HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-04-18, Page 5ZURICH, (INTAIIII) ZURICH HERALD ) BUSINESS CARDS WANTED VA„Sf FOR FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed. Two-hour sex - vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-'41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- Auct any Auction Sale, regardless ruse to size or article to sell. I solicit tour business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Serviees Ren- tierred, ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIAN Dr. W. . COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON QI!tae with Residence, Main S'creet, Sore Otrposite Drug Za4rich ?"CHI~ R S Zur e; b 9r Spring Filled 39 -inch T good condition: Apply r Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column, FEMALE HELP WANTED At once, girl for general Hotel work, Apply to Dominion T-Iouse, Zurich • NOTICE 1. have taken over the agency of the Viking Cream Separators, any- one needing repairs or service on same, please get in touch with me at once, --Alvin Rau, Phoney 83x2 Zur. FOR SALE A quantity of seed beans for sale. —Wm. Oesch, Phone 21r98, .Hensall FOR SALE OR RENT -150 acres grass land, Lot 4, E1// lot 5, Con. 8, Hay Town ship. Apply to 0. Brown, Centralia, or Garnet Hill, Crediton. LOST A young sow about 150 -lbs. Finder notify Tony Hoffman, Phone 90r11. FOR SALE il.,et Us supply you with the! — wexy Choice of Fresh and Cur- isci Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in 'Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins yuiighlllut & Son PRODUCE BilverwOOd AIRES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry t -lave your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 ZURICH 1i dch Creamety Mattress in to Herald NOTICE; The time of year is here for annual clean-up, and we would quest all citizens to obey orders to have all ash piles removed - by 1VIay lst, also remove lumber and gravel and any other u.ndesireable rubbish from the streets and else- where. The laws of sanitation demand these rulings. the re - our Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Saucer, bri- dal couple, are getting nicely settled in their new horne, Hay Twp, Sold Some Trine Cows Mr. Roy McBride of the Goshen. Pane north and who has a fine herd of Holstein cattle last week deliver- ed eight cows to Port Huron wriere they were re -loaded for Mr. Philips of Peck, Michigan, which is located just about straight across lake Hur- on from here. The price paid for the cows was $200 each and at eight would make $16000.00, Not a bad bit of spending money, Roy- • Car Burned A very exciting experience hap- pened to Mr. Ervin Schilhe one day last week, when he had delivered some fertilizer on the 14th concess- ion and was returning home when his delivery truck backfired and went up in flames. M,r.• Schilbe who es- caped without injury tried his very best to get it under control, but as no other assistance was present at the time the car was destroyed by fire. We understand it had been in- sured. GOT THE WRONG CAT Will the party in the Zurich Dis- trict who was given a light orange female Persian Cat about two years old, at London recently, get in con- tact either with the original owner of the cat, Mrs. W. H. Dunn, 923 William St, London, or the Herald Office. Unfortunately Mrs. Dunn's eat was taken in place of another cat, and her ill child is grieving for her own cat. A reward is being off- ered, or Mrs. Dunn can arrange to have another cat exchanged for her's. Please? Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus ;a premium for delivered crean- iWe are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in ;charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE By Order — The Trustees, Zurich Police FOR QUICK SALE As perafrut plants, strong, well - started 1 -year old, Martha Washing- ton variety. 100 plants for $2.00. L. Warnock, Zurich' NOTICE PAINTING—Spray or brush pain- ting, indoor or outdoor. Barns and drive sheds a specialty. G. Gratton, Grand Bend, Phone 42r3. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. FARM FOR SALE A good 120 acre farm for sale, about two miles from Hensall, for a quick sale will be sold reasonable. —Box 134 Hensall. NOTICE I do custom whitewashing with a sprayer; Colony Houses, Stables, house cellars, etc.—Win. Watson, Phone 35719, Dashwood central. HELP WANTED Help in the Planing Mill. Apply to F. C. Kaibfleisch & Son, Ttd. OF WOODSTOCK, 'CHB LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1944: • $45,465,635. Total Cash in Jannd Bonds. $275,133t E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing ightn-' ,g Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance' Jobprjnfing OBITUARY Late Mary M. Zettel Miss Mary Magdalene Zettel pas- sed away in London, on Wednesday, April 13th, after a lengthy illness, in her 40th year. She was born to Zur- ich, the daughter of Albert . Zettel and the late Mrs. Zettel, where she resided before living in Windsor, and had been in London for the past four years. She is survived by six sisters, Mrs. B. Blonde, Mrs. Jack Jolly, Ruth Zettel, all of Windsor; Mrs. J. Karp and Mrs. J. Callandro, of De- troit, and Mrs. A. Hartman of Dash- wood; two brothers, Earl, of Wind- sor, and Gordon of Detroit; her fa- ther; who resides in Windsor. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home in Dashwood, from where the funeral took place Satur- day morning at 9 o'clock. Requinnr high mass was sung in St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich at 9.30 .by Rev. Father J. Lacier. Interment follow- ed in the adjoining ceniete:y. WANTED Cucumber Growers Mr. Leo Corriveau Has been Appointed Representative to Accept Contracts for Acreage on leehall of • Lealand Co. Ltd., OF SIMCOE ANY GROWERS INTERESTED May Get in Touch with Mr,. Corrivea by mail at R. R. 2, Zurich, or by Phone 83-11, Zurich. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PRINTED MATTER, STATIONERY, 0 R OTHER ORDINARY WORK, RE- MEMBER TO CALL AT THE HERALD OFFICE WHERE PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW AND WORK - HENSALL ,Mrs. Allen. Davidson or Sarnia, spent the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Twitehhll. Kenneth Passmore, who spent the past few weeks at the home or his Parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Passmore left for Kingston, where he will at- tend Queen's University. Mr. Carey Joynt, B.A., a student at Osgood Hall, Toronto, was a rec- ent visitor with is father here. Brother Dies Funeral services for the late Chas Shaddick, brother of Reeve Shaddick of Hensall, who died suddenly at his home in Lucknow, Sunday April 14, with heart seizure was held from his late residence in Lucknow, en April 10th at 2 p m with barrel to I 'lel--; now cemetery. In his 42nd year, Mr Shaddick was section foreman of the: C,N.R. at Lucknow and wn working on Saturday and before taking, no residence in that place 1i -sed ed in Hyde. S. C. WHITE .LEGHORNS Park, Clinton, and Kincard'ne• He. Healthy, Husky R. 0. P. CHICKS was born in Hullett and is survived by his widow the former Clara Pot- ter of Stanley Township, one laugh- • ter Benin, his father, Mr, Thomas Shaddick of Hensall; two hrol:her•-, Warden R. F. Shaddiek, Ilens,a11, Al- bert, Clinton, one sister, Mrs. Harold Scruton, of Port Dover. Many Attend Minstrel Show The Zurich Lions Minstrel show, sponsored by the Hensall Chamber of iii QUND On the Highway to Hensall a 1946 license plate No, 5L882, finder can have same for paying for this adv. at Thiel's Transport, Phone 180. FOR SALE Fresh cow and some sows.—Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson line, FOR QUICK SALE 1929 Chevrolet Coach, serial No, 480917, has 2 new tires and new battery, Call phone 98r4 of Zurich 42. FEMALE HELP WANTED Cook General, character references required, good wages. Apply by let- ter or in parson.--a-Mrs. J. se. Sully, Hotel Bedford, Goderirh. • CHICK S as usual BRUCE J. KLOPP - Zurich t'0i i;)r;,4.;- Bram style baby buggy in good condition, For information apply to Herald Office. Thursday, April .tntn, J. . 813: DES AND .bis FOR COLD AND WET WEATHER LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS. WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF DRESS SHOES, WORK BOOTS and RUBBERS For the Entire FAMILY. BUY FROM OUR EARLY SEASON SUPPLY GOOD SHOE STYLES! GOOD SHOE VALUES! GOOD SHOE SERVICE - LOWEST CASH PRICES - ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR And SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES Commerce, scored a big hit in the. $ ,s,641,4444e, ,.,44,yy. 4„ 00.0e,oes,“ town hall, Hensall, Thursday even- ing, April lith, and was presented to , r} a packed house, every available chair: Sp was taken, chairs having to be plac- ` ed in the isles, many having to be 1 turned away. Door receipts were $200 The show, one of the best to be held in Hensall for some time was a big success, providing plenty, of enter -1 tainment for an appreciative audi- ence, and brought much laughter, jokes and humorous dialogues, and) I faced cofedy at its best. Mr. Sewell, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Zurich, was interlocker,, and the end men who were a scream from start to finish keeping the house in an uproar introducing many local hits. Harry G. Hess is to be congratulated upon the sprendid part he portrayed in the roll of Dr. Schweinhoffer. R. H. Middleton of Hensall, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, preceeding the concert, and outlined the activities of the or- ganization. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer, of Zurich, also spoke briefly and intro- duced the members of the oast. Mrs. Harry G. Hess of Zurich, was the accompanist. Refreshments were ?er- ved to the cast. All proceeds will 1;.:, used for community welfare. HYMENEAL Brown—Fremlin An early spring wedding took place in St. Pauls Anglican Church Clinton, on Thursday April 1lth when the Rev. R. M. P. Buttes united in marriage, Ellen Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fremlin to Frederick Charles Brown, older son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of Zur- ich. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of white sheer with finger tipped veil and carried a cascade bouquet of red peerless roses. She was attended by :Hiss Marg- aret A. Glenn, of Hensall, wale wore a floor length gown of blue lace with shoulder length veil. Her bouquet was of pink Virginia carnations. Mr, William Brown, Zurich, bro- ther of the groom was best man. Following the ceremony a recept- ion was held at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Margaret Frem- lin, cousin of the bride, and Miss Maxine Miller served, Guests were present from London and Zurich. Later the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to the States, the bride wearing a blue wool dress with black accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm near Zurich. The Herald joins their marry friends in extending congratu- lations. Steckle_McDowe:l A very happy event took place on Thursday April 11th at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Allan McDowell, at Markham, Ont., when theft eldest daughter Lilliam Margaret, was un- ited in marriage to iVlr. Asa Steckle, of the Bronson line, near Zurich, and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. :`,Xenno Steckle. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was attend- ed by her sister, Arletta McDowell. Mr. Vernon Bearinger of Parkway, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. A short sermon was given by Rev. Emmerson .McDowell, brother of the bride, after which Rev. Aaron Grove of Markham, performed th,e marriage ceremony. Al weddin,T sup- per was served to about 48 guests. Guests were present 'froth Vineland Kitchener, Zurich and Markham. After a wedding trip to the Thous- and Island: they will reside on the groore',s Cone fa.t'm, on the Bronson line, Stanley 'Township. The Herald joins their many friend: in extend- ing contratulatiort,. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steckle, Peter and Pauline Steckle, Mr. and Mrs Oliver Si ,ekle, Dorothy and 'Helm, Steckle; Mrs oa Mary, Elizabeth an,' Mildred and Mr, Billie +tockle, Mr. Y en'I, and Gyiil Gingrrivb attendee the Steckle-McDowell wedding nen Markham last Thursday. sdaay. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres good clay loans. 12 acres sugar bush, good buildings, near school and on Colleg- iate :free bus line, Hydro, 41,i miles from Hensall, 7 miles to St. Colum - ban, good terms, 35 acres plowing done. 1' or particulars phone 13-88, Zurich. - FARM FOR SALE 50 acres pasture land being Lot N ;s 8, Concession 7, Hay Township, farm has plenty of water, five acres of young bush, new Beatty windmill, new fences. For particulars apply to George Link, Dashwood; or Henry Adkins, Hensall; or Arthur Weber, Dashwood, phone 57r12. NOTICE Residents of the Police Village of Zurich desiring the installation of Town Water in their homes are to have their applications in the hand:; of the Secretary as follows: For Spring' Installation, by April 15. For Rall itistailation by September '1<: Water service: will be installed only in the ,Spring and Fall season, By motion of the Zurich Police Trustees. Dated March 0th., 1945, 2. Elena 3 )i st r o t (10 -Operative Incorporated FERTILIZER FERTILIZER WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE REGISTERk; ) BRANDS OF FERTILIZER. GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. SHINGLES, COAL, FENCING, FEEDS, SEEDS AND OTHER FARM SUPPLIES. J. Ingram, Hensall, Phone 83-43 Co -Operative Shipper of Cattle, Calves and Sheep. We will call for them. HENSALL, Phone 115. R. 3. COOPER, MANAGER 3 gad and Disabled minas REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235, Seeforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) s• 1( .r it ' iii ALL T E MO EY iE Wk `' Joe Green is a steady worker with.a steady job. He has always met his bills. But now, because of sickness, he suddenly finds he is short of ready cash ... tomorrow he will go to his bank and arrange a Personal Loan. You may find yourself in the same position as Joe Green. Anybody shay! Personal loans through your bank make it possible for you.to antici- pate future earnings. This is an essential part of its services. Such loons may be obtained to meet financial needs of many kinds; to lay in ahead a winter's supply of coal, to pay municipal or other taxes in time to earn the discount, to provide for home repairs, to send a boy or girl to college, to consolidate debts—indeed for any sound reason. Bonk crredit runs through all personal life and commercial life. It oper- ates silently and unobtrusively. You take it for granted, That is the way Canadian banking works. is A dvpe rt fe= motif ,WF\406.44 Mu,YK2X 1MT., 4:'+..4.... • 4,4 YR6w'6:"K WC,..•K•L"kta9.`..M'. is Spa a y,. p�c►ur can .,, ,,,14,34Fl YYNdtoku*PX.r.wri Faedn a44POfiV,2pgM.SLI4,.rMAR9b1NCi .14:MM01'..n.•Melimmenr,. 1A►6.81A.►88/e►♦♦►►►AilA►►Ai►