Zurich Herald, 1946-05-02, Page 8013IVIC i, ONTARIO uuvru.kuvw�a04mNiiW1�1I.MMk1 .. . 40G 4D P 4D 4UG 4U aoa IQ Ip IQ ip MEN'S WEAR iQ 4bG A few Men's Top Coats just arrived, also ..a small lot of men's and boys' Reads -to Wear Suits. BED SPREADS Fine Chenille Spreads in pretty shades of Rose Canary Yellow, Light Green, Turquoise, also white all with contrasting color designs... Priced from 12.50 to 15.550 each. ENGLISH GINGHAMS Only 4 pieces es' fine quality Dress Gingnams, Plaid effects, 36 -in. wide at 90c. a yard. . HAND BAGS Ladies' Hand Eags, genuine plastic, will not crack or peel... Special at $5.25 each. GROCERIES A shipment of Irish Cobbler and Kadathin Seed Potatoes. Also good eating potatoes on hand. Everything in Garden Seeds, Fresh Fruits and veg- etables every week -end. set Bro TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH Sa,. ,. :'StSsr,, .... • Have you adequate protection against Loss or Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 :e estate Do you wan to sell or exchange your house or your farm? List the same with me. No obligation unless sale is completed. Real .Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Insurance and Real Estate - Zurich li102efiefle ifa We and eie(R59"'";i `SeSSISJ4ui`�'' Vises 6J eeKeeete e2stee,3 wr4eft^ :3 $ HARDWARE -A SEEDS and FURNITURE Or1,,r No - Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a 'much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, 1~ urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STE u.. WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY Y M PRICE SERVICE N ste* Ja tie 9 TS 1 c a a ZURICH WCAL tom° :Mr. and Mrs, ,C. ,L. ,Srnith motored to Petrolia on Tuesday. Mrs, W. Carlile of Hensan is ss ending some time at the home of her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Leeland Willert, Mr. Charles Thiel Ornade . business trip to London the beginning of t he week. Zia, and Mrs. Ralph Uttley and daughter, Nancy Lou, were 'week -end visitors at the home of 1\1r, acid Mrs. Wm, Witmer. The Ladies Aid and M,Ma of the Evangelical church will hold thein monthly meeting on Thursday even- ing May 2nd. Mr. Milford Thielhad s very ple- asant motor trip to the home of his uncle and aunt at Laird, Sask, where he intends to spend the .summer. Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Heist of Fordwich were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz last week. ' :Sirs. Charles Thiel and baby dau- ghter Maryfilen, have retuned. '.o their home after spending ,some time at the Meyers Nursing Home. Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lou were week -end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Crediton. Ylr. and Mrs. Hugh MacKinnon of Port Coul'aourne were week -end vis- itoes at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Matilda MacKinnon. Misses Arvas Habenar, Jean Krue- ger, Pauline Haberer, Betty Mous- seau of town and Miss Ann Schro- eder of Dashwood enjoyed the week- end in the former's parents cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. Harry G. Hess has put up a new addition to his electric shop at the rear, which will be used 'as a o_•cge an, 1 repair shop for elec- trical •a'Tpliances. The additional story added above the Rose 'Service station ie progressing as the new roof is completed. and when .complet- ed Will be a big improvement. Had Cold Winds There were a lot of cold 'Winds the past week and there was little growth, but this week it is warming up a bit, the early sown . 'summer crops are doing very welLe A. good shower would help things a egg, but as the land worked up so nicety this spring there is quite sufficient Moist- ure for things to grow. On Daylight .Time, Upon request of a signed' petition by citizens of Zurich on Saturday evening the Police Trustees passed a motion to change over to :Dayigllt Saving Time beginning the let of May for the .summer months. 'this has been adopted by practicerSy• ev- ery city, town and village in Western Ontario, by the radio and bus lines, while the railways remain on Stand- ard time. The local churches are falling in line, schools, etc. and every citizen is asked to shove their clock an hour ahead, just try it one of the first evenings when you go to bed; and you will rise under daylight time and not know it happened. Back for Ninth Year With the official closing of the +Con- ference sessions of ithe Evangelical church on Monday at Kitchener, the Conference saw it fit to return to the Zurich congregation its former pastor, Rev. C. B..Heckendorn, who has been in Zurich the past eight years and is now starting the ninth. year. Mr. H'ecken:dorn was ordained in the Zurich church as an Elder in 1930, which is sixteen years ago, of which he has spent eight years in the church of his ordination. The con- gregation has reasons to be proud bf so fine a record, as this is the longest time that any pastor has served in the Zurich church, and we wish both pastor and congregation continued success. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS A number of local improvements are being made in town this spring, which will greatly add to the gen- eral appeaeance as well as being great convenience to the owners. A- mong these improve-ments we might mention, the tearing down by Ivan Willert of what has been known for the past 68 years the Hess Carriage Works, which in times past has man- ufatured the well known Hess bug- gies, carriages, wagons and sleighs. Many a fine product has been turn- ed out in this place, but the old build- ing is being torn down by Mr. Will- ert who intends to erect a more suit- able new show for the manufacture of wooden articles, and will likely put living quarters on the second "grey. Mr. George Hess, the repair man, who bas been using this build- ing has erected himself a new build- ing across the street in which be has set ep his machinery and is cars rying on 'his usual work. The 'barn at the back of L. Prang & Son's Garage, has been removed and a new modern storage garage is being erected. The frame .barn recently being sold to Mr. Earl Thiel by Mrs. Carrie Koehler, has been sold to Mr Theo, Rader of the Goshen line south end on 'I'nsoday was moved away by by Emil Becker and his equipment of Dashwood. This makes a big he- plovemeet to that corner, as the buil ding was very close to the street. Mr Thiel will be using the land to erect a new shed for his large semi -trailer, a private gas pump will be installed for his own use, and a general clean- up and levelling will take place. HERALD ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church. ZURICH — ONTARIO ti. REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.•--Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 pan.—Divine ' Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services MISS MAE SMITH, E.A., P.T. Miss Mae Smith who has been for ssveral weeks at her home here in Zurich, left on Tuesday for Petrolia where .he will establish a 'aleatory in the fine hospital at that place. She will also take charge of ':he K. -lay work there in time, besides the us- ual labatory work. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagan and daug+:rter :.Bary of Sea:forth, visited 'at the lumee of 'Mr. and airs, t 1 ie. The latter staying over tn,. »faster holidays. Mrs. J. Geiger has returned to her hoTne in Toronto, after visiting sev- etal. weeks with her piste,., Mr. and Teets. C. 0. Ssait.h of the Llae Water Highway. Mr. Daniel Smith has returned to • his home at Clinton, after being a visitor at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith for sev- eral days including the celebrating of his 94th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vv'rtmee and children and M,r. Pleague o1 :Detroit Were week -end visitors at the'home of Mrs. Clara Decker and other re- latives, also attending the Fraser— Decker wedding on Saturday. Dr. Fred. Hcss and Miss Ervin, Mr. Paul Hess of Toronto; Mr. Quimby Hess and Miss Robinson oz leaupes- kasing were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess. Miss Patricia Mittlelro:�:, under- went an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Her many Zurich friends wieh zrer a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Smith and daughter Mae were at London on Saturday evening where the lattee attended the annual Beta Sigma Phi banquet at :Hotel. London and where the four chapters of the city ,re're ell present including 91 members, a moat interesting time was spent. The Yun blut Brothers have brigh- tened up their butcher shop with a new coat of paint, which always adds so much to elm rppearanee of a building both inside as well as out- side. Zurich can .feel very proud of their two up-to-date pleat markets, who always do their best to pati fy their clientel, not arorie with. t'.:e I hest. of meats, but you get a fine coul tasy Which is free and makes! one .feel just all right. Successful Auction Sales The auction sale held last Wednes- day afternoon for the property and household effects of the late Al{r,r•i•t Gies was a big success and the prop- erty was sold to Mr.- Norman G-asoho of town for the figure of 81600. This will snake a fine home for the family The sale of the estate of Mrs. Henry Reichert on Thursday was also lar- gely attended and keen bidding took place. The property was sold to Mr, Earl Flaxbard in the neighbonr''iood of $2550e and both .purchasers will receive immediate possession. MR. FARMER! WHERE •DO YOU GO FROM HERE? Only you can answee that question. Yoe have a farm—you know its pos- sibilities and., capacity for production. You- also know that money spent wisely on worthwhile projects and modern improvements can bring you. bigger profits from your farm, ,ereat- et, comfort for yourself and for your family. But -perhaps you have not the ready cash. on hand. There is an answer foc that, too ---the Bank of Montreal, See Mr.Sewell, manager of the dank of Montreal. Tell him about your lalans. He can help you to work thein willshow out and lie you in a prac- tical tical way what he means when he* says: "When you ask for a loan et i;he B. of M. you do not ask a favour," rtb .:a;; ;:nd, 1940 YO &r are u{ hridure STORE - NEW ENAMELWARE We are very forhm to in receiving a shipment of New Enamelware, such as Cooking Utensils, ite., which seem to be of very good quality, and some attractive color designs. To appreciate these articles one rrnust see them. We invite your inspection. - MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Our Stock of Mattresses is very good, and you have a fine range to choose from, a fine stock of spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt filled Mattresses Priced Very Reasonably LIED ROOM FURNITUR_`;�°� We have some very attractive and newly designed Bed i Room Suites just in, which are of the newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see thein of interested in st this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home Requireiixlea' es Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Johnston & a, d and & Furniture ituret, ee- rill63 r „. sir c1,41.t.,, .e,4 tY+rir •• \U>:s- .-07w34;�,`2 .. ; at:O,-,.=11:9. v,-tV•M gatrVkrns n as iiia,na+=ESIZI,,,P.,=V.Z,.,nTES w r hii by M kid r Cued, Buiigags mid Fencing AT ST, JOSEPH'S ONTARIO Subject to prior sale or withdrawl, War Assets Corporation in- vites offers for the purchase of all Crown's right, title and interest in the property described below: The complete • establishment, land; buildings, fencing, etc., but excluding power line and equipment, known as St. Joseph's Aerodrome, situatet about five miles south of Exeter, Ontario; or 12 miles northwest of the Town of 'Centralia, and consisting of the fenced areas forming parts of Lots 6, 7, and 8, in Con- cession East of Lake Road, part of Lots 2.1 to 25 inclusive, in Concession 15, containing in 'all 941.5 acres more or less; and 7.4 acres more or less consisting of part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 12. A certified cheque or Bank Draft to the value of 10% of the tender price sor the above property, made payable to War Assets Cor•poration,m ust ibc forwarded with the tender In a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside:— TENDER No. D-1-138 FOR PROPER TY AT ST. JOSEPH'S, H'S, ONTARIO Addressed to the Secretary, War Assets Corporation, 4095 St. Catherine Street, West, Montreal '6, Que.,.P:0. Box 6099. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, MONDAY, MAY 27, 194,6. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. Ten- ders received. after closing time cannot be considered. Sale of this property to any purchaser will be subject to the approval of the Governor in Council. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4095 St. Catherine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que. P,0. Box 6099 Phone: BElair 3771. • ar:,,.: sin . STOP "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God." —Rona. 3: 23 LOOK -- "Unto :Tie and be ye saved all the ends of the earth; for I am Gad and there is none else." Ise. 45.'212 LISTEN— "He that heareth my word, and. belic'veth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto 1 ife," John 5; 24 ,`FOR WH;OSOEVEREVEH SI-T.ALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED. Rom. 10:13 TUNE IN: CHAS. E. PULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. PILGRIMS' HOUR. 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CRLW, Windsor "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST"