1:14 "Yi..1 ereLF.R. RELIABLE FOOTWEAR Greb is able to be up and around 1 Marjorie Diller ithe youn s e cowgirl ' dement a critical operation. Ma. And SHOE REPAIRING yodeller of the Red River: Barn Dance and on Tuesday was in town looking! troup, heard regularly on Saturdays, TRUNKS AND SUITCASES quite himself again. . over mideast stations of the CBC COMMITTEE HAD MEETING !network at 11.00 p.m. EDT. The County Home Committee of I ear-ea—ea:— • • . - - - --nr---------------ee'e--a ---eteet------- Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Wilhelm of near Stratford visited at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, of the Blue Water high- way and other relatives for a few days the past week. Workmen are busy at the excavat- ion and putting in the foundation of the new building being erected by Mr. Ivan Willeit on the lot Where of former Hess Carriage Works we- re located. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ducharme and family. of Windsor were in town on Tuesday. They were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Ducharene of the Blue Water High- way. Cyril is employed in one of the big dairy refrigeration plants in the greater Border Cities. Cool weather has prevailed during the past week, with a nunioer of heavy frosts at night which are not too healthy for the fruit trees that are -out in full blossom. What is badly needed is a good shower of rain as the ground. is becoming very dry. Try as it does, but the rain simply will not let go. Property Sold Mr. Jas H. Grieve, who spent a very busy season erecting a new home on William St., Exeter, has sold it to Mr. Albert Horner, of Var- na. Mr. Grieve, who is long past the retiring age, keeps young by being busy end he is now looking for an- other lot to build °ie.-Time:Advocate Falls at School Sewell, only son of Mr and Mrs. Gordon G. Sewell, and a student of Zurich Continuation school met with a painful accident when he fell from a railing to the depth of about 12 feet below. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer was called immediately and had the patient removed on a cher to the Sewell borne where an examination was made and fortun- ately only bruises and a shaking up were found. Collis will be able to return to his studies at school after a day's rest or so. His many friends are very grateful for his speedy re- covery, , •••••••1•21.••••• the county counncil met at Clinton! to discuss various matters pertaining! e to the County Home. Th.e committee! : awarded the contract for re -wiring a. the east wing of the home to Frank ; Kling of Seaforth. Tenders were let a for bread, tobacco and groceries. A 1 ; report from the Otis -Henson elevator! i company with regard to the install at- e, ion of an elevator in the home was received and left in abeyance until! e the receipts of plans and further in-'. ,t formation from the company. 0 te TO GET RATION CARDS 1 t Ottawa—Tourists visiting Canada! ; for seven days or longer may apply a for special temporary ration cards, p the Prices Board announced. The t a NOTICE The dumping of any waste mater- ial on the roads in the Township of Stanley is strictly fotbicklen. Anyone doing so will be prosecuted. BY 'ORDER, Township Council of Stanley, Fred Watson, Clerk. Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK OTICk, I have taken over the agency oi the Viking Cream Separators, any- one needing. repairs or service on same, please get in touch with me at once.—Alvin Rau,Phone 83r2 Zur. cards, issued for periods up o month, will be available either from special offices to be set up at border points or from the local ration board eseranneseseeemamese • ' ' ' 4 ,` 4.1.0,' +/ff.,. 0 ,..<1,4.44,,.....: , .., :', ., .. ...., •- - . 4. , . .1.,' 1;4il'1rita CO' Opt-rttave 4, 0 0 4, Iu orporated FERTILIZER FERTILIZER WE CAN -SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING, FEEDS, SEEDS AND OTHER FARM SUPPLIES. 3' • 3' 3' 3' • • 3' <P• J. Ingram, Hensall, Phone 83-43 Co -Operative Shipper of Cattle, Calves and Sheep. We call for them. #re HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER .41414•11,004P.........e.***** • 3' • 3' in the district 'visited. was designated to Morale said "14114"guir55igagermit=2Ams'35=m3r- NOTICE PAINTING—Spray or brush pain- ting, indoor or outdoor. Barns and drive sheds a specialty. G. Grafton, Grand Bencl, Phone 42r3. HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: $46,465,635. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. • $275,133. L F. KLOPP—ZURICH the arrangement provide for tourists who have their own summer cottages in Canada or planned to visit friends and relatives. . --- • I BORN At the Farwell Nu rsi nee Home, Zurich, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Bedard of Zurich, a son, (David Richard) HELP WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, ltd. Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- 4ng Rods and all kinds of Fire Innurance Job Printing WANTED Cucumber Growers Mr. Leo Corriveau Has been Appointed Representative to Accept Contracts for Acreage on Behalf of Lealand Co. Ltd., OF STMCOId ANY GROWERS INTERESTED May Get in Touch with Mr. Corrivea by mail at R. R. 2, Zurich, or by Phone 83-11, Zurich. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MET4.113ER. TO CALL. AT THE HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES AXE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK - Engage New Teacher The Exeter High School Board have engaged Miss Kathleen Taylor, of Dorchester, to be home economics teacher for the new term beginning in September. Miss Taylor is at present completing her course art the College of Educatien, Toronto. The salary is $2,000.00. She was in Exe- ter with her father, Rev. Mr. Taylor recently and expressed hereetaas de- lighted with the home economics room at the school. COURT OF REVISION Township of Hay 1946 ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby ;given that a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 1946 will be held at the Township Hall, Zurich, on the ,3rd day of June, 1946, at 1.30 e•clock, in the afternoon for the purpose of hearing any appeals against the roll. If you deem yourself overcharged or otherwiee improperly assessed, you or your agent may notify the clerk of the Municipality in writing of such overcharge or improper asseesinent within 14 days after the 1st of May 1946. IL W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Hay Township. OBITUARY The Late John F. Wein The funeral of the late John F. Wein, of Stephen Township took place from his home near Crediton Wednesday last followed by a ei'vice in the Crediton Evangelical Church, with Rev. M. E. Ruler officiating. interment was made in the Creditor cemetery. Decoesed pegged away at ^ictoria Hoenitel, London in his 68th year. Surviving aro his bereft widow whose maiden name 'wee Mary rink— beiner; three sisters, and two beadle ors, Joseph and Samuel of Stephen I Dead and Disabled as REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) FF ITS Mrs. Mason's husband gets his pay in cash. Since he's working all day, his wife banks it for him, and she says she's always jittery she gets it safelyahere. And her brother, who runs a store, says he worries too about the money from the cashregister! Safeguarding your money is one of the prime services ren- dered by your bank. What a relief it is when you have deposited your money in the bank! No more worry lest it should be lost or stolen! You need only keep a little ready cash in your pocket or in the house. Bills can be paid by cheque and your cancelled cheque is your receipt. When the teller hands you your pass book, you glance at the balance and know to a cent how much money you have: You are so accustomed to your bank's accuracy that you seldom bother to check the figures. The very fact that you—and some 5,000,000 others—take all these conveniences as a matter of course is a daily demonstration of your confidence in the dependability and efficiency of your bank. This Advertisement is sponsored immwommommEmoammoommomort===mgesztotworepromiftwe....00mmermemonnomommdx.mafflogmr= by yo u r • n k 4