HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-09, Page 3CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Belie ()*loses ;7.'OP NOTCH CHICICS MLAO TOP Notch produce! Start your 1010 flock with Top Notch ehicks today and your produce will oonrmand the highest prices in title year's larger doinestio and export mar- ket. Top Notch breeclirlg assures you good chicles, Pulionize tested, 'Government Approved breeders aro carefully selected for their known livability and productivity, The baby chicks aro methodically culled before all shipments to e11s minete any possible wealilinfi's. prices aro greatly reduced foe May. Send for free catalogue, Also started chicks and older pullets 8 weeks to 20 weeks of age. Top NoN;h Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. ..&-1 BABY CHICKS: WHITE LEO - horns: Barred Rocics; Sussex X Now Hampshire: Barred Rock X White Leghorn; 5,000 choice start- ed chicks available. Write or phone A, JI, Switzer Hatchery, Granton. Phone 28-13, RELIABLE CHICKS Perron Strain Legirorn and Bred to lay Barred Rocks are our out- standing \flocks. Hybrids, Legh orn x Barred Reeks, .Elamp, X Barred Rocks and started chicks. All flocks blood tested. May chicles now available, Miller's Chick kiatchery, Fergus, Ontario, ALL SIGNS POINT TO ANOTHER god poultry year. Markets still demand an 'all out'. If you're counting on getting May -June chicks, order them now, a wide. choice of crossbreds and pure breeds. Bray Hatchery, 130 Sohn N, Harn i l to n, Ont. IF THEY'RE TWEDDLE THEY'RE slick ohicksl The name Tweddle is your assurance of tine chicks for Tweddle chicks are of known livability and productivity. They are carefully. culled before ship- ment so that you receive only the best of the flock. Large discounts Offered for May delivery. Send for free catalogue and price list. Also two and three week old started chides and older free range pul- lets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, lrergue, Ontario. FOR TWO WAY PROFITS Get Hollywood leghorns bred for both eggs and meat, large bodied liens, with 300 egg records for past 10 generations, Pullets $20.00 per hundred, Rock, Red and hy- brid pullets, $15.00 per hundred. Big Rock Farin,.Mille Roches; Ont. .STARTED COCKERELS FROM two weeks up to 6 weeks at bar- gain prices in the following breeds: Barred Rocks, New Hamp- sbires, Light Sussex X New tialrrpshi.ree, Light Sussex X Barred. Rocks and Assorted. Send is_•1• prices immediately as supply is limited. Top Notch Chickeries, iluc.ph, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS .01; ft ItAl3'i CHICKS ARE THE pro_eny of Foundation and Re- gistered I3irrls. All Breeders blood - tested. Prices from 3c to 25c. All gucranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Ha tseteries. Britannia Heights, Ont. ' :SPEt'JAL SALE OF STARTED cocker els, two, three, four five and six weeks old in the follow - in: breeds: Barred Rocks, New Halnpshires, Light Sussex, Light 511.?ex X New Hampshires, New Hampsires X Barred Rocks, Light Sasser X Barred Rocks. Send for. prices at once as supply -is limited. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergue, Ontario. BL SINES OPi'ORTUNITIES 'OPERATE• PROFITABLE MAIL order business. Unlimited oppor- tunities. Details free. H. W. Schwleger, 8404 W. Chestnut St., 'Wauwatosa 13, Wis. MR. WOOL GROWER \Ve operate. a Government Licens- ed Wool Warehouse and are pre- pared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Govern- ment Grading Standards and at established Government prices. Prompt settlements . made. You can apply your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not handle used woollens nor are we able to do Customs Work. THE STRATHROY WOOLLEN SIli.LS LIMITED STRAT1.1ROY, ONTAitIO BUILDING SUi'P.LIES CEMENT BLOCK MACIHINE 8" AND 10". Gilbert C, Storey Machinery, 25 St. A1ban's Street, Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for inforrnation, 'We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. meet IS Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 longe Street, To- ronto. • 1,1)11 SALE CEDAR POSTS FROM s'' TO 7" tops. Apply 33 & G Lumber Co. Subsidiary Bogdon & Gross Fur- niture Co. Ltd. 'Walkerton, Ont. CONSTRUCT YOUR. OWN TELE - scope to study the stars view era- 'ters on the moon. Izit includes 2V2''' object lens, 3 foot tube, eye- piece and instructions for assem- bly, $2•.50 postpaid. S. Janes & Co, 612 Canada Minding, Saskatoon. HARD 1' CHRYSANTHEMUMS, Azneleanlunls, 6 different colors .$1.2.5. Pompoms, 8 different col - ore 81.50. Korean Hybrids, 8 dif- ferent colors $1.50. Green Lane Chrysanthemums, Stoney Creek, Ont. TOP QUALITY SENATOR DUNLAP Strawberry Plants, 500 for $5.00. Colin FIi11,•Crighton, Ont. Route 2. GENUINE SENATOR DUNLAP Strawherry Plants 500 for $5.00. First ' quality stock Catnlogue, Kenneth Hill, Strawberry Gar- dens, Route 1, 'Trenton, Ont. ELECTRIC DIC)TOF:F NEW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes, Alien faectric Corn• pany Ltd., 2326 Dirrrerin St. Tor- onto, Ont• TURKEY POULTS PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad 'Breasted Bronze, and White Holland Turkey Pout.ts, or boots for May, end June delivery. All ',netts 'Intellect from bloodtested, ptttlorttm free breeders, under ideal conditions in most modern 1046 model, all electric and ante- maticnll,' controlled turkey Incu- bators, end hatched in to -partite. new turkey air conditioned T?ntelt- parti,'ulnre, which tells of the er5s send rnr Price List and full ess,1 vomits nth' 1943 customers )tat] Art t,niehli' -- Book your order while they last. i.ATi11:VT1111V POUT,Tf. \ le A li 11i & HATCHER Y. Exeter, Ontario. f''OR .SA1.0 ItA.1910,S; — NEW ANI) rear:, HARD to get tubes and parts of ell 1ti11ds, List sent for stamp, Econo- my nistribntoa's, Kingston. Ont. GASOLINE ENGINES for boats, sawmills, welders, po- wer units etc, complete with elee- trical• equipment, oarburetore, clutch etc. Guaranteed to be in first class condition, Money We within 30 days if not satisfied, Wiilys 4 cylinder, same as used in Jeeps — $175.00 each. Chrysler, Dodge and Plymouth motors, 3%", 3'4" and 3 1/8" bores..$200 ea. All prices ftO.i3. Torono. Terms — cash with nyder or 25% deposit, haiance 0.0.11. LEVY AUTO PARTS COMPANY LIMITED 780 Queen Street West, 'Toronto FARMS FOIL SALE 100 ACRES, ABOUT 40 ACRES cleared, splendid 'land, ,clay loam and black snuck, balance in con- siderable' hush and pasture, trout stream runs across corner of lot, good spring creek rune through clearing; plowing done, partly seeded, 7 -room house with stone basement, large barn and other outbuildings, 4 miles from Hunts- ville, good roads, immediate pos- session; price $3,500. Write In. Al- bert Cockram, Huntsville, R. R. No. 1, Ontario. SHIRALDEN SERSEli FARM REG - 'stored, Accredited — R.O.P. — City Milk Shipping 200 Acres Good Soil — Tractor, and imple- ments — Modern Brick House at Village, and Station, Jas Cowan, West Brame, Que. 150 ACRES, 80 ACRES UNDER CUL- tivation, 20 acres pasture land, balance bush, including sugar bush, evaporator and equipment for making syrup. Barn 40 x 60; plenty of stable room, good gra- nary, water in barn, Drive shed 20' x 30', hen house, 2 garages, milk house; milk truck passes door daily. Good 7 room house with cellar, telephone and water inside; farm is situated on Tarvia Road, 6 miles from Smithville. Price is right for quick sale, $7,000; possession soon. Apply Stanley Cooper. Caistor Centre, Ontario. FARMS If OR SALE IN TESIISKAM- ing,' district, close to highway, railway, markets, bargains, Write Zalek Vertlieb, Wawbetvawa, Ont. MAPLEHAVEN DAIRY FARM Two -hundred and fifty acres, clay loam half tillable, abundance wood, water, buildings, ]Hydro, te- lephone, rural mail. every conven- ience very close. Sixteen miles, Kingston. Very desirable situ- ation. Must be seen to be appre- ciated. C S. Rutledge. Sydenham. Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 100 ACRES, IN Mariposa, clay loam, 56 workable, balance woods and pasture, good _ barn, 7 -room brick house, good well. John Young, Cresswell, Ont R.R. 1. OPERATING ROOM NURSES, AL - so Obstetrical and General Duty Nurses for York County Hospital, Newmarket, Ont. State in first letter salary expected. Apply to Superintendent. HAiRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding clasees. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. KELP WANTED COOK GENERAL AND MAN FOR gardening and to help in house, to live in, private apartments sup- plied, family of three, Write or phone T. M. VWallace, Oakville, Ontario. HOUSEKEEPER, AGE 25-35, wanted by bachelor on farm. $50 per month. Box 101, Ville Marie, Que. BOY, AROUND 15, TO HELP ON small farm near Toronto, able to mills and drive horses. Good home. 'box 3, Nashville, Ont. MEDICAL A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERER Or I•t.hematic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's• Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of i1] health in humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars -- Free! Write Mulveney'e Remedies Specialists, Toronto 3. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what' countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bron* cltitls, Asthma & Sinus Pains), Skin disorders such as Soils and Pimples: Arthritic Sc Rheumatic Pains: Ask your Druggist tor Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC, PEAteLI08 or write Richmond Adam Co.. P Ql, 374, Vancouver, Con, $8 per 100 Pearles. enough tor 6 weeks. I VSICAL INS'i'RLtIIIOEN't'S 1PRED A BODDINOTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church, 'Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES 13011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SC'EOOL Great Opportunity Learn He Irdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel tradea tee. America's greatest eye. em, Meal rated catalogue free. Write or oa11 M.ARVIOL [3A.I (11)11 iESSTNG SCHOOLS 358 13ioor St. W. 'Toronto Brunches; 44 Bing St, Hamilton & 74 Mclean Street, 'O(tewa, PaTENTs VET TON[-1AU(I13 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Estabiished 18904 14. ming West, Toronto. Booklet of reformation On request, i'tCll �l)NA1. Wil.te n' RITE IN intE'i'Il, 6'Ultld en your favourite subject. "Mo- Cher, c'rrlldhood, A Woodland Gtett" etc. Possess an everlasting treasure, Please send a short his- tory and picture on the subject you Want written. inquire from "Neese Memories" Box 113. Durham (Int. 1,1141: ('OGRAPRI' FILM:, [)EVEL,0Pii:D 25 CTS, GTJA- rihiteed one day service, NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service, North Bay, TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 0 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26e. REPRINTS 8 for 25c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get at the films You want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to I9i1'I31RIAL riiOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto, ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Roll developed and 8 prints 26e, reprints 3c each ,4" X 6" enlarge- ments mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 25c. Work and service guaranteed. ACME PHOTO SERVICE Stn, H, Toronto FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll — 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED- 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements .4x6" on ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or BIack Ebony. finish frames, 59c each. If enlarge- ment coloured, 79c each. Reprints Made Prom Your Negatives 3e. Each DEPT. Af STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Post olflce A, Toronto. Print Name and Address Plainly. CAMERAS — IMMEDIATE FREE delivery on Faultless Miniature Cameras, complete with Eveready, case $5.25: 127 film for above 27c. Free Price List Photographic Supplies. Write: Dept. L Cameras By it.fail, Shelburne, Ont. ANY PICTURE ENLARGED Size 10 R 16 inches, 98c. each, Limit two, Okay Studio, Dept. 7, 92 Kenneth Ave., Toronto. STAMPS IN 1019 THE CANADIAN GOVERN- ment put out a $5.00 War Saving Stlsnap. 'Will pay 350.00 for each copy offered in undamaged con- dition. Good stamp collections also purchased. Box 3660, Station B, Winnipeg, Canada. FREE! NEWFOUNDLAND A I R- , mail to approval applicants. Pe- coskie, 9 Avon Crescent, Toronto 9. WANTED WANT FACTORY BUILDING, PRE- fer about 60 x 80. Send descrip- tion, price, etc. to George Drum- mond, Owen Sound, HARDWARE OR GENERAL STORE with living quarters. Will buy building and stock. Must have fair volume. Responsible party, no agents.' Smith, 23 Cliveden Avenue, Toronto. WANTED — Ex -officer, wife, one child urgently need house or 3-4 room apartment, anywhere within 50 miles of Toronto. Write P.O. Box 160, Stoney Creek, Ont. WANT HOUSES AT VILLAGES, Towns and Highways. AIso small farms 1 to 30 acres, Send full de- scription, price, etc. George Drummond, broker, Owen Sound. TURN YOUR PEED, MASH, AND grain Bags (whole or torn) into cash. We pay freight rates and highest prices. Write today to the London Bag Company, London, Ontario. PUPS AND LONG-HAIRED gIT- tens wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's, 1821 St Antoine, Montreal. FEATHERS WANTED Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices pald. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. WANT .BUSINESSES, ANY KIND. Have cash buyers. for Stores, Garages, Hotels, Mills, Factories, Dairies, etc. Send description and price. George Drummond, broker, Owen Sound. When your BACK ACES.. Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidney* working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe, non -habit -form• ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue box with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 W HYs werer {rorri ITCHING -BURNING PILES and do nofhinq about if li Here Is the chance for every person in Canada suffering from sore, itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a reliable tine to refund the coat of the first package if you are not satisfied with the results. Simplyo to any druggist andget a bottle of }tem -Reid and use as directed. Hent-Ro]d is an internal treatment, easy and pleasant to uee and excellent results are quickly shown. Itching and soreness aro re- lieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the sere, painful pile tumors heal over leaving the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Flem-Roid today and see for youreelf what an easy, pleasant way this is to rid "morsel( of your pile misery. NOTE,—The sponsor of this nonce Is an old, reliable firm doing business in Ganade for o'er 2e years. Hem -Roll mast help your annoying and painful pile condition—mast do it quickly, easily and pleasantly or your town test of this remarksbly succeeeffel torrents rests you nothing. Try It today. ISSUE 19--1946 , WOMAN SNIPER IN WAR AND PEACE Nina Lobkovskaya was four times decorated for bravery during the war when she commanded a sniper company consisting entirely of girls. Photo, right, shows her after she distinguished herself in piercing enemy defenses at Berlin. Left, Nina is back in her peacetime role as student at Moscow State Uni- versity reviewing lessons forgotten during the war. Muddle of Korea A Major Problem The report from Korea to this newspaper (the New York' Times) of American and Russian troops facing each other in what amounts to almost open hostility across a poorly defined demarcation line would seem to make necessary a clarification of the muddled situa- tion in that sinali country. The problem of what to do about Korea has been mishandled from the start. Korea is not a former enemy country. Yet here is Korea, under as restricted an occupation as either Germany or Japan, divided by an arbitrary line, and denied either economic or political unity by the apparent obtuseness of the occupy- ing Powers. The Moscow Conference in De- cember drew up what appeared to he a clear mandate to the United States and Russian commanders in Korea to achieve both economic and political unity of the country. Two conferences have failed to reach any sort of an acceptable • agreement on either point. In the meantime Korea suffers, American - Russian •relations deteriorate and the rest of Asia looks at the muddle with increasing skepticism. It seems probable that the longer the situa- tion is allowed to continue as it is, the worse it will become. SAFES Protect your tiUUliS and Gest! from F'1Rf0 and 'i'Hits YES, 1Ve have n size and type 01 Stile, err 4iabinet. for nny purpose. %'Islt as, or write for prices, elo., (0 Orel. W rJ.IXJ.TAYLD R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 irront St, In.. I'0 Tonto Established 1855 MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 Front St- W. -- Toronto '"WE D2JV & SELL" Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Quick Relief Here Is a clean stainless penet- rating antiseptic oil that will bring you speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes and Feet, Rashes and slob troubles, Not only does this healing anti- septic o11 promote rapid and healthy healing In open sores and wounds, but bdils and simple ulcers are also quickly releived. In skin affections — the itching of Eczema Is quickly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off In a very few days. The same is true of Barber's itch, Salt Rheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain Dtoone's Emerald 011 at any modern drug store CETTING Pp T Yw IOU? How miserable you feel when your sleep is disturbed. Tired, achey, listless all day long. Why not take Gin Pills—an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble? Com- pounded to help soothe and tone up the kidneys Gin Pills are sold on a satisfactio)vor-rrto)rey.back basis. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 00 Pills (En the U.S.A. ask toe Gino Nit) National, 0,06 t&.Chemical .Com.in of Canada Limed SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Seems as if the next time we in- vite those Winnipeg Monarchs to come East we should tell them to be sure and fetch their trunks and make us a real visit, The draw- back to these flying trips is that just about when folks are starting to get really acquainted the whole thing is over and they have to part, 4, 4: * However, there was,one fine thing about the final reslt of the recent serial between those Mon- archs and the—what was the name, now, of that team they were play- ing? -0h, yes, the St. Mikes. It was a real slap in the face for several folks we know who were going around, before it started, freely predicting that it would go the very limit. And as everybody knows, it didn't do that by any means, • because Saturday's game might very well have ended in a tie, with an eighth and decisive— not to say sell-out—struggle to follow on the Monday. • * * But it's all over and done with now; and we should all heartily congratulate all the lads who so gallantly took part on the fact that, through their efforts, the noble cause of purely amateur sport has received such a wonderful boost. * * The \Vcsteners win has brought once again to the f re something that never ceases to amaze us—the strain of self-sacrificing loyalty that runs through many sports followers whom you would never suspect .of harboring such a qual- ity. Over the week -end we must have talked to at least a dozen who, in their own words, "knew all the time that the Monarchs were much the -best". But do you think that a.,y of them profited financially by such inside know- ledge? Not a single one of them'. To a man they had loyally bet on the dome -town team, and were now broke and trying to put the bite on somebody for coffee -and -sinkers money. Next on the agenda would seem to be trying to dig up the winner of the King's Plate. And from the appearance of the prices the big- hearted gents who make "future books" are quoting at present, is looks as if KINGARVIE is al- ready home -free, and a lot of MU ers could save themselves trouble and jockey fees by staying out of it and letting said steed have :, walk -ower. 4: * * Well, maybe KINGARVIE is actually as good as a lot of his boosters will try to tell you; maybe he does Outclass his opposition enough to justify wagering 00 hint at less than even money—which is what he probably will be quoted at when post -tine for the big event arrives. If you happen to he one of his admirers, don't let anything \V0 say disconrage you and switc' you off him, 4; 4: But—wweli, as the guy said. thes'e's only One sway a horse Cali win a race, and ten thousand ways he can lose it. And, digging back among our memories of more King's Plates than We care to ad- mit, we can recall several steed, with standings almost as impress- ive, several that were rated jut: about as highly as KINGARVIl_ --that is, before the barrier wen: up, And, while we remember two or three of those 'standouts' than lwere actual yy came through, there also quite an impressive number of s - others who finishea up breathing large chunks of track -lust. * 4' In fact whenever we get into a discussion about such a race as the King's Plate we can't help think- ing of the remark of one of the wisest horsemen -we knew—an ancient Irishman. Asked to give his opinion of Canadian -bred horses in general he said; "The one thing outstanding about you: Canadian - 1 ed Verses is their consistent incon- sistency—for they do be beating one another with the greatest of regularity!" * * 4: So, all things considered , we think this might be a good one to sit out, wagerless, or wiht a two- dollai• ticket on the longest shot 011 the board. There may be a whole lot of glamour attached to the King's Plate. If you're that way inclined you can get considerable excitement from the realization that you're actually watching the longest -established horse -race on the American Continent. But when you dig underneath all the frills and build-up, it's nothing but a race between a bunch of horses that haven't seen action for half a year or more. And in that kind of an affair, anything can happpen —and generally does! * ,* 4, And the fact that we've actually got down to making snoots at the s.cred King's Plate—Oh, horrors.' should be a fair indication that it's time to sign off for another week. The Fart Forum It's True That , . . .. , with the slow -up in slaughter- ing in government inspected pack- ing plants, meat scrap and tankage supplies will be far below the de- mand; also the diversion of mater- iels front livestock feed to human food. Generally, the protein feed situation discloses an acute short- age of supplies. Pilchard fish meal production on the Pacific Coast is considerably below that of the pre- vious year and herring meal pro- duction is also dolwu, Although pro- dticticin of vegetabie proteins has been increased they are nevertheless short of demand. In the pre-war years Canada imported substantial quantities of soybean meal, and other vegetable proteins, At the pre- sent time no imports of these pro- ducts are available. it was from Russia, Canada obtained the hardy apple stock which served as parent of half the hardy orchards in the Dominion today, Some 60 year, alto Dr. Saun- ders imported both : eed and nurs- ery stock of small 'Siberian crab- apples. `["hese, crossed with other hardy apples, created new varieties with the Siberian crab's resistance to harsh weather, and twitit the size and flavnur Of 111051 southern fruits. . . . during the past 1;i years the farmers of Great liritail] have lost (404,(100 acres of land to the govern- ment for various reasons. --build- ings, sport grounds, airfields, army areas, etc. In due time the lands apprnprietcd for war tises will be returned to their owners. It the meantime--? Rationing!' Consider the population and the total farm - able areal