HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1946-04-11, Page 8• 1.01.000111, ONTARIO Goods BED SPREADS Fine Chenille Spreads in pretty shades of Rose Canary Yellow, Light Green, Turquoise, also white all with contrasting color designs... Priced from 12.50 to 15.50 each. ENGLISH GINGHAMS Only 4 pieces of fine quality Dress Gingharns, Plaid effects, 36 -in. wide at 90c. ,a yard. HAND BAGS Ladies' Hand Bags, genuine plastic, will not crack or peel... Special at $5.25 each. MEN'S WEAR A few Men's Top Coats just arrived, also ..a small lot of men's and boys' Ready -to Wear Suits. £UKICH HERAL, GROCERIF.S A shipment of Irish Cobbler and Kadathin Seed Potatoes. Also good eating potatoes ,on hand. Everything in Garden Seeds, Fresh Fruits and veg- etables every week -end. scho Bros:uRICH TELEPHONE 59 tur,41,.......M.C.C.SIM•01.131•60.13.6ogat•SEEMOINIMAIIIMISISMI61.11111A11110.1•01.11.•• ITEMS OF LOCAL MEREST Mrs. Wm. Schroeder of near Dash- wood was a Sunday visitor with, her sister, Mrs. Wm. Thiel. of Hen- LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter per lb. . Eggs ...... .. • ... ,. am, 20 22 3814 Tlaureeltieg, Avriil 1.1t 1.9 h, 40 ,.‘ - •••••••ril ' " " • """w"'".'0"010100,0440110.441 1*410.44444.000.4440111444 4 • • 4 Mr. and Mrs, A. MeEwen 4 • : 11 l'e • t) ,all were guests at the home of Mr. Turkeys, dressed ..................- .. and Mrs, H. ICrueger on Saturday. Geese, dressed ......................... 28 Al V Mr. and Mrs, Frank Siebert and Ducks, dressed ...... ..... e. ••••,•••• 28 f?) sons of Detroit visited. relatives here Chickens, dressed . • ................ 36-20 51! •,p over the week -end. Wheat bushel .. ...... ........... 1,12 I a \t/ Messrs. Charles Thiel and J. W. Oats, bushe 'Werner made a business trip. to Ter- Barley, bush. onto on Monday. Buckwheat, bush. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kalbfleisch of Flour, eWt. of Detroit were week -end visitors Shorts and bran, ton . Middlings, ton . MOO 50e ' 78 .4 70 !!: 2:60) 2;75 30,00 with the relatives in town Mr. and Mrs. Corless of or Clinton visited at the home of their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey. Mr. Victor Pyett of Exeter spent Sunday at the home of his rriends, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coxon... Mrs. Clara Decker is spending several days at the home of her bro- ther, Mr and Mrs. Fred Darer, at Dashwood this week. Mrs. We. Surerus and sister of Detroit, visited at the home or their sister, Mrs. Frank Kockerns last week Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kraft, of Detroit visited at the former's home Mrs. Louis Kraft, over the week -end. Mrs. Charles Bartlett of Toronto, is enjoying a week at the home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch and fam- ily of St. Catharines spent: a few days with relatives around here. Lee is on the Police Force in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hurtz of Detroit have returned to the city after visit- ing their summer home on the Baby- lon line. Mrs. Barbara Heckler who spent the winter with her children in the States, has returned to her home in. Blake for the summer. Miss Edith .Swartzentruber, who spent the past months in New Ham- burg, has returned and resumed her position in the Blake Store. The cold winds these days with. the odd sprinkle of snow flakes makes one think of the weather we usually have in March. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Regier of Detroit, and Mrs. Sovern Docharme of Windsor, were week -end visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thiel of Tup- perville were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel. Miss H. Gowman of the Kindergar- ten teaching staff of Kitchener, and friend Mr. Ed. Beatty, also of that city, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer "My Wife", said. Mr. Henpeck, • "Kisses me everytime I come Into the hours" "Ah", said his friend, "that'.; affection." "No" said Henpeck, "thats investigation." .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piellusch and family of Kitchener and Mr. Robert Abbott of Toronto, were visitors at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Bowdenand child of Woodstock and Miss Irene 'rurkheim R.N. of Stratford, visited • at the home of their another, Mrs. E. Turk - helm. %re ;4'17 Have you adequate protection Damage by Fire? Labor and Material Costs have increased consider- ably. Talk your insurance problems over with me! Insurance License No. A 714 against loss or al Estate Do you want to sell or exchange your your farm? List the same with me. No unless sale is completed. Real Estate License No. 1354 Telephones: Office 65; House 175. house or obligation Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Insurance and Real Estate Zurich Betty Anne Beauty, Shop. THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latestof methods and. Equipment And besides all this is our years of Experience in all' Hair Dressing, GIVE US- A CALL! Phone 68 for your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GA-SCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELLCAL CHURCH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.1. C. B. HECKENIDORN, Pastor Mrs. M. OESCH, Organist SU.NDAT SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 aan.,---Clinerch School. 7.30 .p.ne—Diie Services. You apt -Welcome at all Semites YOUR idware and Furniture STORE NEW ENAMELWARE We-!. are very fortunate in receiving a 'shipment 'of New Enarnehrare, suCh as Cooking Utensils, Etc:, which ; seerrr to: be of very good quality, and some: }attractive Z color designs. To appreciate these articles one must t see therxt. We invite your inspection, z 1. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES Or Stock of Mattresses is- very good, and you have - u fine.range to choose from, a fine stock of Spring Filled Mattresses, also the usual Felt Mattressesj Priced Very Reasonably BED ROOM FURNITURE: We ha:ve, sothe very attractive and newlk: allesigned Bed Room Suites just in, which are of thee newest patterns and finishes. Be sure and see them it interested in 1'41 ST. PETER'S} Evangelical Lutheran, Church ZURICH — ONTA310 REV.. E. W. HEIMRICHI, PASTOR LO a.m.—Divine Services. LL/5 a.m. —Sunday School. T.30 p.m.—Divine ViParship. Everybody Welcome to all Services sassausi, arrsINEEk./GMEIWalirtaKillESUMNIZERAMOMMINElagni asaa emacvasoetasal 8 qienseeee ewe eceetteetizaxteicat a 3 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays' lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. .. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, F urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ilI ••• . + „• Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering viegoorollriii M.., Pi..,kgatittEl a u,-,-,otiku p. tivik , !!!15113111.fl ytrj, to 0 ,LW 6,10,d, • w'. 1 '',::I• 11 ,.... '' 1../ 0 ..,:.., ••'- ,,------ ,<-_,;---,7-,,,,,,B--------- STADE &EIDO '4* ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE weemossosmomemoseoeitosommiensomeekslossevstsosenormes this line of furniture. A Full Line of all the Home R -.i." emerits Everything in Shelf and HeavalAware Johnston & Kalbtteisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 ' +41.4.4*44+4,..+4,4•4044.414,. 4 • this time he has, elaimed one ef the most popular and charming of our young ladies. Your pleasant., hum- orous wit BeAy, and the capable manner in which you have performed the household duties assigned to you, have won not only favourable COM^ ment from those you worked for,but is a happy memory for the public as well. Although you.. are leaving this immediate community we are happy that the distance will permit you to often return to Zurich where you have a host of good friends. We sin- cerely hope that you and Art will have many years of health, happiness and prosperity together. We would ask you to accept these gifts as a slight expression of our affection for you.—Sincerely. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Thiel of town. accompanied their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood of Centralia, to the big Saturday night barn dance program over the Wingham radio station. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ropp and da- ughter Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ropp, all of Milverton were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ropp of town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers, and Mrs. H. Desjardine, Mr. 'and Mr.;. LeRoy Desjardine met one of ,the trains at London on Friday when the bride of the latter's brother arrived and was given a welcome at the city depot, 2 4 e LETTER FROM OVERSEAS Mrs. Elroy Desjardine of the Bab- ylon line received a very interesting letter from. Stitina, Czechoslovakia, containing a letter and three snaps of the family that received clothing which was sent from our local Red Cross unit, that had been gathered for relief in the European countries. When Mrs•Desjardine put her name name and address in some of the gar- ments. The snaps contained a family of parents, two daughters and three sons. Their fine home with shrubs before the war and then a snap of the same place after the bullets and bombs had done their damage. The family had to take refuge in the base- ment and had to feed on what little was left. We are very grateful for this message which goes to proove that our efforts are not all 11, vain, if • we try our best to do what we can for mankind and what a blessing we receive. to know that they have re- ceived the clothing and show their appreciation as well. Following is the letter: Dear unknown friends:—In advance many thanks for the pretty and use- ful presents of yours,the lady's man- tle we got We cannot otherwise ch.. lige you but to implore God to re- ward for your mercy—You caused us gladness, especially our daughter. This gladness we do not snow how to express in words, Our craughter was in very want of a mantle, but we have been short of. money to buy it. Our cottage is ruined with was and our garden rooted up through tanks. Thus we lost our total property.But for all that something is resting with us; our healthy hands, our liberty; and our creed. Answering your written tresirc we found in your mantle - we let you know that we have handed your gifts at the 24th of February 1946. 'Our village consists of 200 houses from. whieh 80% of cottages are totally ruined with war. During the battle we lived in our cellars and ate what we had on hand only. Once more we thank you for idl and forgive us that we answering you so late. Send- ing many greetings from us we :wish. to you good luck in your family and your undertaking•—Gvebik Stepan. Announcement Mrs. Clara Decker of Zurich, an- nounces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Vera Catharine Adeline, to Wilbert Allan Fraser, only so» of Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, Exeter, The marriage to take place Saturday, April Z7th. in James Street United Church, Exeter. Miscellaheous Shower A very -happy event took pace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz on Monday evening wnen re- latives and friends gathered in honor of esteem of their second eldest da- ughter, Betty (bride elect) to pres- ent her with a miscellaneous shower. Betty was taken by complete 'star - prize upon returning to her home after being a dinner guest at the home of -her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Krueger, After she was asked to take a place prepared for her, Mrs Kenneth Weber read the address and the presentation was made by Petty's two younger -sisters, who carried soy- erel (1.ecwated baskets filled with gifts, to her. She greatftilly thank- ed them all for their kindness and thoughtfulness after openiug the lovely -useful gifts, Then friends • were invited to see.the grand display of the bride's trouseau. Bingo was played for a short time,. Luncheon was served and friends left among the best of wishes, to the earring bride's happiness. The address: Dear Bettye -Dan Cupid, it seems is still lingering around Zurich . and a PLEASE HELP! Once again there's a serious SHO TAGE OF EMPTY B.TTLES AND CARTONS Help eliminate this condition by returning empties as soon as possible. If it is inconvenient for you to return them person- ally phone your nearest BREWERS' RETAIL STORE and bring our home pick-up and delivery service to your aid. IMMIESMEIF DaISION1110.1111,0••■=.11.1330175130MINMEINII, "DEIRDRE PREMIERE" Prances James, who is to create the title role in th.. v,:orla premiere of "Deirdre ef Sorr,se.s, ts an To -p1 .. iative audio -tee in CBC producer Ernest Morgan (left) and Ettore Mazzoleni, conductor, as she &son* ars her lyric aria in Act 1, Scene la of the opeta's score. Composed br Healey Wiliam with libretto by Johr. CoUlter, the opera will be broadcast, over the CBC Trans -Canada networl on Saturday, April 291 ntg