HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-05-09, Page 1URICH £established 1 HERAL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 9 l 9 46 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHED! $1.50 a Year in Advance $L75 in U.S., in Advance. Advertising is the greatest Selling Force. Try an Ad! COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing UaouL Opera *very! Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 4++++ i•+++++++++++++4+4*+++? +++++++++++++++++++++++++ F•M+t.•M+++++++ice T}` E. arri ffiaffinan Imnerat ) o me + )3. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance ++ + of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. 'F'MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. + t DAY OR NIGHT T11.FPHONE No. 70 + 4 Dashwood - Ontario ++▪ +++++++++++++++++++++++++i+++++++++++++,+++++++++++ °'1111,II(1111i1(11111111!i'lil!8lP'� a'I�a�_ti^��>y��4,,,f}IiHi�I�Iu_il�1�111111(illlllllllllllllllllill�llll'IIIIp1111111111Jllllllllilllii'iil]„�;a'I;ii"�!;�`I�� j('•_ie zuRIel4'S Grocery Store When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although- some fines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices.., Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Menno Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 0 �i»�'�'°i ION, 1111111111.!119,1111111lll111111111111!I11111111111Illlll(111111111(111111111111111$111111111IIIl11111fi, •k THIEL'S Superior Store Lace Curtain. Material Per Yard 85c. House Dresses Each $1.50 Chenille ,Bedspreads Large Size 12.50 Each FOR YOUR SPRING CLEANING Hili Assortment of Wall Papers and Window Shades Also a few Feltol Rugs, Full. Line of Men's Work ! Hooked and Braided Mats Shirts and Pants 1 at various Prices GROCERY 'SPECIALS SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. KELLOGGS ALL BRAN, LARGE PKG. , 19C ORANGE MARMALADE '24.0Z. JAR. 29C PRUNE MACE, 32 -OZ BOTTLE 37C AYLMEEL BOILED DINNER 1S -OZ TIN 21C R. B. C. LAUNDLY SOAP, 3 BARS 14C We have a full line of Garden Vegetable Also gel and turnip Seeds in bulk. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Seeds. Zurich Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Maly' 9, 10, 11 -A Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer Feature - THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE Robert Walker, June Allyson Hume 'Cronyn Mon., Tues., Wed., May 13, 14, 15 FALLEN ANGEL Alice Fay Dana Andrews Linda Darnell May 16th, 17th, 18th. -A Warnes Bros. •Special Feature- SARATOGA TRUNK Gary Cooper Ingrid Bergman. (This is Ingrid Bergman's latest star- ring role since "The Bells or St. Marys" The first show commences at 7,30 pm Blossom Time .is Beauty Time The first step towards beauty is a new permanent, wear your hair short —really short, and dressed close to the head, or swirl lit high into a updo full of feminine flattery. Your hair will be so much easier to manage if properly cut and shaped. You can rely on professional service at the Heather Beauty Shoppe, Hensel'. Phone 39. Ruth Cnutor, Prop. Cold Waving, Machine, Machineless Permanents. Presentation Hay Township Tenders .Banquet and Presentation in Honour of Men .and Women in the Service. A second welcome hone for the persons who had served their coun- try in the hour of dire need was sponsored by Hay Township Iast Wednesday evening, May l.st. In organizing the "Welcome Home" the following bodies and organizati- ons assisted: The resident Clergy, The Red Cross, The War Services, The Legion, The Women's Institute, Police Trustees of Zurich and Da:sl wood, the Zurich Lions Club and the Federation of Agriculture. At this second banquet there were approximately 60 invitations sent out. Twenty-four were present and about 36 absent. Fifty-eight young people were present and honoured at a previous date. The banquet was held at the Dom- inion House, Zurich. As the honour- ed guests arrived they were greeted and asked to register. Banquet tine found them seated amidst represent- atives of the various organizations mentioned above. Rev. T Luft led in the invocations after which. Reeve Wm. Haugh gave a short address of wel come. Mr. Leroy O'Brien acted as song leader while Mrs. H. G. Hess assisted at the piano. The group thoroughly enjoyed the singing. After the ban- quet M.r. Earl Campbell called for a toast to the King. The entire group responded by singing "God Save the King." The second part of the Welcome Home was carried out in the nearby Township Hall. The honoured guests marched to the hall under the guid- ance of Cpl. C. Ducharme and were ushered to seats all'oted to them. The Hall was packed to capacity by • TO BROADCAST Former :Resident of Zurich to be Heard on Broadcast, On Sunday, May 12th, at 2.30 .p. m., Daylight Saving Time, Mrs. A. P. Rowe, organist of Bolton United Ghurch, will be heard over CBL and the coast-to-coast CBC network dur- ing the "Church of the Air" broad- cast. Let us not farget to listen in Sunday afternoon at 2.30 and hear Mrs. Rowe, who was the former Miss Euloeen Geiger of Zurich. Please! Lions Club News The Lions put on their Minstrel Show at Exeter on Friday night to an overflowing and enthusiastic me- eting, and the show was wonderfully well received. The concert season for this shorn this season is now complet- ed, and the boys are all glad it is over with, although. much enjoyment was experienced in putting it on. At the Monday evening supper meeting a distinguished guest was the speaker of the evening, in the person of Lion Bill Waterman, of Windsor, who is an ex -governor of the district, and -who is a very flu- ent speaker, basing his remarks of bringing our christiandom in picture to the war stricken countries. He was accompanied by Mrs. Waterman. Womens' Institute The Zurich Womens' Institute met in the Town Hall, $uric'h, on Monday evening, May 6th, for their regular meeting. under the leadership of Mrs. Leonard Erb. 1t opened bby singing the 3nstiute Ode and praying the Lord's Ps;dyer. .�Lrily_l 'Erb favoured us with a song entitled `Growing Up For Jesus' Mrs. Herb Neeb gave a paper on the origin of 'Mother's Day which vas• quite appropriate and was followed by a Mother's Day recitation by Jean Neeb. Barbara Gascho and Eleanor Hay two fine duets, accompanied by Marjorie Hoffman. Mrs. Newels Geiger gave a poem by Edgar Guest entitled "The Sorry Hostess.' Mrs. Kenneth Brakey gave a biog- raphy of Madam Currie. The president presided for the bus- iness. It was decided to hold a picnic in ,Tune and have as our guests the Grand Bend Institute. The District Annual meeting is to be held in Egmondville church on May 211, at 10 o'clock, standard time. All members are urged to attend. It was decided to send a donation of $10.00 to the Cancer Fund, which is a very worthy cause. The meeting was closed with the singing of the National Anthem following this the committee in charge served refresh- ments during the social period. OWN A GOOD ,POCKET WATCH THE ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL, IN NICKLE CHROME CASES $15.00 IN SMART GOLD CASES $18.00 ONLY A FEW TO OFFER ALARM CLOCKS ARE BACK AGAIN $1.65 to $3.50. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. blue'co.� or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensell a received from Mr. W. H. Golding, M. P. for South Huron, and tele- grams from Mr. Colin Gibson, Min- ister of National Defence for Air and the Hon. D. C. Abbott, 'Minister of National Defence, Ottawa, each, of these contained personal greetings to the armed forces of Zurich and vicinity, stated that their faith and courage has now been crowned with victory. The chairman gave a short address and then called upon Mr. 0. Iitop+py Councillor, to give the presentation address. After this Mr. Haugh asked) all the honoured guests to come to the platford and he presented each one with a beautiful signet rtug hav- ing inscribed within it "`89—!day Twp.---45—presented on behalf of the ratepayers of Hay Township in recognition of the services rendered 0406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•0000004110400406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•000000410406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•0000000406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•00000406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•000406,11006000•04,0•011•4100406,11006000•04,0•011•40406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•00000041104014000406,11006000•04,0•011•410410410,00•0000004110401400000•011100 • 1 1 w mw a.► . aa9 +••aeae�e� oassoeeaeesaaesaaa ANNOUNCING 1r, , STH • ' 1.' TTLAK YEN i; ' ROA' Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director HOSPITAL BED FOR RENT Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich Wm- McAdams I SERVICE L Ward Fritz SALES (ZURICH MOTORS Washing Repairing Accessories Good Year Tires Batteries Greasing SU` ERTEST-GAS-OIL tatUNNERIOSOMMIESESUREOMINSINEMPUI E,, a crowd eager to watch the proceed- by these young men and women. ings. The curtain was drawn and the Mr. David Meyers on behalf of the audience was entertained for am soldiers then fittingly thanked the hour by the Zurich Lions Club. After I ratepayers and those who made the this Mr. Haugh called upon the. fol- lowing persoes to come to the plat- form: Rev. T. Luft, Rev. P'r, A. J. 1 Lucier, Rev C B. Heckendorn, Rev, E W. ileinu•ich and Rev. Fr. W. J. Kalbfleisch, :lir. Kalbfleisch act- lead in the singing of the National ed as chairman. The chairman asked the audience to rise and bow their heads in a min - •f silelrce in memory of. those evening sue'n an enjoyable one, the recognition shown to the armed services. This part of the welcome home was concluded by the chairman calling to Bordeau, Mr. 'O. Klopp and Mr. A. the platform, Mrs. ]-I. G. Hese, ute o who gave their lives that we might enjoy freedom. The Clergy hi turd gave very comforting and encotfil-rg,- Ing. Words to all present. The ehaillllttn then rend, s. letter Anthem. The ball was then cleared and a dance was held for anyone wishing to attend. Mr. T. Meyers acted as leader in this for the evening. The remainder of the one hundred and twenty persons who have not yet received a ring will reedve one as ~0011 as Convenient, USE �ioneer Feeds FOR YOUR POULTRY and STOCK Hatching Ration, Big 3 Laying Mash, Dairy POULTRY and STOCK Hatching 3 Laying Mash, Dairy Rat,, ion, Pig Starters and Grower. FOR' YOUR CHICKS Chick Starter, Grower, Scratch Feed, Chick Size Oyster Shell and Grit, Bone Meal, Cod Liver Oil. Also have in Stock Concentrates and Mineral for Your Convenience at all times A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always TIDE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swertzentrtnber, Prop. Phone: 11-97