HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-16, Page 4ereeterei, ONT40114
Lakeview asino
dW ___ - VID
Dancing May 24th and 25th
. Pioneer ! Pioneer Dies„ Aged 95
T1t last surviving 'member of the 1
oldest pioneer family in Stanley Twp
Walter McBeth, a native of Perth-
shire, Scotland, died on Monday at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. R.
Murdock, 2nd concession, Stanley.
Mr. McBeth ra lead his 95th birth-
day March lst. Although confined to.,
his room for the past five years, Mr•
elelleth had enjoyed fairly good
health until two weeks ago. Up un-
til his recent illness he was able to
receive visitors and 'kept abreast of
current events through leis radio. He
came to Canada with his parents 95
Of Property and' llousehola t.tlect,
at BLAKE on
At 1.30 o'clock, p.nl. t D .yli„•tt 'Time)
Frame house with kitchen,
wood .shed, smoke house,-quarterplentyce
o•f land, grape vine: .and
water. Terms -20`,; -on day of sale,
and balance in 80 slays. Sold subject
to a reserved bid.
Treasure kitchen stove, extension
table, has 5 leafs.; sideboard, glass
nitinee beck,
The Dashwood Business NTexr's Club
and Village Trustees entertained the
returned service personal of Dash-
wood on Friday. evening' A banquet
was held in the Dashwood Hotel pre-
pared by the wives of the Business
Mens' Club serving over fifty.
Editor --Owing to the lateness of
the mails, a number of interesting
and lengthy items have to be held
over for next week.
to take up residence in Manitoba.
Miss Ada .Gram of Adrian, Mich.
was a week -end visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gram
Mr, and .firs, James Drummond
Irecently married and newcomers to e,
this distr'iet, were presented with wool served for the lata; ` Maud extensive work done.
blankets at a surprise party given in Dorrell, and a solo by Mrs.
their honor by neighbors. of Rev.
Mr.Normans Sinclair, son
and Mrs. Arthur Sinclair of Blyth,
Thursday, May lSth, 1.041;
the vice -tires. Mrs. C. Ballantyne. Tliepaving of a 2- it stretch
le of Word
meeting opened with devotion, Mrs. 1 from K ince rai ora the e miles ok
C. Cook read the scripture. Mrs. Geo.I will start
Hess, delegate to the ;Huron Presby- road from Arberley south to Port.
terial held at Wingham presented a Albert,n.whicvshiis the ostr erdy Ki r
splendid report A memoriam was ole g,
Mri Chai1 s Me- sardine road will have to have more
has been engage
F. A.YFIELD department of Classic, in Walker -
vine Collegiate Institute in Windsor.
• a Norrn an is well known to a wide
d as teacher in the
Late Miss Noro Ferguson circle of friends in Hensall. His
father was minister of Hensall Unit-
ed Church for 15 years
:lies, Nora Ferguson, formerly of
Bayfield, died Wednesday last at the
home of her sister, Mrs.. Wm. Balk -
will, 37i King St., London, after a
long illness. She was a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson
pioneer farmers of Bayfield. Surv-
iving are three sisters: Mrs. Oliver
Rhynas, of Bayfield; Mrs. Egbert
Sharpe, Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Balkwill
London, and three brothers, Capt.
Charles o etroi; rram
f Detroit; Capt. William and
Redden with Mrs. T. Sherritt accom-
panist, followed by a silent prayer in
memory of Mrs. MacDonell
Consitt presented the study. Mrs. R.
A. Brook and Mrs. Victor Fee re-
ported having made 82 calls on thesick and shut ins visiting committee
for May and June. Aclosing hymn
was then sung.
County Executive Meet
The County Executive meeting of
the Women's Christian Temperance)
Union was held at the home of Mrs.
A. Brook Friday May ;10th, with
officers represented from Wingham,
Exeter and Hensall. Arrangements
were made for the annual Convention
to be held in Main Street United
Pierre, of Bayfield. The body was i church, Exeter the last week of May
resting at the Evans Funeral Home,
London until Friday morning when
it was taken to the home of Mrs.
Oliver Rynas, Bayfield, and on Sat-
urday afternoon at two o'clock the
funeral was held, with interment in
the Bayfield Cemetery.
cupboard, :mail :table, and
cot, bed, dresser, stand, springs years ago, and with the exception of
mattress, 6 kitchen chairs, cane roc-; a fewyears spent in the West,lived
her, large rocker, 'parlor suit, G din- in Stanley Township, where the chairs, laundry stove, fam-
ingroorn stove, bed ily was among -the early settlers. A
,nth spinee and mattress, parlor table, member of Brucefield United Church,
which he helped build more than
ce.dai chest, rocking chair, table '70
robe.. quantity of bedding, years ago. Surviving are a son, Wale
cloth, rmat , Carpets, ]arse curtains, large ter, service manager of the Tucker -
rug 9x1'? -ft. linoleum; hanging lamp, smith telephone system, -Brucefield,
other lamps. tick, bed springs and and a daughter and son iii -law, Mr.
iitattre-�, dresser, stand, carpet »swe- and Mrs. J. R. Murdock, with whom
epee, mirror, coal oil stove, '4 -burner he made his home. A private funeral
, is held on Wednesday from the Mur -
coal oil stove -with even, bedpan
clothes horse, pillows, ?trunks. 3 dock residence followed by a public
toilet sets, full .yea of dishes, roast service in ire Brucefield Milted
ing pan, boiler, tub, crocks, sealers, Church. Rev.. Atkinson will, be in
a quantity of all kinds of dishes, charge of the service. Interment WM
couch, ;ink, leaf table, bread box, follow in Baird's Cemetery.
window screens, pots, .pails, pans, '
parlor rug 9x12 -ft; mail box, bottle -
capper. meat grinder, bucksaw, cross-
eut saw. ehovels, laws mower, spades,'
}lo,•;, �� ashiug machine, wringer, The 75th Anniversary of the Blake
water pail,, cabbage cutter, large 5 ' United Church will be held on Sun -
nal coal oil can, bake board, square,' day afternoon, June 2nd, 1946 at the
scythe, hammers, plyers, Iantern, hour of 2.30 p.m. Rev. H. V.
logging chain and numerous other • Workman of Seaforth will be the
guest speaker, and special music will
be given by members of the Zurich
j Rev. and Mrs. Kerr of Brussels,
visited Miss M. Johnston, also Mr.
and Mrs. C. Haugh of Brucefield and
Mr. G. Howard of Exeter called too.
Hensall Council Minutes i In the near future MVIiss Johnston
The regular meeting of the Village' will be going to Northern Ontario
Council was held on April 'Lod at ' to be near her brothers and sister in
in the Council Chamber. with that part of Ontario.
"l members present. Minuses of the ' The W.M.S. held their May meet--
previous meeting also the special ing at the home of Mrs. Clarence
meeting, were read and adopted. :Parke on Thursday evening last.
Rev. Brook appeared as a delegate liar. and Mrs. Frank Young and
along with the secretary J. A. Yater- baby daughter will be settling here
tort from the Library Board asking • in Blake in the house vacated by Mr.
about the heating of the Library, al- . and Mrs. A. Finlayson in a little
eo re the Library ratesfor the year while.
1,i46, Motion, that we grant the Mrs. James Burdge of Goderich,
`Library a rate of 1.2 mills for 1945.: spent a few days with her parents,
E. Dick appeared re the work to Mr. and Mrs. S. Hey.
ee done on the sidewalks in the \'il- .lir. and Mrs. D. Oesch visited
":age and it was decided to put in a friends at Crediton.
tr'a' piece by day work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steckle returned
A deiegation from the .Chamber , home after spending a few days with
of Commerce composed of W. R. friends near Markham.
Davidson, F. W. Sma':lacomb, W.
Brown appeared and offered some
a.:nee `:on: ass regards putting. 'tt
zenne Public toiiete in the Town Hn"•
niso made euggeetione as regards in- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reschke and
eauning waterworks= in the Village, family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bash
stating the steps taken in the Village of Detroit spent the week -end with
of Lucan. same to et full consider- relative, here.
etion by the Council. Mr. and _Mrs. Ward Kraft of Lon -
R. J. Paterson, tax collector. Irani - : don spent the week -end with his mo -
ed in the 1945 tax roll and reported `, ther and Mr. and Mrs. Koehler.
there was only 5159.10 as being out-; Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Currie and Mr
,standing taxes. Motion, that Collect- • ;and Mrs. K..1leCrae spent the week-
-or's roll of 1945 as presented by the end in Meaford.
Collector be accepted, and the prop- Mr. and Mrs. K. Streets of Clin-
e.. renvrte tilled in and sent to the : ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
County Treasurer. ; D. Tiernan.
It. J. Paterson, assessor, also re- Col. E. E. Tiernan of London, Cpl
petted re the Assessment for 1946 George Wolfe.. of Camp Borden,
and stated there had been an increaee Lorne' Kleitrstiver of Bowmanville,
population of 31 ntalnin :' total of Robt. Hoperoft of Port Colborne and
6.49 also an increase of :58830 in Sigrid Gunn of London were among
Asses-ment and making a Total A.;- those who attended the banquet giv-
se ement of $440,70.1. Motion, that ren for the returned veterans in the
the Assessment Roll as presenter) by efotel on Friday evening.
Mrs. Russell Broderick of Hensall,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Simpson on Sunday.
Ted Luft of Waikeetoe and Herb-
ert of Kitchener Spent the week -end
with their parents.
ltev, and Mrs. T.' Luft and family
left on. Tuesday morning for their
new home in Hanover where Rev.
),rift accepted a call to First St.
Matthew's Lutheran congregation.
On Sunday morning he pr•eaeaed hip
farewell sermon to a very large aud-
ienerr, it being' just 13 years ago on
Sunday that he preached his first
:"ion in Zion church. Rev. and,Mrs
Luft will be greatly missed in Dash-
Mrs. Flossy Smith and friend of
Toronto spent the week -end with her
mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver,
Mother's Day was observed in the
Evangelical Sunday Sehool when t
Mre. Witzel was presented with a i
bouquet of car natione being the old -
mother present nntt Mr. Alvin
the yo ,,-ene .. .
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer
A G. Edighoffer, Clerk.
Harold Johnston, Proprietor.
Mrs. 13, McKay, travelling Field sec-
retary for Ontario will be guest spe-
To Have 90th Birthday
Mr. J. R. McDonald, well known
Hensall district resident who resides
on .Highway No. 4, South of Hensall,
will on Friday, May 17th, oaresve his
90th birthday, the day, will be spent
quietly at his home by members of
the family from Toronto, Owen So-
und who will be present to celebrate
with him. Mr. McDonald although
confined to his room, enjoys life and
takes a keen interest in the current
events of the day. He was born at
Thames Road, and spent some twenty
years at the farm hone on which he season, or any season in local waters
resides with his wife and son Lloyd. It was a beautiful marked brown
Three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Mc- trout, 23 inches long- and + weighed
wed- pounds wlhen caught. This is
mel Presbyterian church will e held
celebrated their golden a�fisTstory, as the trout was on ex-
c Sunday May 1St. when the Rev. ding WMS. MEET hi+bition in Christie's Meat Market for
Duncan Scope ofe St. Marys will be i
the guest speaker. The May meeting of the WMS. two days. --=Huron Expositor.
Mr. Arthur Dinnin of Toronto was was held in the United church school Road to be Paved
with his parents, Mr, and! room on the afternoon of May 2nd, Word has been received that ap probably result from the Highways
a visitor p
Mrs. Wm. V. Dinnin. lin the absence of the president, Mrs. .preys) has ibeen given by Ontario Department's decision to undertake.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sangsterleft I W. 13. Cross, the chair was taken. by Highways Minister Doucette for the this large project in Huron riding.
Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn; Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Klopp of London were
recent visitors with their parents, Mr
and Mrs. Jas. Parkins.
Misses Helen and Mae McNaugh-
on of Toronto were visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc-
The anniversary services of Car -
At His Office Aga.-zi
County Clerk Norman MilIer of
Goderich, who was ill at his home for
two weeks as the result of a motor
accident, has returned to his duties
at the Court House.
Former Goderich Girl
Mrs; Alan R. Moore, a member of
the Stratford Board of Education,
was elected a vice-president of the
Ontario Federation of Home and
School Associations recently. Mrs.
Moore is the former Evelyn Gold-
thorpe, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Gold-
thorpe of Goderich.
Club House Near Completion
The new Cheb House at the Exeter
Bowling Green is fast nearing com-
pletion. The walls have been covered
with grey asbestos shingles. The
greens are being put in. excellent con-
dition and the bowling season will
soon open.—Exeter .Times -Advocate.
No Fish Story
Jack Wright and Ralph 1llcFad-
den landed the prize trout for this
A Freak Pig
Wilfred Wepper of NArmanby, has
a pig on his farm which has six feet.
Four ofthese are front feet, perfect-
ly normal in every way. The pig
now weighs about 50 pounds. If the
animal could be induced to produce
six hares, the owner Brussels Post.eelly
have something.—
Had 57th Anniversary
Congratulations were extended to-
Mr. and Mrs. James Green of Exeter,.
formerly of the Parr Line, Hay Twp.
who on Wednesday last observed'
their 57th wedding anniversary. The
day was quietly spent and members
of the family had dinner with them,
and presented them with lovely Rowe
Goderich — Through the efforts of
Dx. Hobbs Taylor, who represents
Huron riding .in. t'he Legislature, the
record sum of <$4180,000 will be spent
this year on improvements and re --
pairing roads in this district. Accord-
ing to Dr. Taylor, Highway No. 33:
from Exeter to Grand Bend will lne
improved with all new bridges being
built on this stretch of road. High.
way No. 84 from Hensall to St. Jose
eph and Zurich will .also be put in
first class shape, along with the road
extending from Grand Bend to Bay
field, while a new bridge will als c 'be
constructed at Bayfield. The road
from Bayfield to Goderich, too, wilt.
be fixed up. These improvements will
be carried out in addition to the ree
gular maintenance work this summer
also. Work for a good many men will'
the Assessor for 1946 be accepted
and the salary paid,
le number of correspondences were
tai,,•:s d .and
Bills and accounts read as follow:
Fred Peters, stoker and 'repairs to
Hall ;397:25; R. Simpson labor hail,
81.:i0; D. W. Sangster, labour hall,
19.25; W. 0. Goodwin, club bags
veterans 1120.00; Mustard Lumber &
Coad Co. coal, hall 28.93; W. R.
Davidson, coal, hall 21.25; Municip
al World, supplies 21.25: Munieipel
World eunplir's 8,45; A. Spencer. &
Son supplies hall 12.66; J. A. k'nte,'-
eon part salary 'I'. Kyle.
arlary 73.80; R. Todd, labour stn.-
tns.$2; W. I)abus, sanitary work, hall,
$', Twitehell's Garage, supplies Fire
Dept. 39.84; R. J. Paterson salary &
postage 47.45; Drysdales? Hardware
supplies Hall 19'.47; Hydro Hal! 19.-
Motion, that thele ills and accounts
ee read be paid. That we' no'nr ad -
Jt '•'rn•
<,, •• .' . T,..•, . en, Ciark.
What a very G. -AHEAD FARMER
Should Know : e
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,cora ,nasals meet ltera
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Q. flow bell t� t.vv111 xec vedeaoteto ye sinOrio
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These questions and
answers are taken
from the Bank of
Montreal's folder,
"Quiz for 'a Go -Ahead.
Farmer". A copy is yours
for the asking at your
nearest B of M branch.
��.�•>:; ..sass
Your B of M manager is ready to help you if
you need money for the improvement of your
farm, barn repairs, ;fixing fencing or drain-
age, road building, buying new breeding
stock, implements or equipment. If you want
Zurich Branch:
to speed up ploughing, cultivating, seeding
and harvesting, he is the pian to see. You*will
find him friendly, a good listener, and very,
much interested in your plans and prole erns&
Give him your frill confidence. It will pay you,
G. G. SEWELL, Manager
Now open daily.