HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-09, Page 810414.sch, ONTAXIQ New Arrivals BED SPREADS 12 only Fine Chenille Bedspreads, all large Sizes in various color combinations. Also plain white. Priced from 12.50 to 16.50. RUGS A lot of Felt Rugs to taks place of Tapestry Mats, which are very scarce. Also a shipment of Hooked Mats in assorted sizes and patterns MEN'S WEAR A few Mens and Boys Ready-to-wear Suits still available. A lot of new Ties, Sox. A small lot of Ballantyne's Sweaters 'for Men, extra fine quality pure wool. GROCERIES Diced Carrots in tins, each i1c Diced Beets in tins, each 1 1 c Macoroni, 2 lbs. for 11 c Vanilla Custard, per Pakg 6c Bulk Black Tea per lb. 53c D Davis Gelantine, per pkg. 19c VP 1 Fresh Vegetables and Fruits twice Weekly Everything in Garden Seeds. Also Mangel and Turnip Seed. Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH INSURANCE Have you adequate protection against loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me!. Insurance License No. A 714 Real Estate Do you want to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Zurich Andrew F. Hess, Insurance and Real Estate Zurich sallIIIIMM MOM ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake of Hayfield were in town Monday. Mrs. Wrn. Hay visited with her daughters at London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Druar, Brucefield were visitors in town Monday ... ThunAlty, .11ay 941, 1946 i-O.RALD 40"•4"04,-.0007.46.44PPIM- .4114,0.4444444.444414.001. 0 LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Wednesday) ( Butter, creamery 31,-2425 Eggs, dozen oonf Chickens, dressed 3015-.21020c Hay Council met on Monday for 13°Waahrtsele'aytb,ubbsuhnseshhle.1 the monthly meeting. A full ac- Buckwheat, bush. .. 7703 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz vis- Shorts and bran, ton .., ...... 30.00 2.60, 2.75 count of the minutes will be in next'Flour, cwt. week's issue. iced their daughter Patricia in St. M2,....,ddlings..., ...............7.r.....ton "....0! progressing very favourably. EMMANUEL • Joseph's Hospital, London, who is Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were EVANGELICAL CHURCH Tuesday evening dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Irwin in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rader and daughter, Mar- garet; Mrs. Harold Rader and dau- ghter Marian attended the funeral of a relative at Tavistock this week. The bright sunny days makes one think it is really nice, but those cold winds from the north and east surely • make one shiver, and then the frosts at night do not help the cause any too much, however, thingsare grow- ing some, especially field crops, and when the warmth and showers do come, things will get going soon. Was Kicked by Cow Mrs .James Rannie'of the Babylon line had a very unpleasant experience on Saturday evening while milking a cow when it kicked and Mrs. Ron- nie was the unfortunate victim of a fractured rib. Her husband nearby assisted her from the difficult experi- ence and the painful incident. C. B. HECKENDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine 'Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. You are Welcome at all Services ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. --Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services Installs Another Wit Mr. Wm. Bevis and assistant, of London, installed an additional cool- ing system in the ideal Zurich Dairy on Tuesday. This new unit was put on the large refrigerator, while the older unit was attached to the cool- ing tank. With this addition, the pro- prietor, Mr. 0. Witmer will greatly increase his cooling equipment and will also allow him to do his work more rapidly. ONION FIELDS DAMAGED A report from Thedford states that several thousand dollars damage has been done by high, winds to district onion crops. Four acres of recently seeded onions were blown away a- long with four inches of top soil. The soil blew like a cloud of smoke over the entire district. A survey of the damage revealed near -by ditches al- most filled with the rich hig'hl'y fer- tilized s -oil worth $250 to $30-0 an acre. Some growers are prepared to plant a third time owing to plow -outs **4.04111•6580106.0000640.00064)166.620000C414.201901141011031411148 1 HARDWARE -. SEEDS and FURNITURE Order Now AL IERTA COAL Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years We and PAINTS! PAINTS! carry a full line of the Well Known and Proved SherWin-Williarris Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Tried ISTADE & WE1DO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE — SERVICE 46100011.9.0110Mmonliesonessennonnisonemeneenseenseses YOUR Hardware and Furniture .STORE NEW ENAMELWARE .1'. t We are very fortunate in receiving a Shipment of New , Enamelware'such as Cooking Utensils, Etc., which , .7, seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive '' color designs. To appreciate these articles one must 1' see them. We invite your inspection. COMPLETE COVERAGE Baseball—Races—Markets! Get THE DAILY DETROIT ES - ES SUNRISE SPECIAL early every weekday morning for 'complete box scores, race results, entries and sel ections, plus complete markets, and for TWENTY NATIONALLY NOT- ED iCOLUMNISTS, THREE PICT- URE PAGES, TWO FULL COMIC PAGES, and many more attractions. Get THE DAILY DETROIT TIMES SUNRISE SPECIAL early every weekday morning. Had Farewell Party A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs W. J. Dignan of Hay, who are tak- ing up residence in Hensall in the near future was held for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luker, when their friends and neighbours gathered to honor them with a pres- two lovely occasional chairs. Mr. entation and to present them with. Harry W. Horton of Hensall reading the address, and making the presen- tation, the evening was spent in Playing cards, and various gams. lunch was served. —ANNOUNCEMEN TS— Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho of In- nerkip announce the engagement of their daughter Laura Esther, to Le- roy Erb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb of Zurich, the marriage to take place the middle of May. The marriage of Pte. Bruce Baker son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Baker, of near Zurich, and Bridget Mc- Queen and, the late Mrs. McQueen, of Stirling, Scotland, has been anno- unced. Their marriage was solemn- ized in S.cotland. The bride served in the Royal Air Force, while the groom is still serving overseas. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from, a rine stock of Spring Hied Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses 4 4 4 Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE W'e have some very attractive and newly designed Bed Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them if interested in this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston & Kalloileisch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 `i- +44.4.4444.444.444,4404.ee..44,4443, 4b4,44. . WELCOMED NEW MAGISTRATE . Goderich, April 18—J. W. Morley, K.C. of Exeter, newly appointed ma,g- istraite for Huron County, presided for the first time at the weekly police court today. Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes welcomed Mr. Morley. On be- half of the bar of Huron, - Frank Donn.elly,. K.C. cordially. welcomed the new magistrate to the bench. He felt sure that that justice would be meted out, tempered with mercy. Magistrate Morley acknowledged that it was with some temerity that he en- tered upon his duties. He referred to the late Mag. C. A. Reid, Mag. J. A. Makins, and to A. F. Cook, all of whom had .filled the office with dig- nity and ability. Ile promisea to deal fairly with all -.cases. * ilt+++++++++++++++++44---:•4•4-+1 1 - HAY HONORS VETERANS Fourteen returned veterans of S. S. No. 2, Hay, were honored by cit- izens of the community at a recent gathering and each ex -serviceman was presented a gift.. 'Frank Fildfong ac- ted as master of ceremonies, and the address was delivered by Homer Rus - Sell. The presentations were made by Parcy Campbell and ;Wm. Geddes. N. S. Stanlake expressed the appreci- ation of the veterns which included: G. J. Bieber, R. G. Campbell, G. L. Campbell, H. M. Campbell, W. C. Dunsford, W E. Greb, E. J. Greb, A. R. Gould, D. L. Gould, R. E. Keys, C. R. Knight, A. W. Rowe , N. S. Stanlake and H. L. Finney. Fifty -Two Join Church At a recent Sunday morning ser- vice in James Street United Church in Exeter, 52 persons were received into church membership, Three per- sons were baptise& followed by a communion service. A large congre- gation was present for the service. Of the new members, 21 were from the Sunday School and were members of a communicants' class that 'had been 'conducted for several weeks by the minister, Rev. A. B. Irwin. 27 were received by certificate from other churches and the remainder on profession of faith. The commun- 1On was one of the largest held for some time. For Quick Sale 50 IRONING BOARDS 50 FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. 4. I10. 4 4' 4++ +4+ + 44,1. 4-ir, •t, ,,.. 1,,,,-... , ., .-...-t +..-.' •,,... 444.4. ++ +4.4 + ++4.4. + + +++ 4.4.4 We have recently received a Carload of Masonite. Let Us Supply Your Needs! F. C. KALBFLEISCH ct SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH PraMMIIONIMNIMMINIMINMINIM . . BANK MAKES FARMING EASIER Bank Term Loans for Farmers The time has come when the farmer need no longer postpone desired im- provements to his home and farm. That backlog of unfilled wants,which piled up during the war years can now be attended to. Extensions to your outbuildings, that new barn, inside plumbing, hot run- ning water, new labour-saving ap- pliances, new farm machinery -things desired to ease your chores and make your farm more prosperous - any or all can be yours. Of course, money enters in. It enters into everything. Discuss the necessary financing with Mr. Sewell, manager of the Bank of Montreal. He will help you smooth out problems and difficulittes which stand in the way of your future. He has first-hand knowledge of the far- mer's problems and is anxious to help you to bigger profits and to easier. more comfortable living. His timely farm improvement loans have helped many a farmer make his farm a better farm. MINISTER ACCEPTS CALL Rev, Theodore Luft, of Dashwood ln; accepted a call as pastor of First St. Matthew's Lutheran Church at Hanover filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Rev, Henry Oes- trich. Rev. Mr. Luft has had charge of the Dashwood pastorate for near- ly ten years and is second vice-presi- ient of the Ontario District of the Missouri Synod. Installation services will take place on Sunday, May 10, at the evening service. Rev. H. Oes- trich, who has served the Hanover Church for the past 12 years, will leave with his family. for his new field, Salem's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Irremont, Ohio, early in May . GRAND BEND Mrs. Eccleston, who recently re- turned from California, has disposed of several of her cottages and cabins recently. Grand Bend is a busy hub these days. The sound of the saw and ham- mer is heard on nearly every street. Several houses are in coarse of er- ection on the Main Street; also sev- eral stores, gas stations, and- a theatre Grand Bend will be flourishing in the corning summer as most of the c.ot- tages have been rented and the ho- tels are well booked. Massey -Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1946! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE @ $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE @ $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. SOIMIPmhomage, ••••%,••••••••.•••••••••••••.........moommoomm STOP— "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of Gad." —Rom. 8:23 LOOK "Unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is none else," Isa. 45. ,U LISTEN— "He that heareth my word, and believeth. on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not' come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5: 24 ,TOR WHOSOEVEREVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL ]3E SAVED. Ron 10: 13 TUNE IN: CHAS. E. VULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST" LL