Zurich Herald, 1946-05-02, Page 7"ANYWAY, WE'VE HAD A GOOD TIME" War years meant vacations to these donkeys on a farm near Kent, England, but they will soon be returning to the sands of Margate where they carry youngsters at the seaside resort. The farmer takes a last look at the animals which were his war guests since 1939. Russians Should Quit Manchuria They Have No Business In Chinese Territory Claims New York Herald Tribune Manchuria is Chinese territory, inhabited by more than thirty mil • - lion Chinese. Its mines and indus- tries and food are essential to the creation of a strong China. It is an area from which all North China can be penetrated, as. the Japanese proved. Russian domination of the Manchurian provinces is a threat to the existence of China and is an attack upon two long -held _Ameri- can policies -the policy of the open door and the policy of protecting the territorial integrity of China. For all these reasons the Russians have no business in Manchuria. Therefore, the Russians should get out. Internal Peace Agreement The Russians know -for the evi- dence is obvious -that the strong right-wing faction in the Chinese government is both anti-Communist and anti -Russian. They also know that the Chungking regime, with American assistance in transport- ing troops, desires to take over all Manchuria, including areas in which the Chinese Reds have strength, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, China's internal peace agreement (which ended the fighting between Chungking and the Chinese Reds in most areas) has not been applied to Manchuria, where neither faction is dominant, and fighting continues in some parts of the Manchurian provinces. While it goes on, Chun- king is giving more and more em- phasis to American aid in the eco- nomic development of China and is resisting Russian demands for . further concessions in Manchuria. U. S. Troops in China There are American troops in China -kept there, according to the American contention, for disarming and shipping home the Japanese. There is, in addition, 'a program under consideration for long-term American training for the Chinese Army. Outside of China, but not far away, there are American troops in southern Korea, in all of Japan and on many of the islands of the western Pacific -all of which are potential American bases in case of war with' Russia. NOW SHE'S 18 SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") In the past it has always been our custom to try to "efr'ain from giving advice to boxing promoters. There are several reasons for this, the principal one being that advice is just about the last thing such promoters desire from sports writers. What they want from us is plenty of publicity, and no ques- tions asked,'in advance of the brawl -heaps of admiration for their match -making genius if the thing ,should. happen to be worth looking at -and loads of sympathy and alibis in cast their rhuch-ballyed "Fight of the Century" turns out to have been "The Figh of the Stencthery." (O.K. officer, we'll come quietly). * * However, right now we feel 'very much like departing frons, this cus- tom, and tipping off the. hard-work- ing promoters to a whole series of fights Which, if properly smoked up, night very well break all exist- ing attendance record s. The prin- cipals would ,be well known -world famous, as a matter of fact; each should have a personal following that should pack the joint; and if they can only fight a battle half as good as the one they tape, the re- sulting affairs should be worth go- ing many miles to see. * * * The contestants? Well, you night have guessed it yourself. Who else but all these high-up Allied Generals who, a year or so ago were so chuck -full of admira- tion for one another's genius that you might very well have thought that Napoleon's and Wellington's were a dime a baker's dozen; and who, today, are beginning to let down their hair and to such tales out of school that 'e begin to wonder how it is that we're not all belling Hitler right this minute. * * * Yes, indeed, those should be fights that should draw like a suc- tion pump. Just imagine the thrill of sitting there and hearing some flannel -mouthed announcer beller- `In this corner, representing the Yew-nited States of America, weighing one ton and a quarter, Shirley Temple, once the world's favorite baby star and still as popu- lar as ever with movie-goers. was 18 when she celebrated her birth- day on April 3. She is Mrs. John (-Kat- hi n"i"^te life. siders go into frenzies and perform antics and actions that, if you've never attended one of these affairs, you wouldn't think possible. We've seen hard-headed and successful business men -also men of high position in . the learned professions -throwing hats, canes, programs, bottles and other bric-a-brac at. some big grappler who had roused their ire by, apparently, doing foul damage to their favorite. * * * ..And they were in deadly earnest when they did it -really craving for the villain's life or gore. But we doubt that -deep down in their hearts -one out of a hundred actu- ally believed that all the mayhem and skullduggery that went on in the ring was on the level. They knew, in their innermost brains, that ninety per cent or snore of what they saw was nothing more or less than an act. Maybe they went home, and were a little. bit ashamed of themselves. But they were back again, the following week, just as red -eyed and enthus- iastic, just as eager for their favor- ite to ram the villain head -first through the concrete floor and then tamp him down with the double- dealing referee. * * * Yes, a strange breed indeed, your wrestling fans and fanettes. Some- times we wonder what their reac- tions would. be to a real bout -one in which there was nothing but straight wrestling involved -won- der how they'd enjoy one such bout, thirty or more years ago, which was for the championship which both the principals claimed, and very badly wanted. For in that fracas the two contestants grappled' for more than.four hours without a single fall; and, at one period. stood for more' than two hours, locked, without once moving their feet. * * * We're afraid that would have seemed rather slow to your modern -wrestling bug. Still, there are other things that can; seen] rather slow, too. Sports columns like this, for instance. So that will be all till next week. • CLAssIFTED A.UVERTISIN.G OAR) ('jliltil s TOP NOTCH CHICKS HATCH 13IG profits) Start your flock with Top Notch chicks and enjoy the larger profits tram early domestic and i!oreign markets, Thousands of eggs will be needed by a hungry world this year. Poultry meat will be at a premium. An early start means that you will he ready in time for the higher prices, Write today for Top Notch free cata- logue and learn what Top Notch chicks can do for you. Itemember Top Notch allows a generous cash discount for May delivery. Also started two and three week old and free range older pullets. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont, medals included,. General " But we'd better desist. Perhaps, all things considered, it would be just as well not to name any actual nasus right at this juncture; but no doubt sou can see what gorgeous possibilities the whole thing offers. 1n fact, the more we think of it, the more we're inclined to try anis dig up an angel and go into the fight - promoting racket ourselves. * * * 'Whenever a referee stops a fight -as happened in Toronto recently -and tosses the alleged contestants out of the ring on the grounds that necking is, or should be. a private rather than a public pastime, there's one question that is always asked. It is: "If they're so fussy about fights being on the level, why do they let the wrestlers get away with the stuff that they regularly do?" * * * • The answer to that one is, of course, that while modern wrestling is technically listed as a sport, it actually belongs among the spec- tacle, su s rode..s, circuses and the like. Your tree follower of wrestling is a peculiar and special species -one with which we have had a great deal of intimate and close-up dealings, and which we are just as far froth figuring out today as we were at the beginning. * * The only sports.follawer who call get more enthusiastic, marc frantic than a Avrestling fan is a wrestling fanette--for, in this regard, the poet was right ou the beam when he saki that the female of the species is deadlier than the utak. During the stress and strain of a hard-fought bout we have seen wrestling ring - RELIABLE CHICKS Barron Strain Leghorn and Bred. to ]ay Barred Rocks are our out- standing flocks. Hybrids, Leghorn x Barred Rocks, Ramp. X Barred Rocks and started chicks. All flocics blood tested. May chicks now available. Miller's Chick Matchers', Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS, SPECIAL APRIL 17. Barred Rock Cockerels .07c, April 24. Barred Rock Chicks 13c, White Leghorns 12c. Government ap- proved breeders bloodtested for standard, and variant types of Tudale arn St. Thomas Ont. Poultry IF YOU WANT MAY -JUNE CHICKS, they should be ordered now to get the breeds or crossbred, you wish, such as N. H. x B. R,, N. H. x B. R., N. S. x N. H. - and the de- livery date desired; a?aay Hatch- ery, 180 John N. Hamilton, Ont. 'WIZEN IT COMES TO CIIICKS don't meddle, use Tweddlel Twed- dle chicks grow into fine birds... meaty birds ... birds that produce large high price eggs. Start your 1946 flock with Tweddle chicks and be prepared for a larger share of the early more profitable dom- estie and export food market, Or- der your shipment today and pro- fit from the large cash discount allowed by the Tweddle Chick Hatcheries on all chicks for May delivery. Tweddle chicks are healthy chicks, bred from Pullor- um tested Government Approved breeders of known. productivity. You owe it to yourself to get the best chicks .. Twedd]e's of course. Write for free illustrated catalogue and reduced prices for May. Also started chicks, two and three weeks old and older 'free range pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Ii'ergus, Ont. 5 -Months -Old Quintuplet Calves Shown First Time _Quintuplet calves, only group of their kind known, were exhibited for the first time in Fairbury, Neb., recently. The bovines - named United States, Russia, England, China and France - weighed less than 200 pounds at birth. Today they ag- gregated 1,000 pounds as they pranced from their house and paraded through Fairbury, The parade had the aspect of a Nebras- ka county fair. Costumes consisted of red halters and white blankets lettered in red with their navies. France is the only heifer. Two are white faces,.,,o.ne is red, and two are a mixture of reel and white. The fire were born November 20, 194a, of a grade Shorthorn cow and a ton -registered Hereford bull. The motlher was owned by Leo Schmidt, who lives five miles •northeast of Fairbury.. Islands Submerge 'l'u'o steaming volcanic islets which rose out of the sea 200 miles south of Yokosuka two months ago are submerging. A patrol flight re• ported the twin islands had ah st completely disappeared and could hardly be discerned from the air. The volcanic formation appeared about , Feb. .10. . Smoking ,rocks reached a height of approximately 50 feet. HOLLYWOOD LEGHORN PULLETS 20c. World records of long lived layers of big eggs. Save time with these big Husky better bred leghorns. Barred Rock, New Hampshire Red and Redroc hybrid pullets $15:00 per ed. Rocks for Farm, e -list today. Big Mille Roches, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS AR19 THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from 3e to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Bri- tannia Heights, Ont DYEING AND CLEANING . HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart - 11 par's De Works Lim nt ted, 791 lesYonge Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE TOP QUALITY SENATOR DUNLAP Strawberry Plants, 500 for $5.00. Colin Hill, 'Brighton, Ont, Route 2. G StrNLAP awberry UINE SENATOR sU500 or $5.00. First quality stock, Catalogue, Kenneth Hill, Strawberry Gar- dens. Route 1. Trenton, Ont. FOR. SALE CHARCOAL SCREENED r O li chicken feed er fertilizer. J. L. Samson, 1126 Dufferin St., Toron- to 4, Ontario CLYDE FILLY AND GELDING, • 2 and 3 years. Sound and well -bro- ken, John A, Wallace, St, Pant's, Ontario. GASOLINE ENGINES for boats, sawmills, welders, po- wer units etc. complete with elec- trical equipment, carburetors, ° clutch etc. Guaranteed to be in first class condition, Money back within 30 days if not satisfied. ie Jeeps 4 cylinder. each- ae Chrys used e 1 x, Dodge e0e." and 1/8" bores motors, a All prices 0.0.13. Toronto, Terms - cash with order or 25% deposit, balance C.O.D, LEVY AUTO PARTS COMPANY LIMITED 73i, Queen Street West, Toronto I A1151k FOR SAL10 ' FARMS 0011 SAIx IN TEMISKAM- ing district, close to highway, railway, markets, bargains. Write Zalek Vertlfeb, Wawbewawa, Ont. MAPLEHAVEN DAIRY FARM Two -hundred and fifty acres, clay loam half tillable, abundance wood, water, buildings, Hydro, te- lephone, rural mail, every conven- ience very close. Sixteen miles. Kingston. Very desirable situ- ation. 'Must he seen to be appre- ciated. C., S. Rutledge. Sydenham. Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, information on request regarding classes. Acad- emy, 137Avenue Robertson's Hairdressing Toronto. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED HERDSMAN TO fit and show Angus cattle. Write qualifications Castor Valley Farms, Russell, Ontario, •r ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Durrerin St. Tor- onto, Ont, HEAVY MILITARY FARM WAG- goxis, send for circular. Percy J. Borhridge, Room 005 Plaza Bldg.. Ottawa, Ont. TURKEY POULTS PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad Breasted Bronze, and White Rolland and June odes very. book l poults hatched from bloodtested, •pullorum free breeders, under ideal conditions in most modern 1946 model, all electric and auto- matically controlled turkey incu- bators, and hatched in separate, new turkey air conditioned Hatch - particulars, which tells of the ery, Send for Price List and full good results our 1945 customers had, stet Quickly - Rook- your order while they last. LAKE'tVIEW POULTRY PARM & HATCHERY, Exeter, Ontario. , SMALL RETAIL MILK BUSINESS, modern equipment, brick house, dairy, building and 6 acres of land, Two rural pick up milk routes with good incomes. Edwin Taylor, Real Estate Broker, Woodstock Ontario. FOR SALE, TWO REGISTERED Pereheron Stallions, three and four years, enrolled, size. quality. reasonable..3'(iris. L. Crozier', Ren- frew , Ontario. G10NE,RAL STORLI. - WITIT AT- tached garage, has 6 rooms over- head living quarters. with hydro, bath, water, also includes equip- ment for store and garriite, Waited on main `travelled country road In Southern Ontario, Reason for of- fering this outstanding' business for sale is, ill health. For further informEullociction consult, Real Estate. Agents, !Jit- tnria, Ont. SOW, 18111E MAY 15. F. 13, GUY, • R. 71. No. 2, Wardsville. Phone Bothwell 161. RADIO:; - NEW ANI) ttSPO. HART) to gat tubes and parts of all kinds. List sent for stamp. rcono• my Distributors Kingston, Ont. p1510111 ONII) CItOI(11 PLANT WITH each order: 30 different Perennial Flower Plants $S.00; 3 different Chrysanthemums $1.00 Satisfac• tion guaranteed. Fernhill Nur- series, Box 117, Oshawa, Ontario. BUSINESS BL'OCia, ON MAIN street of northern Ontario town. Includes established restaurant, ftllly equipped, also dance hall and living quarters, A. real bargain at $14,000. Terms arranged.t Apply A. 10. litadge ,Timmins, , IOTEL LICENSED -WITH EQUIP- ment, beat location in Southern ,Ontario. Immediate possession, priced to sell. Dennis & Bullock, steal RstItte Agents, Vittorla, Ont.' APPLY METROPOLITAN GENERAL HOSPITAL, WINDSOR, ONT. NURSES WANTED - SALARY $112.00-$115,00 per month; meals and laundry furnished; fine living quarters near hospital; 8 -hour day. BOY, sall farm nears Toronto, ON on o, ablet milk and drive horses. Good home, Box 3, Nashville, Ont. HOUSEKEEPER -COOK AT ONCE, 25-50, full charge. Private home in country at Georgian Bay sum- mer resort, until Dec. 1, State age, nationality, wages. Or would make good position for mother and daughter over 1G, as house- keeper -nursemaid. Mrs. Percy Woodward, Pointe Au Baril, Ont. MEDICAL' BAUMEE1.A FOOT BALM DE- atroys offensive odor instantly, 45c a bottle, Ottawa agent, Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUP- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out 11 this is your trouble, interesting particu- rite Remedies Speciali ts, Toronto 8. Mulveneyas IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUF- . Serer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- ritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, $1.00, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers 01 happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bron- chitis, Asthma & Sinus Pains). Skin disorders such as Boils and Pimples: Arthritic & Rheumatic Pains: Ask your Druggist Loi Odorless TastessGARLIC and PEARLES orADwrite Richmond Adam Co., P. 0. 374, Vancouver. Can. 53 per 100 Pearles, enough for 6 weeks. M17SICAL, LNS'FRU111EN'VS FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. URN0111'IN1'L'11.S FU It WOMiEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN Great Opportunity ANADA'S earrn�OUi Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. tlistratdcatgre. Write or call aTARVEI. HALORDR ESSING SCHOLS 358 Moor St, tel', 'Toronto Branches:on ideauyStgreet, Ottawa. PATENTS PETE Litt+TUN13AUGH & COMPAN Y Patent Solicitors. Established 1840; 14 King West. Toronto, Booklet of Information on request, I'IOHS()\i A1. 1't#il'A OGRANA$ x SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be attained by having your films processed by highly skilled technicians using the very hest materials Allzislobtain nd bleeat mach- inery. prices. (toll developed and 8 prints alto. , reprints 3c. each, All work guaranteed. TRANS -CANADA FILM SERVICE Toronto 1:1. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY C'AN'T BI. TAKEN AGAIN Any Size 14011-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRiNTEi) 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size dx(r' in 'Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted easslan Walnuts) roll laelt Silver, finish frames, 59c each. :If enlarge. enent coloured, 79c each. ,• Reprints Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each DEPT. 51 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120. Post Office A, Toronto. Print Nano, and Address Plainly_ WILL WRITE IN POETIC Irl)t4M on your favourite subject ' Mo- ther, Childhood, A Glen" etc. Possess an everlasting treasure. Please send a short his- tory and plcture on the snhject you want written, Inquire from "Pleasant Memories" Box 113 Durham. (int. I'UO'1'UGliA Ptl l' G0. NS RtfJ'A]RED • RIFLES, SHOTGUNS AND REVOLV- ers repaired. Scopes mounted. Ex- pert Workmanship guaranteed. Special tallow -loaded, twelve guage shotgun shells with large ribbed slug or buckshot for deer. A. I3errgott, Gunsmith, Wood- stock, Ontario. TRAPPERS TRAP WULVl5t5 ALL 11111 FOR bounty using their own gland scent. Write Fisher. 1305 420, Calgary, Alberta. WANT11) TURN YOUR FEED, MASH, AND grain Bags (whole or turn) into cash. We pay freight rates and highest prices. Write today London,oth London Bag Company, Ontario. 'Num- A ranteedrV ne()fe dal) y 1service.(aUNI) WANING. Itay I'hotn Service Norih Ray ANY PICTURE ENLARGED Size 10 X 16 inches, 98e. each Limit two, Okay Studio, Dept. 1, 92 Kenneth Ave„ Toronto. NafANT'ED SMALL BUSINESS (..T- ering to Tourists, resort, store, boat livery or what have you. Good cash payment. Will exchange city Toronto, property. Ont. TIME 89, 73 Adelaide W.. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed ane printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 250. FINEST ENLAI.RGING SERV10E You may not get all the films yol, want this year, but you can get al) the quality and service you desirr by sending your films to 11111,E1111Al, PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto, PUPS AND LUNG -HATRED tens wanted, wanted, highest prices, good homes. Dixon's. 1821 St Antoine, Montreal. FARM, CASH FOR 50 ACI(GS light loam. Give details Location, hydro, water, bush, buildings, taxes, price first letter Box 100. Erindale FEATHERS WANTED 1l'eathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. WANT FACTORY BUILDING, P1RE- fer about 60 x 80. Send descrip- tiOn, etc. toGeorge Drum- mond, rum- price, Sound, rTo0HadSSVILLAGES, so al SHghw s. ml tarms 1 to 30 acres, Send full de- scription, etc.George Sound. WANT BUSINESSES, ANY KIND. Have cash buyers foNactorSes, Garages, Hotels, Dairies, etc. Send description and ge Drummond. broker, Owen Sound. Von Will Enjoy Slaying 51 The St Regis Hate i'URUN'rU • e),'ery Room with bath Shower and Telephone. A Single, 92.50 up - Double, 83.50 up. • Good Food. Dining and Danc- ing Nightly. Sherbourne 81 Carlton Tel. RA. 4185 aglEgaINSIMEMIMORINIMISHIHIMMIVISW Canada Could Grow More Wheat By restricting our own consump- tion of wheat we can do something to help solve the situation, says the Winnipeg Free Press. But with a population of only 12.000.000 peo- ple, it will not amount to a great deal in view of the extent of the world disaster. Only one course re- mains open which will enable us to lend really substantial aid to the victims of :;shine. That course is to increase our wheat production by plowing up some of the acreage which we in- tended this year to leave in sunt- merfallow. Agricultural experts and farm leaders have already estimated that by Plowing tip about 2,0(10,000 acres of summer fallow this year; Canada'.; long-term agricultural program would not lx too serious- ly itnperille0 and an extra 30,000,. 000 to 40,0(10.000 bushels of wheat would 1)e harvested.